14 research outputs found

    Desain Arsitektur IoT untuk Budidaya Gurami

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    Sektor perikanan di Indonesia memiliki potensi bagus untuk dikembangkan. Dengan pengelolaan yang baik, sektor ini dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi ketahanan pangan nasional dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Salah satu sektor perikanan yang menarik untuk dibudidayakan adalah ikan gurami. Gurami banyak diminati oleh masyarakat dan memiliki harga jual yang stabil. Namun, kendala dalam budidaya gurami adalah pertumbuhan yang lambat, biaya pakan yang tinggi, dan tingkat kelangsungan hidup yang rendah. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi internet of things (IoT) dewasa ini, tentunya teknologi ini dapat memberikan solusi bagi pembudidaya gurami untuk mengatasi kendala tersebut. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini diusulkan arsitektur IoT untuk budidaya gurami. Arsitektur IoT yang diusulkan dalam penelitian ini memiliki enam desain yang terdiri dari domain model, business process hierarchy, IoT layer, deployment, information, dan interoperability endpoint. Dengan adanya arsitektur IoT ini diharapkan sistem IoT yang dibangun sesuai dengan kebutuhan pembudidaya gurami serta memudahkan developers untuk membangun dan mengembangkan sistem tersebut. AbstractThe fisheries sector in Indonesia has great potential to be developed. With good management, this sector can contribute to national food security and improve welfare for the people of Indonesia. One of the interesting fisheries sector to be cultivated is gurami. Gurami is much in demand by the public and has a stable selling price. However, growth in gouramy cultivation is slow growth, high food costs, and low survival rates. The development of internet of things (IoT) technology today, this technology can provide solutions for gouramy farmers to overcome these obstacles. Therefore, this research proposes IoT architecture for gouramy cultivation. The IoT architecture proposed in this study has six designs consisting of the domain model, business process hierarchy, IoT layer, deployment, information, and interoperability endpoints. The IoT architecture is expected to build the IoT system in accordance with the needs of gouramy farmers and make it easier for developers to build and develop the system

    Sistem Deteksi Wajah Pada Open Source Physical Computing

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    Deteksi wajah merupakan salah satu area penelitian yang menarik. Penelitian deteksi wajah yang dilakukan hingga saat ini mayoritas masih diimplementasikan pada komputer. Pembangunan sistem deteksi wajah pada komputer memerlukan biaya investasi yang tidak sedikit. Selain harus mengeluarkan biaya pengadaan komputer, juga diperlukan biaya untuk operasional seperti penggunaan listrik, karena komputer membutuhkan daya/watt yang besar. Dalam penelitian ini diusulkan untuk membangun sistem deteksi wajah dengan menggunakan arduino. Sistem tersebut akan bersifat autonomous (mandiri), dengan kata lain peran komputer akan digantikan oleh arduino. Arduino yang digunakan adalah arduino Mega 2560 dengan spesifikasi mikrokontroler AT MEGA 2560, kecepatan 16 MHz, flash memory 256 KB, SRAM 8 KB. EEPROM 4 KB. Sehingga tidak semua algoritma deteksi wajah dapat diimplementasikan pada arduino. Untuk mengatasi keterbatasan memori yang dimiliki oleh arduino akan digunakan metode template matching dengan menggunakan fitur wajah berupa template yang berbentuk seperti topeng. Detection rate yang berhasil dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah sebesar 80%-100%. Dimana, keberhasilan dalam arduino dalam mengidentifikasi wajah dipengaruhi oleh jarak antara wajah manusia dengan kamera dan pergerakan manusia. ============================================================================================================================== Face detection is one of the interesting research area. Majority of this research implemented on a computer. Development of face detection on a computer requires a significant investment costs. In addition to having to spend the cost of procurement of computers, is also required for operational cost such as electricity use, because the computer requires large power/watt. This research is proposed to build a face detection system using Arduino. The system will be autonomous, in other word the role of computer will be replaced by Arduino. Arduino is used is Arduino Mega 2560 with specifications microcontroller AT MEGA 2560, a speed of 16 MHz, 256 KB flash memory, 8 KB SRAM, 4 KB EEPROM. So not all face detection algorithm can be implemented on the Arduino. The limitations of memory owned by the arduino will be resolved by applying the method of template matching using the facial features in the form of a template that is shaped like a mask. Detection rate achieved in this study is 80% - 100%. Where, in the Arduino's success in identifying the face are influenced by the distance between the camera with the human face and human movemen

    Perencanaan Arsitektur Sistem Informasi pada PT. XYZ dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan TOGAF ADM

