8 research outputs found

    WEB Based Applications Testing: Analytical Approach towards Model Based Testing and Fuzz Testing

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    Web-based applications are complex in the structure which results in facing an immense amount of exploiting attacks, so testing should be done in a proactive way in order to identify threats in the applications. The intruder can explore these security loopholes and may exploit the application which results in economical lose, so testing the application becomes a supreme phase of development.  The main objective of testing is to secure the contents of applications either through static or automatic approach. The software houses usually follow fuzz based testing in which flaws can be explored by randomly inputting invalid data while on the other hand model-based testing is the automated approach which tests the applications from all perspectives on the basis of an abstract model of the application. The main theme of this research is to study the difference between fuzz based testing and MBT in terms of test coverage, performance, cost and time. This research work guides the web application practitioner in the selection of suitable methodology for different testing scenarios which save efforts imparted on testing and develop better and breaches free product.


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    The study area is located in the arid section of Punjab province, Pakistan. The accessibility of freshwater is the main problem in this area. The area is mainly flat and alluvial deposits are present down to 800 m. The groundwater is not fit for drinking because of its salinity. Hence, it is essential to mark the transition between fresh water and saltwater. Resistivity models were used to locate freshwater areas. The saltwater areas are between 10 and 30 m deep. Salt flats and clayrich deposits are visible on resistivity maps and were identified by low resistance values. After linking resistivity data and maps, it is determined that the south portion of the area has a freshwater aquifer, especially at a depth of 200 m. At this depth, the quality of water is very good, regardless of its mild salinity in some areas. The margin between salty and freshwater is set to no degree. This is dependent upon the recharge and usage of an aquifer. Groundwater pollution poses a severe threat to the city’s residents. Results from the physio-chemical analysis of the water samples confirm the presence of arsenic in excessive amounts in water samples and are outside the limits set by the WHO and NDWQS. Just two out of 10 samples are within the limits for safe drinking water. The results of this research are valued for groundwater management and the installation of tubular wells in freshwater areas for households and irrigation purposes.Istraživano područje smješteno je u pustinjskome dijelu provincije Punjab u Pakistanu, obilježenome nedostatkom pitke vode. Područje je najvećim dijelom zaravnjeno i prekriveno aluvijem koji mjestimice može dosegnuti i 800 m debljine. Podzemna voda nije pogodna za piće zbog slanosti. Stoga je iznimno važno prepoznati prijelaznu zonu između slatke i slane vode. Za lociranje slatkovodnih područja korišteni su modeli otpornosti. Područja slane vode duboka su između 10 i 30 m. Taložine soli i gline opažaju se na kartama otpornosti niskim vrijednostima otpora. Uočeno je kako se na jugu područja javljaju vodonosnici slatke vode, čak na dubini od 200 m, s vrlo dobrom kvalitetom vode, uz rijetku pojavu bočatosti. Granicu između slatke i slane vode nije moguće jednoznačno odrediti, a ovisi o dotoku i uporabi vodonosnika. Njihovo zagađenje može biti ozbiljan problem, poglavito za gradska područja. Rezultati fizičko-kemijske analize pokazali su nazočnost prevelikih količina arsena, tj. u granicama iznad dopuštenih klasifikacijama WHO-a i NDWQS-a. Od 10 samo su 2 uzorka bila u granicama koje određuju pitku vodu. Rezultati su vrijedan doprinos za gospodarenje tom podzemnom vodom te projektiranje bušotina kojima bi se pitka/slatka voda dovodila kućanstvima ili koristila za navodnjavanje

    Growth response of four dominant conifer species in moist temperate region of Pakistan (Ayubia National Park)

