7,225 research outputs found

    Novel decorating behaviour of silk retreats in a challenging habitat

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    Many ecological interactions of spiders with their potential prey and predators are affected by the visibility of their bodies and silk, especially in habitats with lower structural complexity that expose spiders. For instance, the surface of tree trunks harbours relatively limited structures to hide in and may expose residents to visual detection by prey and predators. Here we provide the first detailed description of the novel retreat building strategy of the tree trunk jumping spider Arasia mullion. Using fields surveys, we monitored and measured over 115 spiders and 554 silk retreats. These spiders build silk retreats on the exposed surface of tree trunks, where they remain as sedentary permanent residents. Furthermore, the spiders decorate the silk retreats with bark debris that they collect from the immediate surrounding. We discuss the role of silk decoration in the unusual sedentary behaviour of these spiders and the potential mechanisms that allow A. mullion to engineer their niche in a challenging habitat

    Regularity of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes driven by a L{\'e}vy white noise

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    The paper is concerned with spatial and time regularity of solutions to linear stochastic evolution equation perturbed by L\'evy white noise "obtained by subordination of a Gaussian white noise". Sufficient conditions for spatial continuity are derived. It is also shown that solutions do not have in general \cadlag modifications. General results are applied to equations with fractional Laplacian. Applications to Burgers stochastic equations are considered as well.Comment: This is an updated version of the same paper. In fact, it has already been publishe

    Factors associated with anaemia status and haemoglobin concentrations in infants 6-11 months in Mbala District, Northern Province, Zambia

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    This paper presents information on the factors associated with anaemia status and haemoglobin concentrations in infants 6-11 months old in Mbala District, Northern Province, Zambia. The information is drawn from the baseline data collection of a study involving 631 caregiver-child pairs. The data presented here includes anthropometry, malaria parasitism, concentrations of haemoglobin (Hb) and serum transferrin receptor (STfR), and information on household characteristics, infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices, and morbidity, gathered via questionnaire. It was found that 57% of the sample was anaemic (Hb < 110 g/L), 93% was iron deficient (STfR > 8.3 mg/L) and 53% had iron deficiency anaemia. Overall, 30% of the infants in the sample were stunted, 2% were wasted, and 16% were underweight, and 22%, 56% and 18% of infants were meeting minimum dietary diversity, minimum meal frequency, and minimum acceptable diet, respectively, and 28% consumed iron rich foods in the previous 24 hours. Infants who had achieved a minimum dietary diversity score (OR = 0.44; 95% CI: 0.30-0.65), who had consumed iron rich foods in the previous 24 hours (OR = 0.56; 95% CI: 0.40-0.80), or were female (OR = 0.69; 95% CI: 0.50-0.94), had significantly lower risks of being anaemic. Infants that tested positive for malaria parasitism (OR = 4.33; 95% CI: 2.16- 8.70), as well as those having a fever (OR = 1.88; 95% CI: 1.36-2.59) in the previous two weeks had significantly greater odds of being anaemic. Despite these associations, whether or not a child slept under a mosquito net was not related to their risk of being anaemic. Infants in households that treated their water to make it safer to consume had average haemoglobin concentrations 3 g/L higher than those who did not (p = 0.021), but this did not translate into a significant difference in the odds of being anaemic. These results shed light on the specific causes of anaemia in the Zambian context, and illustrate the importance of improving dietary quality, specifically the intake of iron, and reducing the prevalence of diseases including malaria in order to reduce the prevalence of anaemia.Keywords: Nutritional status, Zambia, anaemia, iron deficiency, malaria, serum transferrin receptor, haemoglobi


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    The effect of intraperitoneal (ip) vaccination upon the performance of rainbow trout (n = 1611), maintained under commercial production conditions (aerated spring water, 9.8 ºC, 150 L/min), was evaluated over a 7-week period. Vaccine impact was examined with reference to control (n = 1683) and injected control (sterile filtered water; n = 1537) animals. All groups were run in triplicate (i. e., n 500 fish per gorup). Animals were fed to satiation twice daily. Vaccination suppressed (P500 riba/grupi). Riba je hranjena do sitosti dva puta dnevno. U usporedbi s kontrolnim grupama, cijepljenje je utjecalo na smanjeni prirast (P<0.05) u vrijeme istraživanja. Odgovarajući pad dnevnog prirasta težine (P<0.05), kroz prvih 29 dana pokusa, također je zapažen kod cijepljenih riba. Konverzija hrane, kao i količina obroka bili su slično negativni kod cijepljenih životinja 29 dana nakon cijepljenja (P<0.05). Cjepivo je uzrokovala abdominalnu adheziju, no razlike u kemijskom sastavu tijela nisu ustanovljene

