239 research outputs found

    Література як соціокультурне явище

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    В останній час в сучасному літературознавстві спостерігається антропологічний поворот. Література поступово вивільнюється від формалістичних методів дослідження. Йдеться про перенесення акцентів на вивчення оповіді відповідно нових моделей інтерпретації. Вони дозволяють досліджувати у тексті людське в сучасних антропологічних і соціокультурних вимірах. (Contemporary literary studies has recently undergone an anthropological turn. Formalistic research methods are being gradually left behind in literary research. Instead, emphasis is transferred to the study of narrative according to new models of interpretation. These models allow to examine ’human’ content in texts from the viewpoint of contemporary anthropological and socio-cultural aspects.

    Політика Європейського Союзу щодо країн Західних Балкан в 90-х роках ХХ століття. (The policy of EU toward Western Balkan countries in the 90-ties of the 19th century.)

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    У 90-х роках ХХ століття ЄС активно розпочинає проводити свою зовнішню політику у напрямку Західних Балкан. Завдяки активній участі ЄС у цьому регіоні, вдалося частково ліквідувати наслідки етнічних конфліктів, які мали місце в історії західно-балканських країн, відродити економічний потенціал та наблизити ці держави до майбутньої інтеграції. (In the 90th of the twentieth century, the EU actively begins to conduct its foreign policy towards the Western Balkans. Through the active participation of the EU in the region, the EU managed to reverse partially the effects of ethnic conflicts that have taken place in the history of the Western Balkan countries, and to revive the economic potential and bring these states to the future of integration.

    State of the art in assisted reproductive technologies for patients with advanced maternal age

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    According to the World Health Organization, the female reproductive age lasts up to 49 years, but problems with the realization of women's reproductive rights may arise much earlier. Significant numbers of factors affect the state of reproductive health: socioeconomic, ecological, lifestyle features, the level of medical literacy, and the state of the organization and medical care quality. Among the reasons for fertility decline in advanced reproductive age are the loss of cellular receptors for gonadotropins, an increase in the threshold of sensitivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary system to the action of hormones and their metabolites, and many others. Furthermore, negative changes accumulate in the oocyte genome, reducing the possibility of fertilization, normal development and implantation of the embryo and healthy offspring birth. Another theory of ageing causing changes in oocytes is the mitochondrial free radical theory of ageing. Taking into account all these age-related changes in gametogenesis, this review considers modern technologies aimed at the preservation and realization of female fertility. Among the existing approaches, two main ones can be distinguished: methods allowing the preservation of reproductive cells at a younger age using ART intervention and cryobanking, as well as methods aimed at improving the basic functional state of advanced-age women's oocytes and embryos

    LED and Phototransistor Simulation

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    Optoelectronics (e.g., light-emitting diodes, photodetectors) is one of the most widely used fields nowadays. But it is still necessary to improve their characteristics for using in general lighting. In this chapter, the heterostructure conductivity type, impurity and indium atoms influence on the LEDs and phototransistor characteristics are investigated by computer simulation. It was found that current-voltage characteristic and quantum efficiency depend on impurity and indium atoms change a lot. By varying impurity and indium atom concentration, controlling their distribution in InGaN and AlGaP heterostructure LEDs and photodetector characteristics can be improved

    Theoretical Aspects of the Definition and Legal Regulation of Securities in Civil and Common Law Systems

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    In the current global climate, including the active development of financial markets, stock trading, and the emergence of new technologies such as social media, many stocks favored by retail investors have experienced significant price volatility. This paper aims to outline the theoretical framework of securities market regulation and to propose some improvements. It also reviews the various theories and practices that are used to analyze securities market regulation globally. This research describes the emergence of securities as a financial instrument. In the scope of the abovementioned, differences between the legal regulation of securities and the scientific definitions of researchers are observed. The author provides a comparative description of approaches to defining the concept of securities in common law and civil law countries