5 research outputs found

    Rice production under climate change : adaptations and mitigating strategies

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    In the current scenario of global climate change, the utmost desire to ensure food security is to maintain and increase agricultural production. But, due to rapid climate change, many abiotic factors such as rainfall, drought, flooding, temperature and solar radiations are severely affecting the production of rice at various growth stages. It is predicted that almost 51% of rice cultivation and production would be reduced during the next century due to global climate change. However, agriculture activities are also contributing to global warming by 10-14% of total global greenhouse gas emissions and 18% of the total methane is emitted from paddy rice fields. Therefore, mitigating and adaptation strategies such as alternate wetting and drying, inter cropping with short term vegetation, limiting chemical fertilizers by precise farming, usage of rice cultivars with low methane emission, improved tillage, recycling of farm waste into organic fertilizers, and by developing integrated rice farming system, are needed to hinder greenhouse gas emissions from rice fields. Furthermore, strategies are required to cope with effects of climate change on rice production by application of anaerobic methanotrops to oxidize the CH4, and the development of high-yielding and abiotic stresses-tolerant (temperature, drought) and resistance rice cultivars by using different new breeding, genetic engineering and genomic tools. Besides that, other management options such as development of weather-proofed farm equipment, shifting of planting and adjustments in cropping dates and use of climate forecasting by using remote sensing and modeling can also be used to sought out the climatic issues

    Biological, environmental and socioeconomic threats to citrus lime production

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    Limes as a fruit crop are of great economic importance, key to Asian and South American cuisines and cultivated in nearlyall tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Demand for limes is increasing, driven by World Health Organizationrecommendations. Pests and pathogens have significantly reduced global productivity, while changes in agronomictechniques aim to alleviate this stress. We present here a holistic examination of the major biotic (pests and pathogens) andabiotic (environment and socioeconomic) factors that presently limit global production of lime. The major producers oflimes are India, China and Mexico, while loss of lime production in the United States from 2006 has led many countries inthe Western Hemisphere (Mexico, Costa Rica and Brazil) to export primarily to the USA. The most widespread inver-tebrate pests of lime areToxoptera citricidaandScirtothrips citri. Another insect,Diaphorina citri, vectors both Huan-glongbing (HLB) and Witches Broom of Lime, which are particularly destructive diseases. Developing agronomictechniques focus on production of resistant and pathogen-free planting materials and control of insect vectors. HLB infectscitrus in nearly all growing regions, and has been particularly devastating in Asian citrus. Meanwhile,Citrus tristeza virushas infected over 100 million citrus trees, mainly in the Americas and Mediterranean. Currently, Witches Broom Disease ofLime is localised to the Middle East, but recently it has been detected in South America. The range of its vectors (D. citriandHishimonus phycitis) further raises concerns about the potential spread of this disease. Abiotic threats to limeproduction are also a significant concern; key areas of lime production such as Mexico, India and the Middle East sufferfrom increasing water stress and high soil salinity, which combined with invasive pests and pathogens, may eliminate limeproduction in these areas. To ensure future security in lime production, policy makers, researchers and growers will need toexamine the potential of more resistant lime cultivars and establish novel areas of cultivation

    Biofortification Under Climate Change: The Fight Between Quality and Quantity

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    Biological, environmental and socioeconomic threats to citrus lime production

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