210 research outputs found

    Modeling traffic noise caused by road traffic based on traffic fleet structure and traffic flow parameters

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    Ubrzan razvoj ljudskog društva je pored mnogih prednosti doneo i odgovarajuće nedostatke. Jedan od problema jeste i preterano zagađenje životne sredine. Pored zagađenja vazduha, vode, zemljišta u novije vreme se pojavljuje i zagađenje bukom. Jedan od glavnih uzročnika zagađenja bukom jeste upravo ubrzan razvoj saobraćaja, i to posebno drumskog saobraćaja. Smanjenje saobraćaja nesumnjivo vodi smanjenju svih ovih problema, posebno problema buke, ali drumski saobraćaj je od vitalnog značaja za razvoj kako lokalne tako i nacionalne ekonomije, tako da rešavanje problema u ovom pravcu nema pre svega ekonomskog opravdanja. Sa druge strane prisutna je činjenica da se na problem buke ne gleda kao na probleme zagađenja vazduha ili vode. Razloge ovoga treba tražiti pre svega u postupcima i načinima merenja buke usled čega ovakva istraživanja znaju da budu prilično skupa i dugotrajna, ali i u nedovoljno razvijenoj svesti prema ovom problemu. Postojanje odgovarajućeg modela za predikciju buke i njegova primena bi ove probleme na neki način ublažila što je i bio osnovni razlog bavljenja ovakvim jednim istraživanjem. U cilju rešavanja dela ovog problema razvijen je metodološki pristup i model za predikciju buke baziran pre svega na analizi literature kroz pregled dosadašnjih istraživanja u ovoj oblasti, zakonskih okvira u Srbiji, istraživanjima na terenu i analizi tako dobijenih podataka. Model je tako koncipiran da zahteva realne saobraćajne parametre, i to one na koje je moguće upravljački uticati u realnom vremenu kako bi se mogao sagledati uticaj takvih veličina na nivo generisane buke. Sam model kao izlazni rezultat definiše nivo ekvivalentne buke neprekinutog saobraćajnog toka neposredno u zoni saobraćajnice. Na ovaj način se postiže da se simulacijom i promenom određenih veličina saobraćajnog toka kao izlazni rezultata dobije vrednosti ekvivalentnog nivoa buke u zoni saobraćajnice. Odrađeno je istraživanje i merenje određenih ulaznih veličina u model sa jedne strane ali i merenje buke saobraćajnog toka sa druge strane u cilju kalibracije rezultata modela. Validacija rezultata samog modela je urađena u dve faze – i to ulaznih vrednosti modela kao prva faza validacije, i izlaznih rezultata modela kao druga faza validacije sa merenim vrednostima, pri čemu je utvrđeno dobro slaganje merenih i simuliranih vrednosti predloženog modela. Verifikacija tako dobijenih rezultata je urađena kroz uporednu analizu sa drugim sličnim modelima kako bi se procenila prednost predloženog modela u odnosu na druge poznate modele. Na osnovu svega je zaključeno da predloženi model može biti iskorišćen za predikciju buke nastalu od strane drumskog saobraćaja u realnim uslovima sa dovoljnom pouzdanošću. Takođe je pokazano kakav je doprinos pojedinih parametara saobraćajnog toka na nivo emitovane buke, čime se stiče mogućnost da se delovanjem na te parametre direktno utiče na nivo ekvivalentne buke. Na ovakav način se omogućava jedan drugačiji pristup u donošenju određenih upravljačkih odluka koje se tiču saobraćajnog toka jer se postiže i mogućnost analiziranja saobraćajne buke bez potreba merenja na terenu, kao i sagledavanje novoprojektovanih stanja. Ono što je sasvim jasno jeste da za sada ne postoji model za predikciju buke koji važi na globalnom nivou i da modeli za predikciju buke moraju biti razvijani za pojedine zemlje, regione i lokalitete jer svaki od njih odslikava određene karakteristike, tako da kada se te karakteristike promene menjaju se i rezultati modela.In addition to many benefits the rapid development of human society has brought corresponding disadvantages as well. One of the problems is the excessive pollution of the environment. Apart from air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution, noise pollution has appeared recently. One of the main causes of noise pollution is the rapid development of transport, especially road transport. Reducing traffic undoubtedly leads to the reduction of all these problems, especially the noise issues, but road transport is vital for the development of both local and national economies, so solving the problems in this direction has primarily no economic justification. On the other hand the fact is that the noise problem is not considered as the problems of air and water pollution. The reasons for this could be found in the procedures and methods of noise measurement which is why this type of research tends to be quite expensive and time consuming, but also in the underdeveloped awareness of this problem. The existence of appropriate model for the prediction of noise and its application can mitigate these problems in a way, which is the main reason for doing this sort of research. In order to solve a part of this problem, the methodological approach and model is developed to predict noise and it is based primarily on an analysis of the literature through the review of previous research in this area, the legal framework in Serbia, field research and analysis of the obtained data. The model is designed to require real traffic parameters, i.e. the parameters that can be controled in real-time so that the influence of these values on the level of generated noise could be considered. The model output defines the level of equivalent noise of the continuous traffic flow in the immediate area of the road. Thus the simulation and change of certain values of traffic flow provide the values of equivalent level of noise in the road area as the output results. The research and measurement of certain input values in the model are done, and on the other hand traffic flow noise is measured in order to calibrate the model results. Validation of the results of the model is done in two stages - validation of the model input values as the first stage, and validation of model output results as the second stage of validation with measured values, and there is good agreement between measured and simulated values of the proposed model. Verification of the obtained results is done through a comparative analysis with other similar models in order to evaluate the advantage of the proposed model compared to other well-known models. Based on the above it is concluded that the proposed model can be used to predict the noise caused by road traffic in real conditions with sufficient reliability. The contribution of some traffic flow parameters on the level of noise emission is shown, which makes it possible to directly affect the level of equivalent noise by affecting those parameters. The thesis, therefore, provides a different approach in making certain management decisions related to traffic flow because the traffic noise can be analyzed without any field measurements and the newly designed states can be considered as well. What is completely obvious is that currently there is no model for predicting noise which can be globally applied and that the models for the prediction of noise have to be developed for individual countries, regions and localities, as each of them reflects certain characteristics, so when these characteristics change the results of the model change, too


