755 research outputs found

    Treatment Domestic Wastewater Using UASB and DFAF Two Phase Combined Reactor Systems: Preliminary Study

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    Anaerobic wastewater treatment technology has shown high organic removals as well as cost-effective processes. This paper presents an evaluation of the feasibility of employing Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor followed by Down-flow Aerobic Filter (DFAF) treating domestic wastewater. Besides, the performance of using zeolite and coconut shell activated carbon as support material will also be appraise. The microbial communities that are responsible of nutrient removal were identified. An analytical study carried out to evaluate the performance of combined UASB (R1, R2, and R3) and DFAF (S1, S2, and S3) reactors in sequence operation. 6.36L UASB reactor seeded with sludge from domestic sewerage plant anaerobic pond to be fed with domestic wastewater. The effluent of UASB reactor directly discharges to the DFAF reactor of 2.84L capacity. The DFAF is a down-flow filter through pack of zeolite and coconut shell activated carbon respectively. The wastewater is fed continuously with increasing OLR until the reactor failed. Parameters measured are pH, and COD. The instruments used for collecting data in this research are pH meter and HACH DR5000. In this research, the highest COD removal for the effluents from the R1, R2 and R3 were at the 12th day with 95% removal at 16th day with 96% and 14th day with 95% respectively. Meanwhile, in the post-treatment system, the highest COD removal for the effluents from the S1, S2 and S3 were at the 4th day with 85% removal at 6th day with 70% removal at the 6th day with 93% removal. The findings of this study would hopefully contribute to the enhancement of current established system in treating domestic wastewater

    Characterization of ash derived from combustion of paper mill waste sludge: Comparison with municipal solid waste incinerator ash

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    Fly ash derived from incineration of Malaysian paper mill waste sludge (PMWS) was physically and chemically characterized in order to determine its potential toxicity as well as its application as cement replacement material. The results were compared with results obtained from similar characterization on Malaysian municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) bottom ash. Principal analyses conducted include particle size distribution, elemental analysis, toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) as well as thermogravimetric, x-ray diffractometry and FTIR analyses. TCLP result indicated that both the PMWS and MSWI ashes should not be classified as hazardous wastes in terms of heavy metal leachability, since leachable copper, cadmium, lead and nickel concentrations were detected below the stipulated leachability limits. Both ashes could be reused as cement replacement materials since both contained SiO2 which is one of the main building components in cement and concrete utilizations. Nonetheless, PMWS ash could be more suitable as a cement replacement material as compared to MSWI ash, as the former had significantly smaller particle size distribution and lower organic content

    Comparative study ofthe computational fluid dynamics and fluid structure interaction analysis in human airways flow

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    Numerous studies have been done in order to get the most accurate result that represents the flow characteristics inside the human trachea. Numerical method was the most favorite type of study chosen to simulate the model due to the complexity of the geometry and difficulties to get the real trachea to do the experimental works. In this study, one actual healthy model of human trachea was reconstructed in order to compare, the different of the velocity and pressure distribution between two types of numerical modeling analysis: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) analysis. The model was extracted using the Computed Tomography (CT) scan images to maintain the realistic geometry. Velocity, 1.24 m/s was used at the inlet and the variations of the velocity and pressure distribution along the trachea were observed. The results shown that, the implementation of the FSI technique did produce different result and flexibility of the structure wall did influence the distribution of the velocity and pressure along the trachea

    Rancang Bangun Alat Penyusun Rak Penjemuran Diatas Para- Para Ke Dalam Boks Secara Semi Mekanis

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    Drying process by using Para-para is more effective than the conventional one which uses floor surface or plastic(terpal). The products will dried faster and cleaner, nevertheless the system tomoveand to arrange the finalproductis wastes a lot of time and energy. Hence, the objective of this reasech was to make a semi-mechanicalPara-para drying shelf that integratedly connect to semi machanic box in order to save time and energy uses. Thissemi-mechanical drying device contained of two frames, four shelves, two ropes,two box movement holdings,boxes, spring, big pulley and small pulley. The process started bywaiving its hook from the shelves thus the treadlewould pull the other connected components to the shelves and automatically move to the box. The pulleys wereused to set the shelves movements to the boxes, consequently the box will consecutively move to next lowershelflevel after being filled Furthermore, filled boxes caused an increasing of tensile strength which also increasethe speed of box movement. Box retention rate was used to decrease the fourth shelf speed that will prevent loss.The device were tested by dryingcassava and soybean. Finally, the result showed that it only consume 1,19seconds to move and arrange the product with less manpower assistance. Moreover, Para-para were succesfullysave time and manpower compared to manual movement which only take approximately 11,83 seconds for eachshelf

