149 research outputs found

    Le manuel scolaire « réformé » ou le danger de l’illusion du changement : analyse de l’évolution des critères d’évaluation des manuels scolaires de l’enseignement primaire entre 1979 et 2001

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    Cet article analyse, en les comparant à ceux qui prévalaient antérieurement, les nouveaux critères qui président à l’évaluation des manuels scolaires qui ont été édictés en 2001 par le ministère de l’Éducation du Québec. Les résultats révèlent que les critères ont été fort peu modifiés, si ce n’est qu’en surface. Force est de conclure que les nouveaux critères maintiennent la logique de transmission et de substitution dévolue aux manuels scolaires depuis 1979. Conséquemment, on ne peut que constater que le ministère reconduit les principes précédemment en vigueur d’une évaluation qui risque de demeurer superficielle et peu articulée. L’adéquation des futurs manuels pour la mise en oeuvre d’une intervention éducative s’inscrivant dans une perspective constructiviste est dès lors compromise.This article presents an analysis of the new criteria regarding the evaluation of school textbooks proposed in 2001 by the Minister of Education of Quebec by comparison with that previously existing. The results show that the criteria were little modified, mostly on the surface. The authors conclude that the new criteria maintain the logic of transmission and substitution evolving since 1979. Consequently, they note that the Minister maintains the previously held principles for evaluating and they that remain superficial and poorly described. The expectation that future school textbooks would promote educational activities that fall within the constructivist frame is then compromised.El presente artículo analiza los nuevos criterios que presiden la evaluación de los libros de texto que han sido promulgados en 2001 por el Ministerio de la Educación de Quebec, comparándolos a los que prevalían anteriormente. Los resultados indican que los criterios han sufrido muy pocos cambios, sino en forma superficial. Cabe concluir que los nuevos criterios mantienen la lógica de transmisión y de substitución atribuida a los libros de texto desde 1979. Por consiguiente, se puede observar que el ministerio prorroga los principios de antes de una evaluación que corre el riesgo de quedarse superficial y poco significante. Se ve comprometida desde entonces la congruencia de los futuros libros de texto con la puesta en acción de una intervención educativa dentro de una perspectiva constructivista.In diesem Artikel werden die neuen Kriterien analysiert, die im Jahre 2001 vom Québecker Erziehungsministerium für die Bewertung von Schulbüchern aufgestellt worden sind. Die Analyse erfolgt auf der Grundlage eines Vergleichs mit den alten Kriterien. Aus den Ergebnissen geht hervor, dass die Kriterien allenfalls an der Oberfläche verändert worden sind. Daraus kann geschlossen werden, dass die neuen Kriterien die alte Logik der Übertragung und Ersetzung beibehalten, die seit 1979 in den Schulbüchern Anwendung findet. Man kann demnach konstatieren, dass das Ministerium die früher geltenden Prinzipien aufrecht erhält, was die Bewertung oberflächlich und unartikuliert macht. Die Schaffung adäquater Schulbücher, die den Einsatz schulischer Maßnahmen im Rahmen einer konstruktiven Perspektive ermöglicht, scheint dadurch in Frage gestellt

    Rapidité de la vitesse d'altération des minéraux du sol en conditions ferrallitiques : méthode des minéraux-test

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    Les minéraux des sols sont soumis à des dissolutions et reprécipitations en fonction des conditions de milieu, et en particulier de l'activité biologique. Pour déterminer la cinétique des réactions mises en jeu dans le recyclage des éléments chimiques, des sachets de minéraux test contenant séparément de la gibbsite, deux types de kaolinite et un verre siliceux, ont été introduits dans les horizons supérieurs d'un sol ferrallitique de forêt amazonienne. Au bout de 6 mois, toutes les phases implantées ont été altérées, et d'autres minéraux, oxy-hydroxydes de fer et de titane, sont apparus. La réactivité des minéraux secondaires avec les conditions de milieu est donc rapide à l'échelle des temps pédologiques dans les sols étudiés. (Résumé d'auteur