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    Number of cattle in Serbia during two decades of the 21st century shows the tendency of decreasing. The main source for sustainable livestock production in Serbia are grasslands. Permanent grasslands occupy approximately 30% of agricultural land in Serbia, thereby playing an important role in forage production and ecosystem services. The majority of natural meadows and pastures are located in hilly-mountainous regions. The general characteristics of grasslands in the central Balkans are low production and insufficient quality. The yield of permanent grasslands in Serbia is influenced very strongly by climatic conditions, type of grassland and level of organic and mineral fertilization. On areas that are not managed by mowing and fertilizing, forbs make up over half of the plant production.This paper presents some recent experiences and results in livestock feed production obtained from permanent and sown meadows and pastures in Serbia. There is survey of permanent grassland botanical composition and productivity with special emphasis on importance of preserving legume species. Also, recent trials assessed the benefits of mineral and organic fertilizers application in terms of forage production, testing whether the mineral or organic sources improves the stability of the grassland and evaluated response patterns over a large environmental gradient. Nutrient availability in permanent grasslands has a strong influence on plant species biodiversity, plant cover, and species’ dominance in the vegetation canopy. Dry matter yield is very low with high variation in crude protein content, which confirms that grasslands need to be maintained through fertilizer application, with special emphasis being given to the new role of manure enriched by zeolite. The above-stated lead to poor production potential of these grasslands for livestock production, nonetheless offering sustainable means of soil and biodiversity protection in the area

    Body Composition and Functional Abilities in Terms of the Quality of Professional Ballerinas

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    The objective of this research was to determine the variability of the sample of professional ballerinas in the space of characteristics of their body composition and some functional characteristics according to the requirements of their roles in ballet. The sample of examinees was comprised of 30 professional ballerinas, members of the Croatian National Theatre Ballet (15 soloists and 15 members of the corps de ballet). The data showed that the soloists were characterized by a significantly larger knee diameter, significantly lower thickness of skin folds on the trunk and the lower fat body mass percentage, as well as by greater grip strength. Aerobic capacity was only moderately more developed than in fit people who participated in physical exercising because of recreational reasons, and there were no differences between soloists and the members of the corps