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    Dendrochronological potential of conifers from Ayubia National Park, Pakistan was determined. A total of four conifer species (Abies pindrow (Royle ex D. Don), Cedrus deodara (Roxb. ex D. Don), Pinus wallichiana A.B. Jacks. and Taxus baccata L.) were studied from different elevations. Comparative analysis of DBH-growth rate and DBH-age were performed among the species with maximum age showed by A. pindrow of 456 years with 0.01 cm/year growth rate. P. wallichiana was found to be fast growing with 0.05 cm/year growth among other species while C. deodara trees were having the strongest correlation between their age and DBH values (R2= 0.9225). Quality of cross dating and accuracy of tree ring measurements was checked by COFECHA. Mean sensitivity of all species ranges from 0.265 to 0.328 with auto-correlations range from 0.562 to 0.712 which specified the dendrochronological significance of these conifers. ARSTAN program was used for autoregressive modeling to remove any possible variance other than climatic disturbance and to standardize the tree ring chronologies. Tree-ring variations were evident among all the cores possessing distinct wide and narrow fluctuations of ring growth with A. pindrow (Avg. mean ring width = 1.46 mm) and T. baccata (Avg. mean ring width = 1.80 mm). All the conifer species showed good climatic signals in their tree ring measurements and are valuable for the dendroclimatic growth response investigations

    Investigation of Metabolome Underlying the Biological Mechanisms of Acute Heat Stressed Granulosa Cells

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    Heat stress affects granulosa cells and the ovarian follicular microenvironment, ultimately resulting in poor oocyte developmental competence. This study aims to investigate the metabo-lomics response of bovine granulosa cells (bGCs) to in vitro acute heat stress of 43 °C. Heat stress triggers oxidative stress-mediated apoptosis in cultured bGCs. Heat-stressed bGCs exhibited a time-dependent recovery of proliferation potential by 48 h. A total of 119 metabolites were identified through LC–MS/MS-based metabolomics of the spent culture media, out of which, 37 metabolites were determined as differentially involved in metabolic pathways related to bioenergetics support mechanisms and the physical adaptations of bGCs. Multiple analyses of metabolome data identified choline, citric acid, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaric acid, glutamine, and glycocyamine as being upregulated, while galactosamine, AICAR, ciliatine, 16-hydroxyhexadecanoic acid, lysine, succinic acid, uridine, xanthine, and uraconic acid were the important downregulated metabolites in acute heat stress. These differential metabolites were implicated in various important metabolic pathways directed towards bioenergetics support mechanisms including glycerophospholipid metabolism, the citrate cycle (TCA cycle), glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism, and serine, threonine, and tyrosine metabolism. Our study presents important metabolites and metabolic pathways involved in the adaptation of bGCs to acute heat stress in vitro

    Antibiotics, Acid and Heat Tolerance of Honey adapted Escherichia coli, Salmonella Typhi and Klebsiella pneumoniae

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    The medicinal importance of honey has been known for many decades due to its antimicrobial properties against life-threatening bacteria. However, previous studies revealed that microorganisms are able to develop adaptations after continuous exposure to antimicrobial compounds. The present study was conducted to explore the impact of subinhibitory concentrations of branded honey (Marhaba) and unbranded honey (extracted from Ziziphus mauritiana plant) locally available in Pakistan on Escherichia coli ATCC 10536, Salmonella Typhi and Klebsiella pneumoniae by investigating the development of self- or cross-resistance to antibiotics (gentamicin, kanamycin and imipenem). Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of autoclaved honeys were determined. The bacterial cells of E. coli ATCC 10536, S. Typhi and K. pneumoniae were subjected to honey adaptation by exposing to ¼ × MIC (4 passages) and ½ × MIC (4 passages) of both honeys. Moreover, tolerance to low pH and high temperature was also studied in adapted and unadapted cells. The decreasing trend in growth pattern (OD600nm) of E. coli ATCC 10536, S. Typhi and K. pneumoniae was observed with increases in the concentration of honeys (6.25–50% v/v) respectively. Our results showed that continuous exposure of both honeys did not lead to the development of any self- or cross-resistance in tested bacteria. However, percent survival to low pH was found to be significantly higher in adapted cells as compared to unadapted cells. The results indicate that both branded honey (Marhaba) and unbranded honey (extracted from Ziziphus mauritiana plant) were effective in controlling the growth of tested pathogenic bacteria. However, the emergence of tolerance to adverse conditions (pH 2.5, temperature 60 °C) deserves further investigation before proposing honey as a better antibacterial agent in food fabrication/processing, where low pH and high temperatures are usually implemented