38 research outputs found

    ICT and current trends as a path to STEM education: implementation and prospects

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    The aim of the study is to build a model for the introduction of STEM education in institutions of general secondary education, to demonstrate the experience of using ICT in STEM education. Research objectives: to determine the role and place of information and communication technologies in the model of introduction of STEM education in general secondary education institutions for the formation of key competencies; to find innovative solutions to create conditions that will promote the interest of student youth in the choice of STEM professions. Object of research: the model of the introduction of STEM education in institutions of general secondary education Subject of research: information and communication technologies in the model of introduction of STEM education in institutions of general secondary education as a component of the school educational environment. Analysis of scientific publications makes it possible to determine the role and place of ICT in the model of introduction of STEM education in general secondary education institutions. The presented experience of the systemic implementation of STEM education in general secondary education institutions allows the formation of professional competencies of teachers in the field of STEM education and can be useful in their professional activities. The study shows that the systemic implementation of STEM technologies in the educational process increases the effectiveness of training, the level of motivation of participants in the educational process and the quality of knowledge in the subjects of the natural science cycle, and also contributes to the formation of key competencies of students

    A DNA assembly toolkit to unlock the CRISPR/Cas9 potential for metabolic engineering

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    Abstract CRISPR/Cas9-based technologies are revolutionising the way we engineer microbial cells. One of the key advantages of CRISPR in strain design is that it enables chromosomal integration of marker-free DNA, eliminating laborious and often inefficient marker recovery procedures. Despite the benefits, assembling CRISPR/Cas9 editing systems is still not a straightforward process, which may prevent its use and applications. In this work, we have identified some of the main limitations of current Cas9 toolkits and designed improvements with the goal of making CRISPR technologies easier to access and implement. These include 1) A system to quickly switch between marker-free and marker-based integration constructs using both a Cre-expressing and standard Escherichia coli strains, 2) the ability to redirect multigene integration cassettes into alternative genomic loci via Golden Gate-based exchange of homology arms, 3) a rapid, simple in-vivo method to assembly guide RNA sequences via recombineering between Cas9-helper plasmids and single oligonucleotides. We combine these methodologies with well-established technologies into a comprehensive toolkit for efficient metabolic engineering using CRISPR/Cas9. As a proof of concept, we developed the YaliCraft toolkit for Yarrowia lipolytica, which is composed of a basic set of 147 plasmids and 7 modules with different purposes. We used the toolkit to generate and characterize a library of 137 promoters and to build a de novo strain synthetizing 373.8 mg/L homogentisic acid

    Boosting Geranyl Diphosphate Synthesis for Linalool Production in Engineered Yarrowia lipolytica

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    Linalool is a pleasant-smelling monoterpenoid widely found in the essential oils of most flowers. Due to its biologically active properties, linalool has considerable commercial potential, especially in the food and perfume industries. In this study, the oleaginous yeast Yarrowia lipolytica was successfully engineered to produce linalool de novo. The (S)-linalool synthase (LIS) gene from Actinidia argute was overexpressed to convert geranyl diphosphate (GPP) into linalool. Flux was diverted from farnesyl diphosphate (FPP) synthesis to GPP by introducing a mutated copy of the native ERG20F88W−N119W gene, and CrGPPS gene from Catharanthus roseus on its own and as part of a fusion with LIS. Disruption of native diacylglycerol kinase enzyme, DGK1, by oligo-mediated CRISPR-Cas9 inactivation further increased linalool production. The resulting strain accumulated 109.6 mg/L of linalool during cultivation in shake flasks with sucrose as a carbon source. CrGPPS expression in Yarrowia lipolytica increased linalool accumulation more efficiently than the ERG20F88W−N119W expression, suggesting that the increase in linalool production was predominantly influenced by the level of GPP precursor supply

    Large-scale bioproduction of natural astaxanthin in Yarrowia lipolytica

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    Astaxanthin is a high-value chemical with strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and coloration properties. Here, a set of novel genetic engineering and culturing strategies for efficient astaxanthin bioproduction in Yarrowia lipolytica is reported. Modular pathway engineering and the fusion of two key enzymes (geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase and bifunctional lycopene cyclase/phytoene synthase) yielded a recombinant strain with enhanced β-carotene and astaxanthin production, accumulating astaxanthin up to 131.9 mg/L in small-scale cultures with sucrose and 587.3 mg/L in a 3-L bioreactor with glucose as carbon sources, respectively. Notably, formation of intracellular carotenoid crystals was observed. Addition of oil overlayer at different regimes in 3-L bioreactors promoted secretion of astaxanthin and increased astaxanthin titer up to 973.4 g/L. Lastly, fed-batch fermentation in a 100-L bioreactor with glycerol as the carbon source resulted in a final astaxanthin titer of 812.3 mg/L after 114 h, representing the highest astaxanthin titer reported so far in large-scale cultures

    Engineering Yarrowia lipolytica for the selective and high-level production of isocitric acid through manipulation of mitochondrial dicarboxylate–tricarboxylate carriers

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    During cultivation under nitrogen starvation, Yarrowia lipolytica produces a mixture of citric acid and isocitric acid whose ratio is mainly determined by the carbon source used. We report that mitochondrial succinate–fumarate carrier YlSfc1 controls isocitric acid efflux from mitochondria. YlSfc1 purified and reconstituted into liposomes transports succinate, fumarate, oxaloacetate, isocitrate and α-ketoglutarate. YlSFC1 overexpression determined the inversion of isocitric acid/citric acid ratio towards isocitric acid, resulting in 33.4 ± 1.9 g/L and 43.3 ± 2.8 g/L of ICA production in test-tube cultivation with glucose and glycerol, respectively. These titers represent a 4.0 and 6.3-fold increase compared to the wild type. YlSFC1 gene expression was repressed in the wild type strain grown in glucose-based medium compared to olive oil medium explaining the reason for the preferred citric acid production during Y. lipolytica growth on carbohydrates. Coexpression of YlSFC1 and adenosine monophosphate deaminase YlAMPD genes together with inactivation of citrate mitochondrial carrier YlYHM2 gene enhanced isocitric acid accumulation up to 41.4 ± 4.1 g/L with an isocitric acid/citric acid ratio of 14.3 in a small-scale cultivation with glucose as a carbon source. During large-scale cultivation with glucose pulse-feeding, the engineered strain produced 136.7 ± 2.5 g/L of ICA with a process selectivity of 88.1%, the highest reported titer and selectivity to date. These results represent the first reported isocitric acid secretion by Y. lipolytica as a main organic acid during cultivation on carbohydrate. Moreover, we demonstrate for the first time that the replacement of one mitochondrial transport system for another can be an efficient tool for switching product accumulation