11 research outputs found

    Patrones generales de rendimiento en natación

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    Antecedentes: Diferentes variables afectan a la obtención del rendimiento en categoría absoluta. Existiendo gran controversia sobre el efecto de la especialización temprana en la obtención de rendimiento en posteriores categorías. Objetivos: El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar el efecto de la especialización temprana en natación. Además, observar la progresión de los nadadores españoles y estadounidenses que han participado en la final en Campeonatos del mundo en categoría junior, comprobando si logran obtener rendimiento en finales de Juegos Olímpicos y Campeonatos del Mundo absoluto entre los años 2006 y 2021, de todos los estilos y distancias. Método: La base de datos final está formada por 268 nadadores. Análisis descriptivos tales como conteo, tablas de contingencia se realizaron para saber el número total de nadadores en función del género y la categoría, también para conocer el número de nadadores en cada estilo en función de la competición y el país perteneciente, y por último para el tiempo medio de cada prueba. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron un mayor número de nadadores finalistas de EE. UU. en todos los estilos de las competiciones, y con un mayor número de participantes en estilo libre. De los nadadores junior 77 (28.41%) únicamente 7 (2.58%) nadadores llegaron a las finales de Campeonatos del Mundo junior, Campeonatos del Mundo absoluto y Juegos Olímpicos. Conclusiones: En conclusión, ser finalista de los Campeonatos del Mundo junior no influye en el éxito en las finales de Campeonatos del Mundo absoluto y Juegos Olímpicos para nadadores españoles y estadounidenses

    Effects of Dry-Land Training Programs on Swimming Turn Performance: A Systematic Review.

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    Swimming coaches have prescribed dry-land training programs over the years to improve the overall swimming performance (starts, clean swimming, turns and finish). The main aim of the present systematic review was to examine the effects of dry-land strength and conditioning programs on swimming turns. Four online databases were scrutinised, data were extracted using the Preferred PRISMA guidelines and the PEDro scale was applied. A total of 1259 articles were retrieved from database searches. From the 19 studies which were full-text evaluated, six studies were included in the review process. The review indicated that plyometric, strength, ballistic and core training programs were implemented for improving swimming turn performance. Strength, ballistic and plyometric training focusing on neural enhancement seem to be effective for improving swimming turn performance. The data related to training of the core were not conclusive. Coaches should consider incorporating exercises focusing on improving the neuromuscular factor of the leg-extensor muscles into their daily dry-land training programs. More researches are needed to provide a better understanding of the training methods effects and training organisations for improving swimming turn performance.post-print626 K

    Swimming World Championships:Association between success at junior and senior level for British swimmers

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    The present study examines the association between the success at junior and senior level for British swimmers in World Championships (WCs). It also explores the relationships between swimming performance and the swimmers’ gender, swim stroke, distance, status (finalist, semifinalist and heats) and swimming category. Data were collected for swimmers participating in junior and/or senior World Championships (29,000 entries: 5585 swimmers) from 2006–2017. The final filtered database included only swimmers from the United Kingdom (836 entries: 141 swimmers). A descriptive analysis was made to characterize the swimmers who reached elite status in the senior category. A lineal regression model was run by gender to predict the influence of category, swim stroke, and distance in the results reached in the senior category. The results showed that the ratio of conversion from junior to senior was quite low. Females who participated in both junior and senior WCs were likely to reach top positions in the senior category. Overall, few British swimmers participated in a junior category before the senior level, but female swimmers participating in both junior and senior WCs were likely to reach top positions in the senior category.post-print335 K

    Analysis of world championship swimmers using a performance progression model

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    Purpose: The primary aim was to create a performance progression model of elite competitors in the World Swimming Championships from 2006 to 2017 for all strokes and distances. Secondly, to identify the influence of annual ratios of progression, ages of peak performance and junior status on success in senior competitions. Methods: Data regarding the participants of senior and junior World Championships (WCs) between 2006 and 2017 were obtained from FINA. The final filtered database, after removing those swimmers who just participated in junior WCs, included 4076. Statistical models were used to examine differences between the top senior swimmers (the top 30% best performances; T30) and lower level swimmers (the bottom 70% performances; L70) for minimum age (MA), progress (P) and best junior time (BJ). In order to identify the variables that contribute to reach the T30 group, a logistic regression (LR), stepwise LR and decision tree were applied. To analyze the effect of each variable separately, a simple LR (gross odds ratio) was performed. Ratio probabilities (OR) and 95% confidence intervals were calculated for each variable. Results: Swimmer’s BJ and P were higher in the T30 group (p < 0.000). The decision tree showed the greatest explanatory capacity for BJ, followed by P. The MA had a very low explanatory capacity and was not significant in the LR. Conclusion: Swimmers with exceptional junior performance times, or have a high rate of progress are more likely to be successful at the senior WCs