    Development of an encapsulation system for the protection and controlled release of antimicrobial nisin at meat cooking temperature

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    Nisin is an antimicrobial peptide produced by Lactococcus lactis spp. lactis widely investigated for use in foods as a natural antimicrobial. However, its effective use in meat products is restricted notably by its reaction with meat constituents (including glutathione) in raw meat. The purpose of this study was to develop an encapsulation system that would optimize nisin activity when used in meat. To achieve this goal, an encapsulation in dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) liposomes was developed. DPPC liposomes were formed in phosphate buffer with or without nisin. The encapsulation efficiency of nisin in liposomes was greater than 46 ± 2%. The median size of nisin-loaded liposomes was 495 nm, compared to 170 nm for empty liposomes. The liposomes containing nisin were stable for up to 7 days at 4°C but a zone of inhibition was observed afterwards. Stability of the liposome to heat was also tested and demonstrated that above 37°C nisin was released from the melted liposomes to form zones of inhibition. Activity of free and encapsulated nisin was tested in raw and cooked ground beef (71°C). Free nisin lost its activity in raw beef but DPPC-encapsulated nisin remained active and was released upon melting of the liposome during heat treatment

    Development of an encapsulation system in food liposomes for the protection and controlled release of nisin in cooked meat products

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    Nisin is an antimicrobial peptide produced by Lactococcus lactis spp. lactis widely investigated for use in foods as a natural antimicrobial. However, its effective use in meat products is restricted notably by its reaction with meat constituents (including glutathione) in raw meat. The purpose of this study was to develop an encapsulation system that would optimize nisin activity when used in meat. To achieve this goal, an encapsulation in dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) liposomes was developed. DPPC liposomes were formed in phosphate buffer with or without nisin. The encapsulation efficiency of nisin in liposomes was greater than 46 ± 2%. The median size of nisin-loaded liposomes was 495 nm, compared to 170 nm for empty liposomes. The liposomes containing nisin were stable for up to 7 days at 4°C but a zone of inhibition was observed afterwards. Stability of the liposome to heat was also tested and demonstrated that above 37°C nisin was released from the melted liposomes to form zones of inhibition. Activity of free and encapsulated nisin was tested in raw and cooked ground beef (71°C). Free nisin lost its activity in raw beef but DPPC-encapsulated nisin remained active and was released upon melting of the liposome during heat treatment

    Научные подходы к диагностике социо-эколого-экономической устойчивости приморских регионов

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    На основе научных подходов предложена методика, позволяющая опреде-лить уровень социо-эколого-экономической устойчивости приморских ре-гионов. На основе использования системы показателей, характеризующих уровень социо-эколого-экономической устойчивости региона, сформули-рованы и предложены основные направления реализации методики опре-деления интегрального показателя уровня устойчивости приморской территории в социальном, экономическом и экологическом развитии.Based on the scientific approaches proposed technique allows to deter-mine the level of social, ecological and economic sustainability of coastal re-gions. On the basis of a system of indicators characterizing the level of social, ecological and economic sustainability of the region, formulate and propose guidelines implementation methodology for determining the integral indicator of the sustainability of the coastal territory in the social, economic and envi-ronmental development

    Петрологічні дослідження в Україні: досягнення останніх десятиліть та нагальні проблеми

