14,580 research outputs found

    Groundwater investigation landfall interconnector pipeline Bacton - Zeebrugge Phase II

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    Reduction of complexity and variational data assimilation

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    Conferencia plenaria por invitaciónReduced basis methods belong to a class of approaches of \emph{model reduction} for the approximation of the solution of mathematical models involved in many fields of research or decision making and in data assimilation. These approaches allow to tackle, in --- close to --- real time, problems requiring, a priori, a large number of computations by formalizing two steps : one known as "offline stage” that is a preparation step and is quite costly and an ``online stage'' that is used on demand and is very cheap. The strategy uses the fact that the solutions we are interested in belong to a family, a manifold, parametrized by input coefficients, shapes or stochastic data, that has a small complexity. The complexity is measured in terms of a quantity like the ``Kolmogorov width'' that, when it is small, formalizes the fact that some small dimensional vectorial spaces allow to provide a good approximation of the elements on the manifold. We shall make a review of the fundamental background and state some results proving that such a dimension is small for a large class of problems of interest, then use this fact to propose approximation strategies in various cases depending on the knowledge we have of the solution we want to approximate : either explicit through values at points, or through outputs evaluated from the solution, or implicit through the Partial Differential Equation it satisfies. We shall also present a strategy available when a mixed of the above informations is available allowing to propose new efficient approaches in data assimilation and data mining. The theory on the numerical analysis (a priori and a posteriori) of these approaches will also be presented together with results on numerical simulations. Work done in close collaboration with A. T. Patera (MIT, Cambridge) and has benefited from the collaboration with A. Buffa (IAN, Pavia), R. Chakir (IFSTAR, Paris), Y. Chen (U. of Massachusetts, Dartmouth), Y. Hesthaven (EPFL, Lausanne), E. Lovgren (Simula, Oslo), O. Mula (UPMC, Paris), NC Nguyen (MIT, Cambridge), J. Pen (MIT, Cambridge), C. Prud'homme (U. Strasbourg), J. Rodriguez (U. Santiago de Compostella), E. M. Ronquist (U. Trondheim), B. Stamm (UPMC, Paris), G. Turinici (Dauphine, Paris), M. Yano (MIT, Cambridge).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucia Tech. Conferencias del plan propio de investigación UM

    Science, technology, technique, management science and actionable knowledge

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    Actionable knowledge is linked with its user: the practitioner. But this link does not mean that its content should only be a set of techniques. In relation with management science and management education, should it then be enough (or not) to formalize and to teach these techniques? This argumentation will try to show that the concept of technology is probably the closest notion to actionable knowledge.Actionable knowledge;managementscience;science;technology;technique

    Ideology and organization

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    If, to speak about organization, we accept the postulate that there are " good reasons " to speak about it, it is then necessary to investigate the universe of ideology and the way by which models plunge their roots in ideology as well as they create a coherent world. Ideology, as justification, produces representations. What is in question here, is the kind of deformation carried by representations. They produce a structure of the world, the validation of which may be an object of science seen as the construction of a truth in a project of "knowledge" of this world. The concept of ideology is particularly difficult. It benefits and suffers from two major influences in its foundations: that of a political perspective with Marx and Engels and that of the sociological reaction (from Max Weber to Raymond Boudon and Pierre Bourdieu). Ideology as an “ attractor ” raises the question of “ ultimate references ”.

    Does the notion of ‘corporate citizenship' make sense?

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    This text will evaluate if the concept of citizenship applied to the company makes sense because of the today's current use of the notion of corporate social responsibility. After a definition of the notion of ‘citizenship', this chapter will approach the modern meaning of citizenship. It will then estimate the links with the notion of responsibility before concluding on the impossible notion of ‘corporate citizenship'.entreprise citoyenne;responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise

    "It's Just Like Being a Student": Making Space for Teachers to Think.

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    This paper looks at creating legitimate thinking spaces for teachers to explore their pedagogical beliefs and practices through collaborative writing. Based upon a project from a post compulsory Initial Teacher Training programme in the UK it will describe the process of working with teacher educators towards writing as part of a critical professional development process. Writing collaborativley for publication, a companion to a student research journal, has become significant not just for producing a useful resource but as a highly valued space for thinking and discussing teaching and learning. Teacher educators teach others to reflect, to be critical and to value their professional independence, yet there is little space for them to do this themselves. One participant in a recent writing day exclaimed it was the first space he had to think for years, whilst another said it was a vital space to reconnect with educational beliefs and pedagogical practices with others. This paper will explore using writing as a framework to support critical thinking, reflection and collaboration for professional development. It provides a case study to explore if using this method supports relevant, contextual and authentic professionial developmnent both for self development and and as a site for resistance to the overwork and deprofessionalised culture in post-compulsory teaching

    European Literature and the Ethics of Leadership: Cyrano de Bergerac

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    This paper is built on an ‘organizational' reading of ‘great' texts, a reading focused on the leader, considering in a implicit way that he/she is a person with specific characters, circumstances being at left the background. This method is similar to the partial criticism made by the queer critic or the colonial critic. It is a reading, which consists in a de-contextualization of the literature from its category (the theater here) and its country to only retain what can be considered as relevant towards an archetype of the leader. This method raises a major epistemological difficulty because of the ‘over' consideration of the tragic and heroic characters of the leader. It is a way of generalizing the leadership, but within the universalism of the literature. The following arguments of this text will be: - an attempt to define the nature of an organizational critic, - a short analysis of the cultural relativism to remind how far an archetypical production of a national culture can be understood (or not) in universal dimensions, - an approach of the three notions of ‘figure', ‘person' and ‘portrait', - an analysis of the characteristics in common between Cyrano and the leader.Leadership;leader