7,665 research outputs found

    The modeling of medical expenditure data from a longitudinal survey using the generalized method of moments (GMM) approach

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    Medical expenditure data analysis has recently become an important problem in biostatistics. These data typically have a number of features making their analysis rather difficult. Commonly, they are heavily right-skewed, contain a large percentage of zeros, and often exhibit large numbers of missing observations because of death and/or the lack of follow-up. They are also commonly obtained from records that are linked to large longitudinal data surveys. In this manuscript, we suggest a novel approach to modeling these data through the use of generalized method of moments estimation procedure combined with appropriate weights that account for both dropout due to death and the probability of being sampled from among the National Long Term Care Survey (NLTCS) subjects. This approach seems particularly appropriate because of the large number of subjects relative to the length of observation period (in months). We also use a simulation study to compare our proposed approach with and without the use of weights. The proposed model is applied to medical expenditure data obtained from the 2004-2005 NLTCS-linked Medicare database. The results suggest that the amount of medical expenditures incurred is strongly associated with higher number of activities of daily living (ADL) disabilities and self-reports of unmet need for help with ADL disabilities

    Density-Polarization Functional Theory of the response of a periodic insulating solid to an electric field.

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    The response of an infinite, periodic, insulating, solid to an infinitesimally small electric field is investigated in the framework of Density Functional Theory. We find that the applied perturbing potential is not a unique functional of the periodic density change~: it depends also on the change in the macroscopic {\em polarization}. Moreover, the dependence of the exchange-correlation energy on polarization induces an exchange-correlation electric field. These effects are exhibited for a model semiconductor. We also show that the scissor-operator technique is an approximate way of bypassing this polarization dependence.Comment: 11 pages, 1 Fig

    Second harmonic generation in SiC polytypes

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    LMTO calculations are presented for the frequency dependent second harmonic generation (SHG) in the polytypes 2H, 4H, 6H, 15R and 3C of SiC. All independent tensor components are calculated. The spectral features and the ratios of the 333 to 311 tensorial components are studied as a function of the degree of hexagonality. The relationship to the linear optical response and the underlying band structure are investigated. SHG is suggested to be a sensitive tool for investigating the near band edge interband excitations.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Operation of a quantum dot in the finite-state machine mode: single-electron dynamic memory

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    A single electron dynamic memory is designed based on the non-equilibrium dynamics of charge states in electrostatically-defined metallic quantum dots. Using the orthodox theory for computing the transfer rates and a master equation, we model the dynamical response of devices consisting of a charge sensor coupled to either a single and or a double quantum dot subjected to a pulsed gate voltage. We show that transition rates between charge states in metallic quantum dots are characterized by an asymmetry that can be controlled by the gate voltage. This effect is more pronounced when the switching between charge states corresponds to a Markovian process involving electron transport through a chain of several quantum dots. By simulating the dynamics of electron transport we demonstrate that the quantum box operates as a finite-state machine that can be addressed by choosing suitable shapes and switching rates of the gate pulses. We further show that writing times in the ns range and retention memory times six orders of magnitude longer, in the ms range, can be achieved on the double quantum dot system using experimentally feasible parameters thereby demonstrating that the device can operate as a dynamic single electron memory.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Zero-range process with open boundaries

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    We calculate the exact stationary distribution of the one-dimensional zero-range process with open boundaries for arbitrary bulk and boundary hopping rates. When such a distribution exists, the steady state has no correlations between sites and is uniquely characterized by a space-dependent fugacity which is a function of the boundary rates and the hopping asymmetry. For strong boundary drive the system has no stationary distribution. In systems which on a ring geometry allow for a condensation transition, a condensate develops at one or both boundary sites. On all other sites the particle distribution approaches a product measure with the finite critical density \rho_c. In systems which do not support condensation on a ring, strong boundary drive leads to a condensate at the boundary. However, in this case the local particle density in the interior exhibits a complex algebraic growth in time. We calculate the bulk and boundary growth exponents as a function of the system parameters

    The TWA 3 Young Triple System: Orbits, Disks, Evolution

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    We have characterized the spectroscopic orbit of the TWA 3A binary and provide preliminary families of probable solutions for the TWA 3A visual orbit as well as for the wide TWA 3A--B orbit. TWA 3 is a hierarchical triple located at 34 pc in the ∼\sim10 Myr old TW Hya association. The wide component separation is 1."55; the close pair was first identified as a possible binary almost 20 years ago. We initially identified the 35-day period orbital solution using high-resolution infrared spectroscopy which angularly resolved the A and B components. We then refined the preliminary orbit by combining the infrared data with a re-analysis of our high-resolution optical spectroscopy. The orbital period from the combined spectroscopic solution is ∼\sim35 days, the eccentricity is ∼\sim0.63, and the mass ratio is ∼\sim0.84; although this high mass ratio would suggest that optical spectroscopy alone should be sufficient to identify the orbital solution, the presence of the tertiary B component likely introduced confusion in the blended optical spectra. Using millimeter imaging from the literature, we also estimate the inclinations of the stellar orbital planes with respect to the TWA 3A circumbinary disk inclination and find that all three planes are likely misaligned by at least ∼\sim30 degrees. The TWA 3A spectroscopic binary components have spectral types of M4.0 and M4.5; TWA 3B is an M3. We speculate that the system formed as a triple, is bound, and that its properties were shaped by dynamical interactions between the inclined orbits and disk.Comment: Accepted to Ap

    Power Law Distribution of Wealth in a Money-Based Model

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    A money-based model for the power law distribution (PLD) of wealth in an economically interacting population is introduced. The basic feature of our model is concentrating on the capital movements and avoiding the complexity of micro behaviors of individuals. It is proposed as an extension of the Equiluz and Zimmermann's (EZ) model for crowding and information transmission in financial markets. Still, we must emphasize that in EZ model the PLD without exponential correction is obtained only for a particular parameter, while our pattern will give it within a wide range. The Zipf exponent depends on the parameters in a nontrivial way and is exactly calculated in this paper.Comment: 5 pages and 4 figure

    Exact Kohn-Sham exchange kernel for insulators and its long-wavelength behavior

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    We present an exact expression for the frequency-dependent Kohn-Sham exact-exchange (EXX) kernel for periodic insulators, which can be employed for the calculation of electronic response properties within time-dependent (TD) density-functional theory. It is shown that the EXX kernel has a long-wavelength divergence behavior of the exact full exchange-correlation kernel and thus rectifies one serious shortcoming of the adiabatic local-density approximation and generalized-gradient approximations kernels. A comparison between the TDEXX and the GW-approximation-Bethe-Salpeter-equation approach is also made.Comment: two column format 6 pages + 1 figure, to be publisehd in Physical Review

    Born Effective Charges and Infrared Response of LiBC

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    Calculations of the zone center optical mode frequencies (including LO-TO splitting), Born effective charges Zαα∗^*_{\alpha\alpha} for each atom, dielectric constants ϵ0\epsilon_{0} and ϵ∞\epsilon_{\infty}, and the dielectric response in the infrared, using density functional linear response theory, are reported. Calculated Raman modes are in excellent agreement with experimental values (170 cm−1^{-1} and 1170 cm−1^{-1}), while it will require better experimental data to clarify the infrared active mode frequencies. The Born effective charges Zαα∗^*_{\alpha \alpha} (i) have surprisingly different values for B and C, and (ii) show considerable anisotropy. Relationships between the effective charges and LO-TO splitting are discussed, and the predicted reflectivity in the range 0 -- 1400 cm−1^{-1} is presented. These results hold possible implications for Li removal in LiBC, and C substition for B in MgB2_2.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure
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