47 research outputs found

    Leaving children without reasonable care and supervision: Between law and reality in Malaysia

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    Parents and guardians have a moral as well as a legal duty to exercise reasonable care and supervision on their children. Unfortunately, whether we realize it or not, there are several acts and omissions committed by these parents or guardians which are detrimental to the child concerned. One such omission is where the child is left without any reasonable care and supervision by his or her parents or guardian. Data and reports show that there are a number of reported cases of children being left without reasonable care and supervision which have resulted in casualties. Most of these reported cases show that the children were either trapped in their own houses or cars as a result of being locked from the outside by their parents or guardian. Due to the increase in the number of such cases, the legislature has made leaving children without reasonable care and supervision by the parents or guardian an offence under the Child Act 2001. Although it is an offence to leave children without reasonable care and supervision, it is sad to note that there are still cases where children are being left unattended for various reasons. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to examine the abovementioned problem as well as to look at the same from the perception of the respondents based on the research that has been conducted

    Jenayah dalam keluarga: Penderaan dan pengabaian warga tua di Malaysia

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    Kurangnya penulisan dan pendedahan kepada masyarakat di Malaysia mengenai kejadian penderaan atau pengabaian yang melibatkan warga tua sebagai mangsa tidak menjadikan salah satu bentuk jenayah dalam keluarga ini sebagai kurang serius. Pada masa yang sama, terdapat sebilangan daripada ahli masyarakat merasa ragu dan sukar untuk mempercayai bahawa ada ahli keluarga yang lebih tua menjadi mangsa penderaan atau pengabaian. Walau bagaimanapun, adalah jelas terdapat peningkatan dalam kes-kes penderaan yang melibatkan warga tua. Kajian-kajian terdahulu dan juga kes-kes yang telah dilaporkan juga menunjukkan bahawa kesan daripada penderaan atau pengabaian warga tua adalah serius sehingga boleh membawa kepada kematian. Disamping itu, terdapat juga keadaan yang mana warga tua ini dibiarkan hidup melarat oleh anak-anak mereka sendiri. Kejadian-kejadian ini telah mengundang persoalan apakah bentuk perlindungan terutamanya dari segi undang-undang yang telah disediakan oleh kerajaan Malaysia kepada rakyatnya terutama warga tua.Oleh itu, dalam artikel ini penulis ingin mengupas mengenai kerangka undang-undang yang sedia ada di Malaysia untuk menangani jenayah penderaan dan pengabaian warga tua

    Paradoxes of Gender Equality Policies and Domestic Working Conditions in Madrid

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    Madrid has experienced a significant integration of Latin American immigrant women in its domestic service labor market since 2005. The general sentiment among Madrileños is that the phenomenon benefits both Spanish working mothers and immigrant women, but despite the ILO’s (International Labour Organization) 2011 convention on expanding the rights of domestic workers, the implementation of such rights under Spanish law has fallen short. Current academic literature on the issue of migration focuses on immigration law, attitudes, and practices. It also examines the intersection of gender, race, age, and educational attainment. We explored paradoxes between the Spanish government’s goals of gender equality and some of the realities of domestic working conditions for Latin American women. Subsequently, we asked the question: Do gender equality policies of Madrid’s local government exclude and marginalize Latin American immigrant women in the domestic service sector or to what extent do they benefit such women? Through survey data, personal interviews with Latin American women in the domestic service sector, and a review of literature on gender equality theory, we found that the local government’s priorities on gender equality are contradictory and myopic, even purposely blind. Even though domestic workers report relative respect and economic gains, they experience the effects of inequality under the law and limited opportunities for advancement. Such findings warrant further investigation of gender equality policies and analyzing the extent of societal integration of Latin American women immigrants

    Paradoxes of Gender Equality Policies and Domestic Working Conditions in Madrid

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    Madrid has experienced a significant integration of Latin American immigrant women in its domestic service labor market since 2005. The general sentiment among Madrileños is that the phenomenon benefits both Spanish working mothers and immigrant women. We explored the Spanish government’s goals of gender equality and some of the realities of domestic working conditions. Subsequently, we asked the question: Do gender equality policies of Madrid’s local government exclude and marginalize Latin American immigrant women in the domestic service sector or to what extent do they benefit such women? Through survey data, personal interviews with Latin American women in the domestic service sector, and a review of literature on gender equality theory, we found that the local government’s priorities on gender equality are contradictory and myopic. Even though domestic workers report relative respect and economic gains, they experience the effects of inequality under the law and limited opportunities for advancement