    Evaluation of electromagnetics radiation for stroke patients and non-stroke participants according to body segmentation

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    This research evaluates the electromagnetic radiation (EMR) for the stroke patients and non-stroke patients according to body segmentation. The human body is divided into three segments: top, middle and bottom. The frequency in hertz is collected at 23 points around the human body namely left side, right side and chakra points from 199 subjects undergoing post-stroke treatment and 100 non-stroke participants. The EMR is captured using frequency detector equipped with a dipole antenna. The data is collected by taking the reading of the frequency 5 times at each point at the same location; hence, the average value is calculated. The statistical analysis of the EMR are examined using SPSS software and Microsoft excel is used to calculate the average frequency of the data. In conclusion, the findings significantly shows that stroke patients has lower frequency value of EMR for both right side and left side but has higher frequency for chakra system. This is true for all the three segments of the body. Furthermore, it is also shown that there is no correlation between the left and the right side frequency for the stroke patients whereas the left-right correlation values are significantly high for the non-stroke participants. This observation justify that EMR from human body can contribute to early detection for stroke

    Konsep Kampung Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kerja

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    Pembangunan perdesaan adalah bagian integral dari pembangunan Indonesia, hakekat pembangunan adalah pembangunan manusia dan sumber daya manusia di perdesaan masih sangat rendah sehingga, arah pembangunan desa sebaiknya mengutamakan manusia dan penciptaan lapangan kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) mengetahui fasilitas yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat perdesaan sebagai prasarana belajar, (2) menemukan rumusan kawasan binaan kampung kerja sebagai kawasan aglomerasii pendidikan sebagai upaya peningkatan kualitas sumber daya masyarakat desa. Penelitian ini diselenggarakan di Kabupaten Muna dan metode penelitian ini berlandaskan pada paradigma post-positivisme yakni metode studi kasus pendekatan kualitatif dimana aspek – aspek yang dianalisis adalah angkatan kerja, sektor ekonomi, kebutuhan bangunan, infrastruktur, dan zonasi keruangan. Penelitian ini menemukan dua temuan (1) kebutuhan akan fasilitas yang dibutuhkan untuk peningkatan kualitas angkatan kerja, (2) rumusan model kawasan binaan kampung pendidikan dan pelatihan kerja sebagai kawasan aglomerasi peningkatan sumber daya manusia perdesaan.Rural development is an integral part of Indonesia\u27s development, the essence of development is human development and human resources in rural areas are still very low so that the direction of rural development should prioritize humans and job creation. The objetives of this research are (1) find out the facilities needed by rural communities as learning infrastructure, (2) find the formulation of the working area of the working village as an educational agglomeration area as an effort to improve the quality of rural community resources. This research was conducted in Muna Regency and this research method was based on the post-positivism paradigm, a case study method of qualitative approach where the aspects analyzed were labor force, economic sector, building needs, infrastructure, and spatial zoning. This study found two findings (1) the need for facilities needed to improve the quality of the workforce, (2) the formulation of the model of the village built area of education and job training as an agglomeration area to increase rural human resources

    Velamentous cord insertion: a rare cause of emergency caesarean section

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    Pregnancies complicated with velamentous cord insertion (VCI) are at risk of adverse perinatal outcome. Placental and umbilical cord assessment should be performed during routine obstetric ultrasound. We report a case of velamentous cord insertion that was not identified antenatally. A 28-year-old primigravida at 40 weeks gestation presented in active phase of labour. Intrapartum, cardiotocography (CTG) tracing was pathological. Thus, decision was made for emergency caesarean section and a velamentous cord insertion was found. Despite a favourable outcome, this case highlighted the importance of antenatal diagnosis of VCI and thus preventing catastrophic outcome

    Standard time of import paperwork clearance department for sustainability organization performance in forwarding company

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    In order to achieve sustainable performance, it was emphasized for an organization for improvement of the standard performance. This paper attempts to propose a benchmark for the standard time to complete daily paperwork received at a forwarding company by using the define-measure-analyse-improve-control (DMAIC) approach. Results showed that the import clearance agent required 3 days or more to clear paperwork for duty or tax confirmation. The impact led to delayed shipment delivery, caused by customer dissatisfaction and company loss of trusts amongst customers. It was also found that that the number of paperwork received daily was 516, distributed among an average of 15 employees, from January to April 2018. Each employee received an average of 34 paperwork daily. The amount of paperwork received by each employee was at alarming level. The time required to complete paperwork for duty/tax confirmation were 3 days or more for most of the employees, which stood at 62%. Therefore, based on the results of the findings, the proposed benchmark of the standard time for paperwork clearance should not be more than 1 day to allow for same day delivery to the customers, as per the commitment promised by the company