41 research outputs found


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    This study aimed  to find out  the leadership of  Village Head in increasing community participation in development in Balle Village, Kahu District, Bone Regency. This study used a qualitative method. Data collection was carried out by using observation, interviews and documentation techniques. The results showed that the leadership  of the Village Head in Increasing Community Participation in Development in Balle Village, Kahu District, Bone Regency was still not optimal, while for Community Participation, there were still many people who did not have awareness and willingness when viewed from aspects 1) Motivator, the village head needed skill to improve in giving motivation. The village head motivated his subordinates to develop talent, the ability to create a better village office in carrying out all the tasks given by the balle village head. 2) Facilitator, considered optimal in facilitating development activities. the village head had provided facilities and infrastructure for the community and village officials to facilitate the development of the village of Balle. 3) Mobilizers were good because they  do something related to development for the public interest, the village head always encouraged the community and government officials to actively participated in implementing village development


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    With the increasing demand for the fulfillment of the necessities of life, the shock market, which is located on the Sungguminasa - Bontonompo road section, is also developing slowly. The number of traders and buyers is increasing, the place to trade is wider and the transaction time is getting longer. Pasar Shock on the Sungguminasa - Bontonompo axis road is the only traditional market nearby and offers a relatively complete range of trading commodities within a 1 km radius of the settlement. With a relatively short distance and the attractiveness that the market is able to provide on the Sungguminasa - Bontonompo axis road. Apart from its very strategic location and high level of demand, the shock market on the Sungguminasa - Bontonompo axis road is also relatively easy to reach. This study aims to analyze the performance of the road on the capacity of traffic volume and the degree of saturation caused. The method used in this study is the Observation Method with data collection through direct observation in the field of the research object including data on the number of vehicles passing and one observation point is taken with different traffic flow directions. The results showed that the Sungguminasa-Bontonompo road network was still able to serve traffic transportation, the road capacity was = 2449 pcu/hour; volume of vehicle traffic = 3994 pcu/hour. The value of the degree of saturation DS = 1.63 so that it can be defined that the service level of the Sungguminasa-Bontonompo axis road belongs to category F or traffic jams, the speed is very low

    Technical Note: Feeding Rate as a Consideration Factor for Successful Termite Wood Preference Tests

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    The percent weight loss (%WL) of a wood sample and termite mortality are indicators of termite wood preference. WL is apparently affected by wood density, even though the same WL values for wood of different densities provide different amounts of wood mass loss. Feeding rate is also a factor for interpreting the results of termite wood preference tests. The wood species used for this study were sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria), pulai (Peronema sp.), and mindi (Melia azedarach), which had densities of 273, 302, and 434 kg·m-3, respectively. Samples of wood from each species were tested against the subterranean termite (Coptotermes curvignathus Holmgren) according to the Indonesian standard SNI 01-7207-2006. The WL for sengon, pulai, and mindi were 37.3, 36.4, and 10.3%, respectively; termite mortality was 24.2, 18.8, and 61.3%, respectively; and the daily feeding rates were 270, 132, and 42 μg per termite, respectively. The resistance class relative to the Indonesian standard was V for sengon and pulai and III for mindi. Higher wood density among these three species tended to be more resistant to subterranean termite attack, as indicated by a lower wood WL, higher termite mortality, and lower termite feeding rate

    Sebaran Konsentrasi Nitrat Dan Fosfat Di Perairan Muara Sungai Banjir Kanal Barat, Semarang

