11 research outputs found

    Model-Checking of CTL on Infinite Kripke Structures Defined by Simple Graph Grammars

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    : We present an algorithm for checking whether an infinite transition system, defined by a graph grammar of a restricted kind, is a model of a formula of the temporal logic CTL. We first present the syntax and the semantics of CTL, that are defined with respect to transition systems, labelled with atomic propositions. Then, we show how to adapt the formalism of graph grammars, for expressing such infinite transition systems. Our algorithm treats such a finite representation, and modify it, ensuring that the labelling for formulas remains coherent with the truth values of the different states of the infinite transition system. Key-words: model-checking, CTL, verification, infinite-state systems, graph grammars (R'esum'e : tsvp) IRISA, Campus de Beaulieu, F-35042 Rennes, FRANCE. E-mail: [email protected] Unite de recherche INRIA Rennes IRISA, Campus universitaire de Beaulieu, 35042 RENNES Cedex (France) Telephone : (33) 99 84 71 00 -- Telecopie : (33) 99 84 71 Model-checking de CTL sur ..

    Model-Checking of CTL on Infinite Kripke Structures Defined by Simple Graph Grammars

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    We present an algorithm for checking whether an infinite transition system, defined by a graph grammar of a restricted kind, is a model of a formula of the temporal logic CTL. We first present the syntax and the semantics of CTL, that are defined with respect to transition systems, labelled with atomic propositions. Then, we show how to adapt the formalism of graph grammars, for expressing such infinite transition systems. Our algorithm treats such a finite representation, and modify it, ensuring that the labelling for formulas remains coherent with the truth values of the different states of the infinite transition system

    Model-Checking of Infinite Graphs Defined by Graph Grammars

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    AbstractIn this paper, we consider the model-checking problem for regular graphs, i.e. infinite transition graphs defined in terms of deterministic graph grammars. It turns out that an elegant adaptation of the model-checker for pushdown processes leads to an algorithm that decides whether the root of a regular graph under consideration satisfies a given formula of the alternation-free modal μ-calculus. The key to the algorithm is to exploit the underlying structure of regular graphs, as well as to consider a variant of standard μ-calculus semantics, called the assertion-based semantics, which allow to presume the validity of formulas at distinguished states

    Finitely Representing Infinite Reachability Graphs Of CFSMs With Graph Grammars

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    We propose here an algorithm enabling to represent, in a finite way, some infinite reachability graphs of communicating finite-state machines, by using a graph grammar. The model-checking algorithm presented in [BQ96] uses that finite representation for verifying properties of the infinite graph. In way to obtain that finite representation, we use a result of [JJ93]: it can be detected that some sequences of transitions are infinitely repeated. We show here that the transitions issued from states linked by such sequences are also infinitely repeated if they are repeated one time. We deduce a method for detecting patterns that compose the infinite reachability graph on study

    Techniques for Abstracting SDL Specifications

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    Abstracting the behaviour of a specification is a key technique for dealing with the complexity of such tasks as reachability analysis and test generation. We adapted classical data-flow analysis techniques to abstract variables in SDL processes and addressed the problem of finding conservative state abstractions. Prototype tools have been developed to implement those techniques and applied to simple applications from the field of telecommunications

    PREVIMER: A contribution to in situ coastal observing systems

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    To design a prototype for an Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS), at least three components are mandatory: a modeling platform, an in situ observing system and a structure to collect and to disseminate the information (e.g. database, website). The PREVIMER project followed this approach and in order to sustain model applications, PREVIMER has developed, funded and organized part of in situ observing networks in the Bay of Biscay and the Channel. For a comprehensive system, focus was addressed on fi xed platforms (MAREL MOLIT, MAREL Iroise, Island network and D4 for sediment dynamics), ships of opportunity (RECOPESCA program and FerryBoxes), and coastal profi lers (ARVOR-C/Cm). Each system is briefl y described and examples of scientifi c results obtained with corresponding data are highlighted to show how these systems contribute to solve scientifi c multidisciplinary issues from the coastal ocean dynamics to the biodiversity including pelagic and benthic habitats