141 research outputs found

    Genome of Ca. Pandoraea novymonadis, an Endosymbiotic Bacterium of the Trypanosomatid Novymonas esmeraldas

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    We have sequenced, annotated, and analyzed the genome of Ca. Pandoraea novymonadis, a recently described bacterial endosymbiont of the trypanosomatid Novymonas esmeraldas. When compared with genomes of its free-living relatives, it has all the hallmarks of the endosymbionts’ genomes, such as significantly reduced size, extensive gene loss, low GC content, numerous gene rearrangements, and low codon usage bias. In addition, Ca. P. novymonadis lacks mobile elements, has a strikingly low number of pseudogenes, and almost all genes are single copied. This suggests that it already passed the intensive period of host adaptation, which still can be observed in the genome of Polynucleobacter necessarius, a certainly recent endosymbiont. Phylogenetically, Ca. P. novymonadis is more related to P. necessarius, an intracytoplasmic bacterium of free-living ciliates, than to Ca. Kinetoplastibacterium spp., the only other known endosymbionts of trypanosomatid flagellates. As judged by the extent of the overall genome reduction and the loss of particular metabolic abilities correlating with the increasing dependence of the symbiont on its host, Ca. P. novymonadis occupies an intermediate position P. necessarius and Ca. Kinetoplastibacterium spp. We conclude that the relationships between Ca. P. novymonadis and N. esmeraldas are well-established, although not as fine-tuned as in the case of Strigomonadinae and their endosymbionts

    Experimental research of double-sided solar modules efficiency In the climatic conditions of central Kazakhstan

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    The article presents studies of double-sidedsolar modules in Kazakhstan. To conduct an experimental research of double-sided solar modules efficiency in the climatic conditions of Central Kazakhstan we have created an experimental solar power plant (SPP) located on the territory of Karaganda State Technical University. The solar power plant consists of four photovoltaic modules of KZ PV 270 M72 type and four photovoltaic modules of FSM-185D type. The rotary system was not used; solar panels are southward (directed to the south). The comparison was made with the solar power plantwithout orientation system which uses four photovoltaic modules of KZ PV 270 M72 type produced by Astana Solar LLP. The statistical analysis of information with an assessment of parameters of distribution and criteria for processing of results of scientific experiment is carried out. The correlation and regression analysis is performed. The least square method (coefficient calculation) is used in data processing. We have developed the computational model simulating the SPP by means of which the theoretical averaged values of energy amount generated in kWh/day have been obtained, and the actual values have been received by in-use measurements of SPP parameters within a year. The results of this work showed that the use of double-sided solar modules in Kazakhstan is very promising and can be a decisive factor for their widespread use with the tendency to lower prices

    Causes and effects of loss of classical non-homologous end joining pathway in parasitic eukaryotes

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    We report frequent losses of components of the classical nonhomologous end joining pathway (C-NHEJ), one of the main eukaryotic tools for end joining repair of DNA double-strand breaks, in several lineages of parasitic protists. Moreover, we have identified a single lineage among trypanosomatid flagellates that has lost Ku70 and Ku80, the core C-NHEJ components, and accumulated numerous insertions in many protein-coding genes. We propose a correlation between these two phenomena and discuss the possible impact of the C-NHEJ loss on genome evolution and transition to the parasitic lifestyle

    Saccharomyces paradoxus Transcriptional Alterations in Cells of Distinct Phenotype and Viral dsRNA Content

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    Killer yeasts are attractive antifungal agents with great potential applications in the food industry. Natural Saccharomyces paradoxus isolates provide new dsRNA-based killer systems available for investigation. The presence of viral dsRNA may alter transcriptional profile of S. paradoxus. To test this possibility, a high-throughput RNA sequencing was employed to compare the transcriptomes of S. paradoxus AML 15-66 K66 killer strains after curing them of either M-66 alone or both M-66 and L-A-66 dsRNA viruses. The S. paradoxus cells cured of viral dsRNA(s) showed respiration deficient or altered sporulation patterns. We have identified numerous changes in the transcription profile of genes including those linked to ribosomes and amino acid biosynthesis, as well as mitochondrial function. Our work advance studies of transcriptional adaptations of Saccharomyces spp. induced by changes in phenotype and set of dsRNA viruses, reported for the first time.This article belongs to the Special Issue Recent Advances in the Yeast Killer Systems ResearchThis research was partly funded by European Regional Funds (CZ.02.1.01/16_019/0000759)

    Infection Dynamics and Immune Response in a Newly Described Drosophila-Trypanosomatid Association

