276 research outputs found

    Hadrons registration in emulsion chamber with carbon block

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    Nuclear-electro-magnetic cascade (NEC) in X-ray emulsion chambers with carbon block, which are usually used in the Pamir experiment, was Monte-Carlo simulated. Going over from optical density to Summary E sub gamma is discussed. The hole of NEC in the interpretation of energy spectra is analyzed

    Powikłania leczenia operacyjnego złamań stawowych kości piętowej

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    Wstęp: Autorzy pracy prezentują zarejestrowane w materiale własnym powikłania leczenia operacyjnego złamań stawowych kości piętowej z wykorzystaniem różnego rodzaju materiałów zespalających. Materiały i metody: Analizowanymi technikami operacyjnymi były zespolenie Westhuesa oraz jego modyfikacja z dodatkową stabilizacją odłamów kostnych drutami Kirschnera, a także przezskórna stabilizacja sposobem Rąpały. Materiał badań obejmuje lata od 1990 do 2012 roku, a stanowi go 82 operowanych, w tym 68 mężczyzn (83%) i 14 kobiet (17%). Analizowane złamania kości piętowej klasyfi kowano w oparciu o podział Essex-Lopresti. Wyniki: Autorzy pracy zwracają uwagę, że najczęściej rejestrowanymi powikłaniami leczenia operacyjnego złamań stawowych kości piętowej w obserwacji wczesnej są powikłania zakrzepowo-zatorowe oraz miejscowy odczyn zapalny skóry w miejscu wprowadzenia do kości materiału zespalającego, a w obserwacji odległej zespół pozakrzepowy i zaburzenia algodystroficzne. Wnioski: Czynnikami sprzyjającymi występowaniu tych powikłań jest morfologia samego złamania, zespolenie odłamów kostnych nadmierną liczbą elementów materiału zespalającego oraz długotrwałe unieruchomienie kończyny operowanej.Introduction: The authors present complications following surgical treatment of intra-articular calcaneus fractures, in regards to the surgical technique employed, based on their own clinical material. Materials and methods: The techniques analyzed included the Westhues’ technique and its modifi cation with additional bone stabilization by Kirschner wires and the percutaneous stabilization by Rapala. The research material covered the years from 1990 to 2012 and consists of 82 operated patients - 68 men (83%) and 14 women (17%). Analyzed calcaneus fractures were divided using the Essex-Lopresti classifi cation. Results: The authors of the article indicate that the most frequently registered complications of surgical treatment of intra-articular calcaneus fractures in early observation were thromboembolic complications and local infl ammatory reactions of the skin at the point of incision and placing the stabilizing material. During the long-term follow-up, the post-thrombotic syndrome and algodystrophic disorders were the most common. Conclusions: Factors contributing to the occurrence of the complications registered were fracture morphology, fixation of bone fragments by an excessive number of stabilizing materials and prolonged immobilization of the operated limb

    Czynnościowe wyniki odległe oraz uwarunkowania fizjoterapeutyczne leczenia operacyjnego złamań stawowych kości piętowej

