9 research outputs found

    Senescent cells enhance newt limb regeneration by promoting muscle dedifferentiation

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    Salamanders are able to regenerate their entire limbs throughout lifespan, through a process that involves significant modulation of cellular plasticity. Limb regeneration is accompanied by the endogenous induction of cellular senescence, a state of irreversible cell cycle arrest associated with profound non-cell-autonomous consequences. While traditionally associated with detrimental physiological effects, here, we show that senescent cells can enhance newt limb regeneration. Through a lineage tracing approach, we demonstrate that exogenously derived senescent cells promote dedifferentiation of mature muscle tissue to generate regenerative progenitors. In a paradigm of newt myotube dedifferentiation, we uncover that senescent cells promote myotube cell cycle re-entry and reversal of muscle identity via secreted factors. Transcriptomic profiling and loss of function approaches identify the FGF-ERK signalling axis as a critical mediator of senescence-induced muscle dedifferentiation. While chronic senescence constrains muscle regeneration in physiological mammalian contexts, we thus highlight a beneficial role for cellular senescence as an important modulator of dedifferentiation, a key mechanism for regeneration of complex structures

    A conserved regulatory program initiates lateral plate mesoderm emergence across chordates

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    Cardiovascular lineages develop together with kidney, smooth muscle, and limb connective tissue progenitors from the lateral plate mesoderm (LPM). How the LPM initially emerges and how its downstream fates are molecularly interconnected remain unknown. Here, we isolate a pan-LPM enhancer in the zebrafish-specific draculin (drl) gene that provides specific LPM reporter activity from early gastrulation. In toto live imaging and lineage tracing of drl-based reporters captures the dynamic LPM emergence as lineage-restricted mesendoderm field. The drl pan-LPM enhancer responds to the transcription factors EomesoderminA, FoxH1, and MixL1 that combined with Smad activity drive LPM emergence. We uncover specific activity of zebrafish-derived drl reporters in LPM-corresponding territories of several chordates including chicken, axolotl, lamprey, Ciona, and amphioxus, revealing a universal upstream LPM program. Altogether, our work provides a mechanistic framework for LPM emergence as defined progenitor field, possibly representing an ancient mesodermal cell state that predates the primordial vertebrate embryo

    Changes in Regenerative Capacity through Lifespan

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    Most organisms experience changes in regenerative abilities through their lifespan. During aging, numerous tissues exhibit a progressive decline in homeostasis and regeneration that results in tissue degeneration, malfunction and pathology. The mechanisms responsible for this decay are both cell intrinsic, such as cellular senescence, as well as cell-extrinsic, such as changes in the regenerative environment. Understanding how these mechanisms impact on regenerative processes is essential to devise therapeutic approaches to improve tissue regeneration and extend healthspan. This review offers an overview of how regenerative abilities change through lifespan in various organisms, the factors that underlie such changes and the avenues for therapeutic intervention. It focuses on established models of mammalian regeneration as well as on models in which regenerative abilities do not decline with age, as these can deliver valuable insights for our understanding of the interplay between regeneration and aging

    Understanding the functions of BRCA1 in the DNA-damage response

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    Inheritance of a mutation in BRCA1 (breast cancer 1 early-onset) results in predisposition to early-onset breast and ovarian cancer. Tumours in these individuals arise after somatic mutation or loss of the wild-type allele. Loss of BRCA1 function leads to a profound increase in genomic instability involving the accumulation of mutations, DNA breaks and gross chromosomal rearrangements. Accordingly, BRCA1 has been implicated as an important factor involved in both the repair of DNA lesions and in the regulation of cell-cycle checkpoints in response to DNA damage. However, the molecular mechanism through which BRCA1 functions to preserve genome stability remains unclear. In the present article, we examine the different ways in which BRCA1 might influence the repair of DNA damage and the preservation of genome integrity, taking into account what is currently known about its interactions with other proteins, its biochemical activity and its nuclear localization

    Obatoclax Rescues FUS-ALS Phenotypes in iPSC-Derived Neurons by Inducing Autophagy

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    Aging is associated with the disruption of protein homeostasis and causally contributes to multiple diseases, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). One strategy for restoring protein homeostasis and protecting neurons against age-dependent diseases such as ALS is to de-repress autophagy. BECN1 is a master regulator of autophagy; however, is repressed by BCL2 via a BH3 domain-mediated interaction. We used an induced pluripotent stem cell model of ALS caused by mutant FUS to identify a small molecule BH3 mimetic that disrupts the BECN1-BCL2 interaction. We identified obatoclax as a brain-penetrant drug candidate that rescued neurons at nanomolar concentrations by reducing cytoplasmic FUS levels, restoring protein homeostasis, and reducing degeneration. Proteomics data suggest that obatoclax protects neurons via multiple mechanisms. Thus, obatoclax is a candidate for repurposing as a possible ALS therapeutic and, potentially, for other age-associated disorders linked to defects in protein homeostasis

    Xanthan Induces Plant Susceptibility by Suppressing Callose Deposition

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    Xanthan is the major exopolysaccharide secreted by Xanthomonas spp. Despite its diverse roles in bacterial pathogenesis of plants, little is known about the real implication of this molecule in Xanthomonas pathogenesis. In this study we show that in contrast to Xanthomonas campestris pv campestris strain 8004 (wild type), the xanthan minus mutant (strain 8397) and the mutant strain 8396, which is producing truncated xanthan, fail to cause disease in both Nicotiana benthamiana and Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) plants. In contrast to wild type, 8397 and 8396 strains induce callose deposition in N. benthamiana and Arabidopsis plants. Interestingly, treatment with xanthan but not truncated xanthan, suppresses the accumulation of callose and enhances the susceptibility of both N. benthamiana and Arabidopsis plants to 8397 and 8396 mutant strains. Finally, in concordance, we also show that treatment with an inhibitor of callose deposition previous to infection induces susceptibility to 8397 and 8396 strains. Thus, xanthan suppression effect on callose deposition seems to be important for Xanthomonas infectivity

    CtIP-BRCA1 modulates the choice of DNA double-strand-break repair pathway throughout the cell cycle

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    The repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) is tightly regulated during the cell cycle. In G1 phase, the absence of a sister chromatid means that repair of DSBs occurs through non-homologous end-joining or microhomology-mediated end-joining (MMEJ). These pathways often involve loss of DNA sequences at the break site and are therefore error-prone. In late S and G2 phases, even though DNA end-joining pathways remain functional, there is an increase in repair of DSBs by homologous recombination, which is mostly error-free. Consequently, the relative contribution of these different pathways to DSB repair in the cell cycle has a large influence on the maintenance of genetic integrity. It has remained unknown how DSBs are directed for repair by different, potentially competing, repair pathways. Here we identify a role for CtIP (also known as RBBP8) in this process in the avian B-cell line DT40. We establish that CtIP is required not only for repair of DSBs by homologous recombination in S/G2 phase but also for MMEJ in G1. The function of CtIP in homologous recombination, but not MMEJ, is dependent on the phosphorylation of serine residue 327 and recruitment of BRCA1. Cells expressing CtIP protein that cannot be phosphorylated at serine 327 are specifically defective in homologous recombination and have a decreased level of single-stranded DNA after DNA damage, whereas MMEJ remains unaffected. Our data support a model in which phosphorylation of serine 327 of CtIP as cells enter S phase and the recruitment of BRCA1 functions as a molecular switch to shift the balance of DSB repair from error-prone DNA end-joining to error-free homologous recombination