    Influence of high intensity ultrasound on rheological and pasting properties of wheat starch

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    Svrha ovog rada je ispitati utjecaj ultrazvuka visokog i niskog intenziteta na reološka i pastozna svojstva suspenzija škroba pšenice. Ispitivane suspenzije sadrže 10 % pšeničnog škroba te su neposredno nakon pripreme procesirane ultrazvukom. Sva ispitivanja provedena su prije i nakon ultrazvučne obrade u ultrazvučnoj kupelji frekvencije 22 kHz, nominalne snage 150 W te ultrazvučnom sondom frekvencije 24 kHz, nominalne snage 100, 300 i 400 W. Vrijeme ultrazvučne obrade svih uzoraka bilo je 15 i 30 minuta. Reološka svojstva određena su primjenom rotacionog reometra Rheometric Scientific RM-180 pri temperaturi od 20 ˚C, a pastozna svojstva škrobnih suspenzija određena su primjenom Micro Visco-Amylo-Graph, Brabender Ohg Duisburg, Njemačka po metodi ICC Standard 126/1. Ultrazvučna obrada uzrokuje mehaničko oštećenje škrobne granule čime njena unutrašnjost postaje dostupnija vodi tijekom zagrijavanja što ima za posljedicu značajne promjene reoloških i pastoznih svojstava škrobnih suspenzija. Reološki parametri pokazuju da sve suspenzije imaju ne-Newtonski karakter, a ultrazvučni tretmen uzrokovao je značajno povećanje koeficijenta konzistencije svih ispitivanih sustava. Ultrazvučnim procesiranjem došlo je do značajnog sniženja temperature želatinizacije kod svih škrobnih suspenzija. Značajno smanjenje početnih temperatura želatinizacije upućuje na raniji stupanj bubrenja granule tijekom zagrijavanja.The aim of this paper was to examine the influence and effect of high and low power ultrasound on rheological and thermophysical properties of wheat starch suspensions. Suspensions containing ten percent of potato starch have been treated with ultrasound. All analysis have been carried out before and after power ultrasound treatment. Ultrasound bath of 22 kHz frequency and nominal power of 150 W has been used, as well as ultrasound probe of 24 kHz frequency and nominal power of 100, 300 and 400 W for 15 and 30 minute treatments. Rheological parameters have been determined with rheometer Rheometric Scientific RM-180 at 20 ºC. Pasting properties have been determined with Micro Visco-Amylo-Graph, Brabender Ohg Duisburg at method ICC Standard 126/1. Ultrasonic treatment caused disrupting of starch granules by mechanical forces and made the granule more permeable to water during the heating step. Because, significant changes of rheological and pasting properties were observed. Rheological parameters showed that all suspensions exhibited non-newtonian (dilatant) character. Also, ultrasonic treatment has affected a significant increase of consistency coefficient of starch suspension. Ultrasonic treatment caused significant lowering of the beginning gelatinization temperatures, which indicated an earlier state of granule swelling during heating