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    Wstęp: Autorzy pracy prezentują obserwacje własne z zakresu operacyjnego leczenia złamań stawowych kości piętowej z zastosowaniem przezskórnych zespoleń małoinwazyjnych w skojarzeniu ze zunifikowanym autorskim programem fizjoterapii. Materiały i metody: Są nimi zespolenie Westhuesa oraz jego modyfikacja z dodatkową stabilizacją odłamów kostnych drutami Kirschnera, a także przezskórna stabilizacja sposobem Rąpały. Materiał badań obejmuje lata 1990- 2012, a stanowi go 82 operowanych, w tym 68 mężczyzn (83%) i 14 kobiet (17%). Analizowane złamania kości piętowej klasyfikowano stosując podział Essex-Lopresti, a do oceny wyników czynnościowych w obserwacji odległej posłużono się kryteriami Creighton-Nebraska. Wyniki: Wśród mężczyzn z rozpoznanym złamaniem typu "języka", u których zastosowano zespolenie odłamów kostnych sposobem Westhuesa, wyniki dobre odnotowano u 12 operowanych, czyli u 17,6%, oraz wyniki zadowalające u pozostałych 7, czyli u 10,3%. W grupie kobiet leczonych z powodu złamań stawowych kości piętowej typu „języka” sposobem Westhuesa odnotowano wyniki dobre u 2 operowanych, czyli u 14,3%, oraz wynik zły u jednej z nich, co stanowi 7,1%. Wnioski: Na podstawie analizy zebranego materiału autorzy pracy skłaniają się do stwierdzenia, że wymienione zespolenia odłamów kostnych są jedynie z pozoru małoinwazyjne, a powikłane zwłaszcza powikłaniami skojarzonymi u większości operowanych prowadzą w obserwacji odległej do niekorzystnych wyników czynnościowych.Introduction: The authors present their own observations of the surgical treatment of articular calcaneal fractures using a minimally invasive percutaneous fixation in combination with the unifi ed self-developed physiotherapy program. Material and methods: The analyzed techniques include the Westhues’ technique and its modifi cation with additional stabilization of the bone fragments with Kirschner wires, as well as transdermal stabilization by Rąpała. The research material comprises 82 patients with intraarticular fractures - 68 men (83%) and 14 women (17%) treated surgically between 1990 and 2012. The analyzed calcaneus fractures were divided by Essex-Lopresti scale and evaluation of functional outcome at follow-up was based on the Creighton-Nebraska criteria. Results: Men with the "tongue type" fracture treated using the Westhues’ technique had good functional outcomes in 12 cases (17.6%) and acceptable in 7 cases (10.3%). Women with the “tongue type” fracture treated using the Westhues’ technique had good functional outcomes in 2 cases (14.3%) and in one case, poor (7.1%). Conclusions: After analysis of the material, the authors claim that minimally invasive techniques are not really minimally invasive, taking the observed complications into consideration in most of the patients, which lead to the poor functional outcome at long term follow-ups

    Workplace factors associated with mental health of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: an international cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: The association of workplace factors on mental health of healthcare workers (HCWs) during the COVID-19 pandemic needs to be urgently established. This will enable governments and policy-makers to make evidence-based decisions. This international study reports the association between workplace factors and the mental health of HCWs during the pandemic. METHODS: An international, cross-sectional study was conducted in 41 countries. The primary outcome was depressive symptoms, derived from the validated Patient Health Questionnaire-2 (PHQ-2). Multivariable logistic regression identified factors associated with mental health outcomes. Inter-country differences were also evaluated. RESULTS: A total of 2,527 responses were received, from 41 countries, including China (n=1,213; 48.0%), UK (n=891; 35.3%), and USA (n=252; 10.0%). Of all participants, 1343 (57.1%) were aged 26 to 40 years, and 2021 (80.0%) were female; 874 (34.6%) were doctors, and 1367 (54.1%) were nurses. Factors associated with an increased likelihood of depressive symptoms were: working in the UK (OR=3.63; CI=[2.90-4.54]; p<0.001) and USA (OR=4.10; CI=[3.03-5.54]), p<0.001); being female (OR=1.74; CI=[1.42-2.13]; p<0.001); being a nurse (OR=1.64; CI=[1.34-2.01]; p<0.001); and caring for a COVID-19 positive patient who subsequently died (OR=1.20; CI=[1.01-1.43]; p=0.040). Workplace factors associated with depressive symptoms were: redeployment to Intensive Care Unit (ICU) (OR=1.67; CI=[1.14-2.46]; p=0.009); redeployment with perceived unsatisfactory training (OR=1.67; CI=[1.32-2.11]; p<0.001); not being issued with appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) (OR=2.49; CI=[2.03-3.04]; p<0.001); perceived poor workplace support within area/specialty (OR=2.49; CI=[2.03-3.04]; p<0.001); and perceived poor mental health support (OR=1.63; CI=[1.38-1.92]; p<0.001). CONCLUSION: This is the first international study, demonstrating that workplace factors, including PPE availability, staff training pre-redeployment, and provision of mental health support, are significantly associated with mental health during COVID-19. Governments, policy-makers and other stakeholders need to ensure provision of these to safeguard HCWs’ mental health, for future waves and other pandemics

