10 research outputs found

    Kajian Yii Framework Dalam Pengembangan Website Perguruan Tinggi

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    Along with the development of technology in building a website , usually in the PHP programming language , people tend to write the coding from scratch . It seems like Perguruan Tinggi Raharja website which has 4 ( four ) such problems in terms of appearance , contains , security and technology . Because the Perguruan Tinggi Raharja website is still under construction using conventional methods , which take a long time can eventually lead to problems such as complexity in the preparation of the program code . Where it can lead to the development of the website and the length of time it is difficult to perform more maintenance because the code of the compiled program does not have a good standard of application development . As a solution presented four (4 ) solution of the above problems is the infrastructure including a website , view websites , website content and dashboard system , this can be managed more easily by applying a PHP based frameworks like Yii Framework . Yii Framework is a framework that contains functions and classes using the MVC method contained therein . MVC is a method that separates the parts of a web application consists of a Model , View , and Controller . With the Yii Framework significant benefits obtained as easily perform all types of web application development because Yii is very light and comes with a caching solution that is satisfactory , and it is suitable for developing applications with high traffic . In terms of safety also has a pretty good level of security , including the prevention of cross- site scripting ( XSS ) , cross-site request forgery , and the prevention of attacks of cookies . With the construction of university websites using Yii Framework Prog  expected to improve the performance of a website as a future spotlight Pribadi Raharja information

    Analisis Fatigue Life pada Bracket Oil Tanker dengan Beban Sloshing

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    Umur kelelahan (fatigue life) dari struktur kapal tanker dapat dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan-pendekatan standar pada Common Structural Rules for Double Hull Oil Tanker. Analisis dilakukan dengan metode elemen hingga yang difokuskan pada konstruksi bracket kapal tanker 17500 LTDW. Konstruksi bracket merupakan salah satu penopang yang esensial pada kapal sehingga perlu diketahui letak bracket dengan tegangan paling besar untuk dihitung nilai umur kelelahannya. Kapal ini dimodelkan dengan menggunakan finite element software. Bagian yang dimodelkan adalah tiga ruang muat di midship. Fatigue life yang dianalisa merupakan pengaruh dari beban sloshing muatan tangki (beban internal). Kondisi pembebanan dilakukan pada 4 macam tinggi pengisian muatan yaitu ketinggian 0.3h, 0.6h, 0.7h, dan 0.95h, dan masing-masing kondisi mempunyai variasi dari roll angle motion yang dihitung sesuai persamaan-persamaan dalam CSR. Tegangan pada bracket diambil dari salah satu web frame yang mempunyai tegangan terbesar di setiap kondisi pembebanannya untuk dianalisa fatigue lifenya. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa bracket dengan tegangan paling besar terjadi pada sambungan bracket pada web frame nomor 4 pada ruang muat belakang. Umur kelelahan pada masing-masing kondisi adalah 450 tahun pada Kondisi 1 (0.3h), 84 tahun pada Kondisi 2 (0.6h), 76 tahun pada Kondisi 3 (0.7h), dan 137 tahun pada Kondisi 4 (0.95h). Umur kelelahan paling rendah terdapat pada kondisi pembebanan 3 dengan tinggi muatan 0.7h yaitu sebesar 76 tahun

    Characteristics of Vacuum Freeze Drying with Utilization of Internal Cooling and Condenser Waste Heat for Sublimation

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    Vacuum freeze drying is an excellent drying method, but it is very energy-intensive because a relatively long drying time is required. This research investigates the utilization of condenser waste heat for sublimation as a way of accelerating the drying rate. In addition, it also investigates the effect of internal cooling combined with vacuum cooling in the pressure reduction process. Jelly fish tentacles were used as the specimen, with different configurations for condenser heat waste and internal cooling valve opening. The results show that heating with condenser heat waste can accelerate the drying rate up to 0.0035 kg/m2.s. In addition, pre-freezing by internal cooling prevents evaporation until the mass of the specimen is 0.47 g and promotes transition of the specimen into the solid phase

    Proceedings of Abstracts, School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science Research Conference 2022

