146 research outputs found

    Die Akrylatplatte als ästhetische Korrektur in der parodontalen Chirurgie

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    Pacijentica je bila nezadovoljna svojim izgledom, poslije izvođenja operacije sa apikalnom repo- zicijom režnja. Napravljena je akrilatna ploča (u području gornjih frontalnih zubi) kao estetska korekcija tog područja. Pacijentica je nosila akrilatnu ploču samo izvan kuće i u društvu. Nakon 4 mjeseca pacijentica se psihički adaptirala na svoj izgled i bez akrilatne ploče.One of our female patients was dissatisfied with her looks after surgery with apical reposition of the flap. An acrylic plate was made for this patient in the region of the upper frontal teeth as an aesthetic correction The patient wore the acrylic plate only when leaving the house and while having company. After 4 months the patient adjusted emotionally to her looks even without acrylic plate.Nach durchgeführter Operation mit apikaler Reposition des Lappens war die Patientin unzufrieden mit ihrem Aussehen. Für die aesthetische Korrektur wurde der Patientin eine Akrylatplatte im Gebiet der oberen Frontzähne angefertigt, welche sie nur in Gesellschaft und ausserhalb des Hauses trug. Nach vier Monaten hatte sich die Patientin an das Aussehen auch ohne Akrylatplatte adaptiert

    Karakterizacija sirodezmina izolovanih iz fitopatogene gljive Leptosphaeria maculans

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    The pathogenicity of phytopathogenic fungi is associated with phytotoxins, especially with their chemical nature and quantity. Sirodesmins are phytotoxins from the epipolythiodioxopiperazines group, produced by the fungus Leptosphaeria maculans, which are a cause of blackleg and stem canker in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). The aim of this work was to obtain a detailed chemical profile of sirodesmins in five fungal isolates (four from Vojvodina, Serbia, and one from the Centre for Agricultural Research, Rothamsted, UK). Sirodesmins showing different phytotoxicity on treated cotyledons of cv. Quinta were separated and detected by thin layer chromatography in all analysed isolates (L.m, C-3, St-5 and S-11) except K-113, which neither contained sirodesmin congeners nor did it exhibit activity. By use of high performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometer, it was possible to identify total of 10 sirodesmins, together with their precursor-phomamide. It was found that the dominant epipolythiodioxopiperazines of the investigated L. maculans isolates were sirodesmin PL, sirodesmin C, and their de-acetylated derivatives.Patogenost fitopatogenih gljiva povezana je sa fitotoksinima, a naročito sa njihovom hemijskom prirodom i količinom. Sirodezmini su fitotoksini iz grupe epipolitiodioksopiperazina, koje proizvodi gljiva Leptosphaeria maculans, uzročnik suve truleži korena i raka stabla uljane repice. Cilj ovog rada bila je detaljna hemijska karakterizacija sirodezmina u pet izolata gljiva (četiri iz Vojvodine i jedan iz Velike Britanije, Centar za poljoprivredna istraživanja, Rothamsted). Kod svih ispitivanih izolata (L. maculans, C-3, St-3, S-11), osim K-113 (koji nije sadržao sirodezmine niti pokazivao aktivnost) tankoslojnom hromatografijom su razdvojeni i detektovani sirodezmini koji su pokazali različitu fitotoksičnost na tretiranim kotiledonima sorte Quinta. Primenom tečne hromatografije visoke efikasnosti, kuplovane sa tandemskim masenim spektrometrom, bilo je moguće identifikovati ukupno 10 sirodezmina, kao i njihov prekursor - fomamid. Utvrđeno je da su dominantni epipolitio-dioksopiperazini ispitivanih izolata L. maculans sirodezmin PL, sirodezmin C i njihovi deacetilovani derivati

    Kserofilne mikopopulacije izolovane iz semena uljane repice

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    This paper presents the results of an investigation related to mycological populations of rapeseed samples produced in the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad (location: Rimski Šančevi, Novi Sad), with a special emphasis on the potentially toxigenic mycopopulations. Mycological investigations were performed on the samples that were treated with 4% solution of Na-hypochlorite, and on the ones that were not submitted to this treatment. Isolation and determination of total mould count was carried out using Dichloran Glycerol Agar (DG18). The identification of isolated moulds was done according to modern keys for fungal determination. From 20 untreated tested samples, 17 were contaminated with moulds (10.0 to 4.7x102 cfu/g). When the samples were treated with 4% solution of Na-hypochlorite, moulds were isolated only form 4 samples, and the total mould count ranged from 10.0 to 60.0 cfu/g. In the isolated mycopopulations, xerophilic moulds dominated, especially those from the genera Aspergillus, Eurotium and Penicillium. In the isolated mycopopulations, high degree of isolated species belonged to toxigenic species from the genera Alternaria, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Eurotium and Penicillium.U radu su data istraživanja vezana za mikološku populaciju u uzorcima uljane repice proizvedene u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo (lokacija Rimski Šančevi, Novi Sad), sa posebnim osvrtom na potencijalno toksigenu mikopopulaciju. Mikološka ispitivanja su izvedena u uzorcima koji su tretirani sa Na-hipohloritom, kao i u uzorcima koji nisu podvrgnuti ovom tretmanu. Izolacija i određivanje ukupnog broja plesni izvedeno je na Dixloran Glicerol agaru. Identifikacija izolovanih vrsta plesni izvedena je prema ključevima za determinaciju koji su opisani u literaturi. Od 20 ispitanih uzoraka u 17 je utvrđeno prisustvo plesni i ukupan broj se kretao do 10 do 4,7x102 cfu/g. Kada su uzorci tretirani 4% rastvorom Na-hipohlorita plesni su izolovane iz 4 uzorka, a ukupni broj plesni se kretao od 10,0 do 60,0 cfu/g. U izolovanoj mikopopulaciji dominirale su kserofilne vrste iz rodova Aspergillus, Eurotium i Penicillium. Izolovanu mikopopulaciju u visokom procentu činile se potencijalne toksigene vrste iz rodova Alternaria, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Eurotium i Penicillium

