1,971 research outputs found

    Aviation Law Comes Home to the Main Street Lawyer

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    Well controlled in length and highly aligned ZnO nanorods were grown on the gold-coated glass substrate by hydrothermal growth method. ZnO nanorods were functionalised with selective thallium (I) ion ionophore dibenzyldiaza-18-crown-6 (DBzDA18C6). The thallium ion sensor showed wide linear potentiometric response to thallium (I) ion concentrations ( M to  M) with high sensitivity of 36.87 ± 1.49 mV/decade. Moreover, thallium (I) ion demonstrated fast response time of less than 5 s, high selectivity, reproducibility, storage stability, and negligible response to common interferents. The proposed thallium (I) ion-sensor electrode was also used as an indicator electrode in the potentiometric titration, and it has shown good stoichiometric response for the determination of thallium (I) ion

    Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Padi (Oryza Sativa L.) Pada Berbagai Umur Semai Dengan Teknik Budidaya Sri (System of Rice Intensification)

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    Perbedaan pelaksanaan yang paling prinsip antara teknik SRI dan konvensional dalam budidaya padi adalah pengairan yang intermittent selama fase vegetatif dan mengutamakan pupuk organik, di samping anjuran penanaman bibit muda pada SRI. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman padi pada berbagai umur semai dengan teknik SRI. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Tondo, kota Palu, yang berlangsung dari bulan April – Juli 2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK), yang terdiri atas 6 perlakuan, yaitu A = Tabela, B = umur semai 6 hari, C = umur semai 9 hari, D = umur semai 12 hari dan E = umur semai 15 hari menggunakan pola tanam SRI, serta F = umur semai 18 hari menggunakan pola tanam konvensional. Masing-masing perlakuan diulang tiga kali sebagai kelompok sehingga terdapat 18 unit perlakuan. Setiap unit perlakuan terdiri dari 4 tanaman sehingga terdapat 72 tanaman. Data hasil pengamatan dianalisis dengan sidik ragam (Uji-F), apabila hasil analisis ragam menunjukkan perbedaan nyata dilanjutkan uji lanjut beda nyata jujur (BNJ). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Tabela (A) dapat mempercepat umur berbunga 9 hari dibandingkan pola tanam konvensional dan umur panen 12 hari dibandingkan pola tanam konvensional. Tanaman 6 HSS menghasilkan jumlah anakan lebih banyak dan hasil gabah kering yang lebih tinggi. Penggunaan pola tanam SRI dapat meningkatkan hasil gabah per rumpun 90,79% dibanding pola tanam konvensional

    A survey of physiotherapists on physical activity promotion in northern Nigeria

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    Tackling the menace of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) through the promotion of population participation in health enhancing physical activities requires the engagement of healthcare experts, such as physiotherapists, to make necessary assessments and individualized recommendation.The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge of physical activity message, role perception and counselling practice, and the feasibility of, and barriers to physical activity promotion among physiotherapists in Northern Nigeria.Physiotherapists in seven hospitals in Northern Nigeria (N=94) were surveyed using a questionnaire that elicited information on socio-demographic characteristics and the participants also completed a Physical Activity Promotion Questionnaire which elicited responses on knowledge of physical activity message, feasibility of physical activity promotion, and barriers to physical activity promotion.Overall, the physiotherapists in this study reported good knowledge of physical activity promotion, perceived physical activity promotion as their role, and also reported minimal or little barrier to physical activity promotion. The physiotherapists also believed promoting physical activity was feasible for them.These findings suggest that physiotherapists in Northern Nigerian have a good disposition towards promoting a physically active lifestyle among their patients and clients and they could play an important public health role in the prevention and control of NCDs in Nigeria.Keywords: Physical activity, physical activity promotion, physiotherapists, disposition, active lifestyl

    Role of International Fund for Agricultural Development/ Community Based Agricultural and Rural Development Programme (IFAD/CBARDP) in Improving the Livelihood of Rural Women: A Case Study of Aliero Local Government Area, Kebbi State, Nigeria

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    This study examined the role of IFAD/CBARDP on improving rural women’s livelihood in Kebbi State, Nigeria. Multistage sampling technique was adopted to select 80 IFAD participating women. Structured questionnaire was used in data collection. Descriptive statistics was used to present the data obtained. Majority of the women were married, and at active productive ages. Qur’anic education was the common educational status of the participants. The findings also reveal that all the IFAD participating women were provided with assistance based on needs and interest and the common assistance provided was the training on tailoring, knitting, soap and cream making and later the participants were provided with such machines. In addition, the participants were also provided cash loan. The programme has lead to improvement of the living standards of the participants after programme participation. Attitudinal dispositional test using 3 points Likert’s scale reveal that the participating women strongly agreed that the programme has improved their living standard, the loan was adequate, and all the assistance provided was based on their needs and interest. It is concluded that the participating women were involved in decision making, most especially on the assistance provided, and the management of the assistance. It’s recommended that effort should be geared towards increasing women participation in any intervention programme that could uplift the livelihood of the rural communities.Keywords: Role, IFAD/CBARDP, Poverty Reduction, participating women, Kebbi Stat