    The CHOICE study (Contraceptive Health Research Of Informed Choice Experience) – an educational research program for Polish women planning combined hormonal contraceptives use

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to develop an optimal educational model for contraceptive counseling, to analyze conditions influencing choice of hormonal contraception, to study patients’ opinions on present, planned and proposed contraceptive methods and to link these data with socioeconomic and demographic conditions. Materials and methods: One thousand eight hundred fifty women (mean age 26.8±5.9 yrs) willing to use hormonal contraception were presented with essential information on combined hormonal contraception and asked to fill the anonymous questionnaire investigating factors influencing contraceptive choice and patients’ opinion on alternative forms of birth regulation. The study was conducted in selected 185 centers in Poland and was a part of a larger survey (CHOICE) conducted on 11 216 women in Europe and Israel. Results: Majority of the studied women were in stable relationship (85,5%), had higher or incomplete higher education (54.8%) and permanent job (54%). The purpose of the visit was to start/change contraception (64.2%), a routine gynecologic check-up (36.7%) or the need for a prescription for the continued contraceptive medication (18.7%). The most commonly used contraceptive methods were oral contraceptive pills (OCP, 38.7%) and condom (24.9%). Majority of women highly valued contraceptive counseling and more than 90% were eager to get familiarized with information leaflets. Before the counseling majority of subjects stated that were convinced to use OCP (52.7%; major advantages named: easy to use, favorable bleeding profile, amelioration of menstrual discomfort, comfortable, discrete) and contraceptive patch (22%; major advantages named: applied once a week, comfortable, simple, low risk for noncompliance, favorable bleeding profile). After the counseling there was an increase in proportion of women interested in contraceptive hormonal ring (by 19%; major advantages named: applied once a month, comfortable, very low risk for noncompliance, high efficacy and positive recommendation from a physician). In 58 women no hormonal contraception was recommended, predominantly due to medical contraindications. Conclusions: Appropriate patient counseling on all forms of combined hormonal contraception, with special attention paid to benefits and safety issues, suited to women’s expectations and education is fundamental for the selection of an optimal birth control method

    Prion protein interaction with soil humic substances: environmental implications

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    Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) are fatal neurodegenerative disorders caused by prions. Animal TSE include scrapie in sheep and goats, and chronic wasting disease (CWD) in cervids. Effective management of scrapie in many parts of the world, and of CWD in North American deer population is complicated by the persistence of prions in the environment. After shedding from diseased animals, prions persist in soil, withstanding biotic and abiotic degradation. As soil is a complex, multi-component system of both mineral and organic components, it is important to understand which soil compounds may interact with prions and thus contribute to disease transmission. Several studies have investigated the role of different soil minerals in prion adsorption and infectivity; we focused our attention on the interaction of soil organic components, the humic substances (HS), with recombinant prion protein (recPrP) material. We evaluated the kinetics of recPrP adsorption, providing a structural and biochemical characterization of chemical adducts using different experimental approaches. Here we show that HS act as potent anti-prion agents in prion infected neuronal cells and in the amyloid seeding assays: HS adsorb both recPrP and prions, thus sequestering them from the prion replication process. We interpreted our findings as highly relevant from an environmental point of view, as the adsorption of prions in HS may affect their availability and consequently hinder the environmental transmission of prion diseases in ruminants

