21 research outputs found


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    This study aimed to improve reproductive condition of postpartum anestrus of Etawa crossbreed (PE) goats using PGF2α hormone or progesterone (controlled internal drug release/CIDR-G) and improve pregnancy success from artificial insemination (AI) with human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) hormone administration. Administration of progesterone increased estrus by 100%, which was higher than the 70% produced from prostaglandin F2 alfa (PGF2α) administration. Estrus onset in CIDR group (35.80±13.33 hours) was faster than PGF2α group (45.6±9.2 hours). Clinical signs of vulva (redness and swollen) were more intense in CIDR-G group (80% and 70%, respectively) compared to PGF2α group (70% and 57%, respectively). Estrus duration in PGF2α group (52.17±3.34 hours) was longer than CIDR-G group (49.61±3.56 hours). Pregnancy success in group given hCG was 66.7% while in non-hCG group was 50%. In conclusion, CIDR-G and PGF2α administration is effective to induce estrus of postpartum anestrus PE goats. Administration of hCG at the onset of estrus is effective to improve pregnancy success

    Viabilitas Spermatozoa Semen Beku Babi Duroc dalam Extender Beltsville Thawing Solution Menggunakan Krioprotektan Gliserol dan Dimetillacetamida

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    This study investigated the effect of glycerol and dimethylacetamide (DMA) in beltsville thawing solution (BTS) extender. Semen samples were collected from three boars of the Duroc breed (n=5) and were evaluated microscopically and macroscopically. Semen that have been evaluated and meets the following criteria: has motility characteristics >70%, concentration >300 million/ml and abnormality 20%; was accepted as appropriate samples. Semen samples were divided into four tubes and were diluted with 5 ml of BTS. The diluted semen was left for two hours in the temperature range from 20 to 22°C before was centrifuged for 15 minutes (500G). The pellet of centrifuged semen was taken as much as 1 ml with its supernatant. The BTS glycerol (BTSG), BTS-DMA (BTSD), BTS-Glycerol-DMA (BTSG-D) were added into the pellet. The diluted semen was packed into straw of 0.5 ml and was equilibrated for 2 hours in 4 °C. The equilibrated semen was frost with the steam of nitrogen and stored in liquid nitrogen. The quality of frozen semen was assessed at least 24 hour after freezing process. The results indicate that the sperm motility after thawing in BTS extender BTSD is 52.14±0.4%, ,higher than the other two extenders (P<0.05). Thus, it is conclude that the DMA concentration in BTS extender maintains the quality of frozen semen from the Duroc breed better than other extenders

    Optimization of Artificial Insemination Program in Buffalo

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    Development of buffalo was relatively slow in the last five years (1993-1997), but the number of slaughtered animals was also increased in the same period. Factors limiting their development were extensive farming system, farming as a secondary enterprise, slow growth and low reproductive efficiency of the animals. Optimization of artificial insemination (AI) program in one of the alternative to improve buffalo productivity in Indonesia. AI is an effective tool toimprove the genetic quality and to increase the buffaloes population. Application of AI in buffalo has been conducted since 1975, but until now the results are not still significant. Within the last four years the calving average was 750 head/year, the implementation of targeted insemination doses reached less than 50%/year with S/C still above 2 and CR 38.32%. The limiting factors affecting this low performance are quality of semen, female fertility, skill of technician and zootechnical knowledge of farmers. Improvement of reproductive efficiency of buffaloes interrelated with optimization of AI program could be imposed through increasing of ability of farmers to detect oestrus, oestrus synchronization using hormones (PGF-2α and progesterone), improvement of quality of frozen semen with special attention on dilution materials used, control of equilibration time, and control of duration and temperature of thawing, as well as accuracy of insemination time.   Key words: AI, buffalo, semen quality, optimization, oestrus synchronizatio

    Effects of bovine seminal plasma on frozen semen quality of swamp buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis

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    Semen of two healthy swamp buffalo bulls were collected twice a week using artificial vagina. After initial evaluation, semen was divided into two parts, 1/3 for control (PK) and 2/3 for treatment (PS) and centrifugated at 3,000 rpm for 20 minutes. Seminal plasma of the second part was removed and changed with bovine seminal plasma for 0 minute (PS0) and 5 minutes (PS5) before semen was diluted with lactose extender containing 7% glycerol. Mean percentage of motility after thawing for PS5 (55.71%) was significantly higher (P0.01) than PK (41.43%), but not significantly different with PS0 (52.43%). PS0 was significantly higher than PK. Mean percentage of live sperm and intact plasma membrane for PS5 (63.43% and 64.71%) were significantly higher (P0.01) than PK (55.71% and 53.57%), but not significantly different with PS0 (61.14% and 59.28%). There was no significantly difference between PS0 and PK for mean percentage of live sperm and intact plasma membrane parameters. Mean percentage of intact acrosomal for PS5 (53.57%) was significantly higher (P0.01) than PS0 (48.14%) and PK (43.14%). PS0 was significantly higher (P0.01) than PK. Under conditions of these experiment it may be concluded that replacement of buffalo seminal plasma with bovine seminal plasma and diluted with lactose extender could improve of frozen semen quality of swamp buffaloes.   Key words : Cattle seminal plasma, frozen semen, swamp buffal


