264 research outputs found


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    Jalan Kol.H. Barlian mempunyai letak yang strategis, karena merupakan jalan penghubung dari dari Utara Pulau Sumatera menuju ke Lampung dan Pulau Jawa. Selain itu jalan ini merupakan jalan  utama dari Kabupaten MUBA dan Banyu Asin menuju pusat Kota Palembang. Variasi jenis kendaraan (mix traffic) termasuk kendaraan roda dua, menyebabkan ruas jalan ini menjadi sangat padat.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mendapatkan populasi kendaraan roda dua serta seberapa besar kontribusi kendaraan roda terhadap karakteristik lalulintas di ruas jalan ini.Dari hasil penelitian populasi kendaraan roda dua terhadap total kendaraan yang beroperasi pada ruas jalan adalah : tahun 2003 sebesar 17,25 %; tahun 2005 sebesar 23,15 % dan tahun 2010 sebesar 38 %. Kecepatan rerata kendaraan roda (Vr)dua lebih besar dari pada kecepatan rerata total kendaran pada ruas jalan (Vt). Tahun 2003: Vr = 45,52 km/jam > Vt=40,60 km/jam ; tahun 2005: Vr= 46,82 km/jam > 37,01 km/jam dan tahun 2010 : Vr = 46, 82 km/jam > Vd = 29 km/jamKontribusi kepadatan yang diakibatkan oleh kendaraan roda dua terhadap total kepadatan pada ruas jalan adalah : tahun 2003 sebesar 15,6 %, tahun 2005 sebesar dan tahun 2010 sebesar 29,33 %. Kontribusi tingkat pelayanan yang diakibatkan oleh roda dua adalah: tahun2003 sebasar 0,38 atau 17 %, tahun 2005 sebesar 32% dan tahun2010 sebesar 38 %. 

    Geographical Influences on the Language Skill of Elementary School Students in Lae-Lae Island Makassar City

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    This article describes how geographic factor influences students\u27 language skill which in this case is the mastery of vocabularies. This study is a quantitative research with sociolinguistic approach. The respondents of this study were elementary school students that live in Lae-Lae Island, Makassar City, and as for the comparison the researcher took other respondents from other elementary schools in urban areas. The researcher selected 30 students from each school. The techniques used in this study were a vocabulary mastery test, observations, and interviews. The data analysis technique is descriptive analysis and independent sample t test. The result indicates that there are significant geographical factors on the students\u27 vocabulary mastery. Elementary students in urban area have higher skill in mastering vocabularies than those in Lae-Lae Island. In addition, the geographical factors also influence the type of their vocabularies mastered by the students. The students from Lae-Lae Island are better in mastering marine vocabularies than those of urban areas

    Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gelombang Laut Sistim Empat Bandul

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    Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gelombang Laut -Sistem Bandulan (PLTGL-SB) yang rancangbangunnya berbentuk ponton di tempatkan mengapung di atas permukaan air laut, dan PLTGL-SBtersebut akan mengikuti gerak/arus gelombang sesuai dengan frekwensi gelombang laut, sehinggamenyebabkan posisi PLTGL-SB selalu bergerak terombang ambing sesuai dengan alur gelombang.Karena gerakan terombang ambing ponton yang terus-menerus tersebut menyebabkan ayunanbandul yang akan dirubah jadi putaran generator dalam hal ini ada empat bandul, sehingga PLTGLSB mengeluarkan Energi/Daya Listrik.Dan menurut perhitungan, untuk panjang pantai + 1km,terdapat Energi Potensial Gelombang Laut +10MW, dengan biaya investasinya+ Rp35.000.000/kW, dan dapat menerangi + 40.000 rumah-tangga sederhana

    Analisis Pengaruh Investment Opportunity Set Terhadap Pertumbuhan Laba Pada PT. Astra Agro Lestari Tbk

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    Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis pengaruh Investment Opportunuty Set terhadap pertumbuhan laba pada PT. Astra Agro Lestari Tbk. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis statistik deskriptif dan kuantitatif. Analisis Statistik deskriptif yaitu mendeskripsikan ciri-ciri variabel IOS dan pertumbuhan laba. Sedangkan analisis statistik kuantitatif adalah data yangdigunakan dalam pengujian berupa angka-angka yang dianalisis menggunakan statistik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persamaan regresi berganda ganda yang diperoleh yaitu Y= -1,582 + 2,2641 X1 + 3,163 X2 + 6,062X3 artinya bahwa korelasi variabel X dan Y. Korelasi nilai r sebesar 0,0889 artinya bahwa korelasi variabel X dan Y adalah sangat kuat. Uji t hipotesis diperoleh t-hitung < dari t-tabel (0,656 < 2,92) sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa IOS pada PT. Astra Agro Lestari Tbk tahun 2011-2015 tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan laba