    Manajemen Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Berbasis Teknologi Informasi (T.i.) Pada Jurusan Bahasa Arab Fakultas Tarbiyah Iain Ar-raniry Banda Aceh

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    : In this globalization era and the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). moving so fast, and the system requires all educational settings to adjust well, vision, mission, objectives and strategies for the achievement of quality education and quality. One way to carry out the management of learning the Arabic language based on the Information Technology at Arabic Department of Tarbiyah Faculty IAIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. The data collection technique used was a questionnaire interview and observation documentation. Based on the results of the study indicate that the Arabic lecturers at Arabic Department of Tarbiyah Faculty IAIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh who taught in the classroom is not yet entirely in the form of lesson planning Lectures Events Unit. properly in Microsoft Word typing Arabic. In the implementation of learning show that in opening the lesson, explaining the lecture material, mostly Arabic professors are capable and proficient in doing well, especially in the setting up of learning support tools such as leptop, flash, infokus, wifi internet and online services. The results of the assessments through observation of student is not good. The results of interviews with lecture in the Arabic Tarbiyah Faculty IAIN AR-Raniry Banda Aceh, indicates that not all working to improve the evaluation of learning in the classroom, because the assessment is the evaluation process and the product. Keyword : Learning Management, Arabic Language and Information Technology (I.T.

    The Mapping of Microfinance Institutions for Supporting Sustainable Agriculture Financing in Padang City

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    IndonesianLembaga Keuangan Mikro (LKM) merupakan salah satu alternatif pembiayaan bagi. Pemetaan LKM sangat penting untuk menghindari terjadinya tumpang tindih program yang membantu peran LKM. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pemetaan terhadap LKM di Kota Padang dengan GIS dan mendeskripsikan efektivitas pengelolaan LKM di Kota Padang. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dengan setiap institusi LKM dan pihak terkait. Penelitian menghasilkan suatu situs web yang berhubungan dengan LKM di Kota Padang, sehingga hasil dan gambaran pemetaan LKM dapat dilihat di “lkmsumbar.org”. Lokasi LKM menyebar di sekitar pemukiman nasabah. Manajemen LKM ditinjau dari segi aksesibilitas, ketaatan terhadap peraturan, tingkat kepatuhan terhadap manajemen, tingkat pelayanan, alokasi penggunaan dana kredit, serta manfaat dana kredit. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa akses petani terhadap LKM agribisnis cukup baik, sebagaimana dapat dilihat dari kesesuaian antara jumlah kredit yang diajukan dan disetujui. Tingkat kepatuhan anggota terhadap pengurus dan peraturannya cukup bagus. Tingkat layanan pengurus dianggap tidak baik dan tidak efektif dalam meladeni anggota. Dana pinjaman lebih banyak digunakan oleh anggota untuk menambah modal dan sebagian mungkin digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mendesak rumah tangga.EnglishMicrofinance institutions (MFIs) are financing alternatives for farmers. Mapping MFIs is useful to avoid overlapping of the MFIs supporting programs. This study aims to mapping MFIs in Padang City with GIS, and to describe the management effectiveness. Data were collected using in-depth interviews with each micro-credit institution and their related parties. This research produces a website of the MFI mapping as can be seen on “lkmsumbar.org”. The MFIs locations spread around the settlement of the MFI's clients. The effectiveness of MFI's management is viewed in terms of the member accessibility, level of adherence to the rule of law, level of compliance to the management, management service level, allocation of the use of credit funds, and the benefits of credit funds. The results show that farmers' access to the agribusiness MFI-As is quite good, which can be seen from the consistency between the amount of credit proposed and approved. The members' compliance to the board and the rules is quite good. The service level of the board is not good and not effective in serving the members. The loan is mostly used for business capital and some may be used for funding household urgent needs

    Gaya Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru Pada Sdn 7 Muara Dua Lhoksuemawe

