22 research outputs found

    Kein Aufatmen bei den SchutzbemĂŒhungen fĂŒr die Saiga-Antilope: Massensterben in der kasachischen Steppe

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    Die Saiga-Antilope (Saiga tatarica) bevölkerte einst in riesigen Herden den gesamten eurasischen SteppengĂŒrtel von den Karpaten bis in die Mongolei. Heute liegt ihr Hauptverbreitungsgebiet in Kasachstan. Die Art ist ausgezeichnet angepasst an die Herausforderungen dieses Ökosystems und zugleich auch wichtig fĂŒr seine Erhaltung. Die Saiga-BestĂ€nde waren in den letzten zwanzig Jahren seit Ende der Sowjetunion jedoch drastisch eingebrochen. Wilderei vor allem fĂŒr das Horn der mĂ€nnlichen Tiere, das in der chinesischen Medizin geschĂ€tzt wird, aber auch fĂŒr Fleisch, hatte zu einem starken RĂŒckgang der Bestandszahlen gefĂŒhrt. Intensive Naturschutzmaßnahmen durch internationale und lokale Naturschutzorganisationen und die kasachstanische Regierung lieferten zwar in jĂŒngster Vergangenheit wieder Grund zu Optimismus, was den Erhalt dieser fĂŒr die Steppengebiete so wichtigen Art angeht. In den vergangenen Jahren aber stellen rĂ€tselhafte Massensterben NaturschĂŒtzer und Forscher vor neue Herausforderungen: Allein im FrĂŒhjahr 2015 starben innerhalb weniger Tage nach vorlĂ€ufigen Angaben 150.000 Tiere

    Post-release Movement Behaviour and Survival of Kulan Reintroduced to the Steppes and Deserts of Central Kazakhstan

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    Asiatic wild ass, or kulan (Equus hemionus kulan) were once a key species of the Eurasian steppes and deserts. In Kazakhstan they went extinct by the 1930s. Early reintroductions have reestablished the species in two protected areas, but the species has reclaimed <1% of their former range and remained absent from central Kazakhstan. To initiate restoration in this vast region, we captured and transported a first group of nine wild kulan to a large pre-release enclosure in the Torgai region in 2017, and two more in 2019. We used direct observations and post-release movement data of four kulan equipped with GPS-Iridium collars to document their adaptation process in a vast novel habitat without conspecifics. For comparison with movements in the source populations, we additionally equipped two kulan in Altyn Emel National Park and six in Barsa Kelmes State Nature Reserve. The nine transported kulan formed a cohesive group with very high movement correlation in the enclosure. After release, the group initially stayed tightly together but started to break up by mid-May and all kulan travelled independently by mid-August. With 48,680–136,953 km2, the 95% Autocorrelated Kernel Density Estimation ranges of the reintroduced kulan were huge and about 10–100 times larger than those in the source populations. The reintroduced mares never reconnected, there was no evidence of successful reproduction, and two of the four collared mares were killed by poachers and one died of natural causes. At least one stallion survived in the wild, but the fate of the other uncollared animals remains unclear. We speculate that the fission-fusion dynamics and low movement correlation of kulan societies and the need for migratory movements harbours the risk that animals released into a novel environment loose contact with each other. This risk is likely enhanced in steppe habitats where movement constraining factors are absent. Further kulan reintroductions to the steppes and deserts of central Kazakhstan should aim to release larger groups and build up the free-ranging population quickly to reach a critical mass, increasing the chance of kulan encountering conspecifics to successfully breed and increase their chances of survival.publishedVersio

    Reintroduction of kulan into the central steppe of Kazakhstan: Field Report for 2017