    Penerapan Pendekatan Keterampilan Proses dalam Pembelajaran Matematika terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah pada Peserta Didik Kelas VIII SMP Ddi Sibatua Pangkajene

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pemahaman siswa tentang notasi aljabar melalui kemampuan. Pemahaman dalam penelitian ini berarti kemampuan menerjemahkan (translasi), kemampuan menafsirkan (interpretasi), dan kemampuan untuk melakukan ekstrapolasi (ekstrapolasi). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 5 di sekolah dasar, terdiri dari 2 siswa dengan kemampuan verbal tinggi yang disebut subjek verbal tinggi (SVT), 1 siswa dengan subjek verbal menengah (SVS), dan 1 siswa dengan subjek verbal rendah (SVR ). Fokus dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pemahaman siswa tentang notasi aljabar berdasarkan kemampuan verbal mereka dalam terjemahan, interpretasi, dan ekstrapolasi. Data dikumpulkan dengan melakukan wawancara berbasis uji coba dengan subyek penelitian. Data penelitian divalidasi dengan metode triangulasi, yaitu wawancara dengan menggunakan pertanyaan utama seperti pertanyaan yang tercantum dalam TPNA. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan (a) mempelajari data subjek dan membandingkan data yang diwawancarai untuk mendapatkan data yang valid, (b) melakukan reduksi data dengan membuat abstraksi, (c) mengklasifikasi dan mengidentifikasi data untuk menarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) pemahaman notasi aljabar dengan subjek verbal tinggi (SVT): (a) pemahaman simbol yang termasuk dalam pemahaman translate (translasi), (b) memahami konsep simbol tapi Blum mampu membedakan antara simbol dan variabel, (c) mampu menafsirkan makna notasi aljabar (simbol dan tanda) dengan baik; (2) pemahaman notasi aljabar medium verbal subject (SVS): (a) pemahaman simbol yang termasuk dalam pemahaman translate (translasi), (b) mengenali simbol namun belum dapat membedakan simbol dan variabelnya, c) mampu menafsirkan makna notasi aljabar (simbol dan tanda) dengan baik; (3) pemahaman notasi aljabar dengan subjek verbal rendah (SVR): (a) pemahaman simbol yang termasuk dalam pemahaman translasi (translasi), (b) mengenali simbol namun belum dapat membedakan simbol dan variabelnya, c) belum bisa menafsirkan makna notasi aljabar (simbol, variabel, dan tanda) dengan baik. Kata Kunci: Memahami Aljabar Notasi, Aljabar Notasi, Kemampuan Verbal. Abstract The purpose of the study is to describe the students' understanding on algebraic notation through abilities. The understanding in this study means the ability to translate (translation), the ability to interpret (interpretation), and the ability to extrapolate (extrapolation). This study is a qualitative research. The subjects of this study are 4 fifth grade students in elementary school, consisted of 2 students with high verbal ability called as high verbal subject (SVT), 1 student with medium verbal subject (SVS), and 1 student with low verbal subject (SVR). The focus of this research is to describe the students' understanding on algebraic notation based on their verbal abilities in translation, interpretation, and extrapolation. The data were collected by conducting test-based interview to the research subjects. The research data were validated by conducting triangulation method, namely interview using major questions as the questions stated in TPNA. Research data were analyzed by (a) studying the subject data and comparing interviewed data to obtain the valid one, (b) conducting data reduction by making the abstraction, (c) classifying and identifying the data to draw the conclusion. The results of the study reveals that (1) the understanding of algebraic notation of high verbal subject (SVT): (a) understanding of the symbols included in the comprehension translate (translation), (b) understand the concept of the symbol but Blum was able to distinguish between symbols and variables, ( c) able to interpret the meaning of algebraic notation (symbols and signs) well; (2) the understanding of algebraic notation of medium verbal subject (SVS): (a) understanding of the symbols included in the comprehension translate (translation), (b) recognize symbols but have not been able to distinguish the symbols and variables, (c) is able to interpret the meaning of the notation algebra (symbols and signs) well; (3) the understanding of algebraic notation of low verbal subject (SVR): (a) understanding of the symbols included in the comprehension translate (translation), (b) recognize symbols but have not been able to distinguish the symbols and variables, (c) has not been able to interpret the meaning of algebraic notation (symbol, variable, and marks) well. Keyword: Understanding the Algebraic Notation, Algebraic Notation, Verbal Ability


