65 research outputs found

    Imposter Phenomenon: The Occupational Experiences of First-Generation College Students

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    Background: First-generation college students (FGCS) represent an underserved population navigating higher education. There is a current gap in the literature regarding the interaction of occupational experiences, imposter phenomenon (IP), and FGCS. The purpose of this study is to use grounded theory to explore the occupational experience of IP among FGCS enrolled in a four-year university in California. Method: This research is a qualitative study using grounded theory. Data was collected through a screening survey and interview with 11 participants who identified as FGCS. Results: Thematic analysis generated five themes: (a) emotional aspects of IP, (b) collectivism, (c) balance, (d) communities of belonging, (e) othering. The theory of othering was created using grounded theory. FGCS\u27s sense of being extended beyond the individual to the collective. Imposter phenomenon and intersectionality contributed to barriers to belonging. Although THE participants still experienced othering at the university level, they created smaller communities with peers where they felt they belonged. Conclusion: This study contributes to occupational science literature by expanding the understanding of occupational experiences regarding IP. The theory of othering can be used by those working with FGCS to address othering and enhance belonging

    An Estimate of a Frequency Characterizing the Electrochemical Stability of a Gold Electrode Modified by MHDA Thiol in Different Ways

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    A theoretical investigation aimed at estimating a characteristic frequency in the medium-low frequency domain in which the impedance response of a given interface measured by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is almost constant, constitutes the basic idea of this work. A theoretical model was subsequently applied to the data resulting from EIS measurements performed on gold electrodes modified by various ways of 16-mercaptohexadecanoic acid (MHDA) thiol functionalization. Analysis of these data revealed a direct relationship between the way the substrate was modified and this characteristic frequency. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Antimicrobial Effects of Camellia sinensis urine metabolites against Uropathogenic E. coli, P. aeruginosa, and K. pne

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    Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most common complications in the Philippines today. This study aimed to determine the antimicrobial effects of Camellia sinensis (green tea) against pathogens that cause UTI. The study utilized the convenience sampling technique and interventional-experimental method. Ten healthy participants were screened through routine urinalysis and urine culture; urine was then collected before and after drinking 4.5g of pure green tea leaves brewed with 500 ml of water at 98˚C for 5-10 minutes. The pooled first morning urine, 0-4-hour urine, and 4-8-hour urine were mixed, autoclaved, and used as solvent for preparation of MH agar respectively. Inoculation of the test organisms onto the MH agar were done in triplicates with check plates. After overnight incubation, an average of 140000 Colony Forming Units were significantly reduced in Urine-MH agar with green tea metabolites collected within less than 4 hours showing its greatest activity. It was found out that catechins, which are the main bioactive antibacterial compound in green tea, were effective against E. coliand K. pneumoniae but not against multi-drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Further study can be done to harness the effects of catechins in other food sources other than green tea

    The role of internal audit in activating risk management in banks : دور التدقيق الداخلي في تفعيل إدارة المخاطر في البنوك

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    تمثل إدارة المخاطر أحد أهم الوظائف في البنوك، والتي تعمل على تغطية جميع المخاطر الممكنة والتصدي لها، إلا أن نجاحها يتطلب مساعدة مجموعة من الأطراف على مستوى البنك، لاسيما المدقق الداخلي، حيث يؤدي التدقيق الداخلي دورا مهما في تفعيل إدارة المخاطر، إذ يقوم بتقديم ضمانات موضوعية إلى مجلس الإدارة بشأن فعالية أنشطة إدارة المخاطر، كما تبرز أهمية التدقيق الداخلي في إدارة المخاطر المصرفية من خلال الأدوار التي يؤديها بشأن إدارة المخاطر من خلال إعطاء ضمانات بشأن سير عملية إدارة المخاطر، إعطاء ضمانات بشأن صحة تقييم المخاطر، تقييم عملية الإبلاغ عن المخاطر الرئيسية ومراجعة عمليات إدارة المخاطر الرئيسية. فالمدقق الداخلي يتكفل بإعطاء ضمانات حول صحة سير إدارة المخاطر المصرفية، أما في حالة وجود قصور في دور إدارة المخاطر، يقوم بإعلام إدارة البنك، كما يتولى تقديم دور استشاري من خلال تحديد مجموعة من التوصيات والاقتراحات التي تسمح بتطوير وظيفة إدارة المخاطر وتحسين إجراءتها. ولتحقيق الفعالية في تدقيق إدارة المخاطر يتوجب تحقيق التنسيق والتكامل بين كل من قسم إدارة المخاطر ووظيفة التدقيق الداخلي مع ضمان استقلالية كل واحد منهما. Risk management is one of the most important functions of banks, which cover and address all possible risks. However, its success requires the assistance of a number of parties at the bank level, particularly the internal auditor. Internal auditing plays an important role in activating risk management. To the Board of Directors on the effectiveness of risk management activities. It also highlights the importance of internal audit in banking risk management through its risk management roles by providing assurance on the conduct of the risk management process, providing assurance on the validity of the risk assessment, Key management and review of key risk management processes. The internal auditor is responsible for providing guarantees about the soundness of the bank's risk management. If there is a deficiency in the risk management role, he informs the bank's management and provides an advisory role by identifying a set of recommendations and suggestions that allow for the development of the risk management function. To achieve effective risk management audit, coordination and integration between the risk management department and the internal audit function must be achieved while ensuring the independence of each. &nbsp

    Effect of Heteropolyanions of Dawson Type on the Development of the Bacteria (Staphylococcus Aureus and Echerichia Coli)

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    The objective of this study is to test the inhibiting activity of new molecules of heteropolyanions synthesized such as (K6P2W18, H6P2W18, K6P2W12 MO6, H6P2W12 MO6) with respect to two bacterial strains (Staphylococcus aureus and Echerichia coli). The sensitivity of these two strains to the molecules of heteropolyanions is evaluated by the inhibiting minimal concentration (IMC) in liquid medium by the technique of the macro method. The tests of the latter proved a remarkable effectiveness

    Complexation de l’aluminium par des hétéropolyanions lacunaires : Récupération par membrane liquide émulsionnée

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    L'objectif visé par cette étude est la dépollution des eaux à partir de la complexation d’un métal toxique, l’aluminium en solution, par des hétéropolyanions lacunaires (HPA) de type Dawson. Les complexes formés sont récupérés par membrane liquide émulsionnée (MEL).Les résultats de la complex1ation de l’aluminium pars deux hétéropolyanions : (α2P2W17O61)10- et (P2W15Mo2O61)10- se sont avérés très intéressants. Les constantes de stabilité des complexes formés Al3+ (α2P2W17O61)7- et Al<sup3+ (P2W15Mo2O61)7- sont respectivement : β1=6,12.107et β2 =1,28.106. En ce qui concerne la récupération des complexes formés, par (MEL), le rendement d'extraction est de 86% pour Al3+ (α2P2W17O61)7-, pour un temps de contact de 4min, et de 91 % pour Al 3+ (P2W15Mo2O61)7-, pour un temps de contact de 6min.Mots clés : hétéropolyanions; aluminium; complexation; extraction; membrane liquide émulsionné