502 research outputs found


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    The research carried out in experimental vineyard-collection at Faculty of Agriculture experimental field “Radmilovac“. Vineyard collection belongs to Šumadijsko-velikomoravski vineyard area, Belgrade sub-region and Grocka vineyard region. Rows were extending in southeast-northwest direction with line spacing of 3 m and 1 m between vines in row. In paper is presented data for 25 clones of Prokupac red vine variety (mechanical composition of berries and cluster, structural indicators of berries and bunches and qualitative parameters-sugar and acid content). Based on structural indicators, clones are grouped into 3 large groups. Clones 43/8 (284.46 g), 42/1 (232.93 g), 40/5 (239.9 g) and 40/2 (244.77 g) were emphasized by the largest cluster mass. With sugar content, clones 42/1 (23.6%), 43/5 (22.9%) and 43/6 (22.8%) were exclude

    Influence of a trout farm on macrozoobenthos communities of the Trešnjica river, Serbia

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    Trout farming poses an increasing threat to quality of the water of clean highland streams. Research of this problem has focused primarily on changes in physico-chemical composition of the water and structure of the river bottom, and less on the effects on living organisms. In the present work, we investigated influence of the farm with the highest trout production in Serbia, the 'Riboteks' Trout Farm on the Trešnjica River, on its macrozoobenthos communities. Our investigations showed that the 'Riboteks' Trout Farm wastewaters caused a clear and statistically significant change of moderate intensity in all measured parameters describing the composition and structure of macrozoobenthos communities. These changes were most pronounced in the part of the watercourse closest to the influx of waste water (locality III) but remained statistically significant even 500 m downstream (locality IV) and were lost only about 3.5 km away from the influx of the farm's wastewater (locality V). The most pronounced were changes in the participation in total abundance of the Baetidae, Chironomidae, and Plecoptera. Additionally, results of the present work confirmed that the mass of fish on the trout farm is a parameter that adequately defines the strength of its action, above all the intensity of its influence on structure of the macrozoobenthos community

    Developing a model of in-depth analysis of road accidents based on contributory factors

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    Стање безбедности саобраћаја у свету и даље задржава тенденцију погоршања, о чему говоре и последњи извештаји Светске здравствене орга-низације, који показују да је број смртно страдалих у саобраћајним незгодама и поред низа предузетих активности на годишњем светском нивоу, прешао 1,35 милиона људи (WHO, 2019). Иако је до сада постигнут завидан ниво свести о овом проблему, у већини држава није смањено страдање у саобраћају. Ово јасно указује да проблем безбедности саобраћаја, настанка саобраћајних незгода и страдања у саобраћају, још није довољно разјашњен, као ни мере које ће дати адекватне резултате. За дефинисање квалитених превентивних мера и активности, поред неизоставне подршке на свим др-жавним нивоима, неопходно је и квалитетно сагледавање проблема...According to the latest reports of the World Health Organization (WHO, 2019), the worsening trend of road safety continues world-wide, accounting for over 1.35 million road fatalities, in spite of a series of measures already undertaken at global level. Although an enviable level of awareness of the road safety problems has been achieved to date, majority of states have not succeeded in reducing the number of road casualties. This is a clear indication that road safety problems, the occurrence of road accidents and road casualties, as well as the measures that are likely to yield adequate results, have not been yet clarified sufficiently. In addition to the indispensable support at all state levels, defining quality prevention measures and activities requires understanding of road safety problems in a quality manner..

