75 research outputs found

    Relationship between homopolar inductor machine and wound-field synchronous machine

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    The homopolar inductor machine (HIM) has attracted recent interest in the field of flywheel energy storage system due to its merits of robust rotor and low idling losses. In some situations, the analytical methods of a conventional wound-field synchronous machine (WSM) can be used to analyze the HIM, but the clear explanation about why these can be done and the relationship between HIM and WSM were not given in the literature. To address these issues, this paper studies the HIM based on the basic theoretical model and equations. Firstly, the structure and magnetic circuit characteristics of HIM are introduced. Secondly, the mathematical model of HIM is derived and then decomposed, which indicates that the HIM can be seen as a WSM with large end leakage inductance when rotor tooth width Ξt≀π/p , or a combination of WSM and synchronous reluctance machine (SynRM) when Ξt>π/p Thirdly, the performance indexes of HIM and corresponding equivalent machines, including air-gap flux density, back electromotive force and inductance parameters, are analyzed and fully compared. Finally, an HIM is prototyped and tested on an experimental platform. The simulation and experiment results show that it is reasonable to regard the HIM as a WSM or a combination of WSM and SynRM. The conclusion gives a transparent explanation about the relationship between HIM and WSM, which helps to simplify the analysis of the HIM

    Cardiac metastases

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    We report a case of esophageal cancer with symptomatic metastases to the heart; the patient was treated with short-course radiotherapy with good symptomatic relief. We reviewed the current literature regarding the epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnostic tools, treatment modalities, and the prognosis of cardiac metastases. In this report we summarize the most recent autopsy studies (published between 1975 and 2007), in which we found an autopsy incidence of cardiac metastases of 2.3% among the general population, while the incidence among autopsies of cancer patients was 7.1%. Therefore, we share the opinion with others that there has been an increase in the incidence of cardiac metastases among cancer patients diagnosed after 1970, in comparison with the reported incidences in older series before 1970 (7.1% vs 3.8%; Kruskal-Wallis rank test; P = 0.039). Special attention was given to the role of radiotherapy in the management of cardiac metastases

    Theory of charge transport in diffusive normal metal / unconventional singlet superconductor contacts

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    We analyze the transport properties of contacts between unconventional superconductor and normal diffusive metal in the framework of the extended circuit theory. We obtain a general boundary condition for the Keldysh-Nambu Green's functions at the interface that is valid for arbitrary transparencies of the interface. This allows us to investigate the voltage-dependent conductance (conductance spectrum) of a diffusive normal metal (DN)/ unconventional singlet superconductor junction in both ballistic and diffusive cases. For d-wave superconductor, we calculate conductance spectra numerically for different orientations of the junctions, resistances, Thouless energies in DN, and transparencies of the interface. We demonstrate that conductance spectra exhibit a variety of features including a VV-shaped gap-like structure, zero bias conductance peak (ZBCP) and zero bias conductance dip (ZBCD). We show that two distinct mechanisms: (i) coherent Andreev reflection (CAR) in DN and (ii) formation of midgap Andreev bound state (MABS) at the interface of d-wave superconductors, are responsible for ZBCP, their relative importance being dependent on the angle α\alpha between the interface normal and the crystal axis of d-wave superconductors. For α=0\alpha=0, the ZBCP is due to CAR in the junctions of low transparency with small Thouless energies, this is similar to the case of diffusive normal metal / insulator /s-wave superconductor junctions. With increase of α\alpha from zero to π/4\pi/4, the MABS contribution to ZBCP becomes more prominent and the effect of CAR is gradually suppressed. Such complex spectral features shall be observable in conductance spectra of realistic high-TcT_c junctions at very low temperature

    Critical behavior of the two-dimensional N-component Landau-Ginzburg Hamiltonian with cubic anisotropy

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    We study the two-dimensional N-component Landau-Ginzburg Hamiltonian with cubic anisotropy. We compute and analyze the fixed-dimension perturbative expansion of the renormalization-group functions to four loops. The relations of these models with N-color Ashkin-Teller models, discrete cubic models, planar model with fourth order anisotropy, and structural phase transition in adsorbed monolayers are discussed. Our results for N=2 (XY model with cubic anisotropy) are compatible with the existence of a line of fixed points joining the Ising and the O(2) fixed points. Along this line the exponent η\eta has the constant value 1/4, while the exponent Îœ\nu runs in a continuous and monotonic way from 1 to ∞\infty (from Ising to O(2)). For N\geq 3 we find a cubic fixed point in the region u,v≄0u, v \geq 0, which is marginally stable or unstable according to the sign of the perturbation. For the physical relevant case of N=3 we find the exponents η=0.17(8)\eta=0.17(8) and Îœ=1.3(3)\nu=1.3(3) at the cubic transition.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Quantifying atmospheric nitrogen deposition through a nationwide monitoring network across China

