4,283 research outputs found

    The Incidence of Repeat Breeding in Dairy Cows Under Tropical Condition

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the incidence of repeat breeding in dairy cows under tropical condition. This was a preliminary study conducted in Sinjai Regency, Indonesia. A total of 82 Holstein Friesian lactating cows from five dairy farmer groups were used in the present study. Of the 82 cows, 75.6% eventually became pregnant after repeated inseminations (AI). The incidence of repeat breeding in this area was very high (62%). Days in milk (DIM) at first AI, first AI conception rate, and calving to conception interval were 62.5±19.3 days, 0%, and 202.8±150.0 days, respectively. There was no difference in DIM at first AI between repeat breeders and normal fertility cows (60.4±15.2 days vs 68.3±28.6 days). However, normal fertility cows required only 123.3±52.9 days to conceive and 2.4±0.8 inseminations per pregnancy, whereas repeat breeders required significantly more days to conceive (222.9±134.1 days) and more inseminations per pregnancy (4.8±0.9). In conclusion, repeat breeder dairy cows under tropical condition had very poor and reduced reproductive performance

    Long-range and short-range magnetic correlations, and microscopic origin of net magnetization in the spin-1 trimer chain compound CaNi3P4O14

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    Spin-spin correlations and microscopic origin of net magnetization in the spin-1 trimer chain compound CaNi3P4O14 have been investigated by powder neutron diffraction. The present study reveals a 3D long-range magnetic ordering below 16 K where the magnetic structure consists of ferromagnetic trimers that are coupled ferromagnetically along the spin-chain. The moment components along the a and c axes arrange antiferromagnetically. Our study establishes that the uncompensated moment components along the b axis result in a net magnetization per unit cell. The magnetic structure, determined in the present study, is in agreement with the results of recent first principles calculation; however, it is in contrast to a fascinating experimental prediction of ferrimagnetic ordering based on the periodicity of the exchange interactions in CaNi3P4O14. Our study also confirms the presence of broad diffuse magnetic scattering, due to 1D short-range spin-spin correlations, over a wide temperature range below ~50 K down to a temperature well below the Tc. Total neutron scattering analysis by the RMC method reveals that the dominating spin-spin correlation above Tc is ferromagnetic and along the b axis. The nearest neighbour spin-spin correlations along the a and c axes are found to be weakly antiferromagnetic. The nature of the trimer spin structure of the short-range state is similar to that of the 3D long-range ordered state. The present investigation of microscopic nature of the magnetic ground state also explains the condition required for the 1/3 magnetization plateau to be observed in the trimer spin-chains. In spite of the S=1 trimer chain system, the present compound CaNi3P4O14 is found to be a good realization of 3D magnet below the Tc=16 K with full ordered moment values of ~2 mu_B/Ni2+ (1.98 and 1.96 mu_B/Ni2+ for two Ni sites, respectively) at 1.5 K.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Predictive Land Use Modelling as a Tool for Regulating Urban Development in Yola, Nigeria

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    Analysing land use/cover (LULC) change processes and driving factors of urbanisation can help identify policy measures that can be used to efficiently regulate urban development. CA-Markov principles were adopted to predict urban sprawl to the year 2033 in Yola, Nigeria. The research incorporates socio economic factors in the driving mechanism in Cellular Automata and Markov Chain (CA-Markov) to establish rules for driving forces for urban sprawl specific to Yola Topography using experts’ opinion and residents’ perception. The results provides scientific basis and opportunity to define and apply tools and strategies for managing urban development by reconciling the imperatives of urban development and conservation of environmental resources. Keywords: LULC, CA-Markov, Modelling, Landsat Image

    The Incidence of Repeat Breeding in Dairy Cows under Tropical Condition

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the incidence of repeat breeding in dairy cows under tropical condition. This was a preliminary study conducted in Sinjai Regency, Indonesia. A total of 82 Holstein Friesian lactating cows from five dairy farmer groups were used in the present study. Of the 82 cows, 75.6% eventually became pregnant after repeated inseminations (AI). The incidence of repeat breeding in this area was very high (62%). Days in milk (DIM) at first AI, first AI conception rate, and calving to conception interval were 62.5±19.3 days, 0%, and 202.8±150.0 days, respectively. There was no difference in DIM at first AI between repeat breeders and normal fertility cows (60.4±15.2 days vs 68.3±28.6 days).  However, normal fertility cows required only 123.3±52.9 days to conceive and 2.4±0.8 inseminations per pregnancy, whereas repeat breeders required significantly more days to conceive (222.9±134.1 days) and more inseminations per pregnancy (4.8±0.9). In conclusion, repeat breeder dairy cows under tropical condition had very poor and reduced reproductive performance

