20 research outputs found


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    This study examined the effects of rehabilitation on patients after coronavirus disease 2019 recovery. 45 patients(male18, female 27, aged 49‐97, median:79 years old)were evaluated for physical and cognitive functions using eight assessment items. We compared and analyzed these data at the time of admission with at the time of discharge, as well as outcome assessment using a performance index. Among the evaluated items, significant improvements were observed in FIM motor(p<0.001), cognitive(p<0.001), MMSE(p<0.001), right hand grip strength(p<0.01), left hand grip strength(p<0.001), skeletal muscle mass(p<0.05), and 6‐minute walk test(p<0.05). In addition, the performance index of the subjects was 100.6, which was much higher than the facility standard requirement. Furthermore, it was suggested that the establishment of exercise habits and lifestyle rhythms through rehabilitation may have contributed to the cessation of oxygen administration, insulin and psychotropic medication, it was clarified that the implementation of rehabilitation is effective

    Relationship between interaction with family members and youth's assertion skill : Focusing on pseudo mutuality

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    家族成員との交流の中で,自身の同一性の発達よりも家族全体の安定性を優先し,表面的に強く調和する関係性を偽相互性という。現代青年には,友人との間で自己開示を求めながらも,円滑な人間関係の維持に重点を置き,発言を抑制する傾向がある。この傾向は,偽相互性に見られる相手を優先するために自己を抑制し,不十分にしか自身の思いを表現できないノン・アサーティブな自己表現の特徴と類似する。本研究は,家族機能状態に着目して偽相互性の特徴を想定し,家族成員間の相互作用の状態と青年の発言抑制傾向との関連性を検討することを目的とした。研究1 では,家族の偽相互性を想定した家族機能状態と青年の発言抑制傾向との関連性は明らかにされなかったが,家族機能の凝集性,及び適応性のそれぞれの側面と発言抑制傾向との関連性が示唆された。研究2 では,シンボル配置技法の1 つである家族イメージ法を用いた調査を行い,青年がイメージする家族機能状態や家族成員間の相互作用の状態と青年の発言抑制傾向との関連性を明らかにした

    Regenerative Medicine Using Stem Cells Cultured in Microgravity Environment

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    Adipose stromal cells contain phenotypically distinct adipogenic progenitors derived from neural crest.

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    Recent studies have shown that adipose-derived stromal/stem cells (ASCs) contain phenotypically and functionally heterogeneous subpopulations of cells, but their developmental origin and their relative differentiation potential remain elusive. In the present study, we aimed at investigating how and to what extent the neural crest contributes to ASCs using Cre-loxP-mediated fate mapping. ASCs harvested from subcutaneous fat depots of either adult P0-Cre/or Wnt1-Cre/Floxed-reporter mice contained a few neural crest-derived ASCs (NCDASCs). This subpopulation of cells was successfully expanded in vitro under standard culture conditions and their growth rate was comparable to non-neural crest derivatives. Although NCDASCs were positive for several mesenchymal stem cell markers as non-neural crest derivatives, they exhibited a unique bipolar or multipolar morphology with higher expression of markers for both neural crest progenitors (p75NTR, Nestin, and Sox2) and preadipocytes (CD24, CD34, S100, Pref-1, GATA2, and C/EBP-delta). NCDASCs were able to differentiate into adipocytes with high efficiency but their osteogenic and chondrogenic potential was markedly attenuated, indicating their commitment to adipogenesis. In vivo, a very small proportion of adipocytes were originated from the neural crest. In addition, p75NTR-positive neural crest-derived cells were identified along the vessels within the subcutaneous adipose tissue, but they were negative for mural and endothelial markers. These results demonstrate that ASCs contain neural crest-derived adipocyte-restricted progenitors whose phenotype is distinct from that of non-neural crest derivatives

    Osteogenic and chondrogenic potential of neural crest-derived ASCs.

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    <p><b><i>A</i></b>. Bright-field images of alizarin staining (<i>top</i>) and fluorescent images of osteopontin immunostaning (<i>red in bottom</i>) in FACS-purified GFP- and GFP+ cells after osteogenic induction. Nuclei were stained with DAPI (<i>blue</i>). Scale bar  = 50 µm. <b><i>B</i></b>. The osteopontin-positive area was measured and expressed as a percentage of the total area. Data are shown as mean +SEM, n = 3. **<i>p</i><0.01 versus GFP− cells, <i>t</i> test. <b><i>C</i></b>. Bright-field images of Alcian blue staining in FACS-purified GFP+ and GFP− cells after chondrogenic induction. Scale bar = 100 µm. <b><i>D</i></b>. RT-qPCR analysis for chondrogenic markers <i>Aggrecan, COL2a1</i>, and <i>Sox9</i> in the GFP− and the GFP+ cells after chondrogenic differentiation. Results are normalized based on <i>GAPDH</i> expression and shown as relative changes to GFP-cells. Data are shown as the mean + SEM of 3–4 independent experiments for each condition.</p