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    Trypanosomatid parasites are significant causes of human disease and are ubiquitous in insects. Despite the importance of Drosophila melanogaster as a model of infection and immunity and a long awareness that trypanosomatid infection is common in the genus, no trypanosomatid parasites naturally infecting Drosophila have been characterized. Here, we establish a new model of trypanosomatid infection in Drosophila-Jaenimonas drosophilae, gen. et sp. nov. As far as we are aware, this is the first Drosophila-parasitic trypanosomatid to be cultured and characterized. Through experimental infections, we find that Drosophila falleni, the natural host, is highly susceptible to infection, leading to a substantial decrease in host fecundity. J. drosophilae has a broad host range, readily infecting a number of Drosophila species, including D. melanogaster, with oral infection of D. melanogaster larvae resulting in the induction of numerous immune genes. When injected into adult hemolymph, J. drosophilae kills D. melanogaster, although interestingly, neither the Imd nor the Toll pathway is induced and Imd mutants do not show increased susceptibility to infection. In contrast, mutants deficient in drosocrystallin, a major component of the peritrophic matrix, are more severely infected during oral infection, suggesting that the peritrophic matrix plays an important role in mediating trypanosomatid infection in Drosophila. This work demonstrates that the J. drosophilae-Drosophila system can be a powerful model to uncover the effects of trypanosomatids in their insect hosts. IMPORTANCE Trypanosomatid parasites are ubiquitous in insects and are significant causes of disease when vectored to humans by blood-feeding insects. In recent decades, Drosophila has emerged as the predominant insect model of infection and immunity and is also known to be infected by trypanosomatids at high rates in the wild. Despite this, there has been almost no work on their trypanosomatid parasites, in part because Drosophila-specific trypanosomatids have been resistant to culturing. Here, we present the first isolation and detailed characterization of a trypanosomatid from Drosophila, finding that it represents a new genus and species, Jaenimonas drosophilae. Using this parasite, we conducted a series of experiments that revealed many of the unknown aspects of trypanosomatid infection in Drosophila, including host range, transmission biology, dynamics of infection, and host immune response. Taken together, this work establishes J. drosophilae as a powerful new opportunity to study trypanosomatid infections in insects

    Extensive molecular tinkering in the evolution of the membrane attachment mode of the Rheb GTPase

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    Rheb is a conserved and widespread Ras-like GTPase involved in cell growth regulation mediated by the (m)TORC1 kinase complex and implicated in tumourigenesis in humans. Rheb function depends on its association with membranes via prenylated C-terminus, a mechanism shared with many other eukaryotic GTPases. Strikingly, our analysis of a phylogenetically rich sample of Rheb sequences revealed that in multiple lineages this canonical and ancestral membrane attachment mode has been variously altered. The modifications include: (1) accretion to the N-terminus of two different phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate-binding domains, PX in Cryptista (the fusion being the first proposed synapomorphy of this clade), and FYVE in Euglenozoa and the related undescribed flagellate SRT308; (2) acquisition of lipidic modifications of the N-terminal region, namely myristoylation and/or S-palmitoylation in seven different protist lineages; (3) acquisition of S-palmitoylation in the hypervariable C-terminal region of Rheb in apusomonads, convergently to some other Ras family proteins; (4) replacement of the C-terminal prenylation motif with four transmembrane segments in a novel Rheb paralog in the SAR clade; (5) loss of an evident C-terminal membrane attachment mechanism in Tremellomycetes and some Rheb paralogs of Euglenozoa. Rheb evolution is thus surprisingly dynamic and presents a spectacular example of molecular tinkering

