358 research outputs found

    Countering Terrorist Narratives: Winning the Hearts and Minds of Indonesian Millennials

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    Youth radicalization is a global phenomenon and many countries have fallen victim to deadly terrorist attacks, including Indonesia. With the advancement of technology, society has changed. The millenial generation has become susceptible to terrorist propaganda. In this digital age, social media has become a powerful tool for spreading terrorist narratives. They target the millennial generation who depends on online social networks for self-expression and to develop a sense of belonging. It is assumed that online interactions have contributed to the radicalization process. Some of them eventually join terrorist networks or become suicide bombers. This paper critically assesses how terrorists use the media to develop narratives that win the hearts and minds of Indonesian millennials. It will do so by juxtaposing the terrorist narratives with the counter-narrative initiatives undertaken by the government, NGOs and universities.   Keywords: Counter Narratives, Indonesian Millennials, Lone Wolf Terrorism, Terrorism and Social Media Youth and Terroris

    Permainan Tradisional Piccek Baju dan Pembentukan Karakter Disiplin pada Anak Usia MI/SD

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    Permainan tradisional merupakan salah satu warisan budaya yang harus dilestarikan keberadaannya, jangan sampai hilang atau tergantikan. Piccek Baju salah-satunya. Piccek Baju merupakan salah satu permainan tradisional dari Sumatera Utara. Permainan ini memiliki aturan yang sangat banyak. Mulai dari jumlah pemain, tata cara bermain, sampai persiapan bermain. Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang bagaimana permainan Piccek Baju dapat membentuk kepribadian anak, terutama dalam hal kedisiplinan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode studi kepustakaan, dimana penulis menelaah atau mengeksplorasi data dari beberapa sumber seperti jurnal, buku, atau dokumen-dokumen lain baik dari media cetak maupun media elektronik yang memiliki kaitan dengan permainan dan karakter disiplin. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa anak pada usia MI / SD cenderung lebih suka bermain dan bergerak. Dalam hal ini, permainan Piccek Baju dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu alat untuk mengembangkan karakter pada anak, melatih motorik dan menumbuhkan sikap disiplin taat aturan. Karena dalam permainan ini anak harus melakukan gerakan bermain yang baik dan sesuai dengan aturan yang ada

    Modification of the Charge ordering in Pr1/2_{1/2}Sr1/2_{1/2}MnO3_{3} Nanoparticles

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    Transport and magnetic properties have been studied in two sets of sol-gel prepared Pr1/2_{1/2}Sr1/2_{1/2}MnO3_{3} nanoparticles having average particle size of 30 nm and 45 nm. Our measurements suggest that the formation of charge ordered state is largely affected due to lowering of particle size, but the ferromagnetic transition temperature (TCT_{C}) remains unaffected.Comment: Accepted in J. Appl. Phy

    Implementasi Program Kali Bersih Di Kota Semarang Dalam Menanggulagipencemaran Lingkungan

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    Banyaknya kegiatan indutri dan masyarakat menyebabkan rusaknya ekosistem sungai dan mempengaruhi kehidupan masyarakat.Tujuan adanya Implementasi Program Kali Bersih (PROKASIH) di Kota Semarang untuk menangani pencemaran sungai yang semakin memburuk.Fokus penelitian ini adalah Program Kali Bersi di Kota Semarang.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pelaksaan Program Kali Bersih di Kota Semarang.Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif.Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumen-dokumen yang berhubungan dengan pelaksanaan Program Kali Bersih di Kota Semarang. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pelaksaan program kali bersih sudah berjalan dengan baik meskipun hal ini masih terdapat beberapa kendala yang dihadapi seperti, sikap masyarakat yang masih membuang sampah di sungai dan pembuangan limbah industri yang tidak sesuai dengan baku mutu air limbah. Sehingga hal ini perlu upaya yang keras dalam meningkatkan dukungan kelompok sasaran Program Kali Bersih dalam upaya pemberian sanksi yang tegas terhadap pencemaran lingkungan


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    The article asserts that media has an important role in forming the consumptive society and indonesia, as the largest Muslim populous country becomes the central commodity for a number of various products. Moreover, during the special events of religious rituals such as Ramadhan and Eidul Fithr, it is considered to be the best time for the producers in making special advertising of Ramadhan and Eidul Fithr. As the advertisement is made so attractive and persuasive in the sight of people, a lot of them were easily attracted by. The presence of such luring devil for the attracted viewers has spent huge amount of money through products advertisement. Therefore, the religious ceremonies could not be understood in its correct sense. Unsurprisingly, some religious events including fasting is no longer understood as an attempt to feel the same suffering of those who are hungry and thirsty, but used as a right opportunity to be a pious Muslim to have excessive spending on the reason of preparing the fast-breaking together

