77 research outputs found

    WCDRR and the CEOS activities on disaters

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    Agencies from CEOS (Committee on Earth Observation Satellites) have traditionally focused their efforts on the response phase. Rapid urbanization and increased severity of weather events has led to growing economic and human losses from disasters, requiring international organisations to act now in all disaster risk management (DRM) phases, especially through improved disaster risk reduction policies and programmes. As part of this effort, CEOS agencies have initiated a series of actions aimed at fostering the use of Earth observation (EO) data to support disaster risk reduction and at raising the awareness of policy and decision-makers and major stakeholders of the benefits of using satellite EO in all phases of DRM. CEOS is developing a long-term vision for sustainable application of satellite EO to all phases of DRM. CEOS is collaborating with regional representatives of the DRM user community, on a multi-hazard project involving three thematic pilots (floods, seismic hazards and volcanoes) and a Recovery Observatory that supports resilient recovery from one major disaster. These pilot activities are meant as trail blazers that demonstrate the potential offered by satellite EO for comprehensive DRM. In the framework of the 2015 3rd World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR), the CEOS space agencies intend to partner with major stakeholders, including UN organizations, the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), international relief agencies, leading development banks, and leading regional DRM organisations, to define and implement a 15-year plan of actions (2015- 2030) that responds to high-level Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction priorities. This plan of action will take into account lessons learned from the CEOS pilot activities

    Early nitrogen supplementation stimulates the nodulation and growth of common bean plants inoculated with rhizobium.

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    The initial development of common bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) relying on symbiotic nitrogen (N) can be limited by delayed active N2 fixation, requiring supplemental N which in turn may inhibit the symbiosis. Five experiments were carried out in hydroponics to identify the initiation of nodulation and nitrogenase activity in common bean cultivars, and the effects of additions of mineral N on plant nodulation and growth. Three experiments evaluated the initial growth of five inoculated bean cultivars in the absence or presence of mineral N, and two experiments evaluated the effect of the moment of mineral N addition until the beginning of reproductive stage. The first root nodules appeared 10 days after plant transplant (DAT) and nitrogenase activity initiated 11 DAT. Cultivars of large seeds had lower initial nodulation and nitrogenase activity than those of small seeds. Inoculated plants showed limited shoot growth that lasted until 21-25 DAT as compared to inoculated plants receiving mineral N. Addition of mineral N reduced nodule mass more intensively than nodule number and more strongly nitrogenase activity. Nitrogen applied until 15 DAT enhanced nodulation and nitrogenase activity without limiting shoot growth, as compared to plants receiving N throughout their growth. Otherwise, plants that received N after 15 DAT had lower nodule mass and nitrogenase activity than plants only inoculated. The results indicate that symbiotic N did not suffice to an adequate growth of common beans and some supplemental N is necessary. This N should be added in the beginning of growth cycle to stimulate plant growth without inhibiting further nodulation and N fixation

    Controle alternativo de podridões pós‑colheita de framboesas

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de tratamentos pré-colheita sobre a ocorrência de podridões pós-colheita e sobre os atributos de qualidade de framboesas (Rubus idaeus L.) 'Heritage'. As frutas foram pulverizadas com um dos seguintes tratamentos: água destilada (controle), 6 g L-1 de quitosana, 100 mg L-1 de dióxido de cloro, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Curtobacterium pusillum ou Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Foram realizadas colheitas aos 3, 7 e 14 dias após a aplicação dos tratamentos. Após cada uma das colheitas, realizadas no estádio de maturação comercial (coloração rosa), as frutas foram inoculadas individualmente com suspensão de conídios (2x10(5) conídios mL-1) de Botrytis cinerea ou Rhizopus stolonifer. As frutas foram mantidas a 12±0,5ºC por sete dias e avaliadas quanto à incidência de podridões e quanto aos principais atributos de qualidade. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, C. pusillum e S. cerevisiae proporcionaram menor área abaixo da curva de progresso da incidência das podridões por Botrytis e Rhizopus. Os agentes de controle biológico avaliados não interferem negativamente sobre os atributos de qualidade das frutas, e, portanto, são alternativas potenciais no controle de podridões pós-colheita de framboesas