    Resolving Measurement Errors Inherent with Time-of-Flight Range Imaging Cameras

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    Range imaging cameras measure the distance to objects in the field-of-view (FoV) of the camera, these cameras enable new machine vision applications in robotics, manufacturing, and human computer interaction. Time-of-flight (ToF) range cameras operate by illuminating the scene with amplitude modulated continuous wave (AMCW) light and measuring the phase difference between the emitted and reflected modulation envelope. Currently ToF range cameras suffer from measurement errors that are highly scene dependent, and these errors limit the accuracy of the depth measurement. The major cause of measurement errors is multiple propagation paths from the light source to pixel, known as multi path interference. Multi-path interference typically arises from: inter reflections, lens flare, subsurface scattering, volumetric scattering, and translucent objects. This thesis contributes three novel methods for resolving multi-path interference: coding in time, coding in frequency, and coding in space. Time coding is implemented by replacing the single frequency amplitude modulation with a binary sequence. Fundamental to ToF range cameras is the cross-correlation between the reflected light and a reference signal. The measured cross-correlation depends on the selection of the binary sequence. With selection of an appropriate binary sequence and using sparse deconvolution on the measured cross-correlation the multiple return path lengths and their amplitudes can be recovered. However, the minimal resolvable path length is dependent on the highest frequency in the binary sequence. Frequency coding is implemented by taking multiple measurements at different modulation frequencies. A subset of frequency coding is operating the camera in a mode analogous to stepped frequency continuous wave (SFCW). Frequency coding uses techniques from radar to resolve multiple propagation paths. The minimal resolvable path length is dependent on the camera's modulation bandwidth and the spectrum estimation technique used to recover distance, and it is shown that SFCW can be used to measure depth of objects behind a translucent sheet, while AMCW measurements can not. Path lengths below quarter a wavelength of the highest modulation frequency are difficult to resolve. The use of spatial coding is used to resolve diffuse multi-path interference. The original technique comes from direct and global separation in computer graphics, and it is modified to operate on the complex data produced by a ToF range camera. By illuminating the scene with a pattern the illuminated areas contain the direct return and the scattering (global return). The non-illuminated regions contain the scattering return, assuming the global component is spatially smooth. The direct and global separation with sinusoidal patterns is combining with the sinusoidal modulation signal of ToF range cameras for a closed form solution to multi-path interference in nine frames. With nine raw frames it is possible to implement direct and global separation at video frame rates. The RMSE of a corner is reduced from 0.0952 m to 0.0112 m. Direct and global separation correctly measures the depth of a diffuse corner, and resolves subsurface scattering however fails to resolve specular reflections. Finally the direct and global separation is combined with replacing the illumination and reference signals with a binary sequence. The combination allows for resolving diffuse multi-path interference present in a corner, with the sparse multi-path interference caused mixed pixels between the foreground and background. The corner is correctly measured and the number of mixed pixels is reduced by 90%. With the development of new methods to resolve multi-path interference ToF range cameras can measure scenes with more confidence. ToF range cameras can be built into small form factors as they require a small number of parts: a pixel array, a light source and a lens. The small form factor coupled with accurate range measurements allows ToF range cameras to be embedded in cellphones and consumer electronic devices, enabling wider adoption and advantages over competing range imaging technologies


