161 research outputs found

    An Extreme-AO Search for Giant Planets around a White Dwarf --VLT/SPHERE performance on a faint target GD 50

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    CONTEXT. Little is known about the planetary systems around single white dwarfs although there is strong evidence that they do exist. AIMS. We performed a pilot study with the extreme-AO system on the Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch (SPHERE) on the Very Large Telescopes (VLT) to look for giant planets around a young white dwarf, GD 50. METHODS. We were awarded science verification time on the new ESO instrument SPHERE. Observations were made with the InfraRed Dual-band Imager and Spectrograph in classical imaging mode in H band. RESULTS. Despite the faintness of the target (14.2 mag in R band), the AO loop was closed and a strehl of 37\% was reached in H band. No objects were detected around GD 50. We achieved a 5-sigma contrast of 6.2, 8.0 and 8.25 mags at 0{\farcs}2, 0{\farcs}4 and 0{\farcs}6 and beyond, respectively. We exclude any substellar objects more massive than 4.0 MJ_\textrm{J} at 6.2 AU, 2.9 MJ_\textrm{J} at 12.4 AU and 2.8 MJ_\textrm{J} at 18.6 AU and beyond. This rivals the previous upper limit set by Spitzer. We further show that SPHERE is the most promising instrument available to search for close-in substellar objects around nearby white dwarfs.Comment: A&A letters, accepte

    Extreme AO Observations of Two Triple Asteroid Systems with SPHERE

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    We present the discovery of a new satellite of asteroid (130) Elektra - S/2014 (130) 1 - in differential imaging and in integral field spectroscopy data over multiple epochs obtained with SPHERE/VLT. This new (second) moonlet of Elektra is about 2 km across, on an eccentric orbit and about 500 km away from the primary. For a comparative study, we also observed another triple asteroid system (93) Minerva. For both systems, component-resolved reflectance spectra of the satellites and primary were obtained simultaneously. No significant spectral difference was observed between the satellites and the primary for either triple system. We find that the moonlets in both systems are more likely to have been created by sub-disruptive impacts as opposed to having been captured.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, accepted to be published in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Legal reform in the presence of a living custom: An economic approach

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    Constraining the mass of the planet(s) sculpting a disk cavity. The intriguing case of 2MASS J16042165-2130284

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    The large cavities observed in the dust and gas distributions of transition disks may be explained by planet-disk interactions. At ~145 pc, 2MASS J16042165-2130284 (J1604) is a 5-12 Myr old transitional disk with different gap sizes in the mm- and μ\mum-sized dust distributions (outer edges at ~79 and at ~63 au, respectively). Its 12^{12}CO emission shows a ~30 au cavity. This radial structure suggests that giant planets are sculpting this disk. We aim to constrain the masses and locations of plausible giant planets around J1604. We observed J1604 with the Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch (SPHERE) at the Very Large Telescope (VLT), in IRDIFS\_EXT, pupil-stabilized mode, obtaining YJH- band images with the integral field spectrograph (IFS) and K1K2-band images with the Infra-Red Dual-beam Imager and Spectrograph (IRDIS). The dataset was processed exploiting the angular differential imaging (ADI) technique with high-contrast algorithms. Our observations reach a contrast of ΔK,YH\Delta K, YH ~12 mag from 0.15" to 0.80" (~22 to 115 au), but no planet candidate is detected. The disk is directly imaged in scattered light at all bands from Y to K, and it shows a red color. This indicates that the dust particles in the disk surface are mainly 0.3μ\gtrsim0.3\,\mum-sized grains. We confirm the sharp dip/decrement in scattered light in agreement with polarized light observations. Comparing our images with a radiative transfer model we argue that the southern side of the disk is most likely the nearest. This work represents the deepest search yet for companions around J1604. We reach a mass sensitivity of 23MJup\gtrsim 2-3M_{Jup} from ~22 to ~115 au according to a hot start scenario. We propose that a brown dwarf orbiting inside of ~15 au and additional Jovian planets at larger radii could account for the observed properties of J1604 while explaining our lack of detection.Comment: 10 pages, 7 Figures. Accepted for publication in A&A . Abridged abstrac

    The First Science Results from SPHERE: Disproving the Predicted Brown Dwarf around V471 Tau

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    Variations of eclipse arrival times have recently been detected in several post common envelope binaries consisting of a white dwarf and a main sequence companion star. The generally favoured explanation for these timing variations is the gravitational pull of one or more circumbinary substellar objects periodically moving the center of mass of the host binary. Using the new extreme-AO instrument SPHERE, we image the prototype eclipsing post-common envelope binary V471 Tau in search of the brown dwarf that is believed to be responsible for variations in its eclipse arrival times. We report that an unprecedented contrast of 12.1 magnitudes in the H band at a separation of 260 mas was achieved, but resulted in a non-detection. This implies that there is no brown dwarf present in the system unless it is three magnitudes fainter than predicted by evolutionary track models, and provides damaging evidence against the circumbinary interpretation of eclipse timing variations. In the case of V471 Tau, a more consistent explanation is offered with the Applegate mechanism, in which these variations are prescribed to changes in the quadrupole moment within the main-sequence sta

