9 research outputs found

    Hubungan Kualitas Air Sumur dengan Kejadian Diare di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Bengawan Solo

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    Background: Water has a role as media of many infectious diseases. One of disease whisch is often transmitted through water is diarrhea. The quality of water consumed by the community must be fillfull for health. So, It becomes the important thing in preventing the incidence of diarrhea. The aim of this research was to determine the relationship between the quality of well water and the incidence of diarrhea on the community living along the riverside area of Bengawan Solo. Method: This was an observational research using cross sectional design. The subjects of this research were 66 persons staying for each upstream and downstream of Bengawan Solo.The quality of well water was assessed based on the parameters for temperature, pH, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), total dissolved solid (TDS), and E. coli. The occurrence of diarrhea was determined by interviewing. Data would be analyzed using chi-square test at 0,05 level of significance. Result: The result of this research showed that variables which had relationship (p-value<0,05) to the incidence of diarrhea were: education, income, distance of well to septictank and to river, knowledge, attitude, practice, pH, BOD, TDS, and E. coli content. Well water located on upstream area of Bengawan Solo containing E. coli. Person who had well water containing E. coli over standard had 0,17 of probability to suffer diarrhea. The other one, well water located on downstream area of Bengawan Solo containing total dissolved solid. Person who had well water containing E. coli and TDS over standard had 0,13 of probability to suffer diarrhea. Conclusion: well water containing E. coli is the main variable associated to the occurrence of diarrhea on upstream area of Bengawan. The content of E. coli and TDS are two variables associated to the occurrence of diarrhea on downstream area of Bengawan

    The Determinant of Trash Management at Faculty of Health Sciences in a University in Banyumas Regency

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    Trash management is one of an effort to preserve the campus environment, so, it has to do right to avoid health problems. There are many factors that can influence the outcome of trash management on campus either directly or indirectly. This paper tried to discuss the five elements of management (men, money, materials, machines, and method) with the result of trash management at The Campus Faculty of Health Sciences (FIKes) on a University in Banyumas Regency. The type of research was descriptive-analysis with a quantitative approach and the design of the study of cross-sectional. Variables in this study were taken based on each aspect that existed in the five elements of management, they were the role of the leader, the role of cleaning officer, participation of campus community, condition of trash generation, adequacy of facilities, operational techniques applied, and the costs incurred for trash management in FIKes. Data of those variables were collected using a questionnaire consisting of 85 questions. The result of analysis bivariate showed there were only two variables that related with the result of trash management in the campus they were the condition of trash generation (p= 0.003) and sufficiency of means (p= 0.028). Keywords: Campus, Result, Management, Tras

    Polusi Air Tanah Akibat Limbah Industri Dan Limbah Rumah Tangga

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    Sumber air tanah yang banyak dimanfaatkan warga adalah air sumur gali. Air sumur gali bila kondisinya tercemar baik oleh limbah domestik maupun limbah industri menyebabkan dampak terhadap kesehatan manusia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat polusi dan faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan polusi air tanah akibat limbah domestik dan limbah industri di Kelurahan Kalikabong Kabupaten Purbalingga. Penelitian kuantitatif ini dilakukan pada tahun 2012. Keseluruhan data di uji statistik deng an Fisher's Exact Test. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan antara kekeruhan (p value 1,000), bau (nilai p value 0,183), warna (p value 1,000), dan rasa (p value 0,346) dengan polusi air tanah.Hasil analisis univariat menunjukkan terdapat 100% air sumur warga tidak memenuhi syarat secara mikrobiologi. Air sumur warga yang bau 47,63%, berasa 38,09%, berwarna 33,33%, keruh 28,57%. Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan timbulnya polusi air sebesar 33,33% berasal dari limbah industri, 47,62% limbah rumah tangga, dan 19,04% berasal dari limbah perkotaan. Untuk mengurangi pencemaran air sumur gali disarankan bagi penduduk setempat untuk pembuatan tangki septik secara komunal.Many people use ground water from their wells. However, it will cause health problems if the water is contaminated by either domestic or industrial waste. This research is aimed at finding the level of pollution and the factors causing the ground water pollution by industrial and domestic waste in Kalikabong, Purbalingga District. This research was quantitative approach that has been done on 2012. Overall the data in a statistical testwith Fisher's Exact Test. The results of the bivariate analysis no correlation between turbidity (p value 1.000), aroma (p value 0.183), colour (p value 1.000), and istasty (p value 0.346) with ground water pollution The result shows that 100% water is in low quality and does not meet the microbiological requirements as tested by coliform bacteria. Moreover, 47.63%water gives unpleasant smell, 38.09% water istasty, 33.33% water becomes a colour, and 28.57% water is turbid. The factors causing the water pollution is the industrial waste (33.33%), domestic waste (47.62%), and urban waste (19.04%). It is suggested that the local people should make communal septic tank facilities

