14 research outputs found


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    Cepat sajit noodles are a processed food product as energy sources that are popular in Indonesia. The existence of the “Pilihan Lebih Sehat” logo issued by BPOM in 2019 on pasta and cepat sajit noodles, provides another alternative in product selection by consumers. This study aims to assess the quality factors of cepat sajit noodle products (health claims, performance, aesthetics, and conformance quality) to purchasing decisions. Four exogenous variables, X1 for health claims, X2 for performance, X3 for conformity, and X4 aesthetics were analysed using The Partial Least Square (PLS) method. Thus, the purchase decision (Y) as endogenous variable were analysed from 2 types of noodle samples, namely the “A” and “B” brands, the two big brands of cepat sajit noodle with “mi goreng” flavor. A total of 100 respondents in each sample of noodles had filled out an online questionnaire. The results showed that “B” noodles received higher purchase decision assessment than “A” noodles, which was 3.86 against 3.71 on scale of 1 to 5. All exogenous variables had a positive and significant effect on “A”'s purchasing decision. In “B”, all variables except X1 had a positive and significant effect. Indonesian consumers still tend to prioritize the quality of performance (taste, texture, color, aroma) and the quality of conformity related to price and weight, especially in “B” noodle products. Going forward, adhering the BPOM’s health claims will give added value of products and may increase the market of innovate cepat sajit noodle products.Mi cepat saji atau mi cepat saji merupakan salah satu produk pangan olahan sebagai sumber energi yang populer di Indonesia. Logo Pilihan Lebih Sehat yang dikeluarkan BPOM pada tahun 2019 yang dapat di temui pada minuman cepat saji, pasta dan mi cepat saji. Adanya logo ini menjadi alternatif lain dalam pemilihan produk oleh konsumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji faktor kualitas produk mi cepat saji (performa, estetika, dan kualitas kesesuaian) dan klaim kesehatan terhadap keputusan pembelian. Keempat variabel eksogen yaitu X1 untuk klaim kesehatan, X2 untuk kinerja, X3 untuk kesesuaian, dan X4 untuk estetika dianalisa dengan metode Partial Least Square (PLS). Adapun variabel endogennya adalah keputusan pembelian (Y) dari 2 contoh jenis mi yaitu merk “A” dan “B”, dua merk populer mi cepat saji rasa mi goreng. Sebanyak 100 responden pada setiap sampel mi telah mengisi kuesioner online. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mi “B” memperoleh penilaian keputusan pembelian lebih tinggi dibandingkan mi “A” yaitu 3,86 berbanding 3,71 pada skala 1-5. Keputusan pembelian mi “A” dipengaruhi positif dan relevan oleh keempat variabel eksogen. Pada mi “B” semua variabel kecuali X1 berpengaruh positif dan signifikan. Konsumen Indonesia masih cenderung mengutamakan kualitas penampilan (rasa, tekstur, warna, aroma) dan kualitas kesesuaian terkait harga dan berat, khususnya pada produk mi “B”. Untuk Kedepannya, penggunaan klaim Kesehatan BPOM dapat meningkatkan nilai tambah produk dan meningkatkan jumlah pasar pada produk inovatif mi cepat saji


