275 research outputs found

    Who is healthier? A meta-analysis of the relations between the HEXACO personality domains and health outcomes

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    Researchers and practitioners have long been interested in the relations of basic personality domains with health. Whereas previous meta-analyses have focused on the Big Five traits, we provide the first meta-analysis of the relations between the HEXACO domains, as assessed by HEXACO Personality Inventories, and various health outcomes (k = 276, N = 92,319). In general, relations of the HEXACO domains were strongest with mental health, followed by health behavior, whereas relations with physical health outcomes were weak and largely non-significant. All HEXACO domains were significantly linked to mental health and health behavior outcomes. Extraversion exhibited the strongest correlation with mental health (ρ = .48), whereas Honesty-Humility (ρ = .31), Agreeableness versus Anger (ρ = .25), and Conscientiousness (ρ = .31) were most predictive of health behavior. Physical health was only significantly associated with Emotionality (ρ = −.14) and Conscientiousness (ρ = .10). Honesty-Humility explained incremental variance over the Big Five in several health behavior outcomes, whereas it had little incremental validity for mental and physical health outcomes. Finally, comparing the variance that the HEXACO and the Big Five domains explained in specific health outcomes demonstrated that each personality model occasionally exhibited superior criterion-related validity. Hence, the choice of the more useful personality model could be outcome-dependent

    Who is healthier? A meta-analysis of the relations between the HEXACO personality domains and health outcomes

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    Researchers and practitioners have long been interested in the relations of basic personality domains with health. Whereas previous meta-analyses have focused on the Big Five traits, we provide the first meta-analysis of the relations between the HEXACO domains, as assessed by HEXACO Personality Inventories, and various health outcomes (k = 276, N = 92,319). In general, relations of the HEXACO domains were strongest with mental health, followed by health behavior, whereas relations with physical health outcomes were weak and largely non-significant. All HEXACO domains were significantly linked to mental health and health behavior outcomes. Extraversion exhibited the strongest correlation with mental health (ρ = .48), whereas Honesty-Humility (ρ = .31), Agreeableness versus Anger (ρ = .25), and Conscientiousness (ρ = .31) were most predictive of health behavior. Physical health was only significantly associated with Emotionality (ρ = −.14) and Conscientiousness (ρ = .10). Honesty-Humility explained incremental variance over the Big Five in several health behavior outcomes, whereas it had little incremental validity for mental and physical health outcomes. Finally, comparing the variance that the HEXACO and the Big Five domains explained in specific health outcomes demonstrated that each personality model occasionally exhibited superior criterion-related validity. Hence, the choice of the more useful personality model could be outcome-dependent

    Measure of Node Similarity in Multilayer Networks

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    The weight of links in a network is often related to the similarity of the nodes. Here, we introduce a simple tunable measure for analysing the similarity of nodes across different link weights. In particular, we use the measure to analyze homophily in a group of 659 freshman students at a large university. Our analysis is based on data obtained using smartphones equipped with custom data collection software, complemented by questionnaire-based data. The network of social contacts is represented as a weighted multilayer network constructed from different channels of telecommunication as well as data on face-to-face contacts. We find that even strongly connected individuals are not more similar with respect to basic personality traits than randomly chosen pairs of individuals. In contrast, several socio-demographics variables have a significant degree of similarity. We further observe that similarity might be present in one layer of the multilayer network and simultaneously be absent in the other layers. For a variable such as gender, our measure reveals a transition from similarity between nodes connected with links of relatively low weight to dis-similarity for the nodes connected by the strongest links. We finally analyze the overlap between layers in the network for different levels of acquaintanceships.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Інженерна геодезія. Методичні рекомендації до виконання лабораторних робіт для студентів напряму підготовки 6.080101 Геодезія, картографія та землеустрій

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    Розглянуто теоретичні відомості про ключові питання інженерно- геодезичного проектування будівель та споруд, геодезичну підготовку даних для винесення проекту в натуру та визначення деформації споруд й поверхні зсувних схилів. Подано також рекомендації до розв’язування типових практичних задач з аналітичного розрахунку розмічувальних елементів різноманітними способами для винесення основних точок проекту в натуру, оцінювання точності їхнього положення залежно від способу розмічування та визначення деформації поверхні зсувних схилів. Наведено питання для самостійного оцінювання модульного контролю виконання лабораторних робіт. Орієнтовано на активізацію виконавчого етапу навчальної діяльності студентів