100 research outputs found

    Elenco sistematico-faunistico dei Curculionoidea italiani, Scolytidae e Platypodidae esclusi (Insecta, Coleoptera). 2. Addenda e corrigenda

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    Sono riportati i dati sui Curculionoidea italiani (Scolytidae e Platypodidae esclusi) riguardanti gli anni 2009-2013, come aggiornamento a quelli giĂ  pubblicati nel precedente catalogo di Abbazzi & Maggini (2009). Sono elencati i nuovi taxa descritti durante tale periodo, le nuove segnalazioni per l'italia, i cambiamenti nomenclaturali e sistematici, le nuove informazioni circa la biologia e la distribuzione italiana delle specie e le correzioni da apportare al precedente catalogo

    Immuno-metabolic profile of patients with psychotic disorders and metabolic syndrome. Results from the FACE-SZ cohort

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    Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a highly prevalent and harmful medical disorder often comorbid with psychosis where it can contribute to cardiovascular complications. As immune dysfunction is a key shared component of both MetS and schizophrenia (SZ), this study investigated the relationship between immune alterations and MetS in patients with SZ, whilst controlling the impact of confounding clinical characteristics including psychiatric symptoms and comorbidities, history of childhood maltreatment and psychotropic treatments. Method: A total of 310 patients meeting DSM-IV criteria for SZ or schizoaffective disorders (SZA), with or without MetS, were systematically assessed and included in the FondaMental Advanced Centers of Expertise for Schizophrenia (FACE-SZ) cohort. Detailed clinical characteristics of patients, including psychotic symptomatology, psychiatric comorbidities and history of childhood maltreatment were recorded and the serum levels of 18 cytokines were measured. A penalized regression method was performed to analyze associations between inflammation and MetS, whilst controlling for confounding factors. Results: Of the total sample, 25% of patients had MetS. Eight cytokines were above the lower limit of detection (LLOD) in more than 90% of the samples and retained in downstream analysis. Using a conservative Variable Inclusion Probability (VIP) of 75%, we found that elevated levels of interleukin (IL)-6, IL-7, IL-12/23 p40 and IL-16 and lower levels of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α were associated with MetS. As for clinical variables, age, sex, body mass index (BMI), diagnosis of SZ (not SZA), age at the first episode of psychosis (FEP), alcohol abuse, current tobacco smoking, and treatment with antidepressants and anxiolytics were all associated with MetS. Conclusion: We have identified five cytokines associated with MetS in SZ suggesting that patients with psychotic disorders and MetS are characterized by a specific “immuno-metabolic” profile. This may help to design tailored treatments for this subgroup of patients with both psychotic disorders and MetS, taking one more step towards precision medicine in psychiatry. © 2022 The AuthorsImmuno-Génétique, Inflammation, retro-Virus, Environnement : de l'étiopathogénie des troubles psychotiques aux modèles animauxRéseau d'Innovation sur les Voies de Signalisation en Sciences de la Vi

    Sindrome di Alzheimer: terapie convenzionali e nuovi approcci chimico farmaceutici

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    La Malattia di Alzheimer (AD) è un disordine neurodegenerativo progressivo che si manifesta con un deterioramento delle funzioni cognitive, in particolare della memoria, una progressiva incapacità a svolgere le normali attività della vita quotidiana, e vari sintomi neuropsichiatrici e alterazioni del comportamento E' una malattia ad eziologia ancora in gran parte ignota, caratterizzata dalla perdita di neuroni e di sinapsi in molte aree della corteccia cerebrale e in alcune regioni sottocorticali, con conseguente atrofia cerebrale di grado variabile. Questa tesi ha lo scopo prima di tutto di illustrare le principali caratteristiche istologiche della malattia e le cause che determinano la sua comparsa e successivamente di prende in esame i vari approcci terapeutici. Allo stato delle attuali conoscenze, la medicina non dispone di un trattamento che sia in grado di impedire il progredire della malattia e riportare il malato alla normalità. Esistono soltanto farmaci “sintomatici” (anticolinesterasici e memantina) che agiscono cioè sui sintomi, ma non sulle cause della malattia, che continua, sebbene più lentamente, a progredire. I nuovi farmaci, ancora in corso di sperimentazione sull’uomo, mirano invece ad interferire con i processi patologici che avvengono nel cervello durante lo sviluppo e la progressione della malattia. La maggior parte dei nuovi composti in corso di studio hanno come scopo quello di andare a interferire con la deposizione della proteina beta amiloide che svolge un ruolo chiave nello sviluppo della malattia. Sono stati studiati infatti farmaci che vanno ad agire sugli enzimi che prendono parte al processo di produzione di questi peptidi, tra cui inibitori BACE1, inibitori della gamma secretasi e farmaci che stimolano la gamma secretasi. Nonostante siano stati ottenuti risultati molti buoni nel modello animale, nell’uomo finora non si è ancora arrivati a risultati promettenti. Data la natura multifattoriale di questa malattia, negli ultimi anni la ricerca ha rivolto la sua attenzione verso lo sviluppo di molecole multi target, ovvero di farmaci che vanno ad agire simultaneamente in diversi punti chiave della malattia. Nel terzo capitolo di questa tesi vengono presi in esame i farmaci multi target che nella loro struttura contengono molecole ad azione antiossidante in quanto è stato visto che nello sviluppo della malattia gioca un ruolo molto importante lo stress ossidativo, che sembra essere responsabile della comparsa dei segni distintivi di tale patologia

