429 research outputs found

    Ісламське кримінально-процесуальне законодавство: питання прав людини

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    It has been established that harsh Islamic punishments are practically not applied due to the high burden of proof and the need to involve an exhaustive number of witnesses. It has been proven that the Islamic criminal justice system provides the accused with basic guarantees. It is noted that according to Sharia, Islamic crimes are divided into three categories: Hadd, Qisas and Tazir. It is noted that Islamic criminal law provides that the accused is not guilty if his guilt is not proven. It is noted that equality before the law is one of the main legal principles of the Islamic criminal model, as all persons are equal before the law and are condemned equally regardless of religious or economic status (lack of immunity). There are four main principles aimed at protecting human rights in Islamic criminal law: the principle of legality (irreversible action), the principle of presumption of innocence, the principle of equality and the principle of ultimate proof. In addition, the Islamic criminal justice system provides defendants with many safeguards, which are always followed during detention, investigation, trial and after trial. It is established that such rights are: 1) the right of every person to the protection of life, honor, freedom and property; 2) the right to due process of law; 3) the right to a fair and open trial before an impartial judge; 4) freedom from coercion to self-disclosure; 5) protection against arbitrary arrest and detention; 6) immediate court proceedings; 7) the right to appeal. It is noted that if a person is charged, he/she has many remedies It is noted that the trial must be fair, in which the qadi (judge) plays an important role. It has been established that, in addition to the procedural guarantees, the qualifications and character of the qadi, as well as the strict requirements of Islamic rules of proof, are intended to ensure a fair trial in the case of the accused. Adherence to these principles has been shown to indicate that the rights of the accused are fully guaranteed under Islamic criminal law.Установлено, что жесткие исламские наказания практически не применяются из-за высокого бремя доказывания и необходимости привлечения исчерпывающего количества свидетелей. Доказано, что исламская система уголовного правосудия предоставляет обвиняемому основные гарантии. Отмечается, что по шариату исламские уголовные преступления делятся на три категории: Хадд, Кисас и Тазир. Отмечается, что исламское уголовное право предусматривает, что обвиняемый не виноват, если его вина не доказана. Отмечается, что равенство перед законом представляет собой один из главных правовых принципов по исламской уголовной модели, поскольку все лица равны перед законом и осуждаются одинаково независимо от религиозного или экономического статуса (отсутствие иммунитета). Установлено четыре главных принципа, нацеленные на защиту прав человека в исламском уголовном праве: принцип законности (необратимого действия), принцип презумпции невиновности, принцип равенства и принцип ультимативного доказательства. Кроме того, исламская система уголовного правосудия предоставляет обвиняемым множество гарантий, которые всегда придерживаются при задержании, расследовании, судебном разбирательстве и после суда. Установлено, что такими правами являются: 1) право каждого человека на защиту жизни, чести, свободы и собственности; 2) право на надлежащую правовую процедуру; 3) право на справедливое и публичное судебное разбирательство перед беспристрастным судьей; 4) свобода от принуждения к самооговору; 5) защита от произвольного ареста и задержания; 6) немедленное судебное производство; 7) право на обжалование. Отмечается, что если человеку предъявлено обвинение, у него есть много средств защиты. Отмечается, что судебный процесс должен быть справедливым, в чем не последнюю роль играет кади (судья). Установлено, что в дополнение к процессуальным гарантиям, квалификация и характер кади, а также строгие требования исламских правил доказывания призваны обеспечить справедливое судебное разбирательство по делу обвиняемого. Доказано, что соблюдение этих принципов является свидетельством того, что права обвиняемого полностью гарантируются в соответствии с исламским уголовным правом.Встановлено, що жорсткі ісламські покарання практично не застосовуються через високий тягар доведення та необхідність залучення вичерпної кількості свідків. Доведено, що ісламська система кримінального правосуддя надає обвинуваченому основні гарантії. Зазначається, що за шаріатом ісламські кримінальні злочини поділяються на три категорії: Хадд, Кісас та Тазир. Відзначається, що ісламське кримінальне право передбачає, що обвинувачений не винен, якщо його вина не доведена. Зазначається, що рівність перед законом являє собою один з головних правових принципів за ісламською кримінальною моделлю, оскільки всі особи рівні перед законом і засуджуються однаково незалежно від релігійного чи економічного статусу (відсутність імунітету). Встановлено чотири головні принципи, що націлені на захист прав людини в ісламському кримінальному праві: принцип законності (незворотної дії), принцип презумпції невинності, принцип рівності та принцип ультимативного доведення. Крім того, ісламська система кримінального правосуддя надає обвинуваченим безліч гарантій, яких завжди дотримуються під час затримання, розслідування, судового розгляду і після суду. Встановлено, що такими правами є: 1) право кожної людини на захист життя, честі, свободи і власності; 2) право на належну правову процедуру; 3) право на справедливий і відкритий судовий розгляд перед неупередженим суддею; 4) свобода від примусу до самообмови; 5) захист від довільного арешту і затримання; 6) негайне судове провадження; 7) право на оскарження. Відзначається, що якщо людині пред’явлено звинувачення, у неї є багато засобів захисту. Зазначається, що судовий процес повинен бути справедливим, у чому неостанню роль відіграє каді (суддя). Встановлено, що на додаток до процесуальних гарантій, кваліфікація і характер каді, а також строгі вимоги ісламських правил доведення покликані забезпечити справедливий судовий розгляд у справі обвинуваченого. Доведено, що дотримання цих принципів є свідченням того, що права обвинуваченого повністю гарантуються відповідно до ісламського кримінального права

