33 research outputs found

    Perineuronal Net Formation and the Critical Period for Neuronal Maturation in the Hypothalamic Arcuate Nucleus

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    In leptin-deficient ob/ob mice, obesity and diabetes are associated with abnormal development of neurocircuits in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (ARC)1, a critical brain area for energy and glucose homoeostasis2,3. Because this developmental defect can be remedied by systemic leptin administration, but only if given before postnatal day 28, a critical period for leptin-dependent development of ARC neurocircuits has been proposed4. In other brain areas, critical-period closure coincides with the appearance of perineuronal nets (PNNs), extracellular matrix specializations that restrict the plasticity of neurons that they enmesh5. Here we report that in humans and rodents, subsets of neurons in the mediobasal aspect of the ARC are enmeshed in PNN-like structures. In mice, these neurons are densely packed into a continuous ring that encircles the junction of the ARC and median eminence, which facilitates exposure of ARC neurons to the circulation. Most of the enmeshed neurons are both γ-aminobutyric acid-ergic and leptin-receptor positive, including a majority of Agouti-related-peptide neurons. Postnatal formation of the PNN-like structures coincides precisely with closure of the critical period for maturation of Agouti-related-peptide neurons and is dependent on input from circulating leptin, because postnatal ob/ob mice have reduced ARC PNN-like material that is restored by leptin administration during the critical period. We conclude that neurons crucial to metabolic homoeostasis are enmeshed in PNN-like structures and organized into a densely packed cluster situated circumferentially at the ARC–median eminence junction, where metabolically relevant humoral signals are sensed

    Nat Metab

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    Hypothalamic AgRP and POMC neurons are conventionally viewed as the yin and yang of the body’s energy status, since they act in an opposite manner to modulate appetite and systemic energy metabolism. However, although AgRP neurons’ functions are comparatively well understood, a unifying theory of how POMC neuronal cells operate has remained elusive, probably due to their high level of heterogeneity, which suggests that their physiological roles might be more complex than initially thought. In this Perspective, we propose a conceptual framework that integrates POMC neuronal heterogeneity with appetite regulation, whole-body metabolic physiology and the development of obesity. We highlight emerging evidence indicating that POMC neurons respond to distinct combinations of interoceptive signals and food-related cues to fine-tune divergent metabolic pathways and behaviours necessary for survival. The new framework we propose reflects the high degree of developmental plasticity of this neuronal population and may enable progress towards understanding of both the aetiology and treatment of metabolic disorders.Bordeaux Region Aquitaine Initiative for NeuroscienceInnovations instrumentales et procédurales en psychopathologie expérimentale chez le rongeurLa signalisation des acides biliaires dans le cerveau et son rôle dans le contrôle métaboliqueRôle du récepteur aux cannabinoïdes de type 1 mitochondriale dans les circuits hypothalamiques et son interaction avec la voie mTORC1 dans l'obésité.Rôle de Tbx3 dans la détermination de l'identité fonctionnelle des neurones POMC dans l'obésitéEuropean Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-201

    Rearing mice at 22°C programs increased capacity to respond to chronic exposure to cold but not high fat diet

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    Objective: Rodent models raised at environmental temperatures of 21–22 °C are increasingly switched to thermoneutral housing conditions in adulthood to better capture human physiology. We quantified the developmental effects of rearing mice at an ambient temperature of 22 °C vs. 30 °C on metabolic responses to cold and high fat diet (HFD) in adulthood. Methods: Mice were reared from birth to 8 weeks of age at 22 °C or 30 °C, when they were acclimated to single housing at the same temperature for 2–3 weeks in indirect calorimetry cages. Energy expenditure attributable to basal metabolic rate, physical activity, thermic effect of food, and adaptive cold- or diet-induced thermogenesis was calculated. Responses to cooling were evaluated by decreasing the ambient temperature from 22 °C to 14 °C, while responses to HFD feeding were assessed at 30 °C. Influences of rearing temperature on thermogenic responses that emerge over hours, days and weeks were assessed by maintaining mice in the indirect calorimetry cages throughout the study. Results: At an ambient temperature of 22 °C, total energy expenditure (TEE) was 12–16% higher in mice reared at 22 °C as compared to 30 °C. Rearing temperature had no effect on responses in the first hours or week of the 14 °C challenge. Differences emerged in the third week, when TEE increased an additional 10% in mice reared at 22 °C, but mice reared at 30 °C could not sustain this level of cold-induced thermogenesis. Rearing temperature only affected responses to HFD during the first week, due to differences in the timing but not the strength of metabolic adaptations. Conclusion: Rearing at 22 °C does not have a lasting effect on metabolic adaptations to HFD at thermoneutrality, but it programs an enhanced capacity to respond to chronic cold challenges in adulthood. These findings highlight the need to consider rearing temperature when using mice to model cold-induced thermogenesis