    Kepuasan Pemain terhadap Desain Rintangan pada Skenario Game Petualang

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    Desain rintangan dalam skenario game merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi motivasi pemain dalam bermain. Hal tersebut dapat berupa variasi pada jebakan atau jumlah musuh yang ada. Sebuah skenario game dengan desain variasi rintangan dapat membuat pemain frustasi jika terlalu sulit atau menjadi bosan karena terlalu mudah untuk dimainkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memodelkan desain rintangan pada skenario game petualang dari hasil evaluasi kepuasan pemain dalam memainkan game tersebut, agar dapat dikembangkan lebih baik. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah skenario game petualang dengan model permainan side-scrolling 2D yang telah dipublikasikan. Pengambilan hasil evaluasi dilakukan dengan membuat kuesioner secara online dengan 15 jenis pertanyaan. Dalam penelitian ini hanya dibahas 4 dari 15 pertanyaan dengan penekanan poin pembahasan pada desain rintangan didalam skenario game. Terdapat 104 responden yang telah mengisi kuesioner tersebut dengan hasil dari kepuasan pemain dalam melewati desain rintangan yang ada pada rancangan skenario game. Dari hasil evaluasi ini, kedepannya akan dilakukan perbaikan untuk menghasilkan desain rintangan yang lebih baik agar setiap rintangan yang ada pada skenario game petulalang menjadi lebih menantang

    Beberapa Faktor Risiko Yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Kejadian Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue (Dbd) Di Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a communicable disease which caused by a dengue virus and spread by Aedes sp. Mosquito especially Aedes aegypti. DHF disease marked with 2 - 7 days fever, sometimes bifasik, bleeding tendency with at least one matter: youniquet test positive, petekie, ekimosis or porpura, bleeding from mukosa, gastrointestinal line, injection spot or other spot, hematemesis ormelena. The aim ofresearch is to analyze risk factor that influenes incident DHF disease. While the reason of this research is giving information what is the dominant risk factor were to incident DHF disease and kind of dengue virus infection at Bayumas. Case control design was applied in this study. From bivariate analysis result know that become at risk faktor is: aged, sex, plants around hause and raise bird While at regresion logistics test can be noted that proved risk factor only 4 factors, that is: aged, sex, raise bird and not using anti mosquito repelent. Based from this study, we suggest to do monitoring and entomology cases, inter program and sectoral meeting, movement active role and changing people behavior

    Mt. Kelud haze removal using color attenuation prior

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    Kelud crater observation using closed-circuit television (CCTV) has not been used as the main guide in the world of volcanology. This is caused by observations manually by volcanologist who is not certain and depends on their ability and experience. In practice, there is still obstacles haze in the image taken from CCTV record. This paper present color attenuation prior method to eliminate haze on the digital image. The results obtained showed that the selected method is capable of eliminating sparse haze and moderate haze but not dense haze


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    Dengue Haemoragic Fever is one of infectious diseases which can cause death. The spreading of this disease is caused by Aedes aegypti biting that carries Dengue Virus in its body. The importance of the mosquito elimination by fogging is to kill adult mosquitoes which contain  Dengue Virus and are ready to infect ather people. So that the spreading cahin can be severed.The elimination of Aedes aegypti done in Hajjah Nuriah Shabran School of Koranic studies showed satisfying result. After evaluating this location, it could be seen that there was no Aedes aegypti, at least its density was decreased. It also could be noticed that the common environment cleanliness was increasing, there was no more Aedes aegypti breeding places and the larvae did not exist any longer. Finally, there is understanding and awareness increasing of the school of Kuranic Studies members in taking care of environment cleanliness properly to eliminate mosquito and the Aedes aegypti breeding places

    The Determinant of Trash Management at Faculty of Health Sciences in A University in Banyumas Regency

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    Trash management is one of an effort to preserve the campus environment, so, it has to do right to avoid health problems. There are many factors that can influence the outcome of trash management on campus either directly or indirectly. This paper tried to discuss the five elements of management (men, money, materials, machines, and method) with the result of trash management at The Campus Faculty of Health Sciences (FIKes) on a University in Banyumas Regency. The type of research was descriptive-analysis with a quantitative approach and the design of the study of cross-sectional. Variables in this study were taken based on each aspect that existed in the five elements of management, they were the role of the leader, the role of cleaning officer, participation of campus community, condition of trash generation, adequacy of facilities, operational techniques applied, and the costs incurred for trash management in FIKes. Data of those variables were collected using a questionnaire consisting of 85 questions. The result of analysis bivariate showed there were only two variables that related with the result of trash management in the campus they were the condition of trash generation (p= 0.003) and sufficiency of means (p= 0.028). Keywords: Campus, Result, Management, Tras