455 research outputs found

    Stretching a Surface Having a Layer of Porous Medium in a Viscous Fluid

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    The present analysis deals with the steady, incompressible flow of a viscous fluid over a stretching sheet having a layer of porous medium of uniform thickness. The two-dimensional flow equations are derived in a Cartesian coordinate system. The semi-infinite region filled with a viscous fluid is divided into two regions namely, a clear fluid region and a region having a uniform pores. Darcy\u27s law has been used for the flow of fluid in the porous medium region. An exact similar solution of the problem is obtained. The obtained solution is constrained by a relation between the porosity parameter and the parameter representing the viscosity ratios between the two regions. Our interest lies in determining the influence of porosity parameter, viscosities ratio parameter and thickness of the porous layer on the fluid velocity and the skin friction coefficient. The results for the Crane\u27s problem in a complete clear and a complete porous region are retrieved as special cases of the present solution

    Hierarchical generative modelling for autonomous robots

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    Humans generate intricate whole-body motions by planning, executing and combining individual limb movements. We investigated this fundamental aspect of motor control and approached the problem of autonomous task completion by hierarchical generative modelling with multi-level planning, emulating the deep temporal architecture of human motor control. We explored the temporal depth of nested timescales, where successive levels of a forward or generative model unfold, for example, object delivery requires both global planning and local coordination of limb movements. This separation of temporal scales suggests the advantage of hierarchically organizing the global planning and local control of individual limbs. We validated our proposed formulation extensively through physics simulation. Using a hierarchical generative model, we showcase that an embodied artificial intelligence system, a humanoid robot, can autonomously complete a complex task requiring a holistic use of locomotion, manipulation and grasping: the robot adeptly retrieves and transports a box, opens and walks through a door, kicks a football and exhibits robust performance even in the presence of body damage and ground irregularities. Our findings demonstrated the efficacy and feasibility of human-inspired motor control for an embodied artificial intelligence robot, highlighting the viability of the formulized hierarchical architecture for achieving autonomous completion of challenging goal-directed tasks

    Use of intravenous anti-D in patients with refractory and relapsed immune thrombocytopenic purpura

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    Objective: To determine the response to IV anti-D and its comparison with splenectomy as second line therapy in refractory and relapsed cases of ITP, in the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi. Methods: A total of 23 patients with chronic ITP were treated with either anti-D or splenectomy as second line treatment. The patients were assessed for time to achieve a response to second line treatment, duration ofresponse and adverse events. Results: There were 12 patients in the anti-D group and 11 in the splenectomy group. The mean platelet count at presentation was 9,000/cumm. The mean age was 8.9 years and 13.0 years and the male to female ratio was 1:1 and 1:1.2 in anti-D and splenectomy group respectively. 54.5% of the patient in the anti-D group responded compared to 81.8% in the splenectomy group. Median time to achieve a response was 7 days in the anti-D group and 1 day in the splenectomy group. Mean time to relapse was 87.8 days in the anti-D group and 55.4 days in the splenectomy group. No adverse events were recorded for any of the infusions of anti-D and none of the patients had more than 0.5 gm /dl fall in the hemoglobin level following anti-D infusion. Conclusion: It was thus concluded that Anti-D is a relatively safe, convenient and effective therapy for chronic ITP and can be used as a splenectomy sparing agent when treatment is clinically indicated

    Electrochemical study of different membrane materials for the fabrication of stable, reproducible and reusable reference electrode

