5 research outputs found

    Analyse du design et du développement de la méthode de FLE « De l’ouest à l’est »

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    RÉSUMÉ. Le manuel de langue est un outil pédagogique indispensable dans le contexte de la didactique des langues. Ce présent travail a pour objectif d’étudier le design et le développement de la méthode de français intitulée « De l’ouest à l’est » conçue pour les apprenants adultes indonésiens. Cette étude est menée en utilisant l’approche du design et du développement de Ellis et Levy (2010). Les résultats montrent qu’il est pertinent de mettre l’accent sur la communication orale et l’interculturel dans ce manuel de français élaboré. Cette recherche vise à contribuer au développement de l’enseignement du français, notamment pour tout ce qui concerne le processus d’élaboration d’une méthode de français.Mots-clés : manuel FLE, Français Langue Étrangère, conception du manuelABSTRACT. The language textbook is an indispensable teaching tool in the context of language teaching. The purpose of this paper is to study the design and development of the French textbook "De l'ouest à l'est" created for Indonesian adult learners. This study is conducted using the design and development approach of Ellis and Levy (2010). The results show that it is relevant to focus on oral communication and intercultural in this developed French textbook. This research aims to contribute to the development of French language teaching, especially in the process of developing a French textbook.Keywords: French textbook, French as a foreign language, textbook desig


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    Textbook has an important role in learning foreign languages. Analyzing textbook is needed in order to select the textbook which is in line with both students’ and teachers’ needs. Tendances A1 – Livre de l’élève is the newest French textbook published in 2016; therefore, a study was conducted to analyze the textbook. The study is aimed at finding out the structures, language aspects, advantages and disadvantages of the textbook. The descriptive study applies the qualitative method. Based on the result of the study, it is found out that Tendances A1 – Livre de l’élève is divided into six sections, that is, introduction, tableau des contenus, mode d’emploi, unité, leçon, dan annexes. introduction, tableau des contenus, mode d’emploi, unité, leçon, dan annexes. The learning material of vocabulary is found in Réfléchissons... and Outils rubrics, that of phonetics and phonology learning in special phonetics rubric, that of structure in Réfléchissons... and Outils rubrics. Besides, there is a variety of exercises such as exercices à trous, questionnaires à choix multiples, exercices vrai ou faux, dan exercices d’association. The advantages of the textbook are as follow: it is completed with lots of interesting colourful pictures and photographs that can arouse students’ interest in learning French, vocabulary learning is included in exercises, not in the form of list, it teaches different phonemes to débutant level (beginner students), it presents staged materials of verb and subject conjugation, it is condensed with exercses, it demands active participation of the students, it applies action-based teaching characterized with a final project that has to be completed by the students at the end of the unit, it is provided with livre de professeur (guide pédagogique), it is written by a group of experts, and it is cheaper than other French textbooks. Meanwhile, the disadvantage of the textbook is that it does not provide not only the evaluation in the form of questionnaires, portfolios, or auto-evaluation tables, but also special preparation exercises for DELF A1.---- Buku ajar berperan penting dalam pembelajaran, termasuk bahasa asing. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya analisis buku ajar agar dapat memilih buku ajar yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengajar maupun pembelajar. Buku ajar yang dianalisis pada penelitian ini adalah Tendances A1 – Livre de l’élève yang merupakan buku ajar bahasa Perancis terbaru yang terbit pada tahun 2016. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui struktur, aspek kebahasaan, kelebihan, dan kekurangan buku ajar yang dimaksud. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa buku ajar tersebut terbagi ke dalam beberapa bagian, yaitu introduction, tableau des contenus, mode d’emploi, unités, leçons, dan annexes. Pembelajaran kosakata, fonetik dan fonologi, dan tata bahasa terdapat pada rubrik Réfléchissons..., Outils, dan rubrik khusus fonetik. Terdapat pula variasi bentuk latihan seperti exercices à trous, questionnaires à choix multiples, exercices vrai ou faux, dan exercices d’association. Kelebihan buku ajar tersebut yaitu : terdapat banyak gambar dan foto menarik dan berwarna yang dapat menambah minat pembelajar untuk belajar bahasa Perancis, pembelajaran kosakata tergabung langsung dalam soal latihan dan tidak berbentuk list, mengajarkan perbedaan fonem pada pembelajar tingkat pemula, menyajikan materi konjugasi kata kerja dengan subjek yang bertahap, padat akan soal latihan, menuntut partisipasi aktif pembelajar, menggunakan pendekatan pengajaran berbasis tindakan (approche actionnelle) yang ditandai oleh adanya projet à atteindre (tugas akhir) yang harus dicapai oleh pembelajar pada akhir unité, dilengkapi dengan livre de professeur (guide pédagogique), ditulis oleh para ahli yang berpengalaman, dan memiliki harga yang murah. Kekurangan buku ajar tersebut yakni tidak menyediakan evaluasi berupa kuesioner, portofolio, atau tabel auto-evaluasi, juga latihan persiapan khusus untuk DELF A1


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    The State of Indonesia is a unitary state blessed with diversity, which consists of race, ethnicity, religion, language and culture which form one unit, namely the Indonesian nation. This pluralism can be found in all regions in Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke, and is an inseparable part of the Indonesian nation. With this plurality, it does not rule out the possibility of conflict due to differences. Therefore, the role of Pancasila as a nation unifier is very much needed in the midst of this pluralism. The purpose of this research is to provide information about the importance of applying Pancasila values in the midst of pluralism. This research method uses literature study by reading and gathering information from reference journals and from other reference sources that are relevant to the subject matter to be discussed

    Workshop Pemanfaatan Articulate Storyline Bagi Guru Untuk Mengembangkan Media Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi

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    The Workshop on Using Articulate Storyline to develop learning media for Junior High School Teachers in Agam Regency aims to provide training for teachers so that they are able to develop their own learning media according to the characteristics of their students. This activity was successful in increasing teachers' conceptual understanding and practical skills in integrating learning technology. Post-workshop evaluation revealed significant improvements in teachers' conceptual understanding regarding the use of Articulate Storyline for online and/or digital learning at the Junior High School level. Participants gain in-depth insight into the user interface, key features, and potential applications. In addition, this workshop was effective in improving participants' practical skills, including designing interactive learning materials, selecting appropriate media, and integrating multimedia elements. The result is that teachers feel more confident and ready to face the challenges of online and/or digital learning and are able to create more dynamic learning. The transformation of the teaching paradigm is the main highlight, namely teachers experiencing a positive shift in their approach to technology in everyday teaching. This workshop not only provides technical expertise, but also creates the foundation for a mutually supportive and inspiring learning community in Agam Regency. Overall, this workshop succeeded in creating a positive and sustainable impact in improving the skills and learning approaches of junior high school teachers in Agam Regency


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    Seagrass bed on Karang Tirtas's coast consist of two species of seagrass namely Thalassia hemprichii and Enhalus acoroides. Thalassia hemprichii is the most dominating species with a frequency to be found about 96,3% while the frequency of Enhalus acoroides is 3,7%. Seagrass has ± 14 hektar distribution area with the pattern of distribution in group. The coverage of seagrass in Karang tirta's coastal included into poor cathegory. Meanwhile, the seagrass bed  is one of the important ecosystem in  the coastal area that are habitat for some other species and carbon sinc. Physical chemical factor's water of Karang Tirta's coastal area can support the growth of seagrass well except the temperature factor that is high. &nbsp