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    Cepat sajit noodles are a processed food product as energy sources that are popular in Indonesia. The existence of the “Pilihan Lebih Sehat” logo issued by BPOM in 2019 on pasta and cepat sajit noodles, provides another alternative in product selection by consumers. This study aims to assess the quality factors of cepat sajit noodle products (health claims, performance, aesthetics, and conformance quality) to purchasing decisions. Four exogenous variables, X1 for health claims, X2 for performance, X3 for conformity, and X4 aesthetics were analysed using The Partial Least Square (PLS) method. Thus, the purchase decision (Y) as endogenous variable were analysed from 2 types of noodle samples, namely the “A” and “B” brands, the two big brands of cepat sajit noodle with “mi goreng” flavor. A total of 100 respondents in each sample of noodles had filled out an online questionnaire. The results showed that “B” noodles received higher purchase decision assessment than “A” noodles, which was 3.86 against 3.71 on scale of 1 to 5. All exogenous variables had a positive and significant effect on “A”'s purchasing decision. In “B”, all variables except X1 had a positive and significant effect. Indonesian consumers still tend to prioritize the quality of performance (taste, texture, color, aroma) and the quality of conformity related to price and weight, especially in “B” noodle products. Going forward, adhering the BPOM’s health claims will give added value of products and may increase the market of innovate cepat sajit noodle products.Mi cepat saji atau mi cepat saji merupakan salah satu produk pangan olahan sebagai sumber energi yang populer di Indonesia. Logo Pilihan Lebih Sehat yang dikeluarkan BPOM pada tahun 2019 yang dapat di temui pada minuman cepat saji, pasta dan mi cepat saji. Adanya logo ini menjadi alternatif lain dalam pemilihan produk oleh konsumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji faktor kualitas produk mi cepat saji (performa, estetika, dan kualitas kesesuaian) dan klaim kesehatan terhadap keputusan pembelian. Keempat variabel eksogen yaitu X1 untuk klaim kesehatan, X2 untuk kinerja, X3 untuk kesesuaian, dan X4 untuk estetika dianalisa dengan metode Partial Least Square (PLS). Adapun variabel endogennya adalah keputusan pembelian (Y) dari 2 contoh jenis mi yaitu merk “A” dan “B”, dua merk populer mi cepat saji rasa mi goreng. Sebanyak 100 responden pada setiap sampel mi telah mengisi kuesioner online. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mi “B” memperoleh penilaian keputusan pembelian lebih tinggi dibandingkan mi “A” yaitu 3,86 berbanding 3,71 pada skala 1-5. Keputusan pembelian mi “A” dipengaruhi positif dan relevan oleh keempat variabel eksogen. Pada mi “B” semua variabel kecuali X1 berpengaruh positif dan signifikan. Konsumen Indonesia masih cenderung mengutamakan kualitas penampilan (rasa, tekstur, warna, aroma) dan kualitas kesesuaian terkait harga dan berat, khususnya pada produk mi “B”. Untuk Kedepannya, penggunaan klaim Kesehatan BPOM dapat meningkatkan nilai tambah produk dan meningkatkan jumlah pasar pada produk inovatif mi cepat saji

    Factors Affecting Crowdfunding Investor Number in Agricultural Projects: The Dummy Regression Model

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    As an important sector in the Indonesian economy, the low capital problems in agriculture should be solved. Crowdfunding is one of the solutions gaining modal from society. This agricultural investment could be an attractive personal asset, too. But, no information yet about the complete characteristics of agricultural projects that fetching the people's participation to invest. Hence, the aim of this research is to find out the factors that influence people's participation in agricultural business investment with crowdfunding schemes. The quantitative data collected from 468 agricultural projects held by agricultural business startup PT. XYZ was analyzed. The six characteristics of the project are role as independents factors. They were project types (loans and profit sharing), project fields (agriculture, livestock, and fisheries), project risk (low, moderate, and high), project duration, the amount of capital needed and profit assumption. All the factors have been analyzed by a multiple regression model to estimate the number of investors. The results showed that the number of crowdfunding agriculture-based projects investor can be modeled by dummy regression. The longer project duration will decrease the number of investors by 0.577 people. The higher risk of the project will lower the number of investors. Based on the projects field, the most interesting projects are the livestock project, followed by agriculture and the last is the fisheries project. Overall, the project period, project risk and project field are the factors that influence people's participation in agricultural business investment with crowdfunding schemes. In the future, crowdfunding livestock projects with a short implementation period (around 3 months), and low risk can be sought so that more people participate in becoming investors. Keywords: crowdfunding, agriculture project, agricultural investment, multiple regression model, dummy regressio

    Potential of Bioactive Components in Tempe for the Treatment of Obesity

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    Obesity has become a global health issue and is one of the factors that trigger degenerative diseases. The correct food consumption management could be a solution for treating obesity. Soybean is a food that is rich in bioactive components and has antiobesity properties through various mechanisms. In Indonesia, nearly 60% of the soybeans are consumed in the form of tempe. The process of fermenting soybeans into tempe causes a bioconversion of nutrients and bioactive components, improving the active physiological abilities. The bioactive components that play a role in the treatment of obesity are isoflavones, proteins, and peptides. These bioactive components help in reducing body weight, lowering the body fat ratio and improve lipid profile. Thus, optimation and popularization of tempe as a functional food in the daily menu supported with correct tempe processing could be a solution in treating obesity

    Utilization of Siwalan (Borassus flabellifer L.) Plantation Waste for Kraft Paper Production

