141 research outputs found

    Concussion classification via deep learning using whole-brain white matter fiber strains

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    Developing an accurate and reliable injury predictor is central to the biomechanical studies of traumatic brain injury. State-of-the-art efforts continue to rely on empirical, scalar metrics based on kinematics or model-estimated tissue responses explicitly pre-defined in a specific brain region of interest. They could suffer from loss of information. A single training dataset has also been used to evaluate performance but without cross-validation. In this study, we developed a deep learning approach for concussion classification using implicit features of the entire voxel-wise white matter fiber strains. Using reconstructed American National Football League (NFL) injury cases, leave-one-out cross-validation was employed to objectively compare injury prediction performances against two baseline machine learning classifiers (support vector machine (SVM) and random forest (RF)) and four scalar metrics via univariate logistic regression (Brain Injury Criterion (BrIC), cumulative strain damage measure of the whole brain (CSDM-WB) and the corpus callosum (CSDM-CC), and peak fiber strain in the CC). Feature-based deep learning and machine learning classifiers consistently outperformed all scalar injury metrics across all performance categories in cross-validation (e.g., average accuracy of 0.844 vs. 0.746, and average area under the receiver operating curve (AUC) of 0.873 vs. 0.769, respectively, based on the testing dataset). Nevertheless, deep learning achieved the best cross-validation accuracy, sensitivity, and AUC (e.g., accuracy of 0.862 vs. 0.828 and 0.842 for SVM and RF, respectively). These findings demonstrate the superior performances of deep learning in concussion prediction, and suggest its promise for future applications in biomechanical investigations of traumatic brain injury.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, and 4 table

    Pressure tuning of optical reflectivity in LuH2

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    Recently, the claim of room-temperature superconductivity in nitrogen-doped lutetium hydride at near-ambient conditions has attracted tremendous attention. Criticism of the work rises shortly, while further explorations are needed to settle the dispute. One of the intriguing observations is the pressured-induced color change, which has been reproduced in the lutetium dihydride LuH2 while its mechanism remains unclear. Through optical reflectivity measurements of LuH2 in the visible to near-infrared region, we observe strong light absorption next to the sharp plasmon resonance, which continuously shifts to higher energies with increasing pressure. It gives rise to the increased reflection of red light and suppressed reflection of blue light. Our work sheds light on resolving the puzzles regarding the pressure induced color change in LuH2.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Exploring Impaired SERCA Pump-Caused Alternation Occurrence in Ischemia

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    Impaired sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) calcium transport ATPase (SERCA) gives rise to Ca(2+) alternans and changes of the Ca2+release amount. These changes in Ca(2+) release amount can reveal the mechanism underlying how the interaction between Ca(2+) release and Ca(2+) uptake induces Ca(2+) alternans. This study of alternans by calculating the values of Ca(2+) release properties with impaired SERCA has not been explored before. Here, we induced Ca(2+) alternans by using an impaired SERCA pump under ischemic conditions. The results showed that the recruitment and refractoriness of the Ca(2+) release increased as Ca(2+) alternans occurred. This indicates triggering Ca waves. As the propagation of Ca waves is linked to the occurrence of Ca(2+) alternans, the "threshold" for Ca waves reflects the key factor in Ca(2+) alternans development, and it is still controversial nowadays. We proposed the ratio between the diastolic network SR (NSR) Ca content (Cansr) and the cytoplasmic Ca content (Ca i ) (Cansr/Ca i ) as the "threshold" of Ca waves and Ca(2+) alternans. Diastolic Cansr, Ca i , and their ratio were recorded at the onset of Ca(2+) alternans. Compared with certain Cansr and Ca i , the "threshold" of the ratio can better explain the comprehensive effects of the Ca(2+) release and the Ca(2+) uptake on Ca(2+) alternans onset. In addition, these ratios are related with the function of SERCA pumps, which vary with different ischemic conditions. Thus, values of these ratios could be used to differentiate Ca(2+) alternans from different ischemic cases. This agrees with some experimental results. Therefore, the certain value of diastolic Cansr/Ca i can be the better "threshold" for Ca waves and Ca(2+) alternans

    Study on failure behaviors and control technology of surrounding rock in a weakly cemented soft rock roadway: A case study

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    During coal mining, the deformation and failure of a weakly cemented soft rock roadway roof could cause difficulties for roadway support. In this paper, a combination of on-site measurement and theoretical analysis is used to solve this issue. Firstly this paper investigates the in situ deformation and failure behaviors of a soft rock roadway in a mine in Western China. Then, the failure mechanism and corresponding support principles are discussed and given. Third, various support schemes (bolt and cable reinforcement optimization, grouting, and single prop + top beam combined reinforcement) are proposed and tested. Results show the support capacity can meet the requirements after optimizing the bolt and cable reinforcement support. Due to the development of roof cracks and low grouting pressure, the grouting slurry did not completely fill the roof cracks, resulting in a poor roof control effect. The passive support of a “single prop + top beam” can effectively control the roof subsidence and achieve good application results

    Secondary organic aerosol formation from in-use motor vehicle emissions using a potential aerosol mass reactor.

