499 research outputs found

    Genetic studies of agronomic and kernel quality traits in white maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines

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    Field experiments were conducted at National Horticultural Research Institute, Bagauda (11°33´N; 8°23´E) in the Sudan Savannah and Institute for Agricultural Research, Samaru (11011´N; 07038’E) in the Northern Guinea Savanna ecological zones of Nigeria. The experiments were conducted between July-October, 2014 rainy season to estimates mean squares for general combining ability (GCA), specific combining ability( SCA) and interaction between general combining ability and location (GCA x location) and specific combining ability and location Interactions ( SCA x location) for agronomic traits and kernel quality traits. The study comprised of 15 hybrid lines, 6 parental lines along with 4 checks which were laid out in partially balanced lattice design with three replications. Analysis of variance revealed significant (P≤ 0.01) GCA for days to maturity (27.74), ear length (8.85cm) , ear diameter (22.25cm), plant height (1501.60cm), field weight (1.70kg), moisture content at harvest (16.48%) and yield (10947553.16 kgha-1) indicating the additive gene action contributing the expression of these traits. The mean squares due to SCA were highly significant (P≤ 0.01) for days to maturity (7.49), ear length (10.06cm), ear diameter (26.96cm) and moisture content at harvest (6.78%) indicating the preponderance of non-additive gene action in the expression of these traits. The mean squares for GCA× location and SCA× location were not significant for all traits except percent whole kernel which shows highly significant GCA × location interaction (2077.97%) and this indicated that, different parental genotypes behaved differently with respect to this trait under different location.Keywords: Agronomic traits, Genetic, General Combining Ability, Inbred lines, Kernel Quality and Specific Combining Abilit

    Morfologi Kata Kerja Bahasa Alas

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    Evaluasi Penggunaan Sucker Rod Pump Pada Sumur Rb-36 Rb- 91, Dan Rb-135 Dengan Menggunakan Data Sonolog Dan Dynamometer Untuk Meningkatkan Produksi Di PT Pertamina Ep Asset 1 Field Ramba

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    Secara umum metode produksi dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu sembur alam (natural flow) dan pengangkatan buatan (artificiallift). Sembur alam merupakan metoda mengalirnya fluida dari zona perforasi ke permukaan sumur secara alamiah, halini disebabkan tekanan reservoir yang mendorong fluida naik ke permukaan masih sangat tinggi. Seiring dengan waktuberproduksi, maka terjadi penurunan tekanan reservoir dan keadaan ini menyebabkan berkurangnya tingkat produksisumur tersebut, maka untuk mengatasi masalah ini dapat dilakukan dengan cara pengangkatan buatan (artificial lift).Adapun tujuan dari artificial lift adalah untuk membantu pengangkatan fluida dari dalam sumur ke permukaan. Salahsatu metode pengangkatan ini, yaitu sucker rod pump. Untuk meningkatkkan produktivitas suatu pompa sucker rod pumpperlu diperhatikan kapasitas produksi pompa,panjang langkah, kecepatan pemompaan maupun letak kedalaman pompa.Sumur RB-36, RB-91, dan RB-135 adalah sumur migas yang terdapat di lapangan Ramba, PT Pertamina EP Asset 1Field Ramba. Berdasarkan analisis kurva IPR Vogel diperoleh laju produksi maksimal (Qmaks) untuk masing-masingsumur, yaitu RB-36 sebesar 612,18 BFPD, RB-91 sebesar 336,18 BFPD dan RB-135 sebesar 306,70 BFPD, sedangkandari data sonolog diperoleh bahwa produksi sumur RB-36 sebesar 485 BFPD, RB-91 sebesar 257 BFPD dan RB-135sebesar 236 BFPD. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan optimasi yang telah dilakukan diperoleh besar laju produksi yangdapat dicapai sumur RB-36 sebesar 500 BFPD, sumur RB-91 sebesar 283 BFPD dan sumur RB-135 sebesar 270 BFPD.Dari hasil uji dynamometer akan diperoleh data pump card ketiga sumur tersebut. Dari analisis data pump card ketigasumur tu diperoleh bahwa sumur RB-36 mengalami fluid acceleration, sumur RB-91 mengalami kebocoran padatravelling valve, sedangkan untuk RB-135 mengalami kerusakan pada standing valvenya


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    Gili Iyang Island is one of the most beautiful islands known for its very high oxygen content to attract both local and foreign tourists to visit on the island of Gili Iyang. There are several reasons that are the most important factors in the development of tourism, including its remote location making transportation facilities, some facilities for tourists are inadequate, many people in the Gili Iyang area are unable to speak Indonesian. From this explanation, the author uses a qualitative approach in the form of descriptive research

    pH-Sensitive nanoparticles containing 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin as an improved anti-cancer option for colon cancer

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    Parenteral administration of chemotherapeutic drugs, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and leucovorin (LV), is commonly used to treat large bowel carcinomas such as colon cancer (CC) and colorectal carcinoma (CRC). Our study aims to design a novel nanoparticulate drug-delivery vehicle for oral use capable of colon-specific release. A modified double-emulsion solvent evaporation method was used in the preparation of pH-responsive Eudargit S100 polymeric nanoparticles, loaded with 5-FU/LV combination (5-FU/LV-loaded Eudargit S100 NPs). Our optimized drug-loaded NP showed a pH-responsive drug release and exhibited significantly more cytotoxic actions in cancer-cell lines than free drugs. These findings open the way for conducting clinical trials for colon malignancies treated with nanoparticles