    Competitivenes and financial effects of cross border acquisitions in Serbia

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    Proces globalizacije znacajno je ubrzan tokom prethodne dve decenije. Njegova glavna karakteristika je nastanak novog poslovnog okruženja. Novo poslovno okruženje se sa jedne strane odlikuje obiljem poslovnih prilika, usled dostupnosti novih tržišta, a sa druge obiljem opasnosti, usled izloženosti globalnoj konkurenciji. Kompanije su na promenjen poslovni ambijent reagovale internacionalizacijom poslovanja, a sve u cilju korišcenja mogucnosti koje su se otvorile i adekvatnog upravljanja rizikom poslovanja. U ovom periodu investicione strategije internacionalizacije, a narocito medunarodna preuzimanja, dobila su na svojoj atraktivnosti i znacaju. Liberalizacijom regulative koja se odnosi na inostrane investicije, narocito kroz masovne privatizacije, državni organi bivših socijalistickih zemalja, ukljucujuci i Srbiju, kreirali su pretpostavke za dinamican razvoj medunarodnih preuzimanja. Usled neefikasnog institucionalnog i specificnog poslovnog ambijenta u tranzicionim zemljama, inace složen proces medunarodnih preuzimanja postaje još kompleksniji. U okviru disertacije bice izložen strategijski model planiranja i implementacije medunarodnih preuzimanja cija bi primena trebalo da doprinese kreiranju vrednosti za vlasnike. Nakon toga bice analizirani efekti medunarodnih preuzimanja u Srbiji na nacionalni izvoz kao i izvoz preuzetih kompanija, razvoj finansijskog položaja preuzetih kompanija i konacno efekti transferisanja medunarodnih standarda poslovanja kao izuzetno znacajne imovine nematerijalnog karaktera.The proces of globalization have been accelerated significantly over the past two decades. New business environment stemmed from globalization as its most prominent and most significant output. The new environment offers abundance of opportunities, yet competition in global field brings along variety of threats as well. In response to these new circumstances, companies decided to internationalize their operations and thus reap benefits from the new opportunities and properly manage business risks. International investment strategies, especially international acquisitions, mark rising attractiveness and importance in this period. Governments in ex socialist countries, including Serbia, liberalized foreign investment regulations, mainly through mass privatizations, and thus set the bases for dynamic development of international acquisitions. The process of international acquisitions already being very complex became even more intricate due to inefficient institutions and specific business environment in transition economies. This dissertation defines the strategic model for planning and implementation of international acquisitions whose practical application is expected to make contribution to shareholder value creation. The effects international acquisitions in Serbia had on national export, export and development of financial performances of acquired companies, and the effects of passing on global business practices, as a highly significant intangible asset, are then analyzed

    Interakcija mezenhimskih matičnih ćelija iz periapeksnih lezija i fagocita

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    In this PhD thesis the interactions of mesenchymal stem cells from periapical lesions (PL-MSC) with inflammatory cells and phagocytes (granulocytes and macrophages) were examined in vitro, trough phenotypic changes, cytokines production, differentiation, apoptosis and NET-osis. The effects were investigated in direct cell-to-cell contacts and in transwell system. In order to imitate the most reliable settings like in vivo conditions, co-cultures were treated with pro-inflammatory stimuli. It has been shown that PL-MSC possess fibroblast-like morphology, have great capacity for self renewing, form colonies with exponential growth rate, differentiate into osteoblasts, chondrocytes and adypocytes and express markers typical for other dental MSC. Based on histological analysis and literature data about other MSC, it could be postulated that PL-MSC resides within the subpopulation of pericytes. LPS, Poly I:C, Pam3CSK4 and cytokine cocktail (IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-6) with PGE2 up-regulate the expression of CD73 and IDO-1 molecules, but differently modulate cytokine production by PL-MSC. PL-MSC up-regulate the production of immunoregulatory cytokines by total inflammatory cells (IC) from PL. PL-MSC isolated from clinically different lesions, down-modulate the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, but up-regulate the production of immunoregulatory cytokines by mononuclear cells in PL. PL-MSC (pericytes) form close contacts with granulocytes and macrophages in situ, which could trigger their cross-talk interactions. Namely, PL-MSC down-modulate the production of TNF-α by native and activated (LPS, fMLP) granulocytes and inhibit their apoptosis, where IL-6 has a dominant role. On the other side, granulocytes stimulate the production of IL-6 by PL-MSC. NET differently modulated the production of cytokines panel by PL-MSC in culture, but PL-MSC do not affect NET-osis. PL-MSC pollarized spontaneously differentiated macrophages (sMØ) towards M1, and M-CSF (mMØ)- or GM-CSF (gmMØ)- induced macrophages towards M2 phenotype. Generally, despite anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive potential, PL-MSC promote certain inflammatory reactions in PL, via cross-talk with phagocytes, suggesting their functional plasticity

