1,021 research outputs found

    The Study Of Quality And Safety Parameters Of The Special Vodka Of Native Production

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    Insofar as country is in unstable situation, many goods and products of the low quality and falsified ones appeared on the native market. Excise alcohol production is the most beneficial for falsification, because its profitability is very high.Among alcohol drinks vodka stays the most popular one that is produced in large scales. Last time the consumption of alcohol drinks increased by 22 %, so, the efforts of consumption policy must be directed on the rise of culture of drinking behavior and prophylaxis strategy.The parameters of quality and safety of the special vodka of TM “Home rye pervak” are studied. The normative documents that regulate quality of the special vodka in Ukraine are analyzed. There were studied organoleptic, physical-chemical parameters and safety of the special vodka of TM “Home rye pervak” made by LTD “UDK” (Poltava, Ukraine).It was established, that special vodka of TM “Home rye pervak” made by Ukrainian producer “UDK” corresponds to all requirements of the national standard of Ukraine as to physical-chemical parameters and the ones of safety

    Perlindungan Kehidupan Perempuan Dalam Keluarga Dan Masyarakat

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    This article talks about the importance of women in the family and society, with special respect to matters of trafficking. Such trafficking cases need serious attention, due to its alarming growth. Indonesia has even been the greatest supplies in the world. The modes of its execution have become more complex and diverse. There are many reasons why trafficking is on the rise, among them matters of poverty, economy, education and others, further complicated by domestic political issues and weak governance. The Quran as a book of teachings and guidance has also spotlighting matters of trafficking (in connection with slavery at the time of the Prophet Mohammed). There are several options and steps that the Quran takes with respect to freeing people from slavery. It is therefore that it is important to consider possible tafsir against trafficking as a stopgap. As a Muslim majority nation, religion is quite influential in constructing the views of society, and perhaps such tafsir could become a basis for anti-trafficking efforts

    Investigation of Intramolecular and Intermolecular Aza-Michael Reactions

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    The hydroamination of dimaleimides with diamines has been accomplished to access novel polymers. Various dimaleamides and dimaleimides were synthesized from commercially available diamines and maleic anhydride. The resulting dimaleamides were then ring-closed to their respective dimaleimides either directly in the presence of acid or via the synthesis of mixed amide-esters which then ring close in the presence of acid under heat. Hydroamination of the dimaleimides with piperazine was accomplished in bulk at room temperature. The reaction is spontaneous thus leading to the formation of polyimides with high functional group conversion within minutes. The kinetics of the maleamides and maleimides was monitored via Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (1H NMR). Endgroup conversion was determined by integration of the signals unique to the dimaleimide (=CH) and the combined signal of monomer and polymer from the connecting unit of the dimaleimide. Dimaleimides were characterized via 1H NMR and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The resulting polymers were characterized via 1H NMR. For the endgroup analysis, the amino endgroups were converted into t-butylbenzoyl endgroups. A methodology was developed to calculate the numbers average molecular weight (Mn) from the ratios of endgroups and polymer signals

    The Data Journalism Practices in the Production of Investigative News Videos by Narasi TV

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    The digital and open data era has given rise to the development of methods in data journalism to create an in-depth or investigative news report. The widespread use of social media, dominated by the Y and Z generations, has also encouraged journalists to present the story in attractive formats. As one of the digital media in Indonesia, Narasi TV has data-based long-form stories called Buka Mata, presented in video forms and published through various social media. This research aims to answer the question, “How does Narasi TV produce the data journalism videos in Buka Mata?” to describe Narasi TV’s data journalism practices. This study uses a constructivist paradigm, a qualitative approach, and the case study method; and refers to the data journalism concept from The Data Journalism Handbook in 2012 to solve the research question. The findings show that Narasi TV has implemented data journalism practices such as gathering, verifying, analyzing, and visualizing data in producing Buka Mata. Furthermore, Narasi TV also uses an open-source intelligence (OSINT) method to create its investigative news videos

    Smart element aware gate controller for intelligent wheeled robot navigation

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    The directing of a wheeled robot in an unknown moving environment with physical barriers is a difficult proposition. In particular, having an optimal or near-optimal path that avoids obstacles is a major challenge. In this paper, a modified neuro-controller mechanism is proposed for controlling the movement of an indoor mobile robot. The proposed mechanism is based on the design of a modified Elman neural network (MENN) with an effective element aware gate (MEEG) as the neuro-controller. This controller is updated to overcome the rigid and dynamic barriers in the indoor area. The proposed controller is implemented with a mobile robot known as Khepera IV in a practical manner. The practical results demonstrate that the proposed mechanism is very efficient in terms of providing shortest distance to reach the goal with maximum velocity as compared with the MENN. Specifically, the MEEG is better than MENN in minimizing the error rate by 58.33%

    Expression of the myosin light chains 1 and 2 in the developing fast muscle of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata)

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    Myosin, the major component of striated muscle, is a complex molecule of heavy and light chains, which undergo continuous replacement to meet developmental and environmental demands. A range of myosin isoforms are expressed in early developmental stages and are of special interest as they offer information about muscle formation and function early in life. In addition, they can act as markers for the study of prenatal events with an effect on postnatal growth performance. In this study, the spatial and temporal expression of embryonic myosin light chains 1 (MLC1) and 2 (MLC2) was studied in sea bream larvae post-hatch by in situ hybridization using riboprobes

