47 research outputs found

    Strategi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia STKIP Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah

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    : The recruitment, placement, and empowerment that based on the competency of human resources can improve the quality of the human resources. This study aimed to find out the description of the recruitment, placement, and empowerment of lecturers at College of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah (STKIP-MAT). This study used qualitative approach. The techniques of data collection used were observation, interview, and documentation. The subjects of this study were the director, the vice director I and vice director II, the heads of study programs, and the lecturers of STKIP-MAT. The results of this study showed that (1) the process of recruitment of lecturers at STKIP-MAT was based on the college need, which referred to the number of lecturers, credit loads, number of formations, and number of students.The process was through document selection, interview, and decision-making steps. (2) The process of placement of lecturers was carried out by heads of study programs, which based on the discipline of the lecturers. (3) The human resources empowerment at STKIP-MAT included the development of lecturers' ability through scientific conference, upgrading, workshop, senior supervision, training, and giving chance to continue their study. (4) The obstacles faced by the director of STKIP-MAT in empowering human resources was most of the lecturers have other jobs outside and most of them were civil servants on governmental institute. Based on the results of this study, it could be concluded that the human resources management at STKIP-MAT has not been performing well. It could be seen from factor so that the obstacles faced in implementation of human resource management strategies difficult to implement of STKIP-MAT maximally

    Manajemen Kurikulum Program Studi Pendidikan Sendratasik Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Syiah Kuala

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    : The management curriculum is a very important factor for any educational institution to support the success of the educational program. This research aims to study, observe and describe the curriculum management FKIP Unsyiah Sendratasik Education, include: 1) The process of curriculum planning; 2) Implementation of the curriculum; and 3) Evaluation of the curriculum. This study used a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques used were observation, interview and documentation. Subjects in this study maids Dean, Chairman and Secretary Prodi Sendratasik, lecturers and students. The results showed that the management education curriculum Prodi Sendratasik include: 1) The Curriculum education Sendratasik Unsyiah was referring to the Malang University Sendratasik Curriculum. The curriculum planning process, conducted according to the provisions and regulations of the department of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education UNSYIAH. 2) The implementation of the entire learning program based on the vision, mission, and goals are already running but has not yet been fullest. Implementation of the curriculum include: lesson planning, lesson implementation, and evaluation of learning, has been running well and all the activities run in accordance with the academic calendar, but it still faces various problems due to infrastructure inadequate.3) Evaluation of the curriculum is done every end of the semester, the curriculum revision is done periodically when needed. Education study program curriculum Sendratasik imposed four curriculum structure that is not in accordance with the nomenclature of Higher Education, is considered less effective relevance to junior high / high school curriculum as well as the application of the four structures are not supported by adequate human resources

    APPLICATION OF CONTRA LEGEM IN JUDGE DECISIONS (Critical Study of Iddah Alimony Rights in Divorce Cases)

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    The subject of this study is based on article 149 letters (b) Compilation of Islamic law which reads: ex-husband must provide maintenance, maskan, and kiswah to ex-wife during the iddah, unless the ex-wife has been granted talaq bain or nusyuz and is not pregnant. There are two barriers for an ex-wife to earn a living during the period of iddah, namely because the wife is divorced ba'in and or because the ex-wife is nusyuz. In general, the wife filed for divorce in court because she could no longer stand her husband's treatment of her. As a result of the law, if the wife who filed for divorce sues the Court, then the panel of judges will issue a divorce. Unless the husband violates the talaq. In the context of the wife falling into the act of nusyuz, generally as a result of the treatment and conduct of the husband towards the wife. If this is returned to the sound of the law then it will be very felt the injustice received by the wife (ex-wife). This study seeks to find the answer from the formulation of the problem "Why is contra legem important for the judge in deciding the case (inconcritoplaintiff) divorce with the decision of talaq ba'in and or proven in court nusyus wife's arbitrary because of the husband treatment of his wife? Materials and data are obtained by methods library research, the nature of the research is normative research. The goal to be achieved is to provide an alternative solution in providing justice and legal protection to women (ex-wives) who do not get iddah alimony because of filing a lawsuit or nusyus with a theory approach contra legem. Positive law in practice is not sufficiently able to accommodate the legal facts revealed in the Court, in another narrative it can be said that positive law always lags behind social reality. So in the legal system in Indonesia, the judge's ijtihad to deviate and or find the law is accommodated by the principle of Contra legemin order to provide justice and benefits to the community seeking justice, the judge needs to do contra legem.Keywords: Contra Legem; Iddah Livelihood; Divorce Lawsuit; Judge's Decisio