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    Kaczensky, P., Linnell, J. D. C., Zuther, S., Salemgareyev, A. & Doldin, R. 2018. Reintroduction of kulan into the central steppe of Kazakhstan: Field Report for 2017. NINA Report 1459. Nor-wegian Institute for Nature Research. This report summarises field activity during 2017 for the project “Reintroduction of kulan to the central steppes of Kazakhstan”. (1) In June 2017 the project team visited both the capture site in Altyn Emel National Park and the release site on the Torgai steppe. The objective was to make final preparations for the planned capture and transport of kulan in the autumn. The main activities included planning the location of the capture corral, checking the helicopter and design of transport boxes, and making final adjustments to the acclimatisation enclosures. In addition, meetings were held with the local protected area staff and the central responsible committee in Astana. (2) A series of interviews were conducted with local residents in the release site to get some insights into their attitudes towards kulan and their reintroduction. These indicated that people were generally positive or neutral to the proposed activities, but identified several areas where it will be necessary to focus our communication. These results were then used to fine-tune an education and outreach campaign primarily aimed at local school children and residents. (3) A rapid assessment was conducted of kulan status in Barsa Kelmes nature reserve on the former Aral Sea, which also included the collection of faecal samples for genetical analysis. This area represents a potential source of animals for future translocations as well as being important to consider within the context of a national kulan conservation plan. (4) In October 2017 the project team successfully captured 47 kulan in the capture corral in Altyn Emel. Of these, 12 were immobilised and boxed for transport. Two adult mares were released back into Altyn Emel because of adverse stress reactions. Both animals survived and are con-tributing valuable data on the ecology of the source population. Out of the 10 that were trans-ported, 1 foal had to be euthanised on arrival. The other 9, 1 stallion, 4 foals and 4 mares, were released into the largest acclimatisation enclosure and are currently doing well, pending their release in spring 2018. The experience from 2017 has demonstrated that all steps of the process, capture, transport and release into the enclosures work well, and has identified many areas where improvements can be made to procedures for the 2018 transport which will try to transport 16-18 animals

    Reintroduction of kulan into the central steppe of Kazakhstan: Field Report for 2018-2019