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    © 2020 Fabrication of stable, reproducible and reusable reference electrodes for low energy and high-temperature steam splitting is of great interest for hydrogen fuel production without anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emission. This study has been conducted for the detection of suitable material for the fabrication of novel reference electrode. In the present scenario, this research is designed to fabricate a novel nickel reference electrode by using operating conditions of eutectic molten hydroxide (NaOH-KOH, 49–51 mol%) at temperature 300 °C in an ion-conducting membrane of alumina and mullite tube. Afterwards, the designed nickel reference electrode has been examined for its reusability and stability by using electrochemical technique and cyclic voltammetry. Five scans of cyclic voltammetry are performed for both membrane fabricated reference electrode. A slight positive shift in oxidation peaks is observed for mullite membrane electrode (64 mV from scan 1 to 5). The stability measurements are noted by changing the scan rate between 50 and 150 mV s−1. Furthermore, the results show that the Ni/Ni(OH)2 reference electrode covered with a mullite membrane is stable and reusable at 300 °C temperature without any deterioration. The stability and reusability of prepared nickel reference electrode covered by mullite tube in the eutectic molten hydroxide were up to 9 days to carry out an electrochemical investigation, while for alumina tube reference electrode the stability and reliability were up to 3 days. The internal electrolytic material and ionic conductance can play an important role for future studies with this reference electrode along with optimisation of temperature and scan rate parameters

    New Method to Harness More Wind Energy

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    A new and novel method to harness more wind energy has been designed Details of the experimental results and theoretical explanation is presented in the paper. The simplicity and economic viability of the method is expected to be a boon in converting poor windy sites to usable ones and to harness more energy at the existing windmill sites

    Off-Axis and On-Axis Performance of Novel Acrylic Thermoplastic (Elium®) 3D Fibre-Reinforced Composites under Flexure Load

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    The flexure response of novel thermoplastic (Elium®) 3D fibre-reinforced composites (FRC) was evaluated and compared with a conventional thermoset (Epolam®)-based 3D-FRC. Ten different types of sample 3D-FRC were prepared by varying fibre orientations, i.e., 0°, 30°, 45°, 60° and 90°, and resin system, i.e., thermoplastic and thermoset. The bending characteristics and failure mechanisms were determined by conducting a three-point bend test. Results elucidate that The flexure response of novel thermoplastic (Elium®) 3D fibre-reinforced composites (FRC) was evaluated and compared with a conventional thermoset (Epolam®)-based 3D-FRC. Ten different types of sample 3D-FRC were prepared by varying fibre orientations, i.e., 0°, 30°, 45°, 60° and 90°, and resin system, i.e., thermoplastic and thermoset. The bending characteristics and failure mechanisms were determined by conducting a three-point bend test. Results elucidate that the on-axis specimens show linear response and brittle failure; in contrast, the off-axis specimens depicted highly The flexure response of novel thermoplastic (Elium®) 3D fibre-reinforced composites (FRC) was evaluated and compared with a conventional thermoset (Epolam®)-based 3D-FRC. Ten different types of sample 3D-FRC were prepared by varying fibre orientations, i.e., 0°, 30°, 45°, 60° and 90°, and resin system, i.e., thermoplastic and thermoset. The bending characteristics and failure mechanisms were determined by conducting a three-point bend test. Results elucidate that the on-axis specimens show linear response and brittle failure; in contrast, the off-axis specimens depicted highly nonlinear response and ductile failure. The thermoplastic on-axis specimen exhibited almost similar flexure strength; in comparison, the off-axis specimens show ~17% lower flexure strength compared to thermoset 3D-FRC. Thermoplastic 3D-FRC shows ~40% higher energy absorption, ~23% lower flexure modulus and ~27% higher flexure strains as compared to its thermoset counterpart

    Simulating lesion-dependent functional recovery mechanisms.

