114 research outputs found

    Pengaruh kefungsian keluarga terhadap pengherotan kognitif pelajar dan ketahanan diri sebagai perantara

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    In line with the National Education Philosophy (NEP), the Malaysian Education Blueprint (2013-2025) was launched in order to produce students who are capable of thinking constructively and able to face the obstacles, while developing leadership skills and potential in students. However, family functioning also plays a role in developing students' resilience and positive thinking. Therefore, this study is to identify the influence of family functioning on student cognitive distortion and resilience as a mediator. The quantitative approach was used in this study, while the cross-sectional surveys applied in the data collection process. The instruments used were Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales III, Resilient Scale, and Cognitive Distortion Scale. A total of 376 respondents from daily secondary school students in the Northern Zone were participated in this study. Systematic random sampling and disproportionate stratified random sampling had been used. Quantitative data were analyzed by t-test statistical analysis, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Pearson Correlation, and Multiple Regression using the Statistical Package for Social Science for Windows (SPSS). The findings showed a significant relation between family functioning with resilience and cognitive distortion. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that family functioning was acting as contributor to the resilience and cognitive distortion were experienced by students. The findings also showed the resilience act as a partial mediator on the relationship between family functioning and cognitive distortion, where the five main dimensions of resilience are self assurance, problem solver, organized, socially connected, and proactive have been identified as the main contributors. In conclusion, this study has builds a significant theoretical framework to show a good level of family functioning can affect the resilience and cognitive distortion among students, as well as being able to contribute to various parties such as school management, counselors, parents, and researchers in order to produce future leaders who capable in various aspects

    Kefungsian keluarga dan pengherotan kognitif dalam kalangan belia di Institut Kemahiran Belia Negara (IKBN) Malaysia

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    Selaras dengan hasrat Kementerian Belia dan Sukan (KBS) untuk membangunkan belia yang bersatu padu, berdisplin, dan berakhlak tinggi, beberapa usaha telah diambil oleh pihak Institut Kemahiran Belia Negara (IKBN) untuk membantu melahirkan belia mahir yang berakhlak dan berwawasan. Kajian ini memfokuskan terhadap faktor psikologi dan tahap kesihatan mental dalam usaha membentuk belia yang produktif. Justeru, kajian ini berusaha untuk mengenalpasti tahap kefungsian keluarga dan penyimpangan kognitif dalam kalangan pelajar IKBN di Malaysia. Sebanyak 1200 orang pelajar telah terlibat dalam kajian ini. Instrumen Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales III (FACES III) digunakan untuk mengukur kefungsian keluarga, dan Cognitive Distortion Scale (CDS) pula bagi mengukur penyimpangan kognitif. Keputusan kajian mendapati tahap kefungsian keluarga responden adalah sederhana, manakala tahap penyimpangan kognitif responden pula adalah rendah. Dapatan juga menunjukkan bahawa aspek kefungsian keluarga yang baik dapat mencegah masalah penyimpangan kognitif belia. Implikasi kajian ini dapat menyumbang terhadap usaha pembangunan belia oleh pihak IKBN dan pihak KBS di Malaysia

    Konsep Maqamat Al-Yaqin Menurut Ibn `Ata’ Allah Dan Kaitannya Dengan Resiliensi [The Concept Of Maqamat Al-Yaqin According To Ibn `Ata' Allah And Its Relation To Resilience]

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    The identification of Ibn `Ata Allah and his work has been the subject of extensive research conducted by scholars worldwide. According to Ibn `Ata Allah, associating partners with Allah SWT is considered shirk. This theological perspective views the act of attributing individuals or entities as allies to God as a form of polytheism. Allah SWT is attributed with wahdaniyyah, which means that Allah SWT is One in His Essence, His Attributes, and His Actions. This implies that nothing can ever be identical or equal to the essence, attributes, and actions of Allah SWT. This principle is deeply ingrained in the perspective of tawḥid practiced by Muslims. This article examines Maqamat al-Yaqin (the stages of certainty) from the perspective of Ibn `Ata Allah, a renowned Sufi figure. This study explores his understanding of the concepts of tawḥid and taṣawwuf and discusses his arguments in his book al-Tanwir fi Isqat al-Tadbir, regarding the significance of Maqamat al-Yaqin. This study employed a library research methodology to gather data and information. In the data analysis process, data reduction techniques were used to select and prioritize significant elements based on the available data, aiming to provide a clearer description of the data. The findings of this study demonstrate that the exploration of Maqamat al-Yaqin, as examined by Ibn `Ata Allah, has proven advantageous to Muslims by redirecting readers’ attention from the concern of shirk to a sense of appreciation and fortitude in the earthly realm. Moreover, this research indicates the potential alleviation of stress in individuals’ lives.Riwayat hidup Ibn `Ata’ Allah dan hasil karya beliau telah diterokai oleh pengkaji di dalam dan luar negara. Menurut Ibn `Ata’ Allah bahawa sesiapa yang tadbir bersama-sama Allah SWT adalah syirik. Ini adalah kerana bagi Ibn `Ata’ Allah sekiranya tadbir kita bersama dengan tadbir Allah maka ianya syirik kerana mengadakan sekutu bagi Allah. Allah SWT itu bersifat dengan wahdaniyah yang bererti Allah itu Esa pada zatNya, sifatNya dan perbuatanNya. Ini bermakna tiada sesuatu pun yang akan menyamai zat, sifat dan perbuatan Allah SWT. Ianya telah menjadi pemikiran dan kepercayaan dalam perspektif ilmu tauhid yang diamalkan sebagaimana pegangan ahli sunnah wal Jamaah. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tentang Maqamat al-Yaqin yang dilihat daripada sisi pemikiran seorang tokoh sufi yang terkenal iaitu Ibn `Ata Allah. Artikel ini menyentuh tentang konsep pemikiran beliau di dalam bidang tauhid dan tasawuf, hujah-hujah beliau dalam kitab al-Tanwir fi Isqat al-Tadbir dalam menonjolkan penghayatan terhadap Maqamat al-Yaqin tersebut. Pendekatan kualitatif yang digunakan dalam kajian ini disusuli metode pengumpulan data dan kemudian metode analisis data. Manakala kaedah penganalisisan data menggunakan reduksi data bagi memilih dan memfokuskan pada hal-hal penting berdasarkan data yang ada bagi menggambarkan sesuatu data dengan lebih jelas Hasil kajian menunjukkkan perbahasan Maqamat al-Yaqin yang digunakan Ibn `Ata’ Allah telah memberi manfaat kepada orang Islam dengan mengalihkan tujuan pembaca daripada isu syirik semata-mata kepada penghayatan bagaimana untuk resiliensi di dunia. Di samping, hasil kajian ini dapat mengurangkan tekanan dalam kehidupan