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    Kaczensky, P., A. R. Salemgareyev, S. Zuther, M. Suttibayev, F. Adilbekova, and J. D. C. Linnell. 2020. Reintroduction of kulan into the central steppe of Kazakhstan: Field Report for 2018-2019. NINA Report 1782. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. (1) 2018, saw the continuation of the monitoring of kulan in the acclimatization enclosure at the Alibi field station by two veterinarian interns and the local staff. (2) In April 2018, the first group of nine translocated kulan were released from the acclimatization enclosure into the Torgai steppe. The animals first moved together, but subsequently split up. Although hormone analysis of faeces suggested that two mares were released pregnant, no newborn foals were seen during ground-checks in summer. December 2018, saw the loss of one collared mare due to poaching. The total area covered by all four collared kulan in 2018 was 55,000 km2. (3) Throughout the summer of 2018, field activities were directed at upgrading the Alibi field station, improving access, and preparing for the arrival of a new group of translocated kulan. In Altyn Emel National Park (NP) the capture infrastructure was upgraded based on last years’ experience. (4) A lot of preparation went into the planning and organization of the logistics for the new transport approach using a combination of an AN-12 transport plane and truck transport to and from the airports and the capture and release sites. (5) In October 2018, the team failed to chase any kulan into the capture corral in Altyn Emel NP, due to the unfortunate combination of a scarcity of kulan around the capture corral due to poor pasture availability and technical / logistical problems. (6) Outreach activities were organized on the Torgai steppe with the Kulanmobil in September and November 2018. In total, 1168 pupils and 629 adults from 20 different schools and/or villages participated in the activities games, plays) and/or attended presentations around steppe ecology and kulan conservation, and received kulan information material (the kulan comic from 2017, poster, booklet). (7) 2019 saw the continued monitoring of the translocated, free-ranging kulan on the Torgai steppe. The remaining two collared kulan kept moving separately, one alone and the other with an uncollared kulan (likely one of the foals from the 2017 transport). Ground-checks in summer again did not document newborn foals and we have no records of the other uncollared kulan. December 2019, saw the loss of a second collared mare due to poaching. The total area covered by the two collared kulan in 2019 was 69,000 km2. (8) In 2019, the overall focus of the translocation shifted from the capture of kulan in Altyn Emel NP, to capture in Baraa Kelmes State Nature Reserve (SNR). The latter is closer to Alibi field station (450 km straight line distance as compared to 1,200 km to Altyn Emel NP) and allows for a truck-only transport, rather than necessitating the logistically very challenging combined airplane and truck approach that was planned for 2018. The new workplan was the result of the pevious years’ experience and the original plan of aiming for kulan from Barsa Kelmes in the third year. Genetic analysis showed that Barsa Kelmes kulan were very similar to those in Altyn Emel NP and had a similar to slightly higher genetic diversity. (9) Field activities were concentrated on understanding the kulan situation in Barsa Kelmes SNR, with three preparatory trips in February, April, and July to initiate and clarify cooperation, GPS-collar three kulan to get a first understanding of their movements, and to plan the capture infrastructure necessary for the anticipated capture and transport of up to 30 kulan in fall. In July, a feed-in capture corral on Kaskakulan was built at one of the three artesian springs. (10) In August 2019 we held a two-day Animal Capture & Handling workshop for staff of the Okhozootprom Reintroduction Center and Almaty zoo staff in Almaty. The course was conducted by the core capture team and two international veterinarians. Furthermore, construction of the chase-in corral at Barsa Kelmes SNR was initiated. (11) In September/October 2019 the team successfully transported 2 kulan from Barsa Kelmes SNR to the acclimatization enclosure at the Alibi field station on the Torgai steppe. In addition, the team collared three more kulan in Barsa Kelmes SNR, initiated the first camera trapping survey at the three artesian springs on Kaskakulan and conducted a pilot drone survey. Although the number of translocated animals was well below the number originally hoped for, the team gained important experience on kulan capture at Barsa Kelmes and of truck-only transportation which will be the basis for future planning. (12) In November, the Kulanmobil supported by 17 rangers from Barsa Kelmes SNR organize kulan events in the Aral region. Meetings were held in four villages and five schools and reached more than 300 children and 22 teachers. Updated information material included a new kulan comic (kulan comic 2019).Kaczensky, P., A. R. Salemgareyev, S. Zuther, M. Suttibayev, F. Adilbekova, and J. D. C. Linnell. 