34 research outputs found

    Вплив сполук сульфуру на гематологічні показники організму кролів

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    The article presents results on the influence of different amounts of sulfur citrate, manufactured using nanotechnology and sodium sulfate in rabbit diet from 60 to 118 days of age on the hematological parameters of their organism. Studies have been conducted on 30 rabbits of the Hyla hybrid divided into six groups (control and five experimental), 6 animals in each. Animals were kept in regulated microclimate and illumination in mesh cages of 50×120×30 cm. Controlled rabbits fed without restriction a balanced granulated feed with free access to water. The young of the first (E-II), the second (E-II), the third (E-III) and the fourth (E-IV) experimental groups feed the diet of the control group and, during the day, dispensed sulfur citrate from the calculation of 2; 4; 8 and 12 mg S/kg body weight. Rabbits (E-V) of the experimental group fed the diet of the control group and set water with sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) in the amount of 40 mg S/kg body weight. In the preparatory period – 60 days and in the experimental period – at 91 and 118 days of life (31 and 58 days of delivery of supplements), blood samples were collected from the regional anterior vein of rabbits for hematological studies performed using an automatic hematologic analyzer (Orphee Mythic-18, Switzerland). Researches have shown that the administration of citrate sulfur in the amount of 8 mg S/kg of body weight was marked by a greater number of red blood cells and leukocytes, respectively, by 13.4 and 23.3% (P < 0.05) and with a higher level of HCT at 16.2% (P < 0.05), MCH, RDV and MCHC, respectively, 11.1; 14.5 and 2.6% (P < 0.05) on day 58 of the experiment compared with the control group. In the blood of animals in the 2nd experimental group, a higher concentration of hemoglobin (Р < 0.05) was observed at 31 days and a higher HCT (Р < 0.05) level was 58 days compared to control. Thus, the results of the study of the hematological parameters of the body of rabbits indicate their positive changes in the actions of the physiologically substantiated amount of organic sulfur, which contributed to the activation of metabolic processes.У статті наведено дані щодо впливу різних кількостей цитрату сульфуру, виготовленого за допомогою нанотехнології та сульфату натрію у раціоні кролів з 60 до 118-добового віку на гематологічні показники їхнього організму. Дослідження проведені на 30 кроликах породних гібридів Hyla розділених на шість груп (контрольна і п'ять дослідних), по 6 тварин (самців) у кожній. Тварин утримували в приміщенні з регульованим мікрокліматом та освітленням у сітчастих клітках розміром 50×120×30 см. Кролям контрольної групи згодовували без обмеження збалансований гранульований комбікорм з вільним доступом до води. Молодняку першої (Д-І), другої (Д-ІІ), третьої (Д-ІІІ) і четвертої (Д-ІV) дослідних груп згодовували корми раціону контрольної групи і впродовж доби випоювали цитрат сульфуру з розрахунку відповідно 2; 4; 8 і 12 мг S/кг маси тіла. Кролям (Д-V) дослідної групи згодовували корми раціону контрольної групи і з водою задавали сульфат натрію (Na2SO4) в кількості 40 мг S/кг маси тіла. У підготовчому періоді – на 60 добу і в дослідному – на 91 та 118 доби життя (31 та 58 доби випоювання добавок) відбирали зразки крові з крайової вушної вени кролів для гематологічних досліджень, які проводили за допомогою автоматичного гематологічного аналізатора (“Orphee Mythic 18”, Швейцарія). Дослідженнями встановлено, що введення у раціон кролів сульфуру цитрату у кількості 8 мг S/кг маси тіла відзначилося більшою кількістю еритроцитів і лейкоцитів відповідно на 13,4 і 23,3% (Р < 0,05) та вищим відносним вмістом гематокритної величини на 16,2% (Р < 0,05), середнього вмісту гемоглобіну в еритроциті, ширини розподілу еритроцитів і концентрації гемоглобіну в еритроциті відповідно на 11,1; 14,5 і 2,6% (Р < 0,05) на 58 добу експерименту порівняно з контрольною групою. У крові тварин ІІ дослідної групи відзначено більшу (Р < 0,05) концентрацію гемоглобіну на 31 добу та вищий рівень (Р < 0,05) гематокритної величини на 58 добу дослідження порівняно з контролем. Таким чином, результати дослідження гематологічних показників кролів вказують на позитивні їх зміни, що були більше вираженими за дії фізіологічно обгрунтованої кількості органічної сполуки сульфуру, 8 мг S/кг маси тіла, і сприяли активації процесів метаболізму в їхньому організмі