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    Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation from in-use vehicle emissions was investigated using a potential aerosol mass (PAM) flow reactor deployed in a highway tunnel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Experiments consisted of passing exhaust-dominated tunnel air through a PAM reactor over integrated hydroxyl radical (OH) exposures ranging from ∼ 0.3 to 9.3 days of equivalent atmospheric oxidation. Experiments were performed during heavy traffic periods when the fleet was at least 80% light-duty gasoline vehicles on a fuel-consumption basis. The peak SOA production occurred after 2-3 days of equivalent atmospheric oxidation. Additional OH exposure decreased the SOA production presumably due to a shift from functionalization to fragmentation dominated reaction mechanisms. Photo-oxidation also produced substantial ammonium nitrate, often exceeding the mass of SOA. Analysis with an SOA model highlight that unspeciated organics (i.e., unresolved complex mixture) are a very important class of precursors and that multigenerational processing of both gases and particles is important at longer time scales. The chemical evolution of the organic aerosol inside the PAM reactor appears to be similar to that observed in the atmosphere. The mass spectrum of the unoxidized primary organic aerosol closely resembles ambient hydrocarbon-like organic aerosol (HOA). After aging the exhaust equivalent to a few hours of atmospheric oxidation, the organic aerosol most closely resembles semivolatile oxygenated organic aerosol (SV-OOA) and then low-volatility organic aerosol (LV-OOA) at higher OH exposures. Scaling the data suggests that mobile sources contribute ∼ 2.9 ± 1.6 Tg SOA yr(-1) in the United States, which is a factor of 6 greater than all mobile source particulate matter emissions reported by the National Emissions Inventory. This highlights the important contribution of SOA formation from vehicle exhaust to ambient particulate matter concentrations in urban areas

    Experiments on bright field and dark field high energy electron imaging with thick target material

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    Using a high energy electron beam for the imaging of high density matter with both high spatial-temporal and areal density resolution under extreme states of temperature and pressure is one of the critical challenges in high energy density physics . When a charged particle beam passes through an opaque target, the beam will be scattered with a distribution that depends on the thickness of the material. By collecting the scattered beam either near or off axis, so-called bright field or dark field images can be obtained. Here we report on an electron radiography experiment using 45 MeV electrons from an S-band photo-injector, where scattered electrons, after interacting with a sample, are collected and imaged by a quadrupole imaging system. We achieved a few micrometers (about 4 micrometers) spatial resolution and about 10 micrometers thickness resolution for a silicon target of 300-600 micron thickness. With addition of dark field images that are captured by selecting electrons with large scattering angle, we show that more useful information in determining external details such as outlines, boundaries and defects can be obtained.Comment: 7pages, 7 figure

    Source, Modification, Heterologous Expression of β-Galactosidase and Its Application in Food

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    β-galactosidase, as a safe and nontoxic enzyme preparation, has been not only widely used in food industry and medical fields, but also has great application potential in biotechnology fields, such as enzyme engineering and protein engineering. Microbial fermentation, as a mainstream production method of β-galactosidase, still has some problems including long fermentation time and low extraction rate. While using the heterologous expression system of engineering bacteria to produce β-galactosidase shows the advantages of high expression quantity and low cost. This paper focuses on the gene source, expression host bacteria, expression methods of β-galactosidase heterologous expression system and its application value, to be aimed at providing scientific basis and theoretical reference for the development and utilization of novel β-galactosidase products

    Evaluating the impact of new observational constraints on P-S/IVOC emissions, multi-generation oxidation, and chamber wall losses on SOA modeling for Los Angeles, CA

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    Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) is an important contributor to fine particulate matter (PM) mass in polluted regions, and its modeling remains poorly constrained. A box model is developed that uses recently published literature parameterizations and data sets to better constrain and evaluate the formation pathways and precursors of urban SOA during the CalNex 2010 campaign in Los Angeles. When using the measurements of intermediate-volatility organic compounds (IVOCs) reported in Zhao et al. (2014) and of semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) reported in Worton et al. (2014) the model is biased high at longer photochemical ages, whereas at shorter photochemical ages it is biased low, if the yields for VOC oxidation are not updated. The parameterizations using an updated version of the yields, which takes into account the effect of gas-phase wall losses in environmental chambers, show model–measurement agreement at longer photochemical ages, even though some low bias at short photochemical ages still remains. Furthermore, the fossil and non-fossil carbon split of urban SOA simulated by the model is consistent with measurements at the Pasadena ground site. Multi-generation oxidation mechanisms are often employed in SOA models to increase the SOA yields derived from environmental chamber experiments in order to obtain better model–measurement agreement. However, there are many uncertainties associated with these aging mechanisms. Thus, SOA formation in the model is compared to data from an oxidation flow reactor (OFR) in order to constrain SOA formation at longer photochemical ages than observed in urban air. The model predicts similar SOA mass at short to moderate photochemical ages when the aging mechanisms or the updated version of the yields for VOC oxidation are implemented. The latter case has SOA formation rates that are more consistent with observations from the OFR though. Aging mechanisms may still play an important role in SOA chemistry, but the additional mass formed by functionalization reactions during aging would need to be offset by gasphase fragmentation of SVOCs. All the model cases evaluated in this work show a large majority of the urban SOA (70–83 %) at Pasadena coming from the oxidation of primary SVOCs (P-SVOCs) and primary IVOCs (P-IVOCs). The importance of these two types of precursors is further supported by analyzing the percentage of SOA formed at long photochemical ages (1.5 days) as a function of the precursor rate constant. The P-SVOCs and P-IVOCs have rate constants that are similar to highly reactive VOCs that have been previously found to strongly correlate with SOA formation potential measured by the OFR. Finally, the volatility distribution of the total organic mass (gas and particle phase) in the model is compared against measurements. The total SVOC mass simulated is similar to the measurements, but there are important differences in the measured and modeled volatility distributions. A likely reason for the difference is the lack of particle-phase reactions in the model that can oligomerize and/or continue to oxidize organic compounds even after they partition to the particle phase