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    Borassus flabellifer L., one of the palm-based commodities in Indonesia which is grows in dry areas especially around the north coast of Java Island. An abundant waste of this plant is a leaf midrib and fruit fiber have an opportunity as a source of lignocellulose for the paper industry. In this study, Kraft paper production was conducted to know the influence of the proportion of Borassus flabellifer L. leaf midrib pulp and fruit fiber pulp, and the concentration of Polyvinyl Acetate (PVAc) adhesives on the sensory and physical quality of kraft paper. The research method used was Randomized Block Design (RBD) with two factors. The Friedman test was used to determine the sensory quality of kraft paper. The physical quality of kraft paper was used ANOVA analysis. The results showed that the treatment of raw material proportion and PVAc adhesive concentration had significant effect on color, surface texture, yield, and tensile resistance, but not significantly different between treatment of gramature and tear resistance. The best treatment of sensory tests was kraft paper with proportion of leaf midrib pulp 50% and fruit fiber pulp 50% and a 7.5% PVAc adhesive concentration. It has a yield value of 72.11%, gramature of 162.80 g/m2, tensile strength of 1.70 %, and tear resistance of 197.6 gf


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    Indonesia dikenal akan kearifan lokal dengan potensi pangan fungsional berupa minuman-minuman tradisional.Produk minuman tradisional dibuat dari ekstraksi bahan alami seperti rimpang jahe dan temulawak, daun tanaman kumis kucing, serta kayu secang.Kemampuan bioaktif minuman salah satunya dipengaruhi oleh efektivitas ekstraksi komponen fitokimia dari bahan-bahan minuman.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan proses ekstraksi yang optimal dari bahan-bahan minuman tradisional Indonesia, yaitu kumis kucing, secang, jahe dan temulawak. Optimasi waktu ekstraksi daun tanaman kumis kucing dan kayu secang dikembangkan menggunakan Response Surface Methodology dengan software Design Expert 7,0. Proses ekstraksi optimum dari daun tanaman kumis kucing dan kayu secang didapatkan selama 30 menit pemanasan dalam air dengan perbandingan bahan dan air 1:25. Persamaan matematika dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi total fenol dan aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak. Peningkatan skala menyebabkan penurunan aktivitas antioksidan dan total fenol pada ekstrak daun tanaman kumis kucing dan kayu secang. Pada skala pilot plant nilai aktivitas antioksidan 2508,9 ppm AEAC dan total fenol 926,6 ppm GAE untuk ekstrak kumis kucing dan nilai aktivitas antioksidan 1601,7 ppm AEAC dan total fenol 1319,9 ppm GAE untuk ekstrak kayu secang. Efisiensi dan efektivitas proses ekstraksi jahe diperoleh melalui pemblansiran dengan direndam air panas (90-95oC) selama 3 menit, sedangkan temulawak tidak perlu dilakukan pemblansiran. Ekstraksi jahe dengan cara tersebut mampu memberikan total fenol 2294,6 ppm GAE dan rendemen 61,1%. Prosedur ekstraksi optimum pada temulawak memberikan total fenol ekstrak 5621,8 ppm GAE dan rendemen 46,9%. Ekstrak optimum yang didapatkan dapat digunakan untuk formulasi minuman fungsional dengan berbagai manfaat bagi kesehata

    Pemberdayaan ibu-ibu Desa Manukan Bojonegoro dalam mengembangkan Batik Jonegoroan sebagai rintisan industri kreatif