    Genes Involved in Systemic and Arterial Bed Dependent Atherosclerosis - Tampere Vascular Study

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    BACKGROUND: Atherosclerosis is a complex disease with hundreds of genes influencing its progression. In addition, the phenotype of the disease varies significantly depending on the arterial bed. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We characterized the genes generally involved in human advanced atherosclerotic (AHA type V-VI) plaques in carotid and femoral arteries as well as aortas from 24 subjects of Tampere Vascular study and compared the results to non-atherosclerotic internal thoracic arteries (n=6) using genome-wide expression array and QRT-PCR. In addition we determined genes that were typical for each arterial plaque studied. To gain a comprehensive insight into the pathologic processes in the plaques we also analyzed pathways and gene sets dysregulated in this disease using gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA). According to the selection criteria used (>3.0 fold change and p-value <0.05), 235 genes were up-regulated and 68 genes down-regulated in the carotid plaques, 242 genes up-regulated and 116 down-regulated in the femoral plaques and 256 genes up-regulated and 49 genes down-regulated in the aortic plaques. Nine genes were found to be specifically induced predominantly in aortic plaques, e.g., lactoferrin, and three genes in femoral plaques, e.g., chondroadherin, whereas no gene was found to be specific for carotid plaques. In pathway analysis, a total of 28 pathways or gene sets were found to be significantly dysregulated in atherosclerotic plaques (false discovery rate [FDR] <0.25). CONCLUSIONS: This study describes comprehensively the gene expression changes that generally prevail in human atherosclerotic plaques. In addition, site specific genes induced only in femoral or aortic plaques were found, reflecting that atherosclerotic process has unique features in different vascular beds

    Oxidative Stress in Neurodegenerative Diseases

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    Periodic Motion of Rigid Body in Circular Orbit

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    The periodic rotations of a symmetric rigid body close to the flat motions are analytically determined. Their orbital stability is investigated. Calculations are done up to the second order terms of a small parameter

    Stanislaw Bielczyk - obituary

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    Comparative study of hydroxyapatite and hydroxyapatite mixed with bioglass coatings of metallic implants, deposited by PLD method

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    Hydroxyapatite and bioglasses are important bioactive materials as they exhibit direct bonding with human bone. Therefore they are used as coatings for metallic implants. The aim of the present study was to compare two types of layers: monophase hydroxyapatite (HA) and composite-type HA+BG hydroxyapatite mixed with bioglass (BG) (BG 50% of weight) during the initial stage of their interaction with cell medium. In vitro studies were performed in order to determine the effect of the investigated layers on cell response. After 3 and 7 days the behaviour of the cells grown on the above surfaces was estimated through determination of the cell adhesion (CV colorimetric assay). Cell morphology and properties of biomaterials surfaces were analysed by atomic force microscopy (AFM)

    Dermacentor reticulatus (Fabricius, 1794) and Babesia canis (Piana et Galli-Valerio, 1895) as the parasites of companion animals (dogs and cats) in the Wroclaw area, south-western Poland

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    Tests performed in 2013 and 2014 revealed the occurrence of three tick species parasitizing pet cats and dogs in the Wrocław Agglomeration. In total, 1,455 tick specimens were removed from 931 hosts (760 dogs and 171 cats) in 18 veterinary clinics. The dominant tick species was Ixodes ricinus (n=1272; 87.4%), followed by I. hexagonus (n=137; 9.4%) and Dermacentor reticulatus (n=46; 3.2%). Females were the most often collected development stage among I. ricinus and D. reticulatus, and nymphs among I. hexagonus. Additionally, D. reticulatus ticks (n=337) were then collected from vegetation in the Wrocław area to detect Babesia canis; however, none was found positive. Only 9.0% of dog blood samples sent to VETLAB were positive for Babesia spp. Negative results for B. canis from ticks may result from the short period of the occurrence of D. reticulatus in the Wrocław area and therefore the vectorpathogen cycle may not have been fully established at the time of the study. Nevertheless, D. reticulatus is expanding its range, and the size of its population in the Wrocław Agglomeration is increasing. The presence of the pathogenic Babesia spp. combined with the occurrence of its main vector¸ D. reticulatus, suggests that the epizootiological situation in the area can change and may pose a new veterinary problem in the future