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    Abstract: Quality education can be achieved if school implements appropriate strategic management. Based on the assumption and the weakness of school management nowadays, the writer is interested in conducting a study with the objective to describe and analyze the profile, implementation, and evaluation of strategic management in the effort to improve education quality in SMAN 10 Fajar Harapan State Senior High School. Subjects of the study were principal, vice principal, treasurer, school administrative office personnel, school committee, and teachers. Data were collected through observation, interview, and documentation study. The results of the study showed that the profile of the school described the visions, missions, goals, targets and school resources. The strategies were implemented through internal and external school activities described through school structural organization, teamwork, and the distribution of job, day and time of study, cost asset, curriculum, school promotion, new student enrollment, school culture, ethic code, school policy, geographical environment, demography, environment culture and community appreciation, government regulation, development of science and technology, involvement of school committee, partner institution and alumni, and strategy implementation in achieving national education standard. The evaluation was conducted continuously by involving top management and all personnel either in short, medium, or long term by using school and teacher self-evaluation instruments, and benchmarking in order to improve school performance and education quality.Keywords: strategic management and quality of education.Abstrak: Pendidikan bermutu dapat terlaksana bila sekolah mengimplementasikan manajemen strategi yang tepat. Beranjak dari asumsi tersebut dan permasalahan lemahnya manajemen sekolah dewasa ini, penulis tertarik melakukan penelitian dengan tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis profil, implementasi dan evaluasi manajemen strategik dalam upaya meningkatkan mutu pendidikan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang dilakukan pada SMAN 10 Fajar Harapan dimana yang menjadi subyek penelitian adalah kepala sekolah, wakil kepala sekolah, bendahara, tenaga tata usaha, komite sekolah dan guru. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa profil SMAN 10 Fajar Harapan mendeskripsikan visi, misi, tujuan, sasaran dan profil sumber daya sekolah. Implementasi strategi pada SMAN 10 Fajar Harapan dilakukan melalui aktivitas lingkungan internal dan eksternal sekolah yang dideskripsikan melalui struktur organisasi sekolah, teamwork dan pembagian tugas sekolah, hari dan waktu belajar, aset pembiayaan, kurikulum, promosi sekolah, penerimaan siswa baru, budaya sekolah, kode etik, kebijakan sekolah, keberadaan lingkungan geografis, demografis, lingkungan budaya dan apresiasi masyarakat, regulasi pemerintah, perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, keterlibatan komite sekolah, lembaga mitra, alumni dan implementasi strategik dalam upaya memenuhi standar pendidikan nasional. Pelaksanaan evaluasi pada SMAN 10 Fajar Harapan dilakukan secara terus menerus melibatkan manajemen puncak dan seluruh personil sekolah baik jangka pendek, menengah dan panjang melalui instrumen evaluasi diri sekolah, guru dan Benchmarking untuk meningkatkan kinerja sekolah dan mutu pendidikan.Kata kunci: manajemen strategik dan mutu pendidika

    The effect of polyethylene glycol on shellac stability

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    The effect of polyethylene glycol (PEG) having amolecular weight of 1000 and 2000 on shellac stability has been investigated in this research. The shellac was shellac wax free, and the solvent was ethanol 96%. Shellac films were prepared by solventevaporationmethod. The stability of shellac was investigated using insoluble solid test, Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), Thermogravimetry Analyzer (TGA), and Water Vapour Transmission Rate (WVTR). The results showed that stability of shellac decreased after heating at 125oC for 10,30,90,and 180 minutes, and storing for 1 month at 27 oC and 85 relative humidity (RH). PEG improved the stability, and the most stable effect was achieved through PEG1000


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    This paper presents a case study on a survey and measurement being carried out for the purpose of determining residential electric power consumption and awareness toward smart energy management system in the areas of Putrajaya and Kajang, Malaysia. Questionnaires were developed with 37 questions grouped in 5 different sections related to home appliance information. Data was collected from a sample size of 384 respondents with confidence level of 95%. The accuracy of the percentage energy usage data were analysed by applying the SPSS software. Actual residential electric power consumption was measured by using a power quality analyser to determine the total power consumption at weekday and weekend and power consumption of each electrical appliance. The measurement results showed that the average energy consumption is 25.8 kWh/day during weekend and 21.9 kWh/day during weekdays with 11.5 kWh/day for the air conditioner only. The survey results revealed that 89.06% of the respondents expressed awareness toward household power consumption and that they are willing to install home automation system to reducing their electricity bill

    Smart plug prototype for monitoring electrical appliances in home energy management system

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    Recently, the technology of Home Energy Management System (HEMS) has expanded for the purpose of reducing energy consumption. This paper presents the development of a smart plug with a wireless Zigbee sensor for measuring power consumption of electrical appliances in the HEMS. Experiments were carried out to evaluate the power consumption of a wireless sensor node in a smart plug using only Zigbee as a microcontroller. Experimental results showed that the smart plug using Zigbee is capable of processing and analyzing the analogue sensor signal with lower power consumption. In addition, the data obtained from the wireless sensor is more accurate and smoother as compared with the data obtained from the oscilloscope. The proposed smart plug has the characteristics of simple design, low cost, low power consumption and easy to control electrical home appliances by switching on/off from the HEMS controller