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan isolasi dan purifikasi sel Leydig dengan menggunakan gradien Nycodenz untuk meningkatkan jumlah perolehan sel Leydig yang hidup setelah purifikasi dan kultur. Isolasi dan purifikasi sel Leydig dilakukan dengan perlakuan gradien Nycodenz 3 kolom (5, 10, dan 15% sebagai Nycodenz I) dan 5 kolom (4, 8, 10, 12, dan 15% sebagai Nycodenz II) serta gradien Percoll 5 kolom (21, 26, 34, 40 dan 60%) sebagai kontrol. Parameter yang diamati adalah konsentrasi, kemurnian, dan viabilitas sel Leydig setelah isolasi dan purifikasi serta kultur in vitro. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa isolasi dan purifikasi sel Leydig dengan gradien Nycodenz (I dan II) secara nyata (P0,01) menghasilkan konsentrasi sel yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan gradien Percoll. Namun penggunaan gradien Nycodenz II c enderung menghasilkan kemurnian sel yang lebih tinggi (91,40%) dibandingkan dengan Nycodenz I (85,53%). Hasil tersebut tidak berbeda nyata dibandingkan dengan gradien Percoll (92,20%). Viabilitas sel Leydig pada semua perlakuan hampir sama yaitu 98%. Namun demikia n, setelah dikultur selama 3 hari, konsentrasi sel Leydig pada perlakuan Percoll (2,44x106 sel/ml) dan Nycodenz I (3,21x106 sel/ml) secara statistik (P0,05) lebih rendah dan dibandingkan dengan Nycodenz II (3,88x10 6 sel/ml), sedangkan viabilitas sel Leydig setelah dikultur pada gradien Nycodenz I (90,00%) dan Nycodenz II (91,17%) secara sangat nyata (P0,01) menghasilkan viabilitas yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan gradien Percoll (82,30%). Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan gradien Nycodenz II efektif untuk mempurifikasi sel Leydig dan setelah dikultur menghasilkan konsentrasi dan viabilitas sel yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan gradien Percoll

    FA-9 Reproductive Efficiency of Brahman Cross Cattle Using Artificial Insemination with Frozen Semen from Bali, Brahman, Limousin, and Simmental Cattle

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    Demand and consumpsion of beef meat increases every year in Indonesia. The increase of  demand is not followed by the availability supply of beef cattle production nationaly. Statistical data from Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan Indonesia  showed that on the year of 2016 the demand of beef was 604.968 ton and the production of beef was only 354.770 ton. The goverment imported of beef and cattle to fulfill the lack of supply, as of 2016 there was  116.761 ton beef and 1.298.560 cattle imported to Indonesia(1).Indonesia has determined to achieve beef self–sufficiency by 2024. To achieve that goal the goverment want to increase the cattle population nationaly by requiring the cattle and buffalo farm industry to oblige the breeding programe. The goverment made some policy including Upsus SIWAB and an obligation of the feedloters of imported cattle to do breeding. According to PERMENTAN no 49 thn 2016 and it’s add on PERMENTAN no 2 thn 2017, importation of beef cattle must meet the ratio 1:5 between breeding cattle and feeder cattle.Reproductive efficiency is a parameter used to determine the success of breeding programe. Reproductive eficiency is a measure of the ability if a cow to become pregnant and produce offspring(2). Optimalization of reproductive efficiency can be one of means to increase national cattle population.Brahman Cross is one of the most common imported cattle breed to Indonesia. Husbandry and reproductive management play an important role to achieve the best result on cattle breeding programe. Feedloters who conduct breeding programe of Brahman Cross cattle (Breedlot) have the capacity and potential to increase the reproductive efficiency of their breeding programe due to they have capital and good management. Thus it is important to assess and measure the reproductive efficiency of Brahman Cross cattle artificially inseminated with frozen semen to increase the reproductive efficiency of beef cattle in the Breedlot

    Spermatogenesis and Semen Quality of Male Muntjak (Muntiacus Muntjak Muntjak) During Antler Growth Periods

