45 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh profil hematosit udang Vannamei yang diberikan imunostimulan berupa alga laut melalui pakan terhadap infeksi penyakit WSSV.Penelitian ini dilakukan diLaboratorium Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan dan Laboratorium Sentral Ilmu Hayati Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Pemberian pakan dengan alga laut sebagai imunostimulan dengan jenis alga yang berbeda sebagai berikut :Kontrol positif (udang diinfeksi WSSV tanpa suplemen pakan alga laut); Kontrol negative (udang tanpa infeksi WSSV dan tanpa suplemen alga laut); A (suplementasi pakan dg Sargassum sp 10 g/kg pakan); B (suplementasi pakan dg Padina sp 10 g/kg pakan); C (suplementasi pakan dg Eucheuma cottonii 10 g/kg pakan); D (suplementasi pakan Garcillaria sp 10 g/kg pakan) dengan 3 ulangan. Parameter yang diamati adalah sel Hyalin, granular, semi granular, THC, kelulushidupan dan SOD.Suplementasi pakan dengan ekstrak alga meningkatkan jumlah sel hyaline, granular dan semi granular, serta THC.Kelusluhidupan udang dan SOD mampu ditingkatkan antara 36-108 unit/mL pada suplementasi alg

    Antibacterial Activity Test of Tembelekan Leaf Extract (Lantana camara linn) against Edwardsiella tarda bacteria

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the optimal dose of Tembelekan leaf extract (Lantana camara Linn) which has antibacterial properties in inhibiting or killing Edwardsiella tarda bacteria. The method used in this research is Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The results of the research yield obtained from tembelakan leaf extract amounted to 8.9%. The positive phytochemical test results contained active compounds, namely flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, triterpenoids, and saponins. GC MS analysis of tembelekan leaf extract showed that the most components were 4H-1-Benzopyran-4-one, 5,7-dihydroxy-6-methoxy-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-,2,1,3-Benzothiadiazole, Benzisot hiadiazole , 3,4-Benzo-1,2,5-thia diazole. This compound is a class of isoflavonoids compounds. The MIC (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration) test results obtained the lowest absorbance value at a concentration of 100 mg/L with a value of 0.602 close to the positive control. Results of discs with doses of 50, 100, 150, 200, and 250 mg/L. The disc results showed that the dose of 200 mg/L had the strongest inhibition zone with a value of 12.63 mm. Tembelekan leaf extract which contains dominant compounds such as flavonoids and alkaloids can be useful as an antibacterial which inhibits the growth of E. tarda bacteri

    Analysis of Water Quality and Phagocytic Activity (Clarias Sp.) in Aquaponic and Non-Aquaponic Cultivation Systems

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    Catfish (Clarias sp.) is one of the many fishery biota that has animal protein which is much loved by Indonesian people. One way to develop environmentally friendly catfish cultivation is through the implementation of an aquaponic biofilter system. This research aims to analyze physical, chemical, and biological water quality parameters in catfish cultivation with and without aquaponics, to obtain a description of the non-specific immune system which is analyzed from the conditions of phagocytic activity of catfish cultivated with and without aquaponics. The method used is by taking samples ten times per week by taking water quality parameters as well as blood samples of catfish raised in ponds with and without aquaponics. The analysis used is the unpaired T-test. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that all parameters showed that the aquaponic cultivation media was better compared to those without aquaponics.Catfish (Clarias sp.) is one of the many fishery biota that has animal protein which is much loved by Indonesian people. One way to develop environmentally friendly catfish cultivation is through the implementation of an aquaponic biofilter system. This research aims to analyze physical, chemical, and biological water quality parameters in catfish cultivation with and without aquaponics, to obtain a description of the non-specific immune system which is analyzed from the conditions of phagocytic activity of catfish cultivated with and without aquaponics. The method used is by taking samples ten times per week by taking water quality parameters as well as blood samples of catfish raised in ponds with and without aquaponics. The analysis used is the unpaired T-test. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that all parameters showed that the aquaponic cultivation media was better compared to those without aquaponics

    The Effect of Electroporation Method Towards the Motility and Viability of Java Barb Fish (Puntius Javanicus) Sperm

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    Electric shock treatment of Java Barb Fish (Puntius javanicus) sperm using electroporation method on sperm as transfer gen (Sperm Mediated Gen Transfer) has not been implemented in Indonesia. This study was conducted to know the effect of electric shock using gene pulser at different voltage level toward motility and viability of Java barb fish sperm. This research was conducted at Fish Breeding Laboratory, Faculty of Marine and Fisheries and LSIH of Brawijaya University-Malang in May 2017. The trial design used Complete Randomized Design with 3 different treatments and 1 control which each treatment repeated 3 times. The treatments used the Gene pulser with 3 different voltages: A (20 V), B (30 V), C (40 V). The result showed that the electric shock treatment with different voltages level affected motility and viability of Java barb fish sperm. Based on the data analysis used polynomial orthogonal, a linear-form of the relationship among the treatments in the form of equation was found (Puntius javanicus) with R2=0.9815 and equation y = -40.5x + 130.83 with R2= 0.8626. Based on the result of this research, electroporation for Java barb fish' sperm as gene transfer media should be done with voltage 20 V, pulse number 4 times and pulse length 1 ms