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    : Style principals strongly influence the behavior of subordinates, but if subordinate behavior may not necessarily be able to influence the behavior of their superiors. Principal\u27s leadership style is a consistent pattern of behavior shown by the leader and the other party known as a leader trying to influence the activities of others. The purpose of the study to determine the leadership style of the principal, including: (1) Discipline; (2) Commitment; (3) Ability and (4) The responsibility of the teacher. Qualitative approach with descriptive methods, data collection techniques performed with interview guides, observation, and study documentation. Subjects were principals, teachers and supervisors in SD Negeri 7 Muara Dua Lhoksuemawe. The results of the study found: (1) the principal\u27s style of leadership in promoting the discipline of teachers, is a style of informing (telling), in addition to telling style, principals also apply situational style; (2) the principal\u27s leadership style in improving teacher commitment is selling styles (consultative) by directing the teacher to complete the task; (3) the principal\u27s leadership style to improve the ability of teachers, namely the implementation of a participative style during an internal meeting board of teachers and other meetings; and (4) the principal\u27s style of leadership in improving the teacher\u27s responsibility, is to force the sharing discretionary authority to the members of the organization to carry out the task. Expected to supervisors and principals in order to give impetus and direction in the performance of discipline, commitment, ability and responsibility of teachers to effectively and efficiently to improve the performance of teachers in schools

    Frequency of Predisposing Factor of Nausea and Vomiting After Chest Surgery Under General Anaesthesia

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    Background: Postoperative nausea and vomiting are common and distressing postsurgical symptoms. These symptoms are of particular concern in outpatient surgery because they may require additional direct resources, such as supplies and antiemetic drugs, and may delay discharge. The objective of this study was to measure the frequency of factors which can cause nausea and vomiting under general anaesthesia after chest surgery. Methodology: This descriptive case series evaluated frequency of predisposing factor of nausea and vomiting in patients of anaesthesia department of Gulab Devi Hospital Lahore. Questionnaire is made and patients were asked about their age, fever, previous surgery, NPO status, smoking history and hospital stay. This study included 140 patients with post-operative nausea and vomiting. Results: In this study, 140 patients were taken in which  65 (46.43%) were female and 75 (53.57%) were male. In 140 patient 134 (95.7%) were NPO and 6 (4.3%) were not  NPO, 25 (17.9%) were obese and 115 (82.1%) were not obese, 88 (62.9%) patients were suffering fever and 52 (37.1%) were not suffering fever, 80 (57.1%) were infected and 59 (42.1%) were not infected, 53 (37.9%) patients had previous surgery and 87 (62.1%) had no previous surgery, 94 (67.1%) patients had received nitrous oxide and 46 (32.9%) didn\u27t, 97 (69.3%) received volatile gases and 43 (30.7%) not received, 29 (20.7%) received ketamine and 111 (79.3%) not received, 87 (62.1%) received suxamethonium and 53 (37.9%) not received, 119 (85.0%) received propofol and 21 (15.0%) not received, 110 (78.6%) received naluphine and 28 (20.0%) not received. Out of 140 patients, there were 122 (87.1%) who were suffering from pain and 18 (12.9%) were not. 91 (65.0%) patients had gastric distention and 49 (35.0%) patients didn\u27t. Opioids were given to 34 (24.3%) patients and not given to 106 (75.7%) patient. Conclusion: It is concluded that the nausea and vomiting after surgey under genral anesthesia is due to patient related factors in which most frequent is NPO. Drug related factors include propofol and nalbupin administration. Post operative factors include pain. In whole study of 140 patients, the  most frequent is patient related factor (NPO) other than drug related factors and post-operative factors

    Effects of Environmental Conditions on c-fos Expression in Rat Nucleus Accumbens After Remifentanil

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    Previous studies have shown that adolescents raised in impoverished conditions are more likely to develop drug abuse in adulthood. In addition, both stress-inducing living conditions (impoverishment/isolation) and drugs of abuse may lead to an increase in the c-fos transcription factor in the reward circuit of the brain, particularly in the nucleus accumbens. The aim of the current study was to quantify the number of c-fos positive cells in the nucleus accumbens of enriched and isolated rats exposed to the opioid remifentanil. Thirty-two male Sprague-Dawley rats were raised in either enriched or isolated conditions for one month, after which they received 10 i.v. infusions of 3 ÎĽg/kg remifentanil or saline through the jugular vein. Eighty-five minutes after the last infusion, rats underwent perfusions. After immunohistochemistry was performed on tissue containing the nucleus accumbens, the average number of c-fos positive cells per slice was obtained using ImageJ. Using a 2x2 between subjects ANOVA, with drug and environment as factors, this research demonstrated a main effect of environment on c-fos expression in the nucleus accumbens, with isolated rats expressing more c-fos positive cells than enriched rats. However, there was no significant effect of drug treatment, suggesting that remifentanil did not increase total c-fos as expected. This study demonstrated the cellular consequences of being raised in different living conditions, as it showed that individuals raised under high levels of stress may be at risk of altered cell signaling and gene expression in the reward system of the brain
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