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    A Nationwide Nitrogen Deposition Monitoring Network (NNDMN) containing 43 monitoring sites was established in China to measure gaseous NH3, NO2, and HNO3 and particulate NH4+ and NO3− in air and/or precipitation from 2010 to 2014. Wet/bulk deposition fluxes of Nr species were collected by precipitation gauge method and measured by continuous-flow analyzer; dry deposition fluxes were estimated using airborne concentration measurements and inferential models. Our observations reveal large spatial variations of atmospheric Nr concentrations and dry and wet/bulk Nr deposition. On a national basis, the annual average concentrations (1.3–47.0 ÎŒg N m−3) and dry plus wet/bulk deposition fluxes (2.9–83.3 kg N ha−1 yr−1) of inorganic Nr species are ranked by land use as urban > rural > background sites and by regions as north China > southeast China > southwest China > northeast China > northwest China > Tibetan Plateau, reflecting the impact of anthropogenic Nr emission. Average dry and wet/bulk N deposition fluxes were 20.6 ± 11.2 (mean ± standard deviation) and 19.3 ± 9.2 kg N ha−1 yr−1 across China, with reduced N deposition dominating both dry and wet/bulk deposition. Our results suggest atmospheric dry N deposition is equally important to wet/bulk N deposition at the national scale. Therefore, both deposition forms should be included when considering the impacts of N deposition on environment and ecosystem health

    Theory of charge transport in diffusive normal metal / conventional superconductor point contacts

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    Tunneling conductance in diffusive normal metal / insulator / s-wave superconductor (DN/I/S) junctions is calculated for various situations by changing the magnitudes of the resistance and Thouless energy in DN and the transparency of the insulating barrier. The generalized boundary condition introduced by Yu. Nazarov [Superlattices and Microstructures 25 1221 (1999)] is applied, where the ballistic theory by Blonder Tinkham and Klapwijk (BTK) and the diffusive theory by Volkov Zaitsev and Klapwijk based on the boundary condition of Kupriyanov and Lukichev (KL) are naturally reproduced. It is shown that the proximity effect can enhance (reduce) the tunneling conductance for junctions with a low (high) transparency. A wide variety of dependencies of tunneling conductance on voltage bias is demonstrated including a UU-shaped gap like structure, a zero bias conductance peak (ZBCP) and a zero bias conductance dip (ZBCD)

    Periodicities in the Daily Proton Fluxes from 2011 to 2019 Measured by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station from 1 to 100 GV

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    We present the precision measurement of the daily proton fluxes in cosmic rays from May 20, 2011 to October 29, 2019 (a total of 2824 days or 114 Bartels rotations) in the rigidity interval from 1 to 100 GV based on 5.5×109 protons collected with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer aboard the International Space Station. The proton fluxes exhibit variations on multiple timescales. From 2014 to 2018, we observed recurrent flux variations with a period of 27 days. Shorter periods of 9 days and 13.5 days are observed in 2016. The strength of all three periodicities changes with time and rigidity. The rigidity dependence of the 27-day periodicity is different from the rigidity dependences of 9-day and 13.5-day periods. Unexpectedly, the strength of 9-day and 13.5-day periodicities increases with increasing rigidities up to ∌10 GV and ∌20 GV, respectively. Then the strength of the periodicities decreases with increasing rigidity up to 100 GV.</p

    Precision Measurement of the Proton Flux in Primary Cosmic Rays from Rigidity 1 GV to 1.8 TV with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station

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    A precise measurement of the proton flux in primary cosmic rays with rigidity (momentum/charge) from 1 GV to 1.8 TV is presented based on 300 million events. Knowledge of the rigidity dependence of the proton flux is important in understanding the origin, acceleration, and propagation of cosmic rays. We present the detailed variation with rigidity of the flux spectral index for the first time. The spectral index progressively hardens at high rigidities.</p