    Oficina de propagação de plantas frutíferas

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    Trabalho apresentado no II Congresso Nacional do PROJETO RONDON, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 23 a 25 de setembro de 2015 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.A produção de frutas nativas e adaptadas à região é uma das alternativas de geração de renda para comunidades rurais. Em Rondon do Pará – PA, um dos municípios participantes da Operação Itacaiúnas 2015, identificou-se carência de produção agrícola nessas comunidades. Assim, alternativas relativas à produção de mudas frutíferas foram desenvolvidas para incentivar a produção e a associação entre esses produtores rurais, visando seu crescimento e fortalecimento para geração de renda familiar. O objetivo do presente trabalho é relatar a experiência da equipe de rondonistas na zona rural do município de Rondon do Pará – PA, pela oficina de propagação e manejo de plantas frutíferas, avaliando a importância da troca de conhecimento entre os alunos e a comunidade. Foi verificada a necessidade de melhoria nos métodos de propagação e manejo de plantas frutíferas na viagem precursora realizada pelo professor coordenador. Assim, foi elaborada uma oficina com este tema, desenvolvida no viveiro municipal e em dois bairros rurais atendendo mais de 30 pessoas. Foi feita uma apresentação sobre os diferentes tipos de multiplicação de plantas frutíferas seguida de uma atividade práticas de enxertia e estaquia das frutíferas mais produzidas na região (manga, caju, goiaba, acerola e pitaya), além de tratar de tópicos sobre o manejo das mesmas. Também foram entregues cartilhas explicativas sobre o assunto. Foi observado que nenhum dos presentes, dos quais produtores, servidores púbicos e leigos, conheciam o método de enxertia. A estaquia era utilizada por poucos, mas sem aprofundamento e técnicas eficientes, sendo que os presentes aprenderam os conceitos teóricos, aplicados com a supervisão dos universitários. Além disso, a população local transmitiu seus conhecimentos ensinando os rondonistas a produzir mudas de outras espécies utilizadas na região. Percebeu-se que a população teve um grande interesse pelos métodos de propagação, os quais poderão ser utilizados para aumentar a renda familiar. Também houve uma troca de saberes entre conceitos acadêmicos e práticos, atingindo o objetivo principal do Projeto Rondon

    Projeto Rondon Operação Itacaiúnas: ações extensionistas no município de Rondon do Pará-PA

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    Trabalho apresentado no II Congresso Nacional do PROJETO RONDON, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 23 a 25 de setembro de 2015 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.O Projeto Rondon, realizado pelo Ministério da Defesa, integra voluntários acadêmicos e comunidades carentes, para que haja a troca de conhecimentos entre as duas partes, com ênfase na busca de soluções que auxiliem o desenvolvimento dessas populações de forma sustentável e viável através da formação de agentes multiplicadores das ações compreendidas nos eixos (A) Cultura, Direitos Humanos e Justiça, Educação e Saúde e (B) Comunicação, Tecnologia e Produção, Meio Ambiente e Trabalho. Em julho de 2015, aconteceram as operações “Bororos”, em Mato Grosso e “Itacaiúnas”, no Pará e Tocantins. Apresentar as propostas das ações desenvolvidas no município de Rondon do Pará – PA, contemplado na Operação Itacaiúnas e referentes ao eixo B entre os dias 17 de julho a 2 de agosto. Foram desenvolvidas ações com base nas demandas da população de Rondon do Pará, a partir da análise de dados da literatura disponível. Tais ações foram adaptadas após a viagem precursora do professor coordenador à região, e ocorreram em cinco regiões distintas do município: Jaderlândia, Gusmão, Novo Horizonte, Miranda e na Zona Rural. As ações realizaram-se de forma satisfatória, porém foram encontradas dificuldades, fruto do intenso clima de instabilidade política existente na região, somado a falta de comunicação entre a prefeitura e as equipes rondonistas. Os universitários envolvidos, entretanto, obtiveram um significativo crescimento pessoal, coletivo e profissional, fruto do impacto sociocultural e do trabalho em conjunto com a população local. As ações envolveram mais de 1200 habitantes, de uma população aproximada de 50 mil. A experiência de participar de um projeto de caráter extensionista como o Rondon é de grande valia para a formação cidadã dos universitários e demais envolvidos. Dessa forma, é de suma importância que se valorize ações como essas na conjuntura atual do país