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    © 2022 The Author(s). This is an open-access work distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. For further details please see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. Plenary by Prof. Timothy Foat, ‘Indoor dispersion at Dstl and its recent application to COVID-19 transmission’ is © Crown copyright (2022), Dstl. This material is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence except where otherwise stated. To view this licence, visit http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3 or write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU, or email: [email protected] present proceedings record the abstracts submitted and accepted for presentation at SPECS 2022, the second edition of the School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science Research Conference that took place online, the 12th April 2022

    Pengaruh Stemming Nazief & Adriani terhadap Performa Algoritma Rabin-Karp dalam Mendeteksi Kemiripan Teks

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    One of the information retrieval methods which be able to search root word of each word in document is stemming. Stemming process is done by eliminate prefixes, infixes, suffixes or confixes. Vega, Tala, Arifin and Setiono, Nazief and Adriani and Tala stemming are kind of Indonesian Language stemming. The method that is able to trace each character in sequence character is fingerprinting. Rabin-Karp algorithm is one of the fingerprinting method algorithms. This algorithm implement has function to process matching text/string, so it is really suitable to implement of text/string similarity detection. Researcher will analyze the effect of Nazief and Adriani stemming method to algorithm of Rabin-Karp performance to identify similarity of text/string. The researcher implemented datasets such as titles, keywords, introductions or abstracts from The Pamulang Informatics Engineering Journal which we had changed the wording. The result of the experiment data which has changed word order randomly that used stemming method has decreased 0.76% than without implemented stemming method. Furthermore, the experiment data which has been changed sentence order randomly has decreased 0.04% too

    Modifikasi Mesin Pemanen Udang/Ikan Tipe Vakum Berdasarkan Analisis Antropometri

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    Many considerations was used when designing a tool or machine, one of that is ergonomics. Ergonomics makes the designing was effective and efficient in terms of the system, and operator's comfort and safety also. The objective of this study is to determine the condition of operator in carrying out the work system of machine with simulation and ergonomics analysis using CATIA P3 V5R20, then modify it according to ergonomics principles that related to the posture of Indonesian people average (anthropometry), to get a comfortable working position, safe, and productive. Anthropometric data was used are male farmer's data in Dramaga, Bogor. The object that would analyzed is the vacuum type shrimp or fish harvester. The results are a color sign and the final score that compared with RULA Method. From the simulation can be seen that the best Final Score is when operated the intake hole cap with the value of 2, the color code is green and acceptable. The worst result is when cranked the engine with the value of 4 and investige further. Modification was made to displace the engine position and addition the components for footing. The results of ergonomics simulation after modified was better than before


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    Potensi energi sistem refrigerasi siklus tunggal dan rangkap pada mesin pengeringan beku perlu diukur untuk menentukan manfaat panas buang kondensernya sebagai pemanas mesin pengeringan beku.  Sistem refrigerasi tunggal terdiri dari kompresor, condenser, katup ekspansi dan Evaporator, oil separator, liquid receiver, dan accumulator Sedangkan sistem refrigerasi ganda terdiri bagian High stage dan Low Stage yang dihubungkan melalui sebuah PHE (Plat Heat Exchanger). Hasil pengukuran menunjukan bahwa sistem refrigerasi tunggal dapat mencapai temperatur pembekuan sebesar -35 sampai -40 °C pada sisi evaporator dan mencapai temperatur masuk kondenser 70 °C dan keluar kondenser 30 °C dengan refrigerant HCR 22. Sedangkan pada sistem refrigerasi siklus ganda (Cascade) dengan temperatur pembekuan sebesar -35 sampai -37oC dan mencapai temperatur masuk kondenser LS 110 °C dan keluar kondenser 25 °C dengan refrigeran 20 % CO2 dan 80 % HCR 22. Fakta ini menunjukan bahwa panas buang kondenser dapat digunakan sebagai pemanas untuk mempercepat laju pengeringan dan mengurangi konsumsi energi pada proses pengeringan beku vakum Kata kunci: panas buang kondenser, mesin pengeringan beku vakum, refrigerasi siklus                       tunggal dan ganda 