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    Muara Sungai Banjir Kanal Barat, Semarang merupakan salah satu sungai besar yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh kegiatan manusia terutama dari daratan. Daerah ini banyak menerima inputan air tawar daridaratan melalui sungai yang berhulu di wilayah kaki Gunung Ungaran yang membawa material dan limbah yang berasal dari pemukiman, pertanian dan kegiatan industri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi dan sebaran nitrat dan fosfat di Muara Sungai Banjir Kanal Barat, Semarang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli 2014, dengan menggunakanmetode deskriptif.Metode penentuan lokasi menggunakan metodepurposive sampling, yang dilakukan di10 stasiun dengan pertimbangan dapat mewakili wilayah sungai, muara sungai dan laut.Pada penelitian ini, data Primer berupa konsentrasi nitrat dan fosfat, suhu, salinitas, oksigen terlarut, pH dan arus permukaan.Pengolahan data menggunakan ArcGIS 10.0 dan SMS 8.1, untuk menghasilkan pola persebaran nitrat dan fosfat dan pola arus.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa konsentrasi nitrat dan fosfatakan semakin kecil ke arah laut. Konsentrasi nitrat berkisar 0,3076 - 0,6145 mg/l dan konsentrasi fosfat berkisar 0,049 – 0,164 mg/l. Pola sebaran konsentrasi nitrat dan fosfat mengarah ke Barat mengikuti pola arus pada kondisi surut

    Pengaruh Arus Permukaan Terhadap Sebaran Kualitas Air Di Perairan Genuk Semarang

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    Perairan Genuk merupakan wilayah perairan di sebelah utara Semarang, dimana pada daerah ini terdapat banyak aktivitas pabrik / industri. Pembuangan limbah pabrik yang menuju ke laut dapat merusak kondisi perairan. Turunnya kualitas air yang melewati baku mutu akan menyebabkan gangguan bagi organisme yang berada di sekitar perairan Genuk. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsentrasi / nilai parameter fisika-kimia serta dapat melihat persebarannya di daerah Genuk berdasarkan dari pola arus permukaan. Penelitian lapangan dilakukan pada tanggal 12-15 Desember 2013 di perairan Genuk. Materi yang digunakan meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer berupa arus permukaan, temperatur, salinitas, kekeruhan, kecerahan, pH, DO, COD dan logam berat kadmium. Data sekunder berupa data angin, data pasut, peta batimetri dan peta RBI. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dan untuk pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode sampling purposive method. Pengolahan data arus menggunakan SMS 8.1 modul RMA2, wind rose, world current, current rose dan untuk persebaran menggunakan ArcGIS 10.0. Berdasarkan hasil olahan data arus, kecepatan arus rata-rata sekitar 0.067 m/s, dengan karakteristik arus pasang surut. Prosentase arus pasut 88.840% dan arus residu 11.160%. Untuk hasil data kualitas air, temperatur memiliki nilai 30.4°C-31.3°C, salinitas 25 – 35 ppm, kekeruhan 0.53-12.6 NTU, kecerahan 1.5-5.4 meter, pH 6.12-8.34, DO 1.32-3.49 mg/l, COD 339-710 mg/l, logam berat kadmium <0.001-0.003 mg/l. Pola sebaran temperatur, salinitas, kecerahan, pH, dan COD dari konsentrasi rendah ke konsentrasi tinggi menuju laut ke arah utara-timur laut. Berbeda dengan kekeruhan, DO dan logam berat kadmium pola persebaran yang terjadi menjauhi pantai, ke arah utara, dengan pola sebaran dari konsentrasi tinggi menuju ke konsentrasi rendah. Berdasarkan baku mutu menurut Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup nomor 51 tahun 2004 nilai kualitas air daerah dekat pantai telah melewati batas baku mutu yang telah ditetapkan

    Pengaruh Pasang Surut Terhadap Jangkauan Salinitas Di Sungai Sudetan Banger Kabupaten Pekalongan