    Comparing the pathway to success in european countries competing in the swimming world championships

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    Purpose: This study aimed to compare the performance progression model of the european countries that participated in the World Championships (WCs) from 2006 to 2017. Data from all championships were compared between the top five (1–5) and the next five (6–10) countries on the medal table. The study also identifies the ages of peak performance in senior swimmers, the annual ratio of progression and the effect of junior performance on senior success by these groups of countries. We hypothesized that: (1) countries with swimmers achieving better performances at the Junior WCs would also be higher in the medal ranking at the Senior WCs and (2) a higher annual performance progression in their swimmers increases the chances of countries being ranked in the top 5 at the Senior World Championships. Methods: Participant’s data from all Junior and Senior WCs between 2006 and 2017 were obtained from FINA. The final, filtered database included 629 swimmers after removing those participating only in the Junior WCs and selecting swimmers from the top 10 countries. One-way ANOVA, F test, and decision tree methods were used to examine differences between the top (1–5) and the next best (6–10) countries on the medal table for first participation age, annual progress, and best-time in junior and senior championships. Results: There was no difference (p = 0.492 and p = 0.97) between 1–5 and 6–10 ranked countries for best senior time and annual progression, respectively. Countries ranked in the top 5 at the Senior WCs had swimmers with faster times at the Junior WCs (p > 0.001). Decision tree analysis found that best-time at the Junior WC had the greatest explanatory capacity (94%). Conclusion: European countries with swimmers who perform best at the Junior WCs are also likely to be in the top 5 countries that win medals at the Senior WCs

    Swimming World Championships: Association between Success at the Junior and Senior Level for British Swimmers

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    The present study examines the association between the success at junior and senior level for British swimmers in World Championships (WCs). It also explores the relationships between swimming performance and the swimmers’ gender, swim stroke, distance, status (finalist, semifinalist and heats) and swimming category. Data were collected for swimmers participating in junior and/or senior World Championships (29,000 entries: 5585 swimmers) from 2006–2017. The final filtered database included only swimmers from the United Kingdom (836 entries: 141 swimmers). A descriptive analysis was made to characterize the swimmers who reached elite status in the senior category. A lineal regression model was run by gender to predict the influence of category, swim stroke, and distance in the results reached in the senior category. The results showed that the ratio of conversion from junior to senior was quite low. Females who participated in both junior and senior WCs were likely to reach top positions in the senior category. Overall, few British swimmers participated in a junior category before the senior level, but female swimmers participating in both junior and senior WCs were likely to reach top positions in the senior category

    Longitudinal analysis of the effect of achieving performance in junior category on the results obtained in senior in world swimming championships (2006-2017)

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    Conocer si la obtención de rendimiento en edades tempranas es determinante de un posterior rendimiento en categorías absolutas es un tema que ha suscitado mucho interés durante los últimos años. Sin embargo, las conclusiones adquiridas previas a esta tesis no han proporcionado una clara respuesta ya que han sido obtenidas del análisis de muestras específicas, debido a la dificultosa tarea de recopilar datos que abarquen una población determinante que permita obtener una respuesta concluyente al respecto. Por lo tanto, es necesario el desarrollo de un estudio que analice una muestra representativa y consolidada que permita avanzar y generar conocimiento sólido sobre el tema en cuestión. Por ello, el objetivo de la presente Tesis es conocer el efecto que tiene el logro de resultados en categoría junior sobre el rendimiento en edades absolutas tomando como muestra representativa los nadadores participantes en los Campeonatos del Mundo (CM) de Natación. Para ello, se ha realizado una base de datos donde se recogen todos los datos relativos al rendimiento obtenido por los competidores en los CM Junior y Absoluto desde 2006 hasta 2017, sirviendo de base para la realización de tres estudios retrospectivos (Artículo I, II y III). Para una previsualización de la cuestión estudiada con una muestra elitista reducida, se determina si alcanzar la final en CM Junior está asociado con lograr ser finalista en subsiguientes CM en categoría absoluta (Artículo I), siendo realizado posteriormente este análisis con todos los competidores de nuestra base de datos, examinando a su vez los patrones generales seguidos por esta muestra representativa que alcanza la élite en categoría absoluta (Artículo II). Vislumbrando estos dos artículos la vía de estudio del tercero donde se establecen los diferentes modelos de progresión del rendimiento seguidos por los países europeos que obtienen representación en los CM de Natación (Artículo III). Los principales resultados de la presente Tesis sugieren que: a) no existe evidencia para concluir que ser finalista en CM Junior tiene influencia en conseguir llegar a la final en sucesivos CM en categoría absoluta. b) Participar en CM Junior (sin importancia del puesto obtenido) tiene una influencia positiva en el rendimiento obtenido posteriormente en CM Absolutos. c) Existe una fuerte asociación entre la posición obtenida y el número de años participando en CM, consiguiendo estos nadadores mejor posición cuantos más campeonatos participan. d) Los países europeos que forman el top-5 en el medallero de CM Absolutos, están representados por los nadadores que obtuvieron mejores tiempos en los CM Junior