    A Monte Carlo simulation of ion transport at finite temperatures

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    We have developed a Monte Carlo simulation for ion transport in hot background gases, which is an alternative way of solving the corresponding Boltzmann equation that determines the distribution function of ions. We consider the limit of low ion densities when the distribution function of the background gas remains unchanged due to collision with ions. A special attention has been paid to properly treat the thermal motion of the host gas particles and their influence on ions, which is very important at low electric fields, when the mean ion energy is comparable to the thermal energy of the host gas. We found the conditional probability distribution of gas velocities that correspond to an ion of specific velocity which collides with a gas particle. Also, we have derived exact analytical formulas for piecewise calculation of the collision frequency integrals. We address the cases when the background gas is monocomponent and when it is a mixture of different gases. The developed techniques described here are required for Monte Carlo simulations of ion transport and for hybrid models of non-equilibrium plasmas. The range of energies where it is necessary to apply the technique has been defined. The results we obtained are in excellent agreement with the existing ones obtained by complementary methods. Having verified our algorithm, we were able to produce calculations for Ar+^+ ions in Ar and propose them as a new benchmark for thermal effects. The developed method is widely applicable for solving the Boltzmann equation that appears in many different contexts in physics.Comment: 14 page

    Antioxidant biomarker profile of chironomid larvae from carp ponds: Evaluation of the effects of different fish feeding patterns

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    A 102-day feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of four different fish feeding patterns on carp pond water quality and antioxidant biomarkers [superoxide dismutase (SOD), Catalase (CAT), Glutathione peroxidase (GPx), Glutathione reductase (GR), Glutathione S-transferase (GST) and Thiol groups (SH)], protein content and biomass of the midge Chironomus plumosus. Farmed fish were fed two commercial diets: Soprofish 25/7 Standard (containing 25% protein and 7 % fat) and Soprofish 32/7 Profi Effect (containing 32 % protein and 7 % fat). These feeds were combined during a feeding trial in four different feeding patterns, designated as A, B, C and D. In feeding pattern A, the fish received Soprofish 25/7 Standard throughout the experiment and in feeding pattern D, Soprofish 32/7 Profi Effect. During feeding patterns B and C, a mixed feeding pattern was used, alternating between lower and higher protein diets. The study revealed no significant effects (P > 0.05) of the feeding regimens on water quality, so their effects on C. plumosus larvae can be evaluated independently. The activities of the chironomid enzymes CAT and GR showed a clear statistically significant dependence on the feeding pattern (P 0.05). Overall, our results suggest that long-term supplementation with a highly concentrated protein diet may have preventive effects against oxidative stress and support the use of C. plumosus as a model for assessing the effects of organic pollution on pond zoobenthic fauna. © 202

    A CF4 based positron trap

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    All buffer-gas positron traps in use today rely on N2 as the primary trapping gas due to its conveniently placed a1Π{{\rm{a}}}^{1}{\rm{\Pi }} electronic excitation cross-section. The energy loss per excitation in this process is 8.5 eV, which is sufficient to capture positrons from low-energy moderated beams into a Penning-trap configuration of electric and magnetic fields. However, the energy range over which this cross-section is accessible overlaps with that for positronium (Ps) formation, resulting in inevitable losses and setting an intrinsic upper limit on the overall trapping efficiency of ~25%. In this paper we present a numerical simulation of a device that uses CF4 as the primary trapping gas, exploiting vibrational excitation as the main inelastic capture process. The threshold for such excitations is far below that for Ps formation and hence, in principle, a CF4 trap can be highly efficient; our simulations indicate that it may be possible to achieve trapping efficiencies as high as 90%. We also report the results of an attempt to re-purpose an existing two-stage N2-based buffer-gas positron trap. Operating the device using CF4 proved unsuccessful, which we attribute to back scattering and expansion of the positron beam following interactions with the CF4 gas, and an unfavourably broad longitudinal beam energy spread arising from the magnetic field differential between the source and trap regions. The observed performance was broadly consistent with subsequent simulations that included parameters specific to the test system, and we outline the modifications that would be required to realise efficient positron trapping with CF4. However, additional losses appear to be present which require further investigation through both simulation and experiment