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    Pemanfaatan teknologi yang ada pada perusahaan sangatlah penting agar strategi bisnis dengan strategi IT dapat diseleraskan, dengan cara menerapkan Enterprise Architecture berdasarkan pendekatan The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) Architecture Development Method (ADM). Pada PT. XYZ, belum memiliki sebuah Arsitektur Sistem Informasi sehingga dapat memicu proses bisnis yang berjalan lambat. Dengan menerapkan Enterprise Architecture (EA) berdasarkan pendekatan The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) Architecture Development Method (ADM) perusahaan dapat menyelaraskan strategi bisnis dan strategi IT yang sesuai untuk kebutuhan dari perusahaan tersebut serta menghasilkan sebuah usulan atau rekomendasi kebutuhan dari perusahaan. Hasil penelitian ini merupakan analisis perencanaan dan usulan dari Enterprise Architecture (EA) dengan menggunakan Preliminary Phase dan 3 (tiga) fase pada The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) Architecture Development Method (ADM) v9.2 yakni Phase A: Architecture Vision, Phase B: Business Architecture, dan Phase C: Information System Architecture

    Perencanaan Arsitektur Sistem Informasi pada PT. XYZ dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan TOGAF ADM

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    Pemanfaatan teknologi yang ada pada perusahaan sangatlah penting agar strategi bisnis dengan strategi IT dapat diseleraskan, dengan cara menerapkan Enterprise Architecture berdasarkan pendekatan The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) Architecture Development Method (ADM). Pada PT. XYZ, belum memiliki sebuah Arsitektur Sistem Informasi sehingga dapat memicu proses bisnis yang berjalan lambat. Dengan menerapkan Enterprise Architecture (EA) berdasarkan pendekatan The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) Architecture Development Method (ADM) perusahaan dapat menyelaraskan strategi bisnis dan strategi IT yang sesuai untuk kebutuhan dari perusahaan tersebut serta menghasilkan sebuah usulan atau rekomendasi kebutuhan dari perusahaan. Hasil penelitian ini merupakan analisis perencanaan dan usulan dari Enterprise Architecture (EA) dengan menggunakan Preliminary Phase dan 3 (tiga) fase pada The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) Architecture Development Method (ADM) v9.2 yakni Phase A: Architecture Vision, Phase B: Business Architecture, dan Phase C: Information System Architecture

    Perencanaan Arsitektur Sistem Informasi pada PT. XYZ dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan TOGAF ADM

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    Pemanfaatan teknologi yang ada pada perusahaan sangatlah penting agar strategi bisnis dengan strategi IT dapat diseleraskan, dengan cara menerapkan Enterprise Architecture berdasarkan pendekatan The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) Architecture Development Method (ADM). Pada PT. XYZ, belum memiliki sebuah Arsitektur Sistem Informasi sehingga dapat memicu proses bisnis yang berjalan lambat. Dengan menerapkan Enterprise Architecture (EA) berdasarkan pendekatan The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) Architecture Development Method (ADM) perusahaan dapat menyelaraskan strategi bisnis dan strategi IT yang sesuai untuk kebutuhan dari perusahaan tersebut serta menghasilkan sebuah usulan atau rekomendasi kebutuhan dari perusahaan. Hasil penelitian ini merupakan analisis perencanaan dan usulan dari Enterprise Architecture (EA) dengan menggunakan Preliminary Phase dan 3 (tiga) fase pada The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) Architecture Development Method (ADM) v9.2 yakni Phase A: Architecture Vision, Phase B: Business Architecture, dan Phase C: Information System Architecture

    Peningkatan Kualitas Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi Melalui Pelatihan SISTER Pada STAI Ali bin Abi Thalib

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    STAI Ali bin Abi Talib is one of the private Islamic universities in Surabaya. There are problems where changes in lecturer data (PDD) and others are still done manually in the form of physical files that are brought to Kopertais IV which oversees it. Whereas the Directorate General of Science and Technology Resources (SDID) of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education through circular letter at 2018 has provided direction on the implementation of the Integrated Resource Information System (SISTER) in public and private universiAties. To support this policy, universities need a special party or team to assist the application of technology so that the implementation of SISTER can run well, helping academic activities, data changes, and the tri dharma of lecturers in the future. Community service activities by the Telkom Institute of Technology Surabaya team at STAI Ali bin Abi Thalib were presented and carried out in six stages, starting from literature study, server configuration, preparation of presentation materials and training modules, SISTER application installation process, training, and evaluation. This activity resulted in the SISTER application installed on the STAI Ali bin Abi Thalib server which can be accessed online and also training that provides comprehensive knowledge, skills on the use of the SISTER application and debriefing with 10 video guides and 15 training modules for STAI Ali bin Thalib Surabaya