    Mitochondrial RNA editing in Trypanoplasma borreli: new tools, new revelations

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    The kinetoplastids are unicellular flagellates that derive their name from their ‘kinetoplast’, a region within each flagellate’s single mitochondrion harboring its organellar genome of high DNA content. Some protein products of this mitochondrial genome are encoded as cryptogenes; their transcripts require editing to generate an open reading frame. This happens through an RNA editing process, whereby small regulatory guide RNAs direct the proper insertion and deletion of one or more uridines at each editing site within specific transcript regions. An accurate perspective of the mitochondrial DNA expansion of kinetoplastids and the evolution of their unique uridine insertion/deletion editing across the entire group has been difficult to achieve. Here, we resolved outstanding questions about the organization of the mitochondrial genome and its editing in the kinetoplastid Trypanoplasma borreli that is evolutionarily distant from the frequently-studied trypanosomatids. We find that its mitochondrial DNA consists of circular molecules of 42 kb that harbor the rRNA and mRNAs, and 17 different contigs of approximately 70 kb carrying an average of 23 putative guide RNA loci per contig. These contigs may be linear molecules; they contain repetitive termini. Our analysis uncovered a putative gRNA population with unique length and sequence parameters that is massive relative to the editing needs of this parasite. We validated or determined the sequence identity of each of the four edited mRNA species – including one coding for ATP synthase 6 that was previously thought to be missing. We utilized our computational methods to show that the T. borreli transcriptome includes a substantial number of transcripts with editing patterns not consistent with the identified product, a result of non-canonical editing. We also discovered that this species is more likely than other kinetoplastids to utilize uridine deletion to enforce amino acid conservation of cryptogene products, although deletion is still less common than insertion. Finally, in three tested kinetoplastid mitochondrial transcriptomes, uridine deletion is more common in the raw mitochondrial read population than it appears when the fully edited translationally competent mRNAs only are considered. We conclude that the organization of mitochondrial DNA across all kinetoplastids can be described as variations on several central themes. These themes include partitioned coding and repetitive regions of a circular molecule encoding mRNA and rRNA, and guide RNA loci positioned on a malleable population of multiple molecules that differ in relative abundance in different strains. Likewise, while all kinetoplastids possess the central mechanism of uridine insertion/deletion RNA editing, its output parameters are species-specific

    DNA polymerase η mutational signatures are found in a variety of different types of cancer

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    DNA polymerase (pol) η is a specialized error-prone polymerase with at least two quite different and contrasting cellular roles: to mitigate the genetic consequences of solar UV irradiation, and promote somatic hypermutation in the variable regions of immunoglobulin genes. Misregulation and mistargeting of pol η can compromise genome integrity. We explored whether the mutational signature of pol η could be found in datasets of human somatic mutations derived from normal and cancer cells. A substantial excess of single and tandem somatic mutations within known pol η mutable motifs was noted in skin cancer as well as in many other types of human cancer, suggesting that somatic mutations in A:T bases generated by DNA polymerase η are a common feature of tumorigenesis. Another peculiarity of pol ηmutational signatures, mutations in YCG motifs, led us to speculate that error-prone DNA synthesis opposite methylated CpG dinucleotides by misregulated pol η in tumors might constitute an additional mechanism of cytosine demethylation in this hypermutable dinucleotide

    Lexis and grammar of mitochondrial RNA processing in Trypanosomes

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    Trypanosoma brucei spp. cause African human and animal trypanosomiasis, a burden on health and economy in Africa. These hemoflagellates are distinguished by a kinetoplast nucleoid containing mitochondrial DNAs of two kinds: maxicircles encoding ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs) and proteins and minicircles bearing guide RNAs (gRNAs) for mRNA editing. All RNAs are produced by a phage-type RNA polymerase as 3' extended precursors, which undergo exonucleolytic trimming. Most pre-mRNAs proceed through 3' adenylation, uridine insertion/deletion editing, and 3' A/U-tailing. The rRNAs and gRNAs are 3' uridylated. Historically, RNA editing has attracted major research effort, and recently essential pre- and postediting processing events have been discovered. Here, we classify the key players that transform primary transcripts into mature molecules and regulate their function and turnover

    DNA methylation, deamination, and translesion synthesis combine to generate footprint mutations in cancer driver genes in B-cell derived lymphomas and other cancers

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    Cancer genomes harbor numerous genomic alterations and many cancers accumulate thousands of nucleotide sequence variations. A prominent fraction of these mutations arises as a consequence of the off-target activity of DNA/RNA editing cytosine deaminases followed by the replication/repair of edited sites by DNA polymerases (pol), as deduced from the analysis of the DNA sequence context of mutations in different tumor tissues. We have used the weight matrix (sequence profile) approach to analyze mutagenesis due to Activation Induced Deaminase (AID) and two error-prone DNA polymerases. Control experiments using shuffled weight matrices and somatic mutations in immunoglobulin genes confirmed the power of this method. Analysis of somatic mutations in various cancers suggested that AID and DNA polymerases η and θ contribute to mutagenesis in contexts that almost universally correlate with the context of mutations in A:T and G:C sites during the affinity maturation of immunoglobulin genes. Previously, we demonstrated that AID contributes to mutagenesis in (de)methylated genomic DNA in various cancers. Our current analysis of methylation data from malignant lymphomas suggests that driver genes are subject to different (de)methylation processes than non-driver genes and, in addition to AID, the activity of pols η and θ contributes to the establishment of methylation-dependent mutation profiles. This may reflect the functional importance of interplay between mutagenesis in cancer and (de)methylation processes in different groups of genes. The resulting changes in CpG methylation levels and chromatin modifications are likely to cause changes in the expression levels of driver genes that may affect cancer initiation and/or progression