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    Muntjak (Muntiacus muntjak muntjak) belongs to Cervidae family which distributed in Java Island and Southern part of Sumatera. This cervid has been protected by Indonesian Government since 1999. In order to support breeding program of the species and to avoid them from extinction, itsreproductive biology such as spermatogenesis and the correlation to semen quality is important to be investigated. Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine spermatogenesis and semen quality of two adult male muntjaks during antler growth periods that consist of hard antler (H), casting (C), andvelvet antler (V). Testicular tissues and semen (ejaculates) were obtained by core needle biopsy and electroejaculation methods respectively. Testicular tissues were processed histologically and stained with periodic acid Schiff (PAS) to observe spermatogenesis whereas semen was evaluated to obtaine itsquality. The results showed that spermatogenic activities were detected in all antler periods which marked by PAS positive staining (magenta colour) of round and elongated spermatid acrosomes. In H period, spermatogenic activity was higher than those C and V periods. According to semen evaluation,motile spermatozoa were found with different concentration in all antler periods. The highest sperm concentration (x 106 spermatozoa/ml) in both of muntjaks was found in H period (506.25 ± 61.87), and slightly decreased in C (288.75 ± 37.12), and V periods (362.60 ± 17.68). These finding showed thatspermatogenesis to produce spermatozoa is taken place while muntjaks are in C and V periods with differ activities that provable with the existence of motile spermatozoa from ejaculates in both of male muntjaks. Therefore, muntjaks could provide reproductive function throughout the year of reproductiveaseasonality which is similar to the reeves and formosan muntjak

    FA-3 Production Trait of Crossbreed Cattle and Reproductive Disorders in Brahman Cross (BX) Breeding Program at PT Lembu Jantan Perkasa

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    The feedlot industry in Indonesia has developed very rapidly, along with the increase in meat consumption. Brahman Cross (BX) is an imported beef cattle from Australia which is widely used by feedloters as broodstock. Feedloter chooses BX cattle because besides the price is quite cheap, this breed also has a very good growth factor [1].In order to support the self-sufficient of beef meat, feedloters who imported BX from Australia have to conduct breeding program as part of the Ministry of Agriculture decree no. 02/PERMENTAN/PK.440/2/2017 related to the import of ruminants into Indonesia. BX Cattle is often crossed with other breeds through artificial insemination programs, in order to provide calving ease and to produce high-weight cattle.Beside the target to produce good body weight and average daily gain (ADG) of the calf from crossbreeding, the feedloters have also to manage the breeding efficiently by taking care of the reproductive disorder that might be affected the production.  Good reproductive efficiency will have a positive impact on increasing livestock production [2]. In various breeding programs, there are many factors that can affect the reproductive efficiency of cattle, such as reproductive disorders. Reproductive disorders can be a major economic problem in a farm. These reproductive health problems can be the bottleneck in the production process and productivity in the livestock sector [3].Therefore, this study will discuss the production performance in various cross-breed cattle and reproductive disorders in a feedlot breeding program

    FA-5 Semen Characteristics of Banteng (Bos javanicus) Collected by Electroejaculation Method

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    Banteng (Bos javanicus) is listed as endangered species in IUCN Redlist. Only few thousand wild banteng survive and their numbers are decreasing as a result of hunting and the loss of habitat due to deforestation and conversion to agricultural land. One of the conservation measures is to preserve this species in ex-situ breeding center. The breeding centre with the largest number of individuals is Ragunan Zoo in Jakarta, with 21 animals. Despite those numbers of individuals available, the sex ratio was far from ideal at 16 males and five females. While in Taman Safari Prigen, there were with 16 individuals and a sex ratio of five males and 11 females [1] Since number of males are usually less than females, and also to avoid inbreeding in order to keep high heterozygosity population, therefore, assisted reproductive technology such as artificial insemination is considered to be necessary.For artificial insemination, semen collection sufficient quantitiy and quality of semen from males are needed. Thus, best semen collection method should be considered. Though transrectal massage procedure does not require the male to be anesthetized  prior to semen collection, semen collected by this technique contains urine contamination. Besides, volume of semen sample obtained by transrectal massage is lesser compared to electroejaculation. Electroejaculation is also suitable for wild animal because in this particular semen collection procedure, males are not required to be trained.The information about semen characteristics of banteng bulls collected by electroejaculation is less known. To date, study done by Johnston et al. (2002) is the only available data. That study only provided data from one semen sample from one 4-year-old banteng bull located at Western Plains Zoo [2]. Moreover such volume parameter and consistency was not reported from that study. Thus, this study is aimed to provide more reliable data from larger number of semen samples  collected by electroejaculation and to add information to previous data that are availabe