    Gambaran Pola Asuh Orangtua Pada Masyarakat Pesisir Pantai

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    Pola asuh yang terlihat dari hasil penelitian ini yaitu orangtua menggunakan kombinasi bentuk pola asuh seperti authoritarian dengan permissive, authoritative dengan permissive, dan ada yang mengkombinasikan ketiganya yaitu authoritarian, authoritative dan permissive. Pola asuh authoritarian ditunjukkan dengan adanya hukuman secara fisik jika anak tidak mematuhi orangtuanya seperti tidak mau belajar Al-Qur'an atau pergi melaut. Sedangkan permissive ditunjukkan melalui ketidakpedulian orangtua akan hal pendidikan sekolah anak-anaknya, jika anak sudah tidak ingin sekolah maka anak pun akan dibiarkan saja, orangtua lebih menganggap pendidikan sekolah itu tidak penting, karena percuma disekolahin tinggi-tinggi pada akhirnya akan melaut juga. Sedangkan pola asuh authoritative terlihat dari orangtua yang tidak pernah memberi hukuman secara fisik ketika anak-anaknya melakukan kesalahan tapi orangtua memberikan arahan pada anak-anaknya. Penelitian ini mengkaji pola asuh orangtua pada masyarakat pesisir pantai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi pola asuh orangtua pada masyarakat pesisir pantai yaitu pendidikan yaitu terlihat dari orangtua yang memiliki latar belakang pendidikan rendah menjadikan orangtua tidak mengetahui atau menelantarkan tentang perkembangan pendidikan sekolah anak-anaknya, sedangkan lingkungan seperti menyuruh anak-anaknya untuk bekerja mencari uang secara lebih dini yaitu dari usia lima tahun menjadi hal yang biasa di lingkungan pesisir, lain hal dengan budaya seperti masyarakat yang bersuku Melayu menganggap bahwa suku tersebut adalah beragama Islam maka mereka pun beraktivitas dan mendidik anak-anaknya dengan unsur-unsur keislaman. Selain itu ditemukan faktor lain yang mempengaruhi yaitu agama yang dianut, serta pola asuh yang diturunkan oleh orangtua terdahulu

    Distribution of Cows by Days in Milk (DIM) at First AI and Calving to Conception Interval in Dairy Cows

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    The objective of this study was to show the distribution of cows by days in milk (DIM) at first artificial insemination (AI) and the interval from calving to conception. The study was conducted in 47 commercial dairy herds in Enrekang Regency from May to October 2011. Of 289 animals, 143 of them or 49.5% were dairy Holstein Friesian cows with parities one to seven; mean (±SD) 2.05±1.50. The cows were classified into six groups based on DIM at first AI; within 40 d postpartum, between 41 and 85 d, 86 and 115 d, 116 and 150 d, 151 and 210 d, and 211 days or more. The cows were classified into five groups based on the interval from calving to conception; within 85 d postpartum, 86 and 115 d, 116 and 150 d, 151 and 210 d, and 211 days or more. The results of this study showed that the interval from calving to first AI was 131.6±121.8 d. The percentage of cows inseminated within 85 d after calving was only 56.1%; significantly lower (P < 0.01) than the percentage in the list of fertility management assessment standard. Likewise, cows conceived within 150 d after calving was only 32%. In conclusion, a longer average days in milk (DIM) at first AI in dairy cows was found in the present study, subsequently reduced the possibility of the cows to become pregnant in an optimum time, and reduced the reproductive performance of the herds

    Sebaran Konsentrasi Nitrat Dan Fosfat Di Perairan Muara Sungai Banjir Kanal Barat, Semarang

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    Muara Sungai Banjir Kanal Barat, Semarang merupakan salah satu sungai besar yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh kegiatan manusia terutama dari daratan. Daerah ini banyak menerima inputan air tawar daridaratan melalui sungai yang berhulu di wilayah kaki Gunung Ungaran yang membawa material dan limbah yang berasal dari pemukiman, pertanian dan kegiatan industri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi dan sebaran nitrat dan fosfat di Muara Sungai Banjir Kanal Barat, Semarang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli 2014, dengan menggunakanmetode deskriptif.Metode penentuan lokasi menggunakan metodepurposive sampling, yang dilakukan di10 stasiun dengan pertimbangan dapat mewakili wilayah sungai, muara sungai dan laut.Pada penelitian ini, data Primer berupa konsentrasi nitrat dan fosfat, suhu, salinitas, oksigen terlarut, pH dan arus permukaan.Pengolahan data menggunakan ArcGIS 10.0 dan SMS 8.1, untuk menghasilkan pola persebaran nitrat dan fosfat dan pola arus.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa konsentrasi nitrat dan fosfatakan semakin kecil ke arah laut. Konsentrasi nitrat berkisar 0,3076 - 0,6145 mg/l dan konsentrasi fosfat berkisar 0,049 – 0,164 mg/l. Pola sebaran konsentrasi nitrat dan fosfat mengarah ke Barat mengikuti pola arus pada kondisi surut

    Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Onggok Melalui Pengolahan Biologis Terhadap Parameter Rumen Dan Kecernaan Zat-Zat Makanan Sapi

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    The aims of the research were to study utilization of cassava waste through biological processing on rumen parameters and nutrient digestibility. The treatments was based on first years research. The treatment was used latin squere design 4x4.. Young cattle was used as material of this research. The treatments were arranged: R0: basal rations + 30% cassava waste (no treatment); R1 basal rations + 30% fermented cassava waste ( fermented by Aspergillus oryzae and prekursor urea 3 %); R2 : basal rations +30% fermented cassava waste ( fermented by Aspergillus oryzae and prekursor ammonium sulfat 1 %); R3 : basal rations + 15% fermented cassava waste ( fermented by Aspergillus oryzae and prekursor urea 3 %) + 15% fermented cassava waste ( fermented by Aspergillus oryzae and prekursor ammonium sulfat 1 %). The result showed that the treatments had no effect on rumen parameters and nutrient digestibility (dry matters and organic matters

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Motorik Halus melalui Pembelajaran Melukis dengan Jari pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun

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    Study is to examine the planning, implementation to improve fine motor skills through learning finger painting in children aged 5-6 years in Mutiara Kindergarten at Sungai Kakap and to determine the child's ability to coordinate the movement of a finger on finger painting activities. The method used is descriptive method using a form of action research. Subjects in this study is the researcher, friend of collaboration and group B children amount 15 people. The results of the data analysis showed that the lesson planning and implementation to improve fine motor skills through learning finger painting can be categorized as “Good". Improved fine motor skills through learning finger painting that the child can move the finger to use slurry paint on the image pattern, the child uses the fingers to express themselves through movement drawing in detail, using a finger to draw a child's use in several ways such as finger painting using paint with cycle models, models of zig-zag, and by means of shading
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