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    Faktor pasang surut dan parameter fisik sungai (debit sungai, kedalaman, dan jarak jangkauan) yang mempengaruhi suatu kondisi di estuari dapat menyebabkan terjadinya intrusi air permukaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pasang surut terhadap jangkauan salinitas di Sungai Sudetan Banger dengan menggunakan model matematis statistika analisis regresi linier berganda dan untuk mengetahui sebaran salinitas. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 28 Mei – 11 Juni 2012 di Sungai Sudetan Banger, Pekalongan. Metode yang digunakan dalam melakukan analisis data adalah metode untuk mengukur kekuatan hubungan antara variabel pasang surut terhadap variabel jarak jangkauan salinitas dan parameter fisik sungai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai salinitas di sepanjang daerah penelitian berkisar antara 0 ‰ sampai dengan 20 ‰, nilai kedalaman berkisar antara 1 meter – 3,3 meter, sedangkan debit sungai yang melewati Sudetan Sungai Banger cukup besar yaitu sebesar 38,77 m3/s. Berdasarkan nilai salinitas yang terukur maka perairan ini termasuk kedalam tipe estuari sudut asin (Salt Wedge Estuary). Hasil analisis regresi linier berganda didapatkan nilai koefisien determinasi (R2 atau R square) sebesar ± 68,5%, yang secara keseluruhan dapat dikatakan bahwa semua variabel bebas (pasang surut dan parameter fisik sungai) menunjukkan adanya hubungan dan berpengaruh baik terhadap variabel terikat (nilai salinitas)

    Kondisi Perairan Terhadap Struktur Komunitas Makrozoobenthos Di Muara Sungai Karanganyar Dan Tapak, Kecamatan Tugu, Semarang

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    The estuary water of Karanganyar and Tapak Rivers receives wastes originated from landbased activities mainly factories discharging to both rivers. The wastes entering to the estuary may result the pollution and, in turn, affecting the water and organisms that live in it including the physical-chemical quality of the water and macrozoobenthic community. The aims of the research were to study the physical-chemical conditions of the water and to study the macrozoobenthos in relation to the contaminants. The method in this study was a case study with the samplings done three times at intervals of 2 weeks. The results of the study and analysis indicated that some chemical properties of the water were above the upper the limits required by the Sea Water Quality Standard. The chemical properties are DO, BOD â‚…, nitrate, phosphate and ammonia. The IMLP were analysis showed that the water was in the middle criteria. The analysis results of the macrozoobenthic diversity index showed that the water was polluted in heavy level. Based on the study there were 15 genera of macrozoobenthic identified in the study area. The entire genera were divided into 4 classes, gastropods (3 genera), Bivalves (4 genera), Polychaets (7 genera) and crustaceans (1 genus). Factors affecting differences in the degree of similarity at each station observed was the difference in water quality conditions thought to be the dominant influence of the mass of river water or the sea water, so the variation of environmental parameters among stations were relatively the same. Substrate texture of the bottom of each station was generally in the form of mud (silt)

    Sebaran Nitrat Dan Fosfat Di Perairan Muara Sungai Porong Kabupaten Sidoarjo

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    Muara sungai Porong merupakan perairan yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh kegiatan manusia terutama dari daratan.Unsur-unsur hara yang berasal dari daratan dan dari aktivitas manusia yang masuk ke dalam perairan tersebut menyebabkan daerah tersebut memiliki banyak kandungan unsur hara.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sebaran konsentrasi nitrat (N-NO3) dan fosfat (P-PO4-) di perairan muara Sungai Porong Kabupaten Sidoarjo.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif bersifat eksploratif yang diterapkan pada 12 stasiun. Sampling dilaksanakan dari tanggal 18-31 Desember 2013.Data yang dikumpulkan sebagai variabel ukur adalah nitrat, fosfat dan arus lapangan.Sedangkan variabel pendukung adalah data kualitas perairan meliputi salinitas, suhu, kekeruhan, pH, DO, data arah dan kecepatan arus dan peta batimetri wilayah muara Sungai Porong. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan program ArcGIS 10.1 sehingga menghasilkan output berupa distribusi spasial.Konsentrasi nitrat (N-NO3-) berkisar antara 1,3043-3,1079 mg/l dan fosfat (P-PO4) antara 0,084-0,128 mg/l. Arah sebaran konsentrasi nitrat dan fosfat semakin tinggi menjauhi pantai dan menuju ke arah Timur Arus permukaan perairan dapat mempengaruhi sebaran konsentrasi nitrat (N-NO3-) dan fosfat (P-PO4-)