    Karakteristik genetik udang putih (Penaeus vanamel) pada 2 filial menggunakan PCR-RFLP yang dianalisa dengan COIL-COIH pada mt-DNA

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    Tujuan jangka panjang dari penelitian ini adalah mendukung kebijakan pemerintah untuk mengurangi import dan meningkatkan eksport non migas dengan menampilkan karakteristik genetik dari udang putih (Penaeus vannamei), sehingga produk ini bisa dihasilkan di Indonesi dengan kualitas yang tidak kalah dengan produk import. target khusus yang ingin dicapai pada penelitian tahun kedua ini adalah memperoleh pola atau karakteristik genetik udang putih (Penaeus vannamei) filial 2 (F2) serta membandingkannya dengan filial 1 (F1). latar belakang dari penelitian ini adalah mudah terserangnya induk udang ketika sudah pada tahap F2 dan seterusnya. manfaat dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan informasi kepada para pembudidaya udang tentang kualitas udang dilihat dari karakteristik genetiknya, sehingga pemillhan terhadap induk udang bisa dilakukan secara lebih optimal. manfaat yang kedua adalah untuk para pengusaha udang tentang pola genetik udang pada fillial 1 dan 2. metode yang digunakan adalah analisis mitokondria DNA dengan PCR-RFLP. rincian kegiatan yang dilakukan meliputi : sampling induk udang putih (Penaeus vannamel) dan Induk udang windu (Penaeus monodon), ekstraksi DNA, amplifikasi PCR menggunakan universal primer COIL-COIH dan analisa restriksi, pengamatan single strain menggunakan elektroforesis gel agarose, pewarnaan dengan pemotongan PCR product, pengamatan hasil dibawah transluminator, pendokumentaisian. karakteristik genetik udang F1 yang telah diperoleh pada penelitian pada tahun pertama dan F2 yang akan diperoleh pada penelitian tahun kedua dibandingkan sehingga ditemukan faktor pembeda diantara sampel tersebut

    Activity of Compounds on Seaweed Eucheuma cottonii Extract as Antioxidant Candidate to Prevent Effects of Free Radical in Water Pollution

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    Water pollution can make many problems such as, the incidence of disease and poisoning. Pollution in water can produce free radicals and it is can trigger of disease for aquatic organisms. There is some efforts that can be done to provide this problem, such as chemical compound that can reduce the reaction of free radicals. Antioxidants are one of the chemical compounds that can reduce the activity of free radicals. Eucheuma cottonii is the one of a seaweed that has many in antioxidant compounds, such as phenol compounds, but it is also rich in iodine fiber and other important minerals. The method used in this research is descriptive explorative and experimental method. This research was conducted with several stages of seaweed extraction. Identification of Eucheuma cottonii extract is using FTIR test. The last stage is an antioxidant activity test that includes DPPH test (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrilhidrazil) and Inhibition Concentration 50 (IC 50). The results obtained in this study were based on FTIR test of antioxidant compound in Eucheuma cottonii seaweed extract. The one of compounds that have antioxidant activity include galaktosa-4-sulfat. Based on the results of antioxidant activity test using DPPH obtained that seaweed extract Eucheuma cottonii active as an antioxidant to ward off free radicals in the waters. The concentration of Eucheuma cottonii seaweed extract for preventive 50% concentration of DPPH is 39,926 ppm

    Heavy Metal Pb Content in the Seawater, Sediment and Green Mussel Tissue Perna Viridis

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    Accumulation of heavy metal Pb into the tissue can proceed through a food chain or environmental exposure. This study was to determine the content of heavy metals Pb in water, sediments and mussels (perna viridis). This research was conducted in March 2016, in the waters of Lekok Pasuruan at the three stations. TPI Station 1, Station 2 at the mouth of the Rejoso river and station 3 nearby PLTU 3. The water, sediments and green mussels (Perna viridis) samples were collected for Pb analysis using Absorpotion Atomic Spectrophotometer (AAS). In addition to the water quality such as salinity, temperature, DO and pH was observed. The results showed the highest Pb content in the water (0.4444 mg/l), sediment (23.8284 mg/kg) and green mussel tissue (1.5098 mg/kg) were found at station 2 (Rejoso river mouth). The Pb content in green mussel seemed to above safety level to consume