    An immunotherapy survivor population: health-related quality of life and toxicity in patients with metastatic melanoma treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors

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    © The Author(s) 2019. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.Purpose The immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have resulted in subgroups of patients with metastatic melanoma achievinghigh-quality durable responses. Metastatic melanoma survivors are a new population in the era of cancer survivorship. The aimofthis study was to evaluate metastatic melanoma survivors in terms of health-related quality of life (HRQoL), immune-relatedadverse events (irAEs) and exposure to immunosuppressive agents in a large single centre in the UK.Methods We defined the survivor population as patients with a diagnosis of metastatic melanoma who achieved a durableresponse to an ICI and had been followed-up for a minimum of 12 months from initiation of ICI without disease progression.HRQoL was assessed using SF-36. Electronic health records were accessed to collect data on demographics, treatments, irAEsand survival. HRQoL data was compared with two norm-based datasets.Results Eighty-four metastatic melanoma survivors were eligible and 87% (N = 73) completed the SF-36. ICI-related toxicity ofany grade occurred in 92%of patients and 43%had experienced a grade 3 or 4 toxicity. Almost half (49%) of the patients requiredsteroids for the treatment of ICI-related toxicity, whilst 14% required treatment with an immunosuppressive agent beyondsteroids.Melanoma survivors had statistically significant lower HRQoL scores with regard to physical, social and physical rolefunctioning and general health compared with the normative population. There was a trend towards inferior scores in patientswith previous exposure to ipilimumab compared with those never exposed to ipilimumab.Conclusions Our results show that metastatic melanoma survivors have potentially experienced significant ICI-related toxicityand experience significant impairments in specific HRQoL domains. Future service planning is required to meet this population’sunique survivorship needs.Peer reviewe


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    The ability of the teleost gut to absorb microparticulate material was examined following rectal intubation (3.5 g kg -1 ) of commercial grade cornstarch (≈21 mm diameter), or potato starch (≈43 mm diameter). Tissue samples were taken from the mid - and hind-gut of control and treated fish 18 h postintubation. Collected samples were processed using standard plastic and staining protocols and resultant photomicrographs examined by computer-assisted image analysis. Cornstarch particles (8-14 mm), were observed to pass from gut lumen to the lamina propria via a paracellular or persorptive route only. No evidence for the like passage of potato starch was found.Mogućnost probavnog sustava koštunjavičastih vrsta riba da apsorbiraju sitne čestice pojedinih tvari bila je istraživana s pomoću rektalne intubacije (3, 5 g kg -1 ) komercijalnoga škroba kukuruza (promjera ≈21 mm) i škroba krumpira (promjera ≈ 43 mm). Uzorci tkiva uzeti su iz srednjeg i stražnjeg dijela crijeva kontrolne i tretirane skupine riba, i to 18 sati nakon intubacije. Sakupljeni su uzorci spremljeni u standardne plastike i obojeni prema protokolu, te fotomikrografski snimljeni na računalu. Čestice škroba kukuruza (8-14 mm) zapažene su da iz lumena crijeva prolaze u laminu propriju samo paracelularnim ili persorptivnim putem. No, nije zapažen prolazak čestica škroba krumpira

    Outbreak of West Nile virus causing severe neurological involvement in children, Nuba Mountains, Sudan, 2002.

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    An atypical outbreak of West Nile virus (WNV) occurred in Ngorban County, South Kordophan, Sudan, from May to August 2002. We investigated the epidemic and conducted a case-control study in the village of Limon. Blood samples were obtained for cases and controls. Patients with obvious sequelae underwent cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sampling as well. We used enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and neutralization tests for laboratory diagnosis and identified 31 cases with encephalitis, four of whom died. Median age was 36 months. Bivariate analysis did not reveal any significant association with the risk factors investigated. Laboratory analysis confirmed presence of IgM antibodies caused by WNV in eight of 13 cases, indicative of recent viral infection. The unique aspects of the WNW outbreak in Sudan, i.e. disease occurrence solely among children and the clinical domination of encephalitis, involving severe neurological sequelae, demonstrate the continuing evolution of WNV virulence. The spread of such a virus to other countries or continents cannot be excluded