    Studi Sebaran Konsentrasi Nitrat Dan Fosfat Di Perairan Teluk Ujungbatu Jepara

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    Teluk Ujungbatu merupakan suatu perairan terlindung yang banyak dimanfaatkan oleh aktivitas manusia seperti tempat pendaratan ikan, pemukiman penduduk, pertambakan, dan pariwisata. Secara langsung maupun tidak langsung, berbagai faktor tersebut akan mempengaruhi keseimbangan kondisi perairan Teluk Ujungbatu. Hal ini dapat ditinjau dari konsentrasi nitrat dan fosfat yang berkaitan dengan faktor fisika dan kimia perairan yaitu suhu, DO, salinitas, kecerahan dan pH. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2014. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui tingkat konsentrasi dan pola sebaran nitrat dan fosfat pada saat surut di perairan Teluk Ujungbatu Jepara. Penelitian ini bersifat deskripstif dan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada 11 stasiun dengan pertimbangan dapat mewakili wilayah muara sungai, dalam teluk dan luar teluk. Data yang diamati adalah konsentrasi nitrat, konsentrasi fosfat, suhu, DO, salinitas, kecerahan dan pH serta permodelan arus laut menggunakan SMS 8.1. Pola sebaran ditampilkan menggunakan software arcGIS 10.0 sehingga menghasilkan output berupa distribusi spasial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi nitrat dan fosfat akan semakin kecil menuju ke arah laut. Konsentrasi nitrat berkisar 0,4291-0,7935 mg/l dan konsentrasi fosfat berkisar 0,0046-0,9784 mg/l. Pola sebaran konsentrasi nitrat dan fosfat saat surut mengarah ke barat laut mengikuti pola arus


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    This paper discusses the various strategies for cultivating thecharacter of inter-religious tolerance in students of SDN Inpres 6.88Perumnas 2 Kota Jayapura which is carried out through 1) schoolpolicies; 2) habituation to differences; 3) habituation to equations,and 4) group heterogeneity exercises. This research is field research. Theresearch approach used in this research includes methodological(phenomenological) and scientific approaches (normative, juridical, andpedagogical theological approaches). The research method used was aninterview, observation, and documentation. The results of this studyindicate that the character of interreligious tolerance in students of SDNInpres 6.88 Perumnas 2 Kota Jayapura is carried out through severalstrategies, namely: First, school policy. A strong commitment must bepossessed by school policymakers in cultivating the character of tolerancebetween religious believers in students. This commitment is manifested inthe inclusion of the character values of tolerance among religious believersin the mission, goals, and school regulations. Second, habituation todifferences. The teacher accustoms students to differences from an earlyage. This is done by giving understanding to students to appreciate thedifferences that exist between them. Besides, in learning the teacher alsotrains students to appreciate differences of opinion when discussing. Third, habituation to equality. The teacher gives the understanding that allstudents have the same position in a school that is, both become studentswho have the same rights and obligations. Students when learning areaccustomed to the teacher to see the similarities in meaning if there aredifferent answers. . The teacher invites students to think from the samepoint of view, not from each student. Fourth, exercise heterogeneity ingroups. The teacher gives group heterogeneity exercises to students inassigned group discussions during learning. The learning strategy used bythe teacher in group discussion assignments is the cooperative learningstrategy. Students work together in their study groups to complete theassignments the teacher has given them. Heterogeneity of study groups thatfavor cooperation can train and accustom students to learnto respect and tolerate differences that exist between themselves and theirpeers in terms of ethnicity, religion, social strata, or abilities