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    Abstract: Understanding materials heat transfer ease designers to make decisions in design stages, related to materials, costs and comfort to be achieved. Nowadays, understanding heat transfer does not have to be done by performing complex calculations, many simulation software have been created to perform heat transfer analysis with a friendly user interface. Moreover, the output of heat transfer simulation and analysis produces images that are easier to understand visually, such as flux vector displays, temperature boundaries to infrared color grading that make it easier for users to read the simulation results. THERM is a heat transfer simulation software developed by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California in collaboration with the US Department of Energy. With the license-free usage, this software has the potential to be used optimally by designers and academics who have an interest in heat transfer analysis. This research is expected to provide an overview of the potential use of THERM software for modeling and analysis of heat transfer. The THERM software can be a good alternative for conducting research for academics and practitioners alike, given its ease of use, free licensing and accuracy. THERM produces simulation output with detailed and easy-to-understand visualizations. In testing with simulation, it is found that the material with the lowest density and thermal conductivity has the highest heat insulation power. Walls with light brick material show a significant effect in heat insulation compared to walls with concrete brick and red brick (fire-brick) material.Abstrak: Memahami perpindahan panas pada material mempermudah perancang untuk mengambil sebuah keputusan dalam perancangan, terkait dengan material, biaya dan kenyamanan yang akan dicapai. Dewasa ini, pemahaman terhadap perpindahan panas tidak harus dilakukan dengan melakukan perhitungan yang kompleks, banyak perangkat lunak simulasi telah diciptakan untuk melakukan analisis terhadap perpindahan panas dengan antar muka pengguna (user interface) yang bersahabat. Lebih dari itu output dari simulasi dan analisis perpindahan panas menghasilkan citra yang lebih mudah dipahami secara visual, seperti tampilan vector flux, garis batasan temperatur hingga infrared color grading yang mempermudah pengguna dalam membaca hasil simulasi. THERM adalah salah satu perangkat lunak simulasi perpindahan panas yang dikembangkan oleh Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California bekerja sama dengan US Department of Energy. Dengan penggunaan bebas lisensi (tidak berbayar), perangkat lunak ini berpotensi untuk digunakan secara maksimal oleh perancang maupun akademisi yang memiliki minat terhadap analisis perpindahan panas. Penelitian ini diharapkan memberikan gambaran potensi penggunaan perangkat lunak THERM untuk melakukan pemodelan dan analisis perpindahan panas. Perangkat lunak THERM dapat menjadi alternatif yang baik untuk melakukan penelitian bagi akademisi maupun praktisi, mengingat kemudahan pemakaian, lisensi tidak berbayar dan keakuratan yang diberikan. THERM menghasilkan output simulasi dengan visualisasi yang detail dan mudah dipahami. Dalam pengujian dengan simulasi, didapat bahwa material dengan berat jenis dan nilai konduktivitas termal terendah memiliki daya insulasi panas tertinggi. Dinding dengan material bata ringan menunjukkan efek signifikan dalam menginsulasi panas dibandingkan dengan dinding dengan material batako maupun bata merah


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    Abstraksi: Karbon adalah salah satu penyumbang Gas Rumah Kaca (GHG/Green-house Gases) yang signifikan. Peningkatan jumlah karbon di udara menyebabkan peningkatan suhu global dan perubahan iklim yang terjadi. Industri adalah salah satu penyumbang emisi karbon terbesar, termasuk di dalamnya industri perumahan yang menghasilkan emisi karbon yang besar mulai dari tahapan pra-konstruksi, konstruksi hingga pasca-konstruksi. Rumah tipe-45 merupakan tipikal rumah cukup diminati di Kota Palangka Raya. Lahan gambut merupakan salah satu penyimpan karbon terbesar di dunia . Kebutuhan perumahan di Kota Palangka Raya sebagian besar mengalihfungsikan lahan gambut menjadi permukiman. Proses pengeringan lahan gambut melepaskan karbon dalam jumlah besar ke atmosfer. Penelusuran literatur, pengamatan lapangan dan analisis perhitungan pada subyek tunggal dilakukan dalam penelitian ini. Dalam penelitian ini didapatkan hasil bahwa emisi karbon selama proses pra konstruksi sebesar 13,33 kgCO2 atau sebesar 0,05 %, emisi konversi lahan gambut sebesar 1.182,50 kgCO2 atau sebesar 2,54% emisi karbon selama tahapan konstruksi adalah 22.179,01 kgCO2 atau sebesar 92,24 %, dan emisi karbon dalam tahapan pasca-konstruksi adalah sebesar 2413,47 kgCO2 atau sebesar 5,19 %. Setelah penggunaan bangunan selama 25 tahun, terjadi perubahan proporsi emisi karbon secara signifikan pada tahapan konstruksi (menjadi 41,08%) dan pasca konstruksi (menjadi 57,78%).Kata kunci: jejak karbon, emisi karbon, rumah tipe 45, konversi lahan gambut, perubahan iklimTitle: Analysis of Carbon Emissions for Type-45 Houses in Palangkaraya City with Single-Subject ExperimentalAbstract: Carbon is a significant contributor to Greenhouse Gases (GHG). The increase of carbon concentration in the air causes an increase in global temperature and promoting climate change. The industry is one of the most significant contributors to carbon emissions, including the housing industry, which produces significant carbon emissions from pre-construction to post-construction stages. The type-45 house is a typical house that is quite popular in Palangka Raya City. Peatlands are one of the largest carbon stores in the world. Most of the housing needs in Palangka Raya City have converted peatlands into settlements. The process of draining peatlands releases large amounts of carbon into the atmosphere. Literature search, field observation, and calculation analysis on a single subject were carried out in this study. In this study, the results showed that carbon emissions during the pre-construction process were 13.33 kgCO2 or 0.05%, peatland conversion emissions were 1,182.50 kgCO2 or 2.54% carbon emissions during the construction stage were 22,179.01 kgCO2 or amounted to 92.24%, and carbon emissions in the post-construction stage amounted to 2413.47 kgCO2 or 5.19%. After using the building for 25 years, there was a significant change in the proportion of carbon emissions at the construction stage (to 41.08%) and post-construction (to 57.78%).Keywords: carbon footprint, carbon emission, type-45 house, peatland conversion, climate chang


