21 research outputs found

    Marchantiana asserigena, a genus and species new to Norway

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    Marchantiana asserigena is reported new to Norway from the south-west (counties Rogaland, Hordaland, Sogn og Fjordane, and Møre og Romsdal) at altitudes from near sea level to 393 m. It occurs on branches of trees and shrubs and has been found on 33 species of phorophytes (including two hybridigenous ones). Larix decidua was the phorophyte with most collections. Based on the present material M. asserigena seems to be widespread in urban and suburban areas and in the cultural landscape. It is likely that M. asserigena is more widely distributed in Norway than the presented material indicates. Due to the inconspicuous thallus, the diminutive apothecia, and its unusual ecology it is easily overlooked.publishedVersio

    New crustose Teloschistaceae in Central Europe

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    Central Europe in general is poor in Teloschistaceae lichen crusts (Caloplaca s. lat.). Diversity of these lichens is increased by the occurrence of some Arctic, Mediterranean and continental species, which are here close to the limits of their range. Examples include: 1) Caloplaca interfulgens, previously known from arid territories of northern Africa and western Asia, is recorded, surprisingly, from Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia and southern Russia. In Central Europe, it is restricted to scattered xerothermic limestone outcrops. 2) Caloplaca scabrosa, previously known only from Svalbard, is recorded from the Sudetes in the Czech Republic. It is similar to, but not conspecific with, C. furfuracea. Its diagnostic characters include a blastidiate thallus and the presence of atranorin. Our results show that atranorin is absent in the majority of taxa related to C. furfuracea with only two exceptions: the sample from Eastern Carpathians, here called C. aff. scabrosa, and in one Sudetan sample identified as C. crenularia. 3) Caloplaca emilii, newly described below, is closely related to the Mediterranean C. areolata. We consider C. emilii a Mediterranean species rarely occurring in higher latitudes in Austria, the Czech Republic and Germany. It is distinguished from C. areolata mainly by the presence of vegetative diaspores (blastidia); a possible role of blastidia in the distribution pattern of C. emilii is discussed below. Status of the names Caloplaca areolata, C. isidiigera and C. spalatensisis, formerly used for the new taxon, is clarified. 4) Caloplaca molariformis, newly described below, belongs to the Pyrenodesmia group (a lineage of Caloplaca without anthraquinones). It is a continental species, frequently collected on limestone or lime-rich tuffs in steppes or deserts in Turkey, Iran, western Kazakhstan and southern Russia, and is also known from eastern Ukraine and southern Slovakia. Caloplaca molariformis is characterized by its thick thallus with fungal and algal tissues arranged in high stacks. 5) Caloplaca substerilis, newly described below, is distinguished from the closely related C. ulcerosa by its endophloeodal or minutely squamulose thallus with soralia formed in bark crevices or on margins of squamules. While C. ulcerosa has a maritime distribution in Europe, C. substerilis is typically a continental species. North American continental lichens called C. ulcerosa are phylogenetically closer and more similar to C. substerilis. The positions within Teloschistaceae of the taxa considered are demonstrated by ITS phylogenies. The distributions of C. areolata, C. emilii and C. interfulgens are mapped. The new species are fully described using more than a hundred phenotype characters, and diagnostic characters are indicated separately. Copyright © British Lichen Society 2013

    Редкие виды с территории Байкальского заповедника – дополнения к лихенофлоре России

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    В работе приводятся находки 15 видов, редких для лихенофлоры России и Южной Сибири. Все они впервые собраны на территории Байкальского заповедника (Южное Прибайкалье, хр. Хамар-Дабан). В основном это эпифитные и эпиксильные виды, произрастающие на Abies sibirica и Pinus sibirica. Впервые для Азии приводится Absconditella celata, для Сибири – Bacidia pycnidiata, Micarea micrococca; для Южной Сибири – Sarea resinae. Новые для Южного Прибайкалья – Arthonia helvola, A. vinosa, Biatora helvola, B. ocelliformis, Gyalideopsis piceicola. Для Хамар-Дабана новыми являются Cladonia acuminata, Lepraria finkii. Представлены краткие сведения о местонахождении видов и распространении их по территории России.</p

    Marchantiana asserigena, a genus and species new to Norway

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    Marchantiana asserigena is reported new to Norway from the south-west (counties Rogaland, Hordaland, Sogn og Fjordane, and Møre og Romsdal) at altitudes from near sea level to 393 m. It occurs on branches of trees and shrubs and has been found on 33 species of phorophytes (including two hybridigenous ones). Larix decidua was the phorophyte with most collections. Based on the present material M. asserigena seems to be widespread in urban and suburban areas and in the cultural landscape. It is likely that M. asserigena is more widely distributed in Norway than the presented material indicates. Due to the inconspicuous thallus, the diminutive apothecia, and its unusual ecology it is easily overlooked

    Marchantiana asserigena, a genus and species new to Norway

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    Marchantiana asserigena is reported new to Norway from the south-west (counties Rogaland, Hordaland, Sogn og Fjordane, and Møre og Romsdal) at altitudes from near sea level to 393 m. It occurs on branches of trees and shrubs and has been found on 33 species of phorophytes (including two hybridigenous ones). Larix decidua was the phorophyte with most collections. Based on the present material M. asserigena seems to be widespread in urban and suburban areas and in the cultural landscape. It is likely that M. asserigena is more widely distributed in Norway than the presented material indicates. Due to the inconspicuous thallus, the diminutive apothecia, and its unusual ecology it is easily overlooked

    Nowe dane o porostach z gór Bukowskie vrchy (Słowacja Północno - Wschodnia)

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    interesting findings of 100 lichens from the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Biosphere Reserve Poloniny, Slovak part) are reported as the result of recent survey work. two species are new for Slovakia: Fellhanera gyrophoricaandRinodina efflorescens, and 34 species are reported for the first time from the studied area. the new records for the country are shortly commented as well as ecological aspects of Agonimia repleta, Strigula stigmatella, Gyalecta ulmiandBelonia herculina.W pracy przedstawiono 100 gatunków porostów z gór Bukovské vrchy, słowackiej części międzynarodowego, polsko-słowacko-ukraińskiego rezerwatu biosfery „karpaty Wschodnie”, znanej jako Park narodowy Połoniny. Spośród prezentowanych porostów 34 gatunki są publikowane po raz pierwszy z badanego obszaru (!); dwa z nich: Fellhanera gyrophoricai Rinodina efflorescensto jednocześnie taksony nowe dla Słowacji (!!). dla pozostałych 66 gatunków podano nowe stanowiska. na uwagę zasługują nowe dane ekologiczne odnoszące się do gatunków uważanych za obligatoryjne epifity, mianowicie Agonimia repleta (tylko okazjonalnie na gliniastej glebie) i Strigula stigmatellarosną tutaj na otoczakach piaskowcowych, a Gyalecta ulmi– na obumarłych mszakach zasiedlających piaskowcowe bloki skalne