    Sentinel lymph node biopsy in differentiated thyroid carcinoma in decision for selective modified lateral neck dissection

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    Uvod: Diferentovani tiroidni karcinomi (DTK) čine do 90% svih tiroidnih maligniteta i najčešći su primarni maligniteti endokrinog sistema. Njihova učestalost je u značajnom porastu u poslednje tri decenije, a posebno malih papilarnih tiroidnih karcinoma (PTK). U vreme dijagnoze učestalost okultnih limfonodalnih metastaza (LNM) iznosi od 80 do 90%. U poslednjih 15 godina, LNM su prepoznate kao loš prognostički faktor za pojavu lokoregionalnog relapsa bolesti (LRR) i kancer-specifičnog preživljavanja. Postoji generalna saglasnost da su disekcije vrata indikovane kod klinički suspektnih LNM. Predmet aktuelnih kontroverzi predstavlja hirurški postupak sa okultnim LNM koje preoperativnom dijagnostikom ostaju neprepoznate (cN0). Opseg operacije na limfnim nodusima kreće se od teorije „sačekati i videti” takozvane „zapadne škole” argumentovane ulogom primene ablativne terapije J131 i učestalošću peroperativnih komplikacija (povrede povratnog laringealnog nerva i hipoparatireoidizma) posebno kod manje iskusnih timova, do obostranih profilaktičkih disekcija centralne i lateralne regije vrata takozvane „japanske škole” zbog ograničene upotrebe radioaktivnog joda u terapijske svrhe kao i značajno manjeg operativnog morbiditeta ukoliko se disekcija uradi u primarnom aktu. Uprkos visokoj prevalenci okultnih LNM, postojeće kontroverze u dijagnostici, dugoročnom prognostičkom značaju i opsegu operacija na limfnim nodusima, motivisale su neke autore da koncept provere stražarskih limfnih nodusa (SLN) primene kod pacijenata sa DTK, imajući u vidu odlične rezultate kod karcinoma dojke i melanoma kože. Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se ispita da li je intraoperativno markiranje metilen plavim i provera stražarskih limfnih nodusa pouzdana metoda u detekciji limfonodalnih metastaza u lateralnoj regiji vrata prilikom donošenja odluke za selektivnu modifikovanu lateralnu disekciju vrata pacijenata sa diferentovanim tiroidnim karcinomom sa klinički nezahvaćenim limfnim nodusima...Introduction: Differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC) account up to 90% of all thyroid malignacies, and represents the most common malignant tumors of endocrine system. The incidence of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC), especially small tumors is rapidly increasing during past three decades. At the time of diagnosis, the incidence of occult lymph node metastases (LNM) ranges from 80 to 90%. During the last 15 years, LNM were recognized as bad prognostic factor for both local-regional relapse (LRR) and cancer specific survival. There is general agreement that neck dissections are indicated in cases of clinically apparent LNM. The subject of the current controversy is the surgical treatment of occult LNM that remain unrecognized on preoperative diagnosis (cN0). The extent of operations of the lymph nodes ranges from "wait and see" socalled "Western school" principle substantiated the role of applying ablative I131therapy and frequency peroperative complications (recurrent laryngeal nerve injury and hypoparathyroidism), especially for less experienced teams to mutual prophylactic dissection of the central and lateral compartments so-called "Japanese school " due to the limited use of radioactive iodine therapy and significantly lower operating morbidity if dissetion was done during primary operation. Despite high prevalence of occult LNM, existing controversies regarding diagnosis, longterm prognostic impact and extent of lymph node surgery, motivated some authors to apply consept of sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNb) in DTC, taking into account excellent results of SLN concept in breast cancer and skin melanoma. Aim: Aim of this study was to investigate is intraoperative mapping with methylen blue dye and sentinel lymph node biopsy accurate method in detection of LNM in lateral neck compartment and may help in decision for selective modified lateral neck dissection in patients with DTC with clinically negative lymph nodes (cN0)..