    Prebiotic Activity Score Of Breadfruit Resistant Starch (Artocarpus Altilis), Breadfruit Flour, And Inulin during In-Vitro Fermentation By Pure Cultures (Lactobacillus Plantarum, And Bifidobacterium Bifidum)

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    The prebiotics activity score was a quantitative method to describes to which extent prebiotics (Breadfruit Resistant starch,Breadfruit flour and Inulin) to support the growth of L.plantarum and B.bifidum. The changes in growth after fermentation (0 hrs, 6 hrs, 12 hrs, 24 hrs, 48 hrs and 72 hrs) of bacteria strains on prebiotics and glucose in relation to changes in Escherichia coli grown under same condition was used to determine prebiotics score. The fermentation of the different carbon sources (Breadfruit Resistant starch,Breadfruit flour and Inulin)  by  L.plantarum and B.bifidum produce Short Chain Fatty Acids that determined by changes of pH throughout 72 hours of fermentation. The highest score (0.45) was obtained for L.plantarum that utilised breadfruit resistant starch after 12 hours of incubation time. However, the highest score (0.65) for B.bifidum also utilised breadfruit resistant starch as carbon sources after 48 hours of fermentation. It found that there was significant difference in pH changes for both strains. Greatest pH reduction for L.plantarum and B.bifidum for all samples after 6 hours of fermentation. From this study, resistant starch has potential as prebiotics as it meet the requirement as a prebiotics

    Stress and its associated factors among medical students in a public medical faculty, Malaysia

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    Background: Stress is common among university students. Levels of stress vary between the students of different courses in the university and many factors are associated with it. As compared to other professional courses, medical students are more prone to get depressed because medical education is known to be stressful and very demanding. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study using a pretested, self-administered questionnaire involving all medical students in academic session 2013/2014. The questionnaire consists of 3 parts; socio-demographic information, family factors and personal factors; Depression, Anxiety and Stress Score 21 questionnaire (DASS 21) and Duke University Religion Index (DUREL). DUREL measures religiosity in 3 scales namely; organized religious activity (ORA), non-organized religious activity (NORA) and intrinsic religiosity (IR). The questionnaire was distributed to all medical students available in FMHS during the data collection period. Data collected were analyzed using IBM SPSS version 21. Result: Of 409 medical students, 329 (80.4%) responded. Most (50.5%) were aged 22 years and above, majority (62.3%) were female students. Respondents were mainly Malay (54.4%) and Muslims (56.8%). Stress prevalence in medical students were 19.8%. Stress prevalence was higher among students aged ≤ 21 years (22.1%), male (20.2%), Indian (24.0%) and Hindus (31.6%),among students with father of primary education level (21.4%), mother of tertiary education level (25%) and low income family (21.4%). Prevalence of stress among students in pre-clinical year (21.4%) and clinical year students (17.9%), p>0.05. Stress among students who did not undergo matriculation course and those who attended were 21.7% and 18.8%, respectively. Proportion of stress students who entered medical school not on their own choice and on their own choice were 24.3% and 18.5%, respectively, p>0.05. Medical students with poor ORA and NORA showed higher proportion of stress (20.2%, 20.6% respectively) however, students with good IR had higher proportion of stress compared to those with poor IR (20.0%, 19.5%, p>0.05). Conclusion: Stress is prevalent among almost one-fifth of medical students, especially those in their pre-clinical years of studies. Students’ involvement in religious activities could be beneficial to prevent stress. Further research is needed to assess the effect of medical training on stress and the effect of religiosity on stress coping

    Symmetrical and Anti-Symmetrical Buckling of Long Corroded Cylindrical Shell Subjected to External Pressure

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    This paper derives an exact analytical solution for determining elastic critical buckling pressures and mode shapes for very long corroded cylindrical steel shells subjected to external pressure considering symmetrical and anti-symmetrical mode cases. The corroded long cylindrical shell has been modelled as a non-uniform “stepped-type” ring consisting of two portions- corroded and un-corroded regions. A full range parametric study has been made to investigate the effect of corrosion angular extent and corrosion thickness on the elastic buckling pressures and their modes. The study shows that buckling loads and modes depend on the corrosion angular extent â and the corroded to un-corroded thicknesses ratio. The results are verified by a set of investigations with a series of corroded cylindrical shells. They showed a close agreement with those obtained from using the finite element package ABAQUS