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    The purpose of this study concerns (1) describing the form of the teacher's efforts in improving the students' reading and writing skills of the Al-Qur'an; (2) after describing the teacher's efforts, it can be seen the factors that are supporting and hindering Islamic religious education teachers in improving Al-Qur'an reading and writing skills. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Data were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. This study uses data analysis techniques, consisting of the data collectionstages, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions, while the validity of the data is done by checking the results of interviews, data sources, and implementation time. The research results conducted by Islamic Religious Education teachers are (1) the efforts of Islamic Religious Education teachers in improving Students' reading and writing skills of the Qur'an are to collaborate with students' parents, create good learning conditions, and conduct learning in a comfortable place. (2) The advantages and disadvantages of improving the reading and writing skills of the Qur'an, the advantages are the cooperation between parents and Islamic Education teachers and the support of the school principal. In contrast, the disadvantages are the lack of facilities and infrastructure such as books that can increase students' interest in learning to write the Qur'an


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    The Education Council was established based on Permendiknas Noumber 044/U/2002. The Education Council as an independent institution takes a role in improving the quality of education services as well as providing consideration, direction and support for personnel, and SARPRAS. It is also recommended as educational supervision at the national, provincial, district/city levels that does not has a hierarchical relationship. The research objectives described: 1) The role of the Education Council in improving educational services in Ternate, such as providing consideration, direction and support, SARPRAS and education supervision; 2) Obstacles of the Education Council in improving education services in Ternate. The research location was on the Secretariat of the Education Council. The research subjects were the administrators of the Ternate Education Council. The sources of data were informants, places and events/events, documentation. The data collection techniques were using interviews, observations, and documentation. The data analysis technique was carried out by data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the study indicated that the existence of the Education Council as a partner of the government has been effectively going on, although there are still many shortcomings. The role of the Board of Education basically covers; (1) giving consideration to the government in order to form a Mayoral Regulation Number 42 of 2017 concerning Compulsory Hours of Study for the Ternate Community, (2) supporting the DPRD in discussing the momentclature of transferring SMA, SMK/MA to the North Maluku Provincial Government, (3) controlling the transparency and accountability in the use of BOS and BOSDA. (4) taking a part as a mediator to bridge the community's rejection of two elementary school principals in Ternate. The obstacles faced by the Board of Education lays on; finances, lack of socialization, and the busyness of each board due to different work backgrounds

    Tradisi Salai Jin Sebagai Modal Sosial Masyarakat Tidore Kepulauan

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    The Tidore people are people who still adhere to the traditions passed down by their ancestors. One of the traditions in question is the Salai Jin ritual. Viewed from the aspect of social relations, this tradition characterizes social interaction between people. The Salai Jin ritual is basically a ritual which, according to local people's beliefs, allows communication between humans and supernatural beings with various purposes. Among the purposes of this ritual is to establish cooperation to ensure safety and health. The researcher is interested in examining (1) the values of the Salai Jin ritual as one of the social assets of the Tidore archipelago community, and (2) the meaning and internalization of the values of the Salai Jin ritual in the social life of the Tidore archipelago community. Designed as a descriptive qualitative research, data were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. Meanwhile, triangulation is used to validate research data. After the data has been analyzed using data reduction techniques, data presentation, and drawing conclusions, this study captures several social phenomena related to the Salai Jin ritual in the Tidore Islands community, including, (1) the Salai Jin ritual contains values of togetherness, bari (mutual cooperation), empathy, and social care, and (2) the meaning of these values is to build good communication and cooperation based on the values and norms prevailing in society. The actualization of the Salai Jin ritual as social capital can be found in various mutual cooperation activities such as building houses, wedding celebrations, dina (the tradition of commemorating those who have died), and other community social activities
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