318 research outputs found

    Hubungan Sifat Antigenik Virus Influenza A/h5n1 Tahun 2004-2005

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    Telah dilakukan analisis antigenik secara imunoserologi strain virus influenza A/H5N1 yang berasal dari manusia dan kaitannya dengan strain yang berasal dari hewan. Reaksi terhadap antibodi monoklonal menunjukkan bahwa strain A/H5N1 Indonesia terdahulu: (Indonesia /5/05/Tangerang; Indonesia 341/Jakarta; Indonesia/542/Jawa Barat; Indonesia/554/Jawa Timur; Indonesia 557/Jakarta), mempunyai sifat antigen determinan dominan yang mirip dengan protein CP176/26 dari strain virus CK/PA/1370/83 dan antigenik determinan protein 8H11 dari strain virus CK/HK/YU22/2002. Sedangkan virus: Indonesia /534/Medan; Indonesia 535/Medan; Indonesia 536/Medan; Indonesia 538/Medan; Indonesia 546/Medan; Indonesia 560/Medan; memiliki antigen determinan mirip dengan protein 3C8 dari strain virus CK/HK/YU/22/2002. Hasil analisis antigenik virus A/H5NI Indonesia dikaitkan dengan strain influenza A/H5N1 dari beberapa negara menunjukkan bahwa virus A/H5N1 Indonesia termasuk ke dalam kelompok Clade2; subclade 1. Lebih lanjut strain virus Indonesia 5 dan Indonesia CDC 357 mempunyai persamaan sifat antigenik, sedangkan strain virus Indonesia CDC 625 (kluster keluarga Karo) walaupun sama-sama termasuk ke dalam Clade 2; subclade 1, akan tetapi memiliki persamaan sifat antigenik dengan strain A/TURKEY/15/2005, A/WSWAN/MG/244/2005 dan strain A/BHGOOSE/QIGHAI/1A/2005 yang termasuk ke dalam Clade 2; subclade 2. Pengujian sifat antigenik ini sangat diperlukan dalam mempelajari sifat antigenik strain virus untuk pengembangan uji diagnostik dan menentukan suatu strain virus kandidat vaksin

    Expressive Acts in Barrack Obama\u27s Presidential Speech in Universitas Indonesia

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    Keywords: speech, speech acts, expressive acts Human have their own ways to express their feelings. One of the mediumto express emotion is language. Expressing emotion through language also can be performed when a person has a speech. It can be analyzed through one of speech acts theories, that is expressive act theory. Expressive act is psychological state of the speaker. It can be statements of thanking, pardoning, apologizing, welcoming, praising, etc. The researcher conducted a research about expressive act in Barrack Obama\u27s presidential speech in Jakarta, November, 10th 2010. There are two problems to be solved, namely: (1) what expressive acts are found in Barrack Obama\u27s presidential speech, and (2) what the strategies are used by Barrack Obama in uttering expressive acts.This research used qualitative approach because the analysis is in the form of description rather than number. Then, the research was conducted through documentary analysis since the researcher analyzed Obama\u27s utterances in his transcript speech containing expressive acts. The result of the research shows that there are six types of expressive acts used by Obama in his speech, namely (1) thanking, (2) greeting, (3) happiness, (4) sadness, (5) condolence, and (6) wishes. There are also five strategies used by Obama in performing those acts. Those were literal direct act, non literal direct act, literal indirect act, literal direct act + non literal direct act, and literal direct act + non literal indirect act. After discussing all of the data, it is concluded that the type of expressive act used more often in this speech is happiness. Since, the emotion that madeObama happy with the situation of his come back to Indonesia as a President ofUSA, so that he showed his happiness repeatedly. Based on the result of the study, the writer wants to give suggestions for the next researchers who are interested in the same field to conduct a research about expressive act in daily conversations. Since, by conducting a research in daily conversations, we can extend the theory of expressive act because daily conversations contain more complex utterances than formal speech. Moreover, the researcher hopes that this thesis can help to give a little vision or as a reference about expressive act

    Kontroversi Pemikiran Teks Keagamaan Kiai Abdul Mu\u27thi, Pondok Pesantren An-najah, Magelang

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    This article discusses the thoughts of Kiai Mu\u27thi religious texts that have sparked controversy and internal conflicts among the NU as a critical discourse. Data collection is done by interview, observation, and documentation. The result of the research indicates that the problem of 73 classes (firqah) is a material that is never left behind in every Kiai Mu\u27thi recitation, as well as a commitment to always remind to fellow Muslims, especially the nahdliyin group which he calls the alignment of aqidah and amar ma\u27ruf nahi munkar. Da\u27wah movement is more oriented towards kiai, ulama, religious leaders, and religious teachers so that they can return in the direction that has been considered heretical. Kiai Mu\u27thi da\u27wah movement is a deconstruction as well as a reconstruction of discourse construction that develops among nahdliyin, and which is also a representation of the outward effort of the dominant pesantren hegemony in its territory in order to form entities and social relations

    Kepedulian Muslim Perkotaan terhadap Kehalalan Makanan Produk Pengusaha Mikro Kecil (Kasus pada Masyarakat Muslim Minoritas di Kota Kupang, NTT) )