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    Mohamad Fairuz Zabdi, 2024 “Stress Analisis Pada Sudu Turbin Angin Horizontal Menggunakan Bahan Filament”. Skripsi, Fakultas Teknik Prodi Teknik Mesin Universitas Pancasakti Tegal. Baling-baling merupkan komponen utama dari turbin angin, kekutan baling-baling menjadi kemampuan utama dalam kinerja turbin angin, menerima gaya dari angin dan meneruskan ke poros turbin., kemampuan baling baling agar menerima beban dan dapat berfungi maksimal. Percobaan yang dilakuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan baling-baling dengan simulasi statis menggunakan solidworks. bagaimana langkah-langkah simulasi tegangan, displacment, dan factor of safety sudu turbin bagaimana hasil simulasi statis tegangan, displacment, dan factor of safety sudu turbin. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan eksperimental berbantuan software Solidworks untuk menyelesaikan rumusan masalah dengan menganalisa sifat-sifat sudu turbin angin horizontal sehingga menghasilkan sudu-sudu turbin angin yang kuat dan tahan lama. Untuk mensimulasikan suatu peristiwa atau kondisi, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan eksperimental menerapkan simulasi beban statis dan kemudian menganalisis hasilnya. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak khusus yang menyajikan hasil yang diperoleh, tegangan, regangan, dan perpindahan yang dialami oleh setiap bagian sudu turbin angin horizontal dibahas. Langkah-langkah Simulasi Statis Simulasi setiap komponen yang terjadi statis pada turbin angin horizontal. Langkah simulasi dimulai dengan membuka komponen yang akan disimulasikan, pilih fix geometrik dan pilih komponen yang menerima beban statis masukan bondary condition, lakukan proses mesh setup dan runing simulation setatis (Run This Study) dan hasil dapat dilihat dibagian reslute. Hasil Analisis Simulasi Statis Hasil simulasi statis pada komponen turbin angin horizontal, tegangan maksimal yang didapatkan pada rangka turbin angin 44,933 N/mm² hasil tersebut masih dibawah nilai Yield strength material besi itu 551,485 N/mm² dan berarti rangka turbin masih dalam keadaan aman, pada bagian komponen baling baling mendapatkan nilai diasplacment tertinggi dibandingkan komponen lainnya sebesar 27,718 mm, tetapi masih dalam keadan aman karena material yang digunakan yaitu filament ABS masih mampu mengalami deformasi yang lebih besar Elastic Modulus 2000000000 N/mm² dari karakteristik materialnya. Setelah melakukan simulasi pada komponen-komponen turbin angin masih aman untuk dilanjutkan pada proses manufaktur

    A critical legal analysis on the minimum age of criminal responsibility in the new Islamic Punishment Act of Iran

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    The provision for a minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR) is stated in a number of international children’s rights instruments.The preamble of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) states that a child, by reason of his physical, mental and emotional immaturity is in need of special safeguards, care and assistance.Despite remarkable improvements in a number of provisions, an examination of the Iran’s laws and regulations reveal that the provision of MACR is currently in conflict with the international instruments particularly the UNCRC.This is despite the fact that Iran is a State Party of the UNCRC since. Furthermore, the Iranian Civil Code expressly provide that the government is to implement the UNCRC provisions as an international treaty.This article critically examines the position of the MACR and punishments of children in the new Islamic Punishment Act of Iran (2013) based on the four Islamic categories of punishments namely Hadd, Qisas, Diya and Ta’zir as enshrined in the new Act.The current article places emphasis on the examination of the issue of MACR in Iran and how effectively it is addressed by the new Act.The nature of this research is doctrinal by examining the new Act of Iran 2013 with a critical legal overview on the Articles relating to children and their impact on the rights of children.Furthermore, it compares the relevant Articles on MACR and punishments of the new Act with the previous abolished Act and the international standards.The purpose is to highlight both the limitations and advancements of the new Act.In the final analysis, this article concludes that despite the improvements in the field of children's rights in the new Act, it still poses potential risks for the rights of the children in Iran