    Análisis del rendimiento de las pruebas de natación en los JJOO «Rio2016

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    The objective of this article is to analyze the results of the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio 2016, taking as variables of the study the country, events, date of birth, gender of the participant, taking into account the data corresponding to the finalist of events. The sample of this study corresponds to the medalists (positions 1-3) and finalists (positions 4-8) with 240 entries in the database. To analyze possible differences in terms of age in terms of swimming styles, an Anova of one factor was performed. A T-test for independent samples was used to analyze differences in age according to gender. The results showed that in all events the mean age is similar, being slightly lower for the tests of 200 and 400 m individual events, and somewhat higher backstroke, no significant differences were found between different events. In addition, No significant differences were found between events mean age of swimmers (considering the year of birth) between men and women, in all cases the mean age is lower in men.El objetivo de este artículo es analizar los resultados en natación de los Juegos Olímpicos (JJOO) Río 2016 teniendo como variables del estudio el país de procedencia, pruebas y estilo, fecha de nacimiento, género del participante, puesto obtenido y records, teniendo en cuenta los datos correspondientes a las finales de las pruebas de piscina. La muestra de este estudio corresponde a los medallistas (puestos 1-3) y finalistas (puestos 4-8) contando con 240 entradas en la base de datos. Para analizar las posibles diferencias en cuanto a la edad en función de los estilos de nado, se aplicó un ANOVA de un factor. Para analizar las diferencias en la edad en función del género se llevó a cabo una prueba T para muestras independientes. Los resultados muestran como en todos los estilos la edad media es similar, siendo ligeramente más baja para las pruebas de 200 y 400 m estilos individual, y algo más alta para la prueba de espalda, no existiendo diferencias significativas entre los distintos estilos. No existan diferencias significativas en cada uno de los estilos en la edad media de los nadadores (considerando el año de nacimiento) entre hombres y mujeres, en todos los casos la media de edad es inferior en los hombres

    Influence of early specialization in world-ranked swimmers and general patterns to success.

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    ObjectivesThe primary goal was to examine the influence of early specialization on the performance of senior elite swimmers. Secondly, to provide information about the influence of swim style, distance, sex, status, country, years of high-level competition (YHLC) and age in swimmer's performance.DesignData was obtained from International Federation of Swimming (FINA) regarding the participants 2006-2017 of junior and senior World Championships (WCs). The final filtered database included 4076 swimmers after removing those participating only in junior WCs.MethodCramer V coefficient, double and triple-entry tables were used to measure the relationship between the positions occupied in junior and senior phases. A One-Way ANOVA analysis was used to explain the variables time and rank between swimmers who participated in junior and senior WC or just in senior in all the distances and swim styles (SS). A univariate general linear model (GLM) was used to examine the association between time/rank and category (swimmers that participated previously in junior WC or not); YHLC; country; status (highest finishing position: final/semi-final/heats) and age.ResultsSignificant differences (p ConclusionCompeting in junior WC has a positive influence in achieve posteriori success in FINA WC. YHLC have a positive impact to achieve better positions

    Which variables may affect underwater glide performance after a swimming start?

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    The underwater phase is perhaps the most important phase of the swimming start. To improve performance during the underwater phase, it is necessary to improve our understanding of the key variables affecting this phase. The main aim of this study was to identify key kinematic variables that are associated with the performance of an underwater glide of a swimming start, when performed at streamlined position without underwater undulatory swimming. Sixteen experienced swimmers performed 48 track starts and 20 kinematic variables were analysed. A multiple linear regression analysis was carried out to explore the relationship between glide performance (defined as glide distance) and the variables that may affect glide performance. Four variables in the regression model were identified as good predictors of glide distance: flight distance; average velocity between 5 m and 10 m; and maximum depth of the hip. The results of the present study help improve our understanding of underwater glide optimisation and could potentially facilitate improvement of overall start performance.pre-print153 K