    La dépression du sujet âgé, sa prise en charge globale, ses difficultés diagnostiques et thérapeutiques

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    La dépression majeure affecte 5 à 10 % des sujets âgés qui consultent en soins primaires. Aujourd'hui, c'est un problème de santé publique compte tenu du vieillissement de la population et des conséquences de la maladie. Deux tiers des syndromes dépressifs du sujet âgé sont méconnus ou non pris en charge. Notre travail va tenter de comprendre les principales difficultés qui entravent au diagnostic et au traitement de cette pathologie. Des traitements antidépresseurs de nouvelle génération se montrent efficaces et très bien toléré. Une des complications de cette pathologie, surtout si elle est non diagnostiquée ou non traitée est le suicide dont l'issue est souvent fatale chez le sujet âgé. Une prise en charge précoce en soins primaires associée à des partenaires spécialisés comme des psychiatres ou des gériatres en unité de psychogériatrie, permet souvent de désamorcer un processus d'institutionnalisation. Le diagnostic de démence souvent porté par excès n'aide pas au repérage de la maladie dépressive. Des recherches complémentaires et des outils de dépistage plus sensibles doivent être développés. La qualité des soins semble encore dépendre de difficultés non explorées, comme la barrière chez le praticien entre le somatique et le psychiatrique, du coût ou la difficulté socioculturelle de l'intégration du sujet âgé dépriméPARIS12-CRETEIL BU Médecine (940282101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Fostering inclusion in culturally and linguistic diverse classrooms by multilingual cooperative activities

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    This paper presents a collaborative research in Genevan elementary multicultural and multilingual classrooms to promote classrooms’ social climate and inclusion, thanks to a multilingual cooperative program. The program relies on linguistic and cultural diversity awareness and cooperative learning with specific attention to the students’ status in line with complex instructions. It includes activities for preparing students to constructively cooperate before integrating multilingual cooperative activities, using students’ heritage language. The program was adapted for different levels (grade 3, 4 and 5) and implemented by three elementary teachers in their own class. Multilingual cooperative activities rely on the translation of a text into students’ languages (from 11 to 13 different languages per class) in order to create multiple-ability tasks. We summarize parents and students’ feedback, as well as the evolution of students’ sense of classroom belonging and satisfaction of the need for relatedness

    The role of lipopolysaccharide, pro-inflammatory cytokines and bacterial superantigens in the transcriptional regulation of lymphotoxin α and β in mouse splenocytes

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    Lymphotoxin α (LT-α) and lymphotoxin β (LT-β) are members of the tumour necrosis factor (TNF) ligand family. Because of the importance of TNF in the pathogenesis of septic shock, the expression of LT-α and LT-β mRNA in murine splenocytes stimulated with different pro-inflammatory cytokines, sepsis-associated mediators such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and bacterial superantigens was investigated. The authors show that the bacterial superantigens, toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (TSST-1) and staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) upregulate LT-α mRNA expression in vitro in murine cells. Basal expression of LT-β mRNA was found in unstimulated murine splenocytes, and could be increased by the addition of the mitogen concanavalin A (Con A). Despite this suggested inducibility of the murine LT-β transcript, sepsis-associated mediators did not affect its regulation. Neither the pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin 2 (IL-2), TNF-α nor LPS alone or in combination with interferon γ (IFN-γ) had any effect on LT-β mRNA expression. The bacterial superantigens TSST-1, SEB and streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin A (SPEA) were also unable to upregulate LT-β mRNA transcript, in contrast to the observation with LT-α
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