    Evaluation of routing protocol with multi-mobile sinks in WSNs using QoS and energy consumption parameters

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    An efficient networks’ energy consumption and Quality of Services (QoS) are considered the most important issues, to evaluate the route quality of the designed routing protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). This study is presented an evaluation performance technique to evaluate two routing protocols: Secure for Mobile Sink Node location using Dynamic Routing Protocol (SMSNDRP) and routing protocol that used K-means algorithm to form Data Gathered Path (KM-DGP), on small and large network with Group of Mobile Sinks (GMSs). The propose technique is based on QoS and sensor nodes’ energy consumption parameters to assess route quality and networks’ energy usage. The evaluation technique is conducted on two routing protocols in two phases: The first phase is used to evaluate the route quality and networks’ energy consumption on small WSN with one mobile Sink Node (SN) and GMSs. The second phase, is used to evaluate the route quality and networks’ energy consumption on large network (four WSNs) with GMSs. The two phases are implementated by creating five sceneries via using NS2.3 simulator software. The implementation results of the proposed performance evaluation technique have demonstrated that SMSNDRP gives better networks’ energy consumption on small single network in comparison with KM-DGP. Also, it gives high quality route in large network that used four mobile SN, in contrast to KM-DGP that used sixteen mobile SNs. While in large network, it found that KM-DGP with sixteen mobile SNs gives better networks’ energy consumption in comparison with SMSNDRP with four mobile SNs

    Pengaruh Sistem Akuntansi Manajemen Terhadap Pengendalian Biaya Kualitas Produk Pada CV. Sarana Marine Fiberglass Manado

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji pengaruh sistem akuntansi manajemen secara signifikan dan positif terhadap pengendalian biaya kualitas produk pada CV. Sarana Marine Fiberglass Manado. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif, lokasi penelitian di CV. Sarana Marine Fiberglass Manado. Populasi dan sampel penelitian adalah seluruh karyawan di CV Sarana Marine Fiberglass Manado. Analisis data berupa uji validitas dan reliabilitas, uji asumsi klasik, koefisien determinasi, regresi linear sederhana. Hasil uji hipotesis khususnya uji F ditemukan bahwa sistem akuntansi manajemen dapat dipakai dalam menguji pengaruh sistem akuntansi manajemen terhadap pengendalian biaya kualitas produk di CV. Sarana Marine Fiberglass Manado. Hasil uji hipotesis ditemukan bahwa secara parsial sistem akuntansi manajemen berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pengendalian biaya kualitas produk di Perusahaan CV. Sarana Marine Fiberglass Manado. Saran yaitu karena sistem akuntansi manajemen penting dan berpengaruh terhadap pengendalian biaya kualitas produk, maka manajemen CV. Sarana Marine Feberglass Manado perlu meningkatkan implementasi dan sistem akuntansi manajemen di Perusahaannya seperti dengan memperbaiki pencatatan akuntansi khususnya berkaitan proses produksi Perusahaan. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan mencatat secara detail produksi yang dilakukan mulai dari persiapan sampai akhir dan menerapkan cacat produksi mendekati nol. Ini dapat tercapai jika perencanaan proses produksi dilaksanakan secara komprehensif, terintegrasi, serta memperhatikan detail pelaksanaan produksi. Kata kunci : sistem akuntansi manajemen, kinerja kualitas produ

    Analisa Penyebab Kegagalan Produk Woven Bag dengan Menggunakan Metode Failure Mode And Effects Analysis (Studi Kasus di PT Indomaju Textindo Kudus)

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    PT Indomaju Textindo Kudus merupakan Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang industri pembuatan karung plastik. Proses produksi meliputi proses pembuatan benang, penganyaman, pemotongan dan penjahitan, pencetakan, penyegelan, dan pengepakan. Kegagalan yang terjadi pada PT Indomaju Textindo Kudus secara umum dapat dikelompokkan menjadi empat, yakni cacat anyaman, cacat potong dan jahit, cacat cetakan, dan cacat segel. Hingga saat ini, pengendalian kualitas yang dilakukan oleh Perusahaan masih belum maksimal, karena persentase kegagalannya masih cukup tinggi, melebihi angka persentase maksimum kegagalan yang ditetapkan oleh Perusahaan adalah sebesar 2%. Dengan demikian, perlu dilakukan evaluasi terhadap proses produksi yang berlangsung. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa kegagalan yang terjadi. Metode ini akan menentukan dan mengalikan tingkat keparahan, kejadian, dan deteksi, sehingga diperoleh Risk Priority Number (RPN). Moda kegagalan dengan RPN terbesar merupakan prioritas dalam dilakukannya tindakan korektif. Shuttle rusak merupakan moda kegagalan dengan RPN terbesar yang terjadi pada PT Indomaju Textindo Kudus. RPN dari moda keagalan ini adalah sebesar 196. Moda kegagalan ini terjadi pada proses penganyaman di mesin circular loom