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    Functional recovery after brain damage varies widely and depends on many factors, including lesion site and extent. When a neuronal system is damaged, recovery may occur by engaging residual (e.g., perilesional) components. When damage is extensive, recovery depends on the availability of other intact neural structures that can reproduce the same functional output (i.e., degeneracy). A system's response to damage may occur rapidly, require learning or both. Here, we simulate functional recovery from four different types of lesions, using a generative model of word repetition that comprised a default premorbid system and a less used alternative system. The synthetic lesions (i) completely disengaged the premorbid system, leaving the alternative system intact, (ii) partially damaged both premorbid and alternative systems, and (iii) limited the experience-dependent plasticity of both. The results, across 1000 trials, demonstrate that (i) a complete disconnection of the premorbid system naturally invoked the engagement of the other, (ii) incomplete damage to both systems had a much more devastating long-term effect on model performance and (iii) the effect of reducing learning capacity within each system. These findings contribute to formal frameworks for interpreting the effect of different types of lesions

    Biological interactions between carreau fluid and micro-swimmers in a complex wavy canal with MHD effects

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    The efficient magnetic swimming of actual or mechanically designed micro-swimmers within bounded regions is reliant on several factors. Few of which are: the actuation of these swimmers via magnetic field, rheology of surrounding liquid (with dominant viscous forces), nature of medium (either porous or non-porous), position (either straight, inclined or declined) and state (either active or passive) of the narrow passage. To witness these interactions, we utilize Carreau fluid with Taylor swimming sheet model under magnetic and porous effects. Moreover, the cervical canal is approximated as a two-dimensional complex wavy channel inclined at certain angle with the horizontal. The momentum equations are reduced by means of lubrication assumption, which finally leads to a fourth order differential equation. MATLAB's built-in bvp4c function is employed to solve the resulting boundary value problem (BVP). The solution obtained via bvp4c is further verified by finite difference method (FDM). In both these methods, the refined values of flow rate and cell speed are computed by utilizing modified Newton-Raphson method. These realistic pairs are further utilized, to calculate the energy delivered by the micro-swimmer. The numerical results are plotted and discussed at the end of the article. Our study explains that the optimum speed of the micro-organism can be achieved by means of exploiting the fluid rheology and with the suitable application of the magnetic field. The peristaltic nature of the channel walls and porous medium may also serve as alternative factors to control the speed of the propeller

    Multiscale damage modelling of 3D woven composites under static and impact loads

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    A multiscale progressive damage modelling methodology for 3-dimensional (3D) woven composites is presented. The proposed methodology is generic and can be implemented in most finite element software to create a digital twin for simulation of damage response. It uses 3D solid element (reduced integration) representation of the part for global analysis, while the local damage response, as well as matrix nonlinearity is modelled using a mesoscale constitutive unit-cell model of 3D woven composite consisting of idealised regions of polymer matrix and impregnated yarns. The idealised unit-cell model is defined based on realistic input from X-ray tomography of the 3D woven composite part and the micro-level constituent properties of the matrix and fibres. The damage model has been validated using quasi-static tensile/compression tests as well as dynamic drop-weight impact tests for both thermoset (epoxy) and thermoplastic (Elium) 3D woven composites. These simulations successfully demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the model for both 3D-textile composites.The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support provided by Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (grant number 015LC0-197). The authors would also like to acknowledge the support of Dr. Pierre Gerard from Arkema and Dr. Sharp Keith from TexTech industries in acquiring Elium® resin and 3D fabric for this research work, Dr. Faiz Ahmad and Advance Functional Material (AFM) lab Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS in providing the facility for the fabrication of 3D woven composites

    The Extended Kumaraswamy Generated Family: Properties, Inference and Applications in Applied Fields

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    In this paper, a new Kumaraswamy generalized family is proposed. The special sub-models of the family accommodate symmetrical, left-skewed, bimodal, right-skewed unimodal, and reverse-J densities, as well as increasing, modified bathtub, decreasing, bathtub, upside down bathtub, reverse J and J shaped hazard rates. The fundamental properties of the family are derived. The maximum likelihood method and seven other methods are used for estimating the model parameters. Numerical simulations are performed to explore the performance of these estimation methods. Three real-life data sets from medicine, agriculture and engineering are fitted to illustrate the flexibility of the proposed family. The proposed family is a good alternative to the Kumaraswamy-G, beta-G, and Topp-Leone-G families