    Atopic dermatitis : a cutaneous or systemic disease? The search for answers in the history of Dermatology

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    A dermatite atópica é doença inflamatória cutânea associada à atopia, predisposição a produzir resposta IgE a alérgenos ambientais, constituindo uma das manifestações das doenças atópicas, junto com a asma e a rinite alérgica. A dermatite atópica é caracterizada por episódios recorrentes de eczema associado a prurido, acometendo superfície cutânea geneticamente alterada, induzindo, por fenômenos imunológicos, a presença de inflamação. Trata-se de doença multifatorial, com enfoque nas alterações sistêmicas e alérgicas ou nas manifestações cutâneas, de acordo com diferentes visões da doença. A conceituação da dermatite atópica é importante, porque a conduta terapêutica pode variar segundo essas duas formas diferentes de analisá-la. Autores modernos discutem extensivamente esses aspectos sem, contudo, alcançar uma conclusão sobre a dermatite atópica como doença sistêmica ou cutânea. A procura dos conceitos sobre a doença, desde os primeiros relatos, associada à evolução do pensamento na dermatologia, poderia esclarecer a origem dessas dúvidas. Uma análise histórica demonstra que a dermatite atópica tem seus conceitos atuais oriundos dos estudos de diversos pensadores, que, em diferentes momentos históricos, descreveram a doença, e que muito do que acreditamos atualmente tem, nesses escritos, seus fundamentos.Atopic dermatitis is an inflammatory disease associated to atopy, which is a predisposition to produce an IgE response to environmental allergens and considered one of the manifestations of the atopic diseases, including asthma and allergic rhinitis. Atopic dermatitis is characterized by recurrent eczema flares, associated to pruritus, affecting a genetically disrupted skin surface, inducing, by immunological phenomena, the onset of inflammation. It is a multifactorial disease, with an emphasis on systemic and allergic alterations or skin manifestations, according to different concepts. The definition of atopic dermatitis is important, since its management may vary according to these two different points of view. Modern authors have extensively discussed these concepts, though with no conclusion as to its nature - systemic or cutaneous disease. The search for concepts about the disease, since its first descriptions, associated to the evolution of the dermatology rationale through history, may help understand the origin of these doubts. A historical analysis demonstrates that the currently accepted concepts of atopic dermatitis have their background from different researchers, who, at different historical moments, described the disease, and a great part of our beliefs about atopic dermatitis are related to these ancient writings

    Mitral valve annuloplasty and myocardial revascularization in the treatment of ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy

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    The aim of this study was to examine perioperative mortality and morbidity and midterm results in patients undergoing coronary bypass graft and mitral valve annuloplasty with advanced dilated cardiomyopathy. Sixty-one patients with ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy underwent coronary artery bypass grafting and mitral valve annuloplasty between January 1998 and December 2003. Patients eligible for revascularization that presented a mild or more severe mitral valve regurgitation at echocardiography (effective regurgitant orifice > 0.2 cm(2)) were considered for annuloplasty with a Cosgrove ring. New York Heart Association class (NYHA) III/IV was present in 40 patients (66%) and Canadian Cardiovascular Society class III-IV in 19 (31%). A previous acute myocardial infarction was reported in 48 patients (79%). The mean number of graft anastomoses was 2.5 +/- 0.7 and the left internal mammary artery was used in 49 patients (80%). In-hospital mortality was 4.9% (3 patients), due to unsuccessful weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass, multiple organ failure, and stroke, respectively. Left ventricle ejection fraction improved from 28.9% +/- 5.2% preoperatively to 35.4% +/- 8.1% at follow-up (P = 0.0001) and a significant reduction in NYHA III/IV was detected: from 40 patients preoperatively (66%) to 14 (31%) at follow-up (P = 0.031). Midterm cardiac-related mortality rate was 3.4%. In our experience combined coronary artery bypass grafting and ring annuloplasty for ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy can be performed with acceptable risks for in-hospital mortality and morbidity. Midterm results show a good survival rate and a durable functional improvement in this subset of patients