568 research outputs found

    Precision assessment of bowel motion quantification using 3D cine-MRI for radiotherapy

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    Objective. The bowel is an important organ at risk for toxicity during pelvic and abdominal radiotherapy. Identifying regions of high and low bowel motion with MRI during radiotherapy may help to understand the development of bowel toxicity, but the acquisition time of MRI is rather long. The aim of this study is to retrospectively evaluate the precision of bowel motion quantification and to estimate the minimum MRI acquisition time. Approach. We included 22 gynaecologic cancer patients receiving definitive radiotherapy with curative intent. The 10 min pre-treatment 3D cine-MRI scan consisted of 160 dynamics with an acquisition time of 3.7 s per volume. Deformable registration of consecutive images generated 159 deformation vector fields (DVFs). We defined two motion metrics, the 50th percentile vector lengths (VL50) of the complete set of DVFs was used to measure median bowel motion. The 95th percentile vector lengths (VL95) was used to quantify high motion of the bowel. The precision of these metrics was assessed by calculating their variation (interquartile range) in three different time frames, defined as subsets of 40, 80, and 120 consecutive images, corresponding to acquisition times of 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 min, respectively. Main results. For the full 10 min scan, the minimum motion per frame of 50% of the bowel volume (M50%) ranged from 0.6-3.5 mm for the VL50 motion metric and 2.3-9.0 mm for the VL95 motion metric, across all patients. At 7.5 min scan time, the variation in M50% was less than 0.5 mm in 100% (VL50) and 95% (VL95) of the subsets. A scan time of 5.0 and 2.5 min achieved a variation within 0.5 mm in 95.2%/81% and 85.7%/57.1% of the subsets, respectively. Significance. Our 3D cine-MRI technique quantifies bowel loop motion with 95%-100% confidence with a precision of 0.5 mm variation or less, using a 7.5 min scan time.</p

    Transcriptome analysis of the central nervous system of the mollusc Lymnaea stagnalis

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    Background: The freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis (L. stagnalis) has served as a successful model for studies in the field of Neuroscience. However, a serious drawback in the molecular analysis of the nervous system of L. stagnalis has been the lack of large-scale genomic or neuronal transcriptome information, thereby limiting the use of this unique model. Results: In this study, we report 7,712 distinct EST sequences (median length: 847 nucleotides) of a normalized L. stagnalis central nervous system (CNS) cDNA library, resulting in the largest collection of L. stagnalis neuronal transcriptome data currently available. Approximately 42% of the cDNAs can be translated into more than 100 consecutive amino acids, indicating the high quality of the library. The annotated sequences contribute 12% of the predicted transcriptome size of 20,000. Surprisingly, approximately 37% of the L. stagnalis sequences only have a tBLASTx hit in the EST library of another snail species Aplysia californica (A. californica) even using a low stringency e-value cutoff at 0.01. Using the same cutoff, approximately 67% of the cDNAs have a BLAST hit in the NCBI non-redundant protein and nucleotide sequence databases (nr and nt), suggesting that one third of the sequences may be unique to L. stagnalis. Finally, using the same cutoff (0.01), more than half of the cDNA sequences (54%) do not have a hit in nematode, fruitfly or human genome data, suggesting that the L. stagnalis transcriptome is significantly different from these species as well. The cDNA sequences are enriched in the following gene ontology functional categories: protein binding, hydrolase, transferase, and catalytic enzymes. Conclusion: This study provides novel molecular insights into the transcriptome of an important molluscan model organism. Our findings will contribute to functional analyses in neurobiology, and comparative evolutionary biology. The L. stagnalis CNS EST database is available at http://www.Lymnaea.org/. © 2009 Feng et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd
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