2020. Reintroduction of kulan into the central steppe of Kazakhstan: Field Report for 2018-2019. NINA Report 1782. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. (1) I 2018 fortsatte overvĂ„kningen av det asiatiske villeselet, kulan, i akklimatiseringsinn-hegningene pĂ„ Alibi feltstasjon, utfĂžrt av to veterinĂŠrpraktikanter og de lokalt ansatte. (2) I april 2018 ble den fĂžrste gruppen, bestĂ„ende av ni forflyttede dyr, sluppet ut pĂ„ Torgai-steppen fra akklimatiseringsinnhegningen. I starten beveget dyrene seg sammen, men etter hvert delte gruppen seg opp. Selv om hormonanalyser av avfĂžring tydet pĂ„ at to av merrene som ble sluppet ut var drektige, ble ingen nyfĂždde fĂžll sett da omrĂ„det ble undersĂžkt pĂ„ sommeren. I desember 2018 dĂžde en av merrene som var merket med klave, som en fĂžlge av snikskyting. (3) Gjennom sommeren i 2018 fokuserte feltaktiviteten pĂ„ Ă„ oppgradere Alibi feltstasjon, forbedre tilgangen til feltstasjonen og forberede ankomsten av en ny gruppe forflyttede villesel. (4) Det gikk med mye tid pĂ„ planleggingen og organiseringen av logistikken til den nye transportmetoden, som bruker en kombinasjon av et AN-12 transportfly og lastebiltransport til og fra flyplassene og stedene hvor dyrene fanges og slippes ut. (5) I oktober 2018 klarte ikke teamet Ă„ jage noen villesel inn i fangstinnhegningen i Altyn Emel nasjonalpark pĂ„ grunn av den uheldige kombinasjonen av fĂ„ dyr rundt innhegningen pĂ„ grunn av dĂ„rlig beite og tekniske og logistiske problemer. (6) Formidlingsaktiviteter ble organisert pĂ„ Torgai-steppen med Kulanmobil i september og november 2018. Totalt deltok 1168 elever og 629 voksne fra 20 ulike skoler og/eller landsbyer i aktivitetene (leker og spill) og/eller deltok pĂ„ presentasjoner om steppeĂžkologi og bevaring av kulan, samt mottok informasjonsmateriell om kulan (kulantegneserien fra 2017, poster og hefte). (7) I 2019 fortsatte overvĂ„kningen av forflyttede frittgĂ„ende kulan pĂ„ Torgai-steppen. De gjenvĂŠrende merkede dyrene fortsatte Ă„ bevege seg hver for seg, Ă©n alene og den andre sammen med en umerket kulan (sannsynligvis ett av fĂžllene fra transporten i 2017). Det ble ikke dokumentert nyfĂždte fĂžll da omrĂ„det ble undersĂžkt pĂ„ sommeren, og de andre umerkede dyrene ble ikke observert. I desember 2017 mistet vi den andre merkede merra pĂ„ grunn av snikskyting. Det totale omrĂ„det de to merkede dyrene dekket i 2019 var 69 000 km2. (8) I 2019 var hovedfokuset flyttet fra fangst av kulan i Altyn Emel nasjonalpark til fangst i Basra Kelmes naturreservat. Sistnevnte er nĂŠrmere Alibi feltstasjon (450 km i luftlinje sammenlignet med 1200 km til Altyn Emel nasjonalpark), noe som muliggjĂžr transport med kun lastebil i stedet for den logistisk utfordrende kombinasjonen av fly- og lastebiltransport som var planlagt i 2018. Den nye arbeidsplanen var et resultat av erfaringen fra foregĂ„ende Ă„r og den opprinnelige planen med mĂ„l om flytting av kulan fra Barsa Kelmes det tredje Ă„ret. Genetiske analyser viser at kulan i Barsa Kelmes er veldig like de i Altyn Emel nasjonalpark, og at de har en lignende til noe hĂžyere hĂžyere genetisk diversitet. (9) Feltaktivitetene konsentrerte seg om Ă„ forstĂ„ situasjonen til kulan i Barsa Kelmes naturreservat, med tre forberedende turer i februar, april og juli for Ă„ igangsette og avklare samarbeid, merke tre kulan med GPS-klaver for Ă„ fĂ„ en forstĂ„else av bevegelsene deres, og Ă„ planlegge den nĂždvendige infrastrukturen for den forestĂ„ende fangsten og transporten av opp mot 30 kulan pĂ„ hĂžsten. I juli ble en fangstinnhegning pĂ„ Kaskakulan bygget pĂ„ en av de tre artesiske kildene. (10) I august 2019 arrangerte vi en todagers workshop om fangst og hĂ„ndtering av dyr for de ansatte ved Ohotzooprom reintroduksjonssenter og Almaty dyrepark i Almaty. Kurset ble ledet av kjernefangstteamet og to internasjonale veterinĂŠrer. Arbeidet med Ă„ bygge en innhegning for innjaging av dyr i Barsa Kelmes naturreservat ble ogsĂ„ igangsatt. (11) I september/oktober 2019 transporterte teamet to kulan fra Barsa Kelmes naturreservat til akklimatiseringsinnhegningen pĂ„ Alibi feltstasjon pĂ„ Torgai-steppen. I tillegg merket teamet tre dyr i Barsa Kelmes naturreservat med klaver, de satte i gang den fĂžrste kamerafelleunder-sĂžkelsen ved de tre artesiske kildene pĂ„ Kaskakulan, og gjennomfĂžrte en pilotstudie med drone. Selv om antallet forflyttede dyr var godt under det antallet vi opprinnelig hĂ„pet pĂ„, fikk teamet viktig erfaring med fangst av kulan ved Barsa Kelmes og med lastebiltransport. Dette legger grunnlaget for framtidig planlegging. (12) I november organiserte Kulanmobil, stĂžttet av 17 nasjonalreservatansatte fra Barsa Kelmes nasjonalreservat, arrangementer i Aral-omrĂ„det. MĂžtene ble arrangert i fire landsbyer og pĂ„ fem skoler, og mer enn 300 barn og 22 lĂŠrere deltok. Oppdatert informasjonsmateriell inkluderte en kulantegneserie