    Growth performance, carcass and organ characteristics of growing rabbits fed graded levels of Moringa oleifera leaf meal in diets

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    An experiment was conducted at the Department of Animal Science teaching and research farm, Bayero University Kano, to evaluate the effect of feeding graded levels of Moringa oleifera leaf meal (MOLM) in diets on growth performance, carcass and organ characteristics of weaned rabbits. Twenty eight grower rabbits of averagely 975g in weight were allotted into four treatments of seven rabbits each in a completely randomize design. Four isonitrogenous diets (16% CP) were formulated in which MOLM was included at 0, 15, 30 and 45% for treatments 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. The diets were fed to the animals for eight weeks. The result showed that daily weight gain (5.95-13.39g/day) and carcass weight (497.70-727.65g) increased (P<0.05) with increasing levels of MOLM in diets, but dressing percentage (42.49-45.96%) was not affected by dietary treatments. Similarly, the weight of liver (40.35-57.05g), lungs (10.22-11.24g), heart (2.95-4.10g), kidney (8.30-10.70g), kidney fat (11.10-12.65g), small intestine (81.25-99.80g), large intestine (102.45-117.95g), caecum (20.50- 30.50g), stomach (90.75-114.65g), spleen (1.00-1.80g) and abdominal fat (7.89-11.25g) characteristics were not different across the treatments. The results indicate that weaned rabbits can utilize Moringa oleifera leaf meal at up to 45% level of inclusion in diets without any deleterious effects on growth performance, carcass yield and organ characteristics.Key words: Carcass yield, growth, Moringa oleifera, organ characteristics, rabbit

    Psoriatic Diaper Rash in a 6 Month Old West African Infant

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    Abstract Observation: Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory papulosquamous disorder which typically follows a relapsing and remitting course. The condition is rare among West Africans compared with other Africans and the world. Although psoriasis is most frequently diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 25, it can appear at any time and, can affect children of all ages, including infants. The clinical manifestations of psoriasis in a child are generally similar to those in an adult. Here we report a case of a 6 month West African child with plaque type psoriasis with lesions predominantly in the diaper area

    Ipomea asarifolia (Desr), A Potential Cover Crop for Soil Fertility Improvement in The Sudan Savanna Region, Nigeria

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    The effect of Ipomea asarifolia on physico - chemical properties of the soils at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto main campus, in the Sudan Savanna of Nigeria was investigated. The study determined the effect of the plant on some physical and chemical properties of soils, found out the nutrient retention ability of the plant in the soils and the variation of the effect with distance within the plants’ canopy. A total of 48 samples were collected from four different sites within Usmanu Danfodiyo University main Campus; VC complex area, University stadium area, Behind new library area and opposite IBB centre area and four distances from the plant (control, plant base, 0.5 m and 1 m from the plant base). Samples were collected for use in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) experiment with three replicates. Soil pH, Organic C, CEC, total N, available P, K, Ca and Mg concentrations were determined, particle size analysis was also carried out. The results were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA), where significant F values were obtained, the means were separated by Duncan multiple range tests (DMRT). The difference among the sites and the distances were found to be statistically significant (P VC complex area > New library area > IBB centre area. On the other hand, the effect on all the parameters was found to decrease with distance from the plant with the base of the plant having the highest organic C, CEC, total N, available P and exchangeable K, Ca and Mg; 6.83 g kg-1, 5.00 cmol kg-1, 0.42 g kg-1, 10.82 mg kg-1 and 0.26, 0.50 and 0.97 cmol kg-1 respectively, while the control soils had the least values; 3.46 g kg-1, 4.00 cmol kg-1, 0.12 g kg-1, 7.43 mg kg-1, 0.21, 0.38, and 0.45 cmol kg-1 respectively. The effect was attributed to the accumulation of organic matter around the plant and its ability to prevent erosion by both water and wind thus retaining nutrients making it a suitable cover crop for soil fertility improvement

    Prevalence of fasciolosis among cattle slaughtered at Hadejia Abattoir

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    A study was carried out to find out the prevalence of Fasciolosis in cattle  slaughtered at Hadejia Abattoir. Fasciola gigantica is a parasite of liver and bile duct in cattle, sheep and goat. The liver was examined for Fasciola by making length wise incision on the ventral side of the liver in such a way that the Bile duct was cut open. The forcep was used to pick the exposed worms in the bile duct and the Gall bladder. The Flukes recovered from each cattle were placed in label containers and taken to the Laboratory for identification and preservation. A total of 545cattle were  examined for the presence or absence of Fasciolosis in Hadejia Abattoir. Out of this number 279 (51.2%) were males and 266 (48.8%) were females. The overall  prevalence of Fasciolosis in the study area was 159(28.0%). The prevalence of Fasciolosis in males was found to be 73(26.2%), while the prevalence in females was 79(29.7%). There was no significant relationship (P > 0.05)between sex of the cattle and prevalence of the infection. The Prevalence of Fasciolosis in adult cattle was 36(40.2%), while in young cattle the prevalence was 123(15.0%). There was significant relationship (P < 0.05) between the age of cattle and prevalence of the infection.Fasciolosis is one of the helminths diseases that were found to be prevalent affecting cattle in the study area.Key words: Abattoir, Cattle, Cross-sectional., Fasciolosis, Slaughter
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