    Does high school elective mathematics have any effect on performance in Uuniversity economics in Ghana?

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    The Department of Economics has one of the highest rates of students’ failures, repetition and withdrawals in the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi. In the 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 academic years 35.8% and 30.6% of the 232 and 301 final year students respectively could not graduate. This concern has been attributed primarily to the low mathematical ability of the affected students. Consequently, university authorities in the 2013/2014 academic year made senior high school (SHS) elective mathematics a central requirement for students who intend pursuing economics as major. Really, this policy was not based on any systematic study conducted in the country. This paper contributes to existing literature by examining the impact of SHS elective mathematics on the performance of economics major students in KNUST. Two cohorts of students who entered KNUST in the 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 academic years were used for this study. Ordered probit was fitted to individual data collected from 334 respondents (142 females and 192 males) who graduated in June, 2013 and June 2014 respectively. The results show that SHS elective mathematics has significant positive influence on economics students’ academic performance in the KNUST. It was also found that performance in mathematics related courses in the first year and cumulative weighted average at the end of year one has significant and direct influence on the performance of students in subsequent years. The findings thus confirm that mathematical ability both at the SHS level and in the university is positively correlated with overall performance in university economics.Keywords: Academic performance, University, Economics, Students, Mathematic

    Incorporating Oral Health Care in Pediatric Primary Care Practice

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    The most common chronic disease in childhood is dental caries and is more prevalent than asthma and hay fever (HHS, 2000). Data show that in the United States from 2011-2014, 24% of children aged 2-5 years had experienced dental caries in their primary teeth, with 11% having untreated caries (Dye et al., 2017). Primary care clinicians have an important role to play in promoting children’s oral health as much as dentists because they have more contact with children. The purpose of this evidence-based practice project was to integrate an evidence-based oral health program for children in a pediatric primary care practice. A comprehensive literature search utilizing 6 databases and hand search yielded 14 relevant articles. The articles were appraised for quality using the Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Research and Non-Research appraisal tools and level of evidence using The Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt’s (2015) Hierarchy of Evidence for intervention questions. The participants of the project comprised of 80 children aged from 6-months up to 6 years old received preventive oral health care services over a 3-month time. Interventions included: a) caries risk assessment, b) application of fluoride varnish, c) caregiver education, and d) referrals to a dentist for establishment of dental home and care for children at risk of developing dental caries. The Health Belief Model (Hochbaum, Kegels, & Rosenstock, 1952) and the Iowa Model Revised (Iowa Model Collaborative, 2017) were used to guide the project. Primary outcomes were fluoride varnish application rate, dental referral success rate, and adherence by caregivers to oral health recommendations. Data were collected using a questionnaire and will be analyzed. Implications of this project for practice will be discussed

    Preparedness for e-health in developing countries: the case of Ghana

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    As Ghana embarks on a national e-Health initiative there is the need to explore its preparedness in terms of socioeconomic and development, technology infrastructure and operational preparedness, and skills and human resources. This paper reports on a literature review as part of a research program, which aims to inform the development of an effective roadmap for the successful implementation of the national e-Health initiative in Ghana. The literature was searched for factors of e-Health adoption in developing countries; and realization of the anticipated benefits through IEEE, Medline, Google scholar and Google search engines. Sixteen (16) articles were reviewed were from 176 related articles that were found. The literature review found the two highest priority objectives in in e-Health Africa: providing health education for health professionals (identified in 7 of the 16 projects reported on in the literature) and improvement of primary health care services 9 of the 16 projects). Six (6) or 39% each of the 16 projects reported a lack of skills and Human Resources Socioeconomic issues, and Technology infrastructure problems reported in 22% or the remaining four (4) projects. The paper concluded that the effects of these challenges could lead to Ghana like many other developing countries struggling to adopt e-Health, its inability to realize the potential benefits of e-Health and its ability to institutionalize and sustain e-Health