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    Викладено основні досягнення за останні 30–35 років українських геологів, в першу чергу — наукових працівників ІГМР ім. М. П. Семененка НАН України в області петрології. Висвітлені такі проблеми: 1 — метаморфізм, співвідношення грануліто-гнейсових і граніт-зеленокам’яних терейнів; 2 — чарнокіти; 3 — гранітоутворення та гранітоїдні формації; 4 — анортозит-рапаківігранітна формація; 5 — лужні породи; 6 — коматиїти; 7 — санукітоїди; 8 — метасоматоз; 9 — породоутворювальні та акцесорні мінерали; 10 — формаційний аналіз, петрологія та стратиграфія докембрію; 11 — фанерозойський магматизм; 12 — магматизм морського та океанічного дна; 13 — деякі нагальні проблеми.Изложены основные достижения за последние 30–35 лет украинских геологов, в первую очередь — научных сотрудников ИГМР им. Н. П. Семененко НАН Украины в области петрологии. Освещены такие проблемы: 1 — метаморфизм, соотношение гранулито-гнейсовых и гранит-зеленокаменных террейнов; 2 — чарнокиты; 3 — гранитообразование и гранитоидные формации; 4 — анортозит-рапакивигранитная формация; 5 — щелочные породы; 6 — коматииты; 7 — санукитоиды; 8 — метасоматоз; 9 — породообразующие и акцессорные минералы; 10 — формационный анализ, петрология и стратиграфия докембрия; 11 — фанерозойский магматизм; 12 — магматизм морского и океанического дна; 13 — некоторые насущные проблемы.Main achievements of Ukrainian geologists for the recent 30–35 years have been stated. In the first place the scientific results of petrologists of M. P. Semenenko Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation of NAS of Ukraine. The following problems have been elucidated: 1 — metamorphism; interrelation of granulite-gneissic and granite-greenstone terrains; 2 — charnokites; 3 — granite formation and granitoid formations; 4 — anorthosite-rapakivi-granite formation; 5 — alkaline rocks; 6 — komatiites; 7 — sanukitoids; 8 — metasomatosis; 9 — rock-forming and accessory minerals; 10 — formation analysis, petrology and Precambrian stratigraphy; 11 — Phanerozoic magmatism; 12 — magmatism of the sea and ocean bottom; 13 — some current problems

    EEG functional connectivity prior to sleepwalking : evidence of interplay between sleep and wakefulness

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    Study Objectives: Although sleepwalking (somnambulism) affects up to 4% of adults, its pathophysiology remains poorly understood. Sleepwalking can be preceded by fluctuations in slow-wave sleep EEG signals, but the significance of these pre-episode changes remains unknown and methods based on EEG functional connectivity have yet to be used to better comprehend the disorder. Methods: We investigated the sleep EEG of 27 adult sleepwalkers (mean age: 29 ± 7.6 years) who experienced a somnambulistic episode during slow-wave sleep. The 20-second segment of sleep EEG immediately preceding each patient’s episode was compared with the 20-second segment occurring 2 minutes prior to episode onset. Results: Results from spectral analyses revealed increased delta and theta spectral power in the 20 seconds preceding the episodes’ onset as compared to the 20 seconds occurring 2 minutes before the episodes. The imaginary part of the coherence immediately prior to episode onset revealed (1) decreased delta EEG functional connectivity in parietal and occipital regions, (2) increased alpha connectivity over a fronto-parietal network, and (3) increased beta connectivity involving symmetric inter-hemispheric networks implicating frontotemporal, parietal and occipital areas. Conclusions: Taken together, these modifications in EEG functional connectivity suggest that somnambulistic episodes are preceded by brain processes characterized by the co-existence of arousal and deep slee

    Augmentation de capacité d’étangs aérés par la mise en place d’un étang « complètement mélangé » ou d’un RBGS Comment concevoir l’étang n° 2?

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    La transformation d’un étang aéré facultatif en étang « complètement mélangé » ou la mise en place d’un réacteur biologique à garnissage en suspension (RBGS) permet d’augmenter la capacité des stations de récupération des ressources de l’eau par étangs aérés. Par contre, ces modifications entraînent une charge accrue de matières particulaires biodégradables vers l’étang situé immédiatement en aval. Comment doit-on adapter la conception de cet étang, appelé « étang n° 2 », afin de tenir compte de cette surcharge