    Radial Distribution of Dust Grains Around HR 4796A

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    We present high-dynamic-range images of circumstellar dust around HR 4796A that were obtained with MIRLIN at the Keck II telescope at lambda = 7.9, 10.3, 12.5 and 24.5 um. We also present a new continuum measurement at 350 um obtained at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory. Emission is resolved in Keck images at 12.5 and 24.5 um with PSF FWHM's of 0.37" and 0.55", respectively, and confirms the presence of an outer ring centered at 70 AU. Unresolved excess infrared emission is also detected at the stellar position and must originate well within 13 AU of the star. A model of dust emission fit to flux densities at 12.5, 20.8, and 24.5 um indicates dust grains are located 4(+3/-2) AU from the star with effective size, 28+/-6 um, and an associated temperature of 260+/-40 K. We simulate all extant data with a simple model of exozodiacal dust and an outer exo-Kuiper ring. A two-component outer ring is necessary to fit both Keck thermal infrared and HST scattered-light images. Bayesian parameter estimates yield a total cross-sectional area of 0.055 AU^2 for grains roughly 4 AU from the star and an outer-dust disk composed of a narrow large-grain ring embedded within a wider ring of smaller grains. The narrow ring is 14+/-1 AU wide with inner radius 66+/-1 AU and total cross-sectional area 245 AU^2. The outer ring is 80+/-15 AU wide with inner radius 45+/-5 AU and total cross-sectional area 90 AU^2. Dust grains in the narrow ring are about 10 times larger and have lower albedos than those in the wider ring. These properties are consistent with a picture in which radiation pressure dominates the dispersal of an exo-Kuiper belt.Comment: Accepted by Astrophysical Journal (Part1) on September 9, 2004. 13 pages, 10 figures, 2 table

    The Inner Rings of Beta Pictoris

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    We present Keck images of the dust disk around Beta Pictoris at 17.9 microns that reveal new structure in its morphology. Within 1" (19 AU) of the star, the long axis of the dust emission is rotated by more than 10 degrees with respect to that of the overall disk. This angular offset is more pronounced than the warp detected at 3.5" by HST, and in the opposite direction. By contrast, the long axis of the emission contours at ~ 1.5" from the star is aligned with the HST warp. Emission peaks between 1.5" and 4" from the star hint at the presence of rings similar to those observed in the outer disk at ~ 25" with HST/STIS. A deconvolved image strongly suggests that the newly detected features arise from a system of four non-coplanar rings. Bayesian estimates based on the primary image lead to ring radii of 14+/-1 AU, 28+/-3 AU, 52+/-2 AU and 82+/-2 AU, with orbital inclinations that alternate in orientation relative to the overall disk and decrease in magnitude with increasing radius. We believe these new results make a strong case for the existence of a nascent planetary system around Beta Pic.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, PDF format. Published in ApJL, December 20,200

    DZ Cha: a bona fide photoevaporating disc

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    DZ Cha is a weak-lined T Tauri star (WTTS) surrounded by a bright protoplanetary disc with evidence of inner disc clearing. Its narrow \Ha line and infrared spectral energy distribution suggest that DZ Cha may be a photoevaporating disc. We aim to analyse the DZ Cha star + disc system to identify the mechanism driving the evolution of this object. We have analysed three epochs of high resolution optical spectroscopy, photometry from the UV up to the sub-mm regime, infrared spectroscopy, and J-band imaging polarimetry observations of DZ Cha. Combining our analysis with previous studies we find no signatures of accretion in the \Ha line profile in nine epochs covering a time baseline of 20\sim20 years. The optical spectra are dominated by chromospheric emission lines, but they also show emission from the forbidden lines [SII] 4068 and [OI] 6300A˚\,\AA that indicate a disc outflow. The polarized images reveal a dust depleted cavity of 7\sim7 au in radius and two spiral-like features, and we derive a disc dust mass limit of M_\mathrm{dust} 80 \MJup) companions are detected down to 0\farcs07 (8\sim 8 au, projected). The negligible accretion rate, small cavity, and forbidden line emission strongly suggests that DZ Cha is currently at the initial stages of disc clearing by photoevaporation. At this point the inner disc has drained and the inner wall of the truncated outer disc is directly exposed to the stellar radiation. We argue that other mechanisms like planet formation or binarity cannot explain the observed properties of DZ Cha. The scarcity of objects like this one is in line with the dispersal timescale (105\lesssim 10^5 yr) predicted by this theory. DZ Cha is therefore an ideal target to study the initial stages of photoevaporation.Comment: A&A in press, language corrections include

    New Debris Disk Candidates Around 49 Nearby Stars

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    We present 49 new candidate debris disks that were detected around nearby stars with the Spitzer Space Telescope using the Multiband Imaging Photometer (MIPS) at 24 μm (MIPS24) and 70 μm (MIPS70). The survey sample was composed of stars within 25 pc of the Sun that were not previously observed by any other MIPS survey. Only stars with V < 9 were selected, corresponding to spectral types earlier than M0. MIPS24 integration times were chosen to detect the stellar photosphere at 10σ levels or better. MIPS70 observations were designed to detect excess infrared emission from any star in the MIPS70 sample with a disk as luminous at that around epsilon Eridani. The resulting sample included over 436 nearby stars that were observed with both MIPS24 and MIPS70, plus an additional 198 observed only with MIPS24. Debris disk candidates were defined as targets where excess emission was detected at 3σ levels or greater, and the ratio of observed flux density to expected photosphere emission was three standard deviations or more above the mean value for the sample. The detection rate implied by the resulting 29 MIPS24 candidates is 4.6%. A detection rate of 4.8% is implied by 21 MIPS70 candidates. The distribution of spectral types for stars identified as candidates resembles that of the general sample and yields strong evidence that debris-disk occurrence does not decrease for K dwarfs. Modeling of non-uniform sensitivity in the sample is required to interpret quantitative estimates of the overall detection frequency and will be presented in a future work