    Adaptive workshop as a tool for integration of foreign students into the educational process in russian universities

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    Авторы проводят анализ проблем адаптации иностранных студентов, связанных с образовательным процессом, сложностями специальной терминологии и языковым барьером. Интеграции иностранных студентов в образовательный процесс служат практические занятия как метод визуализации, способствующий более эффективному обучению.The authors analyze the problems of adaptation of foreign students associated with the educational process, difficulties of terminology and the language barrier. The integration of foreign students into the educational process are the practical lessons as a method of visualization to enhance learning

    Severe Damage of Moringa Oleifera Lam. Leaves by Ulopeza Phaeothoracica Hampson (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in Ungogo Local Government Area, Kano State, Nigeria: A Short Communication

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    The work was carried out at a location (110 58`N and 8026`E) in Ungogo Local Government area of Kano State, Nigeria with objective of identifying an unfamiliar larva feeding on Moringa leaves and to describe its nature of damage. The leaf feeding larvae were sampled and reared through to pupation and to adulthood in the Entomology laboratory, Crop Protection Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Bayero University, Kano, Kano State. The adults that emerged were identified to beUlopeza phaeothoracica Hampson. On the larval feeding, it was observed that damage caused was very severe on a heavily infested young Moringa tree at the study location. In conclusion, the study revealed that U. phaeothoracica is a leaf feeding pest of M. oleifera and that its activity could be of serious concern especially on young trees of Moringa, kept under poor management conditions.Keywords: Damage, Moringa, Ungogo, Kan

    Academic Performance of Less Endowed High School Students in the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

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    This paper investigates the academic performance of students from less endowed senior high schools in the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). Questionnaires were administered to 152 (123 males and 29 females) fourth year students who enrolled for various programmes at KNUST in 2007 through the less endowed admission policy. The items included in the questionnaires were student characteristics (e.g. age, gender, university entrance score, number of siblings) and parental characteristics (e.g. educational attainments and occupation). We found that 61.8% were high performing students (11.8% first class and 50% second class upper). We also found that among the less endowed socio-economic group, university entrance score had a significant positive influence on their academic performance at 5% level of significance. Again, it was discovered that if parental factors were not controlled for, being male had a significant positive influence on the performance of less endowed students at 5% significance level. These findings have very important policy implications for Ghana, especially policies aimed at improving participation of students from less endowed schools in public universities.Keywords: Performance, less endowed, student, admission, universit

    A Rational Explanation For Home Country Bias

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    While modern portfolio theory predicts that investors should diversify across international markets, corporate equity is essentially held by domestic investors. French and Poterba (1991) suggest that in order for this bias to be justified, investors must hold optimistic expectations about their domestic markets and pessimistic expectations about their foreign markets. Tesar and Werner (1995) find existing explanations to the home equity bias unsatisfactory and conclude that the issue poses a challenge for portfolio theory. We develop a model that incorporates both the foregone gains from diversification and the informational constraints of international investing, and shows that home equity bias is consistent with rational mean-variance portfolio choice. Specifically, we prove that the nature of estimation risk in international markets can be responsible for this phenomenon. We show that when the cross-market variability in the estimation errors of international markets' means far exceeds the cross-market variability in the means themselves, domestic dedication dominates international diversification. An examination of eleven international markets' returns over the last twenty-five years, from the perspective of German, Japanese and U.S investors provides evidence consistent with this explanation

    A Critical Review of Recent Trends in Basic and Secondary Schools Enrolments in Ghana

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    With data covering the period from 2001 to 2008, this paper investigates trends in enrolments for primary schools, junior high schools (JHS) and senior high schools (SHS) in Ghana. First, we discovered that at the primary level, the significant educational development in the last two dec-ades covered the North and the South equally. Gross enrolment ratio (GER) was 95.7% for the North compared with 95.8% for the South in the 2007/2008 academic year. Second, we found that at the JHS and SHS levels though the North has achieved significant growth, the enrolment gap between the North and South has not been narrowed. GER figures for JHS and SHS are 67.4% and 22% respectively for the North compared with 81.2% and 33.3% for the South. How-ever, regional educational attainment Gini coefficients computed showed that in the 2007/2008 academic year educational attainment distribution in the North was more equitable than in the South. This is an indication of dramatic improvement of education opportunities in that part of the country.Keywords: Education, gross enrolment ratio, net enrolment ratio, Gini coefficient, inequality, Ghana governmen