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    Manukan is a village in Bojonegoro Regency which is located in Gayam, Bojonegoro, East Java. The lack of family income from farmer profession requires the community to be more creative in increasing family income. Though Bojonegoro has the potential of Jonegoroan batik, which is attractive and much in demand, not many Bojonegoro people have batik knowledge and skills. Therefore, it is necessary to empower women in developing the Jonegoroan Batik creative industry. It’s carried out through four stages: socialization of Batik Jonegoroan, training on how to make batik, training on developing the creative industries of batik and batik marketing. In this training, participants are trained to understand and practice the process of making batik with four technical coloring and differences between printed batik and written batik. The coloring techniques studied included colekan, semok, kelengan and laseman. Jonegoroan batik products are exhibited and sold online in marketplaces and social media, while offline in batik bazaars and exhibitions. This knowledge and skills can be used as provisions to open up business opportunities for batik craftsmen to increase family income.Manukan adalah salah satu desa di Kabupaten Bojonegoro yang terletak di Kecamatan Gayam, Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur. Minimnya penghasilan keluarga dari profesi petani menuntut masyarakat untuk lebih kreatif dalam meningkatkan pendapatan keluarga. Bojonegoro memiliki potensi batik Jonegoroan yang menarik dan banyak diminati. Namun, tidak banyak masyarakat Bojonegoro yang memiliki pengetahuan dan ketrampilan membatik. Sehingga, perlu dilakukan pemberdayaan Ibu-ibu dalam mengembangkan industri kreatif Batik Jonegoroan. Pemberdayaan ini dilakukan melalui empat tahapan, yaitu sosialisasi Batik Jonegoroan, pelatihan cara membatik, pelatihan pengembangan industri kreatif batik dan pemasaran hasil batik. Dalam pelatihan ini, peserta dilatih untuk memahami dan mempraktikkan proses membatik dengan empat teknis pewarnaan dan perbedaan antara batik cap dan batik tulis. Teknis pewarnaan yang dipelajari meliputi teknik coletan, semok, kelengan dan laseman. Hasil pelatihan berupa kain batik Jonegoroan dipamerkan dan dijual secara online di marketplace dan media sosial, sedangkan secara offline di bazar dan pameran batik. Pengetahuan dan ketrampilan ini dapat dijadikan bekal untuk membuka peluang usaha pengrajin batik oleh ibu-ibu desa Manukan sebagai salah satu upaya meningkatkan pendapatan keluarga


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    Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat merupakan salah satu bentuk kontribusi dari lembaga pendidikan dan tenaga akademik untuk memberikan manfaat langsung kepada masyarakat. Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia (UISI) melalui program studi Manajemen Rekayasa telah melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang bertujuan untuk membantu pengembangan usaha UMKM MR Udangku di Kelurahan Lumpur, Gresik. Pengembangan atau inovasi terhadap suatu produk telah dilakukan pada pengmas sebelumnya dan menghasilkan inovasi olahan udang sebagai hasil tangkapan hasil laut terbesar di Kelurahan Lumpur. Produksi telah rutin dilakukan hingga terbentuk UMKM UdangKu. Dengan pemasaran yang dilakukan secara langsung dan juga melalui e-commerce. Namun, terdapat berbagai aspek yang perlu diperhatikan dalam pengembangan produk untuk meningkatkan kualitas, daya saing, dan keberlanjutan usaha. Metode yang digunakan pada pengembangan usaha UMKM MR Udangku yaitu HoQ (House of Quality) untuk Identifikasi Kualitas Produk, Pareto dan Fishbone Diagram untuk menguji Kualitas Produk, Pengembangan Izin Usaha untuk (NIB dan Halal) serta Manajemen Keuangan untuk menghitung HPP (Harga Pokok Penjualan). Hasil dari pendampingan pengembangan usaha ini adalah mengetahui peluang bisnis yang bisa dikembang, melakukan evaluasi dan peningkatan kualitas produk, mendapatkan NIB dan Sertifikasi Halal serta mengetahui HPP produk nugget udang


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    Gresik is well known as one of the Islamic based tourism towns in East Java. This Islamic tourism encourages the development of typical souvenirs business in Gresik especially in food sector. Some Gresik traditional food are often used as souvenirs, such as pudak, jubung, and ayas. High sale promotes product innovation, especially in terms of taste creations, preservation / shelf life, as well as packaging. Unfortunately, these product innovation have not been supported with information related to product nutritional value. The nutritional value is important, considering the usage of information in food labelling as well as for the materials, process and packaging basic innovation. The study of Gresik traditional food nutritional value products consists of two stages, they were field-related observation and laboratory testing. Field observations were done to obtain information on raw materials and production processes from pudak, jubung and ayas. As for the test of nutritional value was done by proximate test. The results showed that pudak has moisture content (55.6%) twice higher than jubung and ayas (25.0% and 22.7%, respectively). All three products have a low fat content, which was below 1.0 g per serving. The protein content is also relatively low, i.e. only 2.1-2.8%. All three of these products are carbohydrate sources with the amount of 40.8-73.4% which gives a caloric amount of 120-185 kcal per serving. Implementation of nutritional information in food label could also give added value to the product