    Procena sadržaja i raspodele teških metala u površinskom sedimentu akumulacije 'Barje' - Srbija

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    In this study, the nature of the association of heavy metals (Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Cd, Pb, Mn, and Zn) in sediments of the recent reservoir 'Barje' (Leskovac, Serbia) was investigated. The aim was to make the identification of their substrates, as well as to define the external factors (hydrological and anthropogenic affecting their distribution) which will contribute to a better understanding of the interactions that take place in the reservoir and predict the mobility of the investigated heavy metals. Chemical distribution of heavy metals was tested by using the method of sequential extraction and by data processing using statistical methods such as correlation, cluster and factor analysis. Based on the obtained results it can be concluded that major substrates of heavy metals are in the residual immobile fraction (Fe, Zn and Ni). Since the accumulation has a small organic substance content, Fe and Mn oxides are the most important binding substrates of heavy metals. Although it was determined that lead and cadmium are of the carbonate nature, their concentrations in the reservoir are negligible.Cilj ovog rada je da se ispitivanjem prirode asocijacija teških metala (Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Cd, Pb, Mn, Zn) izvrši identifikacija njihovih supstrata u akumulaciji 'Barje' (Leskovac, Srbija), kao i da se definišu spoljni faktori (hidrološki i antropogeni koji utiču na njihovu raspodelu) što će doprineti boljem razumevanju interakcija koje se odigravaju u akumulaciji i prognozu mobilnosti na osnovu toga. Hemijska raspodela teških metala ispitana je korišćenjem metode sekvencijalne ekstrakcije i obradom dobijenih podataka statističkim metodama kao što su korelaciona, klaster i faktorska analiza. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da se većina teških metala nalazi u rezidualnoj nepokretnoj frakciji (Fe, Zn i Ni). Zato što je u akumulaciji mali sadržaj organske supstance oksidi gvožđa i mangana su najznačajniji supstrati za vezivanje teških metala. Iako je utvrđeno da je olovo i kadmijum karbonatne prirode njihove koncentracije u akumulaciji su zanemarljivo male

    Comparative Study of the Nutritional and Chemical Composition of New Oil Rape, Safflower and Mustard Seed Varieties Developed and Grown in Serbia

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    Oilseed crops are widely cultivated and are related to nutrition and human health as valuable nutraceutical sources with valuable biological properties. The growing demand for oil plants used in human and animal nutrition or for the processing industry has contributed to the diversification and development of a new variety of oil crops. Increased oil crop diversity, besides ensuring reduced sensitivity to pests and climate conditions, has also led to improved nutritional values. In order to enable oil crop cultivation to become commercially sustainable, a comprehensive characterization of newly created varieties of oilseeds, including their nutritional and chemical composition, is required. In this study, two varieties of safflower and white and black mustard were investigated as alternative oil species for nutritional parameters, mainly protein, fat, carbohydrate, moisture, ash, polyphenols, flavonoids, chlorophylls contents, acids and mineral composition, and compared with those of two different genotypes of rapeseeds as a traditional oil crop plant. The proximate analysis found that the highest oil content was found in the oil rape NS Svetlana genotype (33.23%), while the lowest was in black mustard (25.37%). The protein content varies from around 26% in safflower samples to 34.63%, determined in white mustard. High content of unsaturated fatty acids and low content of saturated fatty acid was observed in the analyzed samples. In mineral analysis, the dominant elements were phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium, in descending order. The observed oil crops are also good sources of microelements, including iron, copper, manganese and zinc, accompanied by high antioxidant activity due to the presence of significant amounts of polyphenolic and flavonoid compound

    Assessment of computed tomography simulators used in radiotherapy treatment planning in Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The purpose of this work was to evaluate computed tomography simulators used in radio-therapy treatment planning in Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. A survey of quality assurance programmes of 24 computed tomography simulators in 16 facilities was conducted. A dedicated CT-to-ED phantom was scanned at 120 kV and 140 kV, to obtain CT-to-ED conversion curves as well as CTDIvol. Thoracal phantoms were scanned in the standard and extended field of view to evaluate the dosimetric effect on treatment planning and delivery. The mean age of the measured scanners was 5.5 years. The mean water HU value was –6.5 (all scanners, all voltages) and air HU value was –997. Extended field of view computed tomography data differ from the standard field of view and differences between conversion curves have significant dosimetric impact. The CTDI data showed a large range of values between centers. Better quality assurance of computed tomography simulators in all countries is recommended. The CT-to-ED curve could be used as default at one voltage and per manufacturer. Extended field of view imaging can be used, but treatment planning should be avoided in the regions out of the standard field of view