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    Probiotici se definišu kao živi mikroorganizmi koji, kada se unesu, pokazuju blagotvoranefekat na domaćina. Mnogi sojevi iz roda Lactobacillus imaju status probiotika.Nedostatak gena za prenošenje rezistencije na antibiotike jedan je odključnih uslova kako bi soj dobio GRAS status. Svaki probiotski soj bi trebalo dapreživi pasažu kroz gastrointestinalni trakt, kako bi uspeo da ostvari blagotovorneefekte po domaćina.Materijal za ovo ispitivanje predstavljao je 51 soj laktobacila koji su izolovani izsjeničkog sira.Svi sojevi su ispitivani na rezistenciju na devet antibiotika. Od ukupno 51 soja,šest je pokazalo osetljivost na sve antibiotike, dok je 23 pokazalo prirodnu rezistenciju,koja, kao takva, nije rizična za prenošenje gena. Najčešći profil rezistencijebila je rezistencija na vankomicin i tetraciklin. Od 18 sojeva koji su stekli uslove zadalje ispitivanje, kod devet njih je ispitivana mogućnost preživaljavanja u simuliranimuslovima želuca, odnosno duodenuma. Takođe je ispitivana i antimikrobna aktivnosti sposobnost hemolize. Svih devet sojeva je pokazalo odličnu sposobnostpreživljavanja u simuliranim uslovima želuca, dok je svega tri moglo da preživi uprisustvu žučnih soli. Svih devet sojeva je pokazalo antimikrobnu aktivnost protivListeria monocytogenes i Staphylococcus aureus, a nijedan nije pokazao hemolizu.Prema rezultatima u ovom ispitivanju, sojevi laktobacila izolovani iz sjeničkogsira pokazali su da imaju potencijal da steknu status probiotika, ali su za to potrebnadalja ispitivanja

    Idylls of socialism : the Sarajevo Documentary School and the problem of the Bosnian sub-proletariat

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    This historical overview of the Sarajevo Documentary School considers the films, in the light of their recent re-emergence, as indicative of both the legacy of socialist realism (even in the context of Yugoslav media) and attempted social engineering in the Bosnia of the 1960s and 1970s. The argument is made that the documentaries, despite their questionable aesthetic status (in respect of cinma-vrit and ethnography) and problematic ideological strategies and attempted interventions, document a history and offer insights that counter the prevailing revisionist trends in the presentation of Eastern and Central European history

    Magnetic Properties of Mn-Doped Amorphous SiO2 Matrix

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    Samples of Mn-doped amorphous SiO2 matrix with manganese concentration 0.7 and 3 at.% have been prepared by a sol-gel method. Transmission electron microscopy analysis has shown that the samples contain agglomerates of amorphous silica particles 10 - 20 nm in size. Two types of Mn-rich particles are dispersed in silica matrix, smaller nanoparticles with dimensions between 3 and 10 nm, and larger crystalline areas consisting of aggregates of the smaller nanoparticles. High-temperature magnetic susceptibility reveals that dominant magnetic phase at higher temperatures is lambda-MnO2. At temperatures below T-C = 43 K strong ferrimagnetism originating from the minor Mn3O4 phase masks the relatively weak magnetism of lambda-MnO2. Magnetic field dependence of the maximum in the zero-field-cooled magnetization for both the samples in the vicinity of 40 K, and a frequency shift of the real component of the AC magnetic susceptibility in the sample with 3 at.% Mn suggest that the magnetic moments of the smaller Mn3O4 nanoparticles with dimensions below 10 nm are subject to thermally activated blocking process just below the Curie temperature T-C. The low-temperature maximum in the zero-field-cooled magnetization observed for both the samples below 10 K indicates possible spin glass freezing of the magnetic moments in the geometrically frustrated Mn sublattice of the lambda-MnO2 crystal structure.12th Annual YUCOMAT Conference, Sep 06-10, 2010, Herceg Novi, Montenegr


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    Abstract: The aim of this paper is to present a numeric-statistical model by which it is possible to evaluate the quality of the observed grassland upon floristic and vegetation assessment. Thanks to this new methodological approach, the impact of each individual plant species on overall quality of the grassland could be estimated. The main goal was to determine species which significantly determine the pastoral value of the grassland. The quality (pastoral value) of the grassland was calculated using the numerical values of quality index of each individual species of each relevé of the community. For testing this numerical method, the total of 11 relevés of 4 grassland communities of hilly-mountainous area of Mt. Kopaonik was used. Analyzed vegetation includes previously unpublished phytocenological relevés as result of our own field research. All analyzed relevés were obtained using the method of the Swiss-French phytocenological school. The results showed that the best and the worst quality were determined for the ass. Festuco-Brometum erectii, and the ass. Nardetum strictae, respectively. Species that highly contributed to good and bad quality of grassland were Arrhenatherum elatius, Festuca rubra, Dactylis glomerata, Trifolium repens, etc., and Carduus alpestris, Hieracium hoppeanum, Ornithogalum umbelatum, respectivel