    Postnatal undernutrition delays a key step in the maturation of hypothalamic feeding circuits

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    Objective: Humans and animals exposed to undernutrition (UN) during development often experience accelerated “catch-up” growth when food supplies are plentiful. Little is known about the mechanisms regulating early growth rates. We previously reported that actions of leptin and presynaptic inputs to orexigenic NPY/AgRP/GABA (NAG) neurons in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus are almost exclusively excitatory during the lactation period, since neuronal and humoral inhibitory systems do not develop until after weaning. Moreover, we identified a critical step that regulates the maturation of electrophysiological responses of NAG neurons at weaning – the onset of genes encoding ATP-dependent potassium (KATP) channel subunits. We explored the possibility that UN promotes subsequent catch-up growth, in part, by delaying the maturation of negative feedback systems to neuronal circuits driving food intake. Methods: We used the large litter (LL) size model to study the impacts of postnatal UN followed by catch-up growth. We evaluated the maturation of presynaptic and postsynaptic inhibitory systems in NAG neurons using a combination of electrophysiological and molecular criteria, in conjunction with leptin's ability to suppress fasting-induced hyperphagia. Results: The onset of KATP channel subunit expression and function, the switch in leptin's effect on NAG neurons, the ingrowth of inhibitory inputs to NAG neurons, and the development of homeostatic feedback to feeding circuits were delayed in LL offspring relative to controls. The development of functional KATP channels and the establishment of leptin-mediated suppression of food intake in the peri-weaning period were tightly linked and were not initiated until growth and adiposity of LL offspring caught up to controls. Conclusions: Our data support the idea that initiation of KATP channel subunit expression in NAG neurons serves as a molecular gatekeeper for the maturation of homeostatic feeding circuits. Author Video: Author Video Watch what authors say about their articles Keywords: NPY, AgRP, Leptin, Undernutrition, KATP channel, Feeding circuit

    Central insulin signaling modulates hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis responsiveness

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    Objective: Obesity is often accompanied by hyperactivity of the neuroendocrine stress axis and has been linked to an increased risk of psychiatric disorders. Insulin is reciprocally regulated with the stress hormone corticosterone (CORT), raising the possibility that insulin normally provides inhibitory tone to the hypothalamus-adrenal-pituitary (HPA) axis. Here we examined whether disrupting signaling via the insulin receptor (InsR) in hypothalamic subpopulations impacts the neuroendocrine response to acute psychological stress. Methods: We used Nkx2.1-Cre, Sim1-Cre and Agrp-Cre transgenic driver lines to generate conditional knockouts of InsR signaling throughout the hypothalamus, paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVH) and in neurons expressing Agouti-related peptide (AgRP) in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus (ARH), respectively. We used a combination of molecular, behavioral and neuroendocrine criteria to evaluate the consequences on HPA axis responsiveness. Results: Endpoints related to body weight and glucose homeostasis were not altered in any of the conditional mutant lines. Consistent with observations in the neuronal Insr knockout mice (NIRKO), baseline levels of serum CORT were similar to controls in all three lines. In male mice with broad disruptions of InsR signals in Nkx2.1-expressing regions of the hypothalamus (IRNkx2.1 KO), we observed elevated arginine vasopressin (AVP) levels at baseline and heightened neuroendocrine responses to restraint stress. IRNkx2.1 KO males also exhibited increased anxiety-like behaviors in open field, marble burying, and stress-induced hyperthermia testing paradigms. HPA axis responsivity was not altered in IRSim1 KO males, in which InsR was disrupted in the PVH. In contrast to observations in the IRNkx2.1 KO males, disrupting InsR signals in ARH neurons expressing Agrp (IRAgrp KO) led to reduced AVP release in the median eminence (ME). Conclusions: We find that central InsR signals modulate HPA responsivity to restraint stress. InsR signaling in AgRP/NPY neurons appears to promote AVP release, while signaling in other hypothalamic neuron(s) likely acts in an opposing fashion. Alterations in InsR signals in neurons that integrate metabolic and psychiatric information could contribute to the high co-morbidity of obesity and mental disorders. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier GmbH