    Automatic metal waste separator system in Malaysia

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    Metal recycling is an issue that needs attention and should be practiced by people as it has many advantages to human and Earth. In order to get a metal from Earth, the process called mining are needed where it can harm our natural resources due to depletion of the area to be mined. If the process is not controlled, most of the areas on Earth will have huge excavation holes. So, people should be responsible to prevent this from happening to preserve the environment in a good quality by recycling the metal material. By metal recycling, it can save an energy and resources as it can reduce the demand for raw materials, hence maintain the natural resources for the future. The proposed automatic metal waste separation system is intended to ease the people to separate the waste material. Besides, it will make the metal recycling industry work easier because the metal waste is already isolated at garbage collection side. The purpose of the project is to design a system to separate the metal recyclable household waste automatically and record the data waste collected. There are total of four detectors used to separate the non-metal, steel, copper and aluminum metal waste. The average time used to complete metal separation process by using the proposed prototype is 14.5 seconds. This project includes a mechanical part, programming part and an electronic design. The system will be programmed using Arduino Mega as a microcontroller to control all the electronic component in the system

    Classification of different types of metal from recyclable household waste for automatic waste separation system

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    Nowadays, solid waste has become a major problem in Malaysia. However, most people in Malaysia are not aware and take this problem for granted. The rising number of population and massive development in recent years indirectly generated an enormous value of household waste, making the household waste the main generator for solid waste in Malaysia. It stated that only 5 percent of an average 30,000 tons of waste have been recycled in Malaysia. The purpose of the paper is to design a system to separate the metal recyclable household waste automatically and record the data waste collected. There are total of four detectors used to separate the non-metal, steel, copper and aluminum metal waste. The average time used to complete metal separation process by using the proposed prototype is 14.5 seconds. This paper includes a mechanical part, programming part, an electronic design and also the data collected from this proposed system. The system will be programmed using Arduino Mega as a microcontroller to control all the electronic component in the system

    Smart street light using intensity controller

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    Smart street light is an intelligent control of street lights to optimize the problem of power consumption of the street, late in night. Currently, usual street lights are automatically turn on when it becomes dark and turn off when it becomes bright. This is huge waste of energy in the entire world as it is an essential community service, but current implementation is not efficient. Conventional street lights are being replaced by Light Emitting Diode (LED) street lighting system, which reduces the power consumption. The focus of this project is to design a system of street lights controller to provide a reduction in power consumption. The prototype is design by using Light Dependent Resistor (LDR), Infrared sensor (IR), battery and LED. All this component was controlled by Arduino UNO as the microcontroller. The brightness of the lamps is being controlled in this project to reduce the power consumption. The dimming of the lamps depends on the speed of object motion detected such as pedestrians, cyclists and cars. The higher speed of moving object, the greater the level of intensity. For this idea, the innovation of street lights is not quite the same as conventional street lights that are controlled by timer switch or light sensor which automatically turns the street lights on during sunset and off during sunrise. According to the study, motion detection devices may help to save up to 40% of energy per month

    Discrimination of residual and recyclable household waste for automatic waste separation system

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    Most of the countries in the world are confronting a gigantic issue of waste management system. Due to the rapid urbanization and increasing population, huge volume of waste is produced year by year. Improper waste management system has created a deep concern among people which lead to disturbance to the environment and human health. In this paper, a fully automated system that discriminate residual and recyclable household waste is proposed. It is shown that the prototype system are able to automatically separate waste into residual and recyclable waste by employing a moisture sensor to sort them into wet (residual) and dry (recyclable) waste. The state of the waste is determined by its resistance to current value and the percentage of water content