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    As a country with a Muslim majority, it is not uncommon for the state to protect the Islamic community from consuming food, drugs and cosmetics that originate from non-halal substances and ingredients. In reality, the state has yet to provide certain guarantee regarding the halal status of a product in accordance to the Islamic law. There are still very few food products from the micro and small industries that posses and propose for halal certification. Micro and small entrepreneurs as of current remain unconcerned regarding the halal status of their products, despite the availability of assistance in the certification process. What about the case in which a minority Muslim community resides amidst a community of non-muslim majority with its local regulation and character in the city of Kupang? For that reason, this explorative research which employed a mixed-method approach will attempt to answer the following questions: (1) what are the concern of urban Muslim community in the city of Kupang regarding the halal status of micro/small business food products; and (2) what factors influence the concern of the Muslim community in the city of Kupang regarding the halal status of micro/small business food products. The objectives of this research are: (1) obtain an outlook on the concern of Muslim community in the city of Kupang regarding the halal status of micro/small business food products; (2) obtain understanding on actions undertaken based on the concern of Muslim community in the city of Kupang regarding the halal status of micro/small business food products; and (3) to identify the factors influencing the concern of Muslim community in the city of Kupang regarding the halal status of micro/small business food products.The research result shows a high concern of Muslim community in the city of Kupang regarding the halal status of micro/small business food products. It is proven that as much as 77% of respondents stated they always checked the halal label of packaged food, 48% of respondents stated that they always asked fast food vendors whether lard based oil is used, 86% of respondents said that they would speak fairly if they knew that a chicken vendor is selling meat that has gone bad, 97% of respondents said they refused to continue their purchase when entering a restaurant offering menu of chicken, goat, or beef that is processed side by side with pork, and as much as 88% of respondents stated that they would report a seller who mixes chicken or other meat with pork. The high level of concern demonstrated by the Muslim community in the city of Kupang is caused by a sociological factor, wherein being a minor community living in a community with differing religious norms has in fact triggered the community's awareness in the importance of halal products

    The Interpretation of Istighotsah Tradition Post Ndoro Purbo's Grave Destruction in YOGYAKARTA

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    Yogyakarta is known as a tolerans society, suddenly shocked by an incidence of thedestruction of the Ndoro Purbo's grave, the 6th Sultan Hamengku Buwono's grandchild, by irresponsible persons. In response to this incidence, a Nahdliyin (NU) community in Yogyakarta performs sacred rituals called an ‘istighotsah'. This is a qualitative research (case study) that aims to answer three problems: (1) how does NU in Yogyakarta look at the figure of Ndoro Purbo? (2) How do they interpret the acts of Ndoro Purbo's grave destruction? And (3) Why does NU Yogyakarta perform a ritual ‘istighotsah', and how do they interpret ‘istighotsah'? This study aims to explain the interpretation of NU members on the acts of Ndoro Purbo's grave destruction, to understand the reasons of NU do ‘istighotsah', and tofind the meaning of ‘istighotsah' for NU members. Data was collected through observation, participant observation and in-depth interviews, while the interpretive data analysis is done using emic and ethical perspective. The study's findings indicate that Ndoro Purbo was imaged as a figure of saint and known as a person with supernatural power. The Ndoro Purbo's grave destruction was considered as a form of rudeness to the Javanese value, which is interpreted as violation of the Islamic values and a game of symbol, and it was considered as an act of wrongdoers. To fight such injustice among the NU members, they perform ritual‘istighotsah' as an expression of a protest to God and a form of spiritual resistance during the difficult situation in facing disobedient or ‘visible sin'

    Pembuatan Peta Zona Nilai Ekonomi Kawasan Pantai Parangtritis Berdasarkan Willingness To Pay Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis

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    Kabupaten Bantul memiliki daerah wisata alam yang banyak dikunjungi oleh wisatawan. Salah satu wisata alam yang saat ini banyak dikunjungi adalah Pantai Parangtritis. Pantai Parangtritis merupakan salah satu ikon pariwisata Kabupaten Bantul yang memberi pendapatan terbesar dari sektor pariwisata bagi Kabupaten Bantul. Suasana hangat dari pantai, panorama matahari tenggelam, beserta segala hal mistis yang ada di Pantai Parangtritis inilah yang menarik perhatian wisatawan untuk datang mengunjunginya. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka perlu dibuat Peta ZNEK untuk mengetahui nilai ekonomi kawasan berdasarkan metode TCM (Travel Cost Method) dan CVM (Contingent Valuation Method) pada kawasan tersebut.Metode penarikan responden yang digunakan dalam penelitian tugas akhir ini adalah sampling non probability sampling dengan teknik sampling insidental, yaitu responden yang ditemui secara kebetulan datang berkunjung di Pantai Parangtritis. Data yang digunakan adalah 60 responden untuk TCM dan CVM, serta 10 responden tambahan masing-masing untuk validasi model TCM dan CVM. Metode pengolahan data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linear berganda dan perhitungan menggunakan software Maple 17. Serta dilakukan juga uji asumsi klasik (normalitas, heteroskedastisitas, autokorelasi, dan multikolinearitas), validitas dan reliabilitas menggunakan SPSS 23.Dalam penelitian tugas akhir ini, uji asumsi klasik menunjukkan semua data berdistribusi normal, tidak terjadi heteroskedastisitas, terbebas dari autokorelasi dan tidak memiliki multikolineritas. Uji validitas dan reliabilitas menunjukan hasil valid dan reliabel pada model yang digunakan. Pada validasi model, hasil pengujian menunjukan nilai RMSE sebesar 0,091061337 pada TCM dan 0,066100981 pada CVM. Hasil perhitungan nilai total ekonomi didapatkan nilai DUV sebesar Rp. 24.768.055.550.000, nilai EV sebesar Rp. 32.875.953.030 sehingga diperoleh nilai total ekonomi objek wisata Pantai Parangtritis sebesar Rp 24.800.931.503.030
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