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    Face detection is one of the interesting research area. Majority of this research implemented on a computer. Development of face detection on a computer requires a significant investment costs. In addition to having to spend the cost of procurement of computers, is also required for operational cost such as electricity use, because the computer requires large power/watt.This research is proposed to build a face detection system using Arduino. The system will be autonomous, in other word the role of computer will be replaced by Arduino. Arduino is used is Arduino Mega 2560 with specifications microcontroller AT MEGA 2560, a speed of 16 MHz, 256 KB flash memory, 8 KB SRAM, 4 KB EEPROM. So not all face detection algorithm can be implemented on the Arduino. The limitations of memory owned by the arduino will be resolved by applying the method of template matching using the facial features in the form of a template that is shaped like a mask. Detection rate achieved in this study is 80% - 100%. Where, in the Arduino's success in identifying the face are influenced by the distance between the camera with the human face and human movement

    Information Technology Security Audit at the YDSF National Zakat Institution Using the ISO 27001 Framework

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    In this era of cyber crimes, data security is an important aspect that needs special attention from an organization. This is reinforced by the ratification of Law Number 27 of 2022 on personal data security. The National Zakat Amil Institute (LAZNAS) Yayasan Dana Sosial al Falah (YDSF) as an institution with a legal entity and having data on more than 100,000 donors and partners, it also has an obligation to protect the personal data of donors and partners.  The focus of this research is to evaluate and audit information technology at the LAZNAS YDSF, especially regarding the security aspect of information technology. Evaluations and audits were carried out using the ISO 27001 framework as a standardization of information technology security at the international level. In this study, information technology audits were conducted using quantitative methods. The assessment was carried out on seven main clauses that are priorities for the LAZNAS YDSF based on management priorities: compliance clauses, risk management, policies, assets, physical and environmental management, access control, and incident management. Data were collected using a questionnaire distributed to all the LAZNAS YDSF managers and employees. Fifty-five respondents, ranging from management to staff, were involved in filling out the questionnaire, ranging from management to staff. Based on the recapitulation of answers from respondents, it was found that the risk management and access control clauses had good results, with scores of 2,727 and 2,796. The compliance and incident management clauses have scores of 2.381 and 2.53, respectively; therefore, improvement efforts need to be made. By evaluating and auditing information technology that refers to the ISO 27001 standard, it is hoped that LAZNAS YDSF can protect and maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information, and manage and control information security risks

    Analysis of Human Performance and Potential Application of Virtual Reality (VR) Shooting Games as a Shooting Training Simulator for Military Personnel

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    Shooting is one of the essential abilities that military personnel must regularly train. One technology that can be applied to the military shooting sector is the Virtual Reality (VR) shooting game. This technology is a shooting training simulator for Military Personnel. This study compares the shooting performance of military personnel in both real and virtual environments. The researchers analyzed the learning curve of the shooting performance, measured the degree of reality, immersive level, and usability of the VR shooting games, and tested the potential application of the simulator. The result showed that the shooting accuracy and precision in real and virtual shooting conditions do not significantly differ. This means that using a VR shooting game simulator can represent the training conditions in the actual shooting range. The shooting speed in virtual environments is related to the stages of the shooter (position, breath control, aiming, and trigger control), which are influenced by human performance factors (shock, vibration, and gun explosions). In addition, the shooting performance when practicing virtual shooting increased significantly, proving a learning curve for adapting to virtual environments in the simulator. VR shooting games had a total SUS score of 81.1, categorized as Grade A usability or excellent usability. Based on the results of the Pearson correlation test, there is a strong positive relationship between the SUS questionnaire and Presence Questionnaire (0.908), SUS and Immersive Tendencies Questionnaire (0.802), and Presence Questionnaire and Immersive Tendencies Questionnaire (0.814). Good usability in VR shooting games positively influences the degree of reality and can make participants feel a high presence when shooting virtually. Thus, VR shooting games are appropriate to support military shooting training for military personnel


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    Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB), atau sering disebut juga Penerimaan Siswa Baru (PSB) di kota Surabaya merupakan layanan dari Dinas Pendidikan Kota Surabaya bagi lulusan SD/MI dan SMP/MTs untuk memasuki jenjang pendidikan lebih tinggi SMP, SMA dan SMK. Calon peserta didik baru yang berasal dari sekolah di luar Wilayah Kota Surabaya dan bukan warga Surabaya dapat melakukan pendaftaran online sehingga verifikasi data calon peserta didik perlu dilakukan untuk pengesahan data. Verifikasi data calon peserta didik ini dikembangkan dengan menggunakan model Use Case Driven Object. Use Case Driven Object Modelling merupakan salah satu metode pendekatan yang berkesinambungan dalam pengembangan aplikasi dari use case sampai dengan code secara cepat dan efisien, dengan menggunakan dasar teori UML dan teknik lain yang terkait. Pada hasil akhirnya akan memberikan sebuah desain sistem informasi pada verifikasi data siswa pada rekomendasi luar kota PPDB Kota Surabaya