    Dynamics of gastro-inestinal strongyle parasites in a group of translocated, wild-captured asiatic wild asses in Kazakhstan

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    Asiatic wild ass (Kulan, Equus hemionus) population range and numbers became severely reduced and a reintroduction project is currently aiming to re-establish a population in the Central Steppe of Kazakhstan. Pre-emptive deworming is often recommended for equid translocations but eliminating parasites prior to translocation could cause disruptions in a balanced host-parasite relationship, adding an additional stressor to an already stressful intervention involving capture, transport, and adaptation to a new environment. Following a disease risk assessment, we decided against pre-emptive deworming and focused on monitoring the first group of nine translocated kulan in a large acclimatization enclosure prior to release. Over the 5-month acclimatization period, we regularly collected fecal samples and analyzed the shedding intensity of gastro-intestinal parasite eggs, obtained time budgets through behavioral observations, and visually assessed body condition. We identified strongyles (Strongylinae and Cyathostominae) and pinworms (Oxyuris equi) in fecal samples. All individuals shed strongyle eggs and two of the nine individuals had higher shedding intensities, but rarely reached levels for which deworming is recommended. All kulan appeared healthy throughout the observation period, aggressive interactions were very rare, and time budgets were very similar and dominated by feeding. Our results suggest that in translocation projects where the risk of introducing new parasites is minimal, pre-emptive treatment in wild equids can be replaced with non-invasivemonitoring during the acclimatization period.We acknowledge that the small number of kulan, the large size of the enclosure, and the low temperatures during the animals stay in the acclimatization enclosure may all have reduced infestation pressure. Asiatic wild ass, Equus hemionus kulan, gastro-intestinal parasites, reintroduction, fecal egg count, strongylespublishedVersio

    Post-release Movement Behaviour and Survival of Kulan Reintroduced to the Steppes and Deserts of Central Kazakhstan

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    Asiatic wild ass, or kulan (Equus hemionus kulan) were once a key species of the Eurasian steppes and deserts. In Kazakhstan they went extinct by the 1930s. Early reintroductions have reestablished the species in two protected areas, but the species has reclaimed <1% of their former range and remained absent from central Kazakhstan. To initiate restoration in this vast region, we captured and transported a first group of nine wild kulan to a large pre-release enclosure in the Torgai region in 2017, and two more in 2019. We used direct observations and post-release movement data of four kulan equipped with GPS-Iridium collars to document their adaptation process in a vast novel habitat without conspecifics. For comparison with movements in the source populations, we additionally equipped two kulan in Altyn Emel National Park and six in Barsa Kelmes State Nature Reserve. The nine transported kulan formed a cohesive group with very high movement correlation in the enclosure. After release, the group initially stayed tightly together but started to break up by mid-May and all kulan travelled independently by mid-August. With 48,680–136,953 km2, the 95% Autocorrelated Kernel Density Estimation ranges of the reintroduced kulan were huge and about 10–100 times larger than those in the source populations. The reintroduced mares never reconnected, there was no evidence of successful reproduction, and two of the four collared mares were killed by poachers and one died of natural causes. At least one stallion survived in the wild, but the fate of the other uncollared animals remains unclear. We speculate that the fission-fusion dynamics and low movement correlation of kulan societies and the need for migratory movements harbours the risk that animals released into a novel environment loose contact with each other. This risk is likely enhanced in steppe habitats where movement constraining factors are absent. Further kulan reintroductions to the steppes and deserts of central Kazakhstan should aim to release larger groups and build up the free-ranging population quickly to reach a critical mass, increasing the chance of kulan encountering conspecifics to successfully breed and increase their chances of survival

    Genetic characterization of free-ranging Asiatic wild ass in Central Asia as a basis for future conservation strategies