    Sinteza katjonskih ligno-celuloznih sorbenata i primena za uklanjanje anjonskih polutanata iz vode

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    Тhe aim of this dissertation was the development of new cationic sorbents, based on a modified lignocellulosic precursor (shell of L. vulgaris as a cheap and easily available plant material), intended for the removal of anionic pollutants from water, primarily phosphate and nitrate as the causative agents of eutrophication. Two original cationic sorbents (KALV and LVAT-CTAC), obtained by the developed procedures (chemical synthesis and surfactant grafting, respectively), were characterized using different methods (CHNS/O, pHPZC, FTIR, SEM-EDS). Sorption tests have shown that both sorbents can be used to remove phosphate and nitrate from the aqueous solutions. Sorbent LVAT-CTAC (based on surfactant) resulted in a maximum removal efficiency of 46% for phosphate, and 22% for nitrate. Sorbent KALV (based on ammonium agent) showed greater removal efficiency of investigated anions (88% for phosphate, and 79% for nitrate). Under optimal conditions, the maximum sorption capacity of KALV for phosphate was 17.85 mg/g, and 16.53 mg/g for the sorption of nitrate. The sorption process is complex in nature (ionic exchange and physical sorption), and takes place in a mixed reaction-diffusion regime. The kinetics of the anions sorption indicates that the results are the best fitted with the non-linear pseudo first-order model. The equilibrium study shows that the phosphate sorption can be best described by Freundlich and Sips isotherms, while the nitrate sorption is better described by Langmuir and Sips models. Thermodynamic parameters confirm that the anions sorption is exothermic and spontaneous in the temperature range of 20-40 oC. At higher temperatures, desorption of the anions from the sorbent surface is favored. The effect of coexisting anions in the solution on the sorption capacity of KALV decreases in the order of: H2PO4->NO3->SO42->Cl-. The possibility of regeneration and reuse of KALV sorbent was confirmed through five consecutive cycles of the sorption/desorption process. The exhausted sorbent with accumulated phosphates and nitrates can be used as a fertilizer to improve soil fertility

    Temperature controller optimization by computational intelligence

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    In this paper a temperature control system for an automated educational classroom is optimized with several advanced computationally intelligent methods. Controller development and optimization has been based on developed and extensively tested mathematical and simulation model of the observed object. For the observed object cascade P-PI temperature controller has been designed and conventionally tuned. To improve performance and energy efficiency of the system, several meta heuristic optimizations of the controller have been attempted, namely genetic algorithm optimization, simulated annealing optimization, particle swarm optimization and ant colony optimization. Efficiency of the best results obtained with proposed computationally intelligent optimization methods has been compared with conventional controller tuning. Results presented in this paper demonstrate that heuristic optimization of advanced temperature controller can provide improved energy efficiency along with other performance improvements and improvements regarding equipment wear. Not only that presented methodology provides for determination and tuning of the core controller, but it also allows that advanced control concepts such as anti-windup controller gain are optimized simultaneously, which is of significant importance since interrelation of all control system parameters has important influence on the stability and performance of the system as a whole. Based on the results obtained, general conclusions are presented indicating that meta heuristic computationally intelligent optimization of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning control systems is a feasible concept with strong potential in providing improved performance, comfort and energy efficiency

    Temperature controller optimization by computational intelligence

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    In this paper a temperature control system for an automated educational classroom is optimized with several advanced computationally intelligent methods. Controller development and optimization has been based on developed and extensively tested mathematical and simulation model of the observed object. For the observed object cascade P-PI temperature controller has been designed and conventionally tuned. To improve performance and energy efficiency of the system, several meta heuristic optimizations of the controller have been attempted, namely genetic algorithm optimization, simulated annealing optimization, particle swarm optimization and ant colony optimization. Efficiency of the best results obtained with proposed computationally intelligent optimization methods has been compared with conventional controller tuning. Results presented in this paper demonstrate that heuristic optimization of advanced temperature controller can provide improved energy efficiency along with other performance improvements and improvements regarding equipment wear. Not only that presented methodology provides for determination and tuning of the core controller, but it also allows that advanced control concepts such as anti-windup controller gain are optimized simultaneously, which is of significant importance since interrelation of all control system parameters has important influence on the stability and performance of the system as a whole. Based on the results obtained, general conclusions are presented indicating that meta heuristic computationally intelligent optimization of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning control systems is a feasible concept with strong potential in providing improved performance, comfort and energy efficiency