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    Loss of genetic diversity due to drift and inbreeding reduces a population’s ability to respond to environmental change and may result in inbreeding depression. The Asiatic wild ass (Equus hemionus), regionally also known as Gobi khulan, Turkmen kulan, or Persian onager, has become confined to less than 3% of its historic distribution range. Remaining populations in Central Asia outside of the Mongolian Gobi are small and fragmented. Questions concerning subpopulation status remain disputed and concerns over the viability of these populations have been raised because of small size, past bottlenecks, or recent founder events. We used non-invasive faecal samples to assess the genetic diversity and divergence among Turkmen kulan and Persian onager from five free-ranging and one captive population from Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Iran and compared their genetic constitution to the large autochthonous population in the Mongolian Gobi. We observed loss of genetic diversity (drift and inbreeding) in the captive and reintroduced populations as well as in one rapidly declining autochthonous population. Population differentiation and structure using microsatellites and mtDNA based phylogenetic analysis do not support the current separation of the autochthonous populations of Turkmen kulan and Persian onager into different subspecies, but rather suggest a cline with the Iranian population in Bahram-e-Goor at the southern end and the Turkmen population in Badhyz at the northern end falling into two distinct clusters, and the northern Iranian population in Touran being intermediate. We compare our findings to other population genetics studies of equids and discuss the implications of our findings for the future conservation of the Asiatic wild ass in the region.acceptedVersio

    Dynamics of gastro-inestinal strongyle parasites in a group of translocated, wild-captured asiatic wild asses in Kazakhstan

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    Asiatic wild ass (Kulan, Equus hemionus) population range and numbers became severely reduced and a reintroduction project is currently aiming to re-establish a population in the Central Steppe of Kazakhstan. Pre-emptive deworming is often recommended for equid translocations but eliminating parasites prior to translocation could cause disruptions in a balanced host-parasite relationship, adding an additional stressor to an already stressful intervention involving capture, transport, and adaptation to a new environment. Following a disease risk assessment, we decided against pre-emptive deworming and focused on monitoring the first group of nine translocated kulan in a large acclimatization enclosure prior to release. Over the 5-month acclimatization period, we regularly collected fecal samples and analyzed the shedding intensity of gastro-intestinal parasite eggs, obtained time budgets through behavioral observations, and visually assessed body condition. We identified strongyles (Strongylinae and Cyathostominae) and pinworms (Oxyuris equi) in fecal samples. All individuals shed strongyle eggs and two of the nine individuals had higher shedding intensities, but rarely reached levels for which deworming is recommended. All kulan appeared healthy throughout the observation period, aggressive interactions were very rare, and time budgets were very similar and dominated by feeding. Our results suggest that in translocation projects where the risk of introducing new parasites is minimal, pre-emptive treatment in wild equids can be replaced with non-invasivemonitoring during the acclimatization period.We acknowledge that the small number of kulan, the large size of the enclosure, and the low temperatures during the animals stay in the acclimatization enclosure may all have reduced infestation pressure. Asiatic wild ass, Equus hemionus kulan, gastro-intestinal parasites, reintroduction, fecal egg count, strongyle

    Gut microbiota of the critically endangered Saiga antelope across two wild populations in a year without mass mortality

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    The Saiga are migratory antelopes inhabiting the grasslands of Eurasia. Over the last century, Saiga have been pushed to the brink of extinction by mass mortality events and intense poaching. Yet, despite the high profile of the Saiga as an animal of conservation concern, little is known of its biology. In particular, the gut microbiota of Saiga has not been studied, despite its potential importance in health. Here, we characterise the gut microbiota of Saiga from two geographically distinct populations in Kazakhstan and compare it with that of other antelope species. We identified a consistent gut microbial diversity and composition among individuals and across two Saiga populations during a year without die-offs, with over 85% of bacterial genera being common to both populations despite vast geographic separation. We further show that the Saiga gut microbiota resembled that of five other antelopes. The putative causative agent of Saiga mass die-offs, Pasteurella multocida, was not detected in the Saiga microbiota. Our findings provide the first description of the Saiga gut microbiota, generating a baseline for future work investigating the microbiota's role